#!/bin/bash export dummy_file="$1" shift export dummy_mb="$1" [ "$dummy_file" = "" ] && export dummy_file='/tmp/randombytes' [ "$dummy_mb" = "" ] && export dummy_mb='100' [ "$TEST_BINS" = "" ] && TEST_BINS="./pegh.openssl ./pegh.libsodium" set -euxo pipefail # try different size files to encrypt/decrypt [ -e "$dummy_file" ] || dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M "count=$dummy_mb" of="$dummy_file" # try make if it's installed, otherwise fall back to cc rm -f pegh # compile against openssl make PEGH_OPENSSL=1 || cc pegh.c -DPEGH_OPENSSL -lcrypto -O3 -o pegh mv pegh pegh.openssl # compile against libsodium make PEGH_LIBSODIUM=1 || cc pegh.c -DPEGH_LIBSODIUM -lsodium -O3 -o pegh mv pegh pegh.libsodium export key="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | head -c12)" echo "key: $key" test () { bin="$1" bin_decrypt="${2:-$bin}" echo "testing binaries bin: $bin bin_decrypt: $bin_decrypt" echo 'encrypting then decrypting with the same key should succeed' "$bin" -e "$key" < "$dummy_file" | "$bin_decrypt" -d "$key" | cmp - "$dummy_file" echo 'test with -s 32 requiring 2gb of ram should succeed' # can send -s 32 or -m 2048 to decrypt command with identical effect #"$bin" -e "$key" -s 32 < "$dummy_file" | "$bin_decrypt" -d "$key" -m 2048 | cmp - "$dummy_file" set +e # these should fail echo 'encrypting with one key and decrypting with another should fail' "$bin" -e "$key" -i "$dummy_file" | "$bin_decrypt" -d "$key-wrongkey" | cmp - "$dummy_file" && echo "ERROR: appending -wrongkey to key somehow still worked" && exit 1 echo 'large values of N without enough memory should fail' "$bin" -e "$key" -N 2000000 -i "$dummy_file" >/dev/null && echo "ERROR: N of 2 million without extra memory worked" && exit 1 "$bin_decrypt" -d "$key" -N 2000000 -i "$dummy_file" >/dev/null && echo "ERROR: N of 2 million without extra memory worked" && exit 1 # todo: can we also make this the case for stdout? needs some buffering... echo 'bad decryption should result in output file being deleted' echo 'hopefully this doesnt make it to disk' | "$bin" "$key" | cat - <(echo -n a) | "$bin_decrypt" -d "$key" -o bla.txt && exit 1 [ -s bla.txt ] && echo "ERROR: bla.txt should not exist" && exit 1 set -e } for bin in $TEST_BINS do for bin_decrypt in $TEST_BINS do time test $bin $bin_decrypt done done echo "successful test run!"