#!/bin/bash # Infinite loop that can be used to display ad domains on a Pi touch screen # Continually watch the log file and display ad domains that are blocked being blocked # Set the pi user to log in automatically and add run this script from .bashrc clear echo "" echo " +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ " echo " Pi-hole " echo " +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ " echo "" echo " A black hole for" echo " Internet Ads " echo "" echo " http://pi-hole.net" echo "" echo " $(ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr/ {print $2}' | cut -d':' -f2)" sleep 7 # Look for only the entries that contain /etc/hosts, indicating the domain was found to be an advertisement tail -f /var/log/daemon.log | awk '/\/etc\/hosts/ {if ($7 != "address" && $7 != "name" && $7 != "/etc/hosts") print $7; else;}'