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The old text could be interpreted such that makepkg-template compares the version numbers of the templates to find the most recent one. Rephrase this to make it explicit that "$template_name.template" is used. Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at>
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makepkg-template - package build templating utility
'makepkg-template' [options]
'makepkg-template' is a script to ease the work of maintaining multiple similar
PKGBUILDs. It allows you to move most of the code from the PKGBUILD into a
template file and uses markers to allow in-place updating of existing PKGBUILDs
if the template has been changed.
Template files can contain any code allowed in a PKGBUILD. You can think of
them like external files included with "." or "source", but they will be
inlined into the PKGBUILD by 'makepkg-template' so you do not depend on the
template file when building the package.
Markers are bash comments in the form of:
# template start; key=value; key2=value2; ...
# template end;
Currently used keys are: name (mandatory) and version. Template names are limited to
alphanumerics, "@", "+", ".", "-", and "_". Versions are limited to numbers and ".".
For initial creation there is a one line short cut which does not need an end marker:
# template input; key=value;
Using this short-cut will result in 'makepkg-template' replacing it with start
and end markers and the template code on the first run.
Template files should be stored in one directory and filenames should be
"$template_name-$version.template" with a symlink "$template_name.template"
pointing to the most recent template. If the version is not set in the marker,
'makepkg-template' will automatically use the target of "$template_name.template",
otherwise the specified version will be used. This allows for easier
verification of untrusted PKGBUILDs if the template is trusted. You verify the
non-template code and then use a command similar to this:
diff -u <(makepkg-template -o -) PKGBUILD
Template files may also contain markers leading to nested templates in the
resulting PKGBUILD. If you use markers in a template, please set the version
you used/tested with in the start/input marker so other people can properly
recreate from templates.
*-p, \--input* <build script>::
Read the package script `build script` instead of the default.
*-o, \--output* <build script>::
Write the updated file to `build script` instead of overwriting the input file.
*-n, \--newest*::
Always use the newest available template file.
*\--template-dir* <dir>::
Change the dir where we are looking for template files. This option may be
given multiple times in which case files found in directory given last will
take precedence.
pkgdesc="simple configuration file class"
license=('PerlArtistic' 'GPL')
# template start; name=perl-module; version=1.0;
build() {
cd "$srcdir/$_distdir"
perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
check() {
cd "$srcdir/$_distdir"
make test
package() {
cd "$srcdir/$_distdir"
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
# template end;
See Also
linkman:makepkg[8], linkman:PKGBUILD[5]