mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 17:31:52 -05:00
1831 lines
58 KiB
1831 lines
58 KiB
# Copyright (C) YEAR Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# No User, 2012
# J. S. Tuomisto <jstuomisto@gmail.com>, 2014
# No User, 2012
# Lasse Liehu <larso@gmx.com>, 2013
# Lasse Liehu <larso@gmx.com>, 2011-2012
# Lasse Liehu <larso@gmx.com>, 2013
# Lasse Liehu <larso@gmx.com>, 2013-2014
# Lasse Liehu <lasse.liehu@gmail.com>, 2012
# No User, 2012
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-19 13:24+1000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-11-23 14:51+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lasse Liehu <larso@gmx.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/archlinux-pacman/"
"Language: fi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:120 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1517
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1521 scripts/library/output_format.sh:26
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "VAROITUS:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:125 scripts/library/output_format.sh:31
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "VIRHE:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:163
msgid "Cleaning up..."
msgstr "Siivotaan..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:198
msgid "Entering %s environment..."
msgstr "Siirrytään %s-ympäristöön..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:303 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2890
msgid "Unknown download protocol: %s"
msgstr "Tuntematon latausprotokolla: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:304 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:313
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:377 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:441
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:470 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:480
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:487 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:518
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:533 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:538
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:561 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:569
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:604 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:610
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:627 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:635
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:659 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:697
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:706 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:711
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:745 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:755
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:893 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1593
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1601 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2208
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2891 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3327
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3375 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3382
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3395 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3403
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3412 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3425
msgid "Aborting..."
msgstr "Peruutetaan..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:312
msgid "The download program %s is not installed."
msgstr "Latausohjelmaa %s ei ole asennettu."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:325 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:338
msgid "Found %s"
msgstr "Kohde %s löytyi"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:328
msgid "%s was not found in the build directory and is not a URL."
msgstr "Kohdetta %s ei löydy kääntökansiosta eikä se ole osoite."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:357
msgid "Downloading %s..."
msgstr "Ladataan kohdetta %s..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:376
msgid "Failure while downloading %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ladattaessa tapahtui virhe"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:432
msgid "Extracting %s with %s"
msgstr "Puretaan %s komennolla %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:440
msgid "Failed to extract %s"
msgstr "tiedoston %s purkaminen epäonnistui"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:467
msgid "Branching %s ..."
msgstr "Haaroitetaan %s ..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:469
msgid "Failure while branching %s"
msgstr "%s haaroitus epäonnistui"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:479 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:485
msgid "%s is not a branch of %s"
msgstr "%s ei ole %s haara"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:486
msgid "The local URL is %s"
msgstr "Paikallinen URL on %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:491
msgid "Pulling %s ..."
msgstr "Vedetään sijainnista %s..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:495
msgid "Failure while pulling %s"
msgstr "Virhe vedettäessä sijainnista %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:517 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:626
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:696 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:744
msgid "Unrecognized reference: %s"
msgstr "Tunnistamaton viite: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:526 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:595
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:686 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:777
msgid "Creating working copy of %s %s repo..."
msgstr "Luodaan työkopio varastosta %s %s ..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:532 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:603
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:705
msgid "Failure while updating working copy of %s %s repo"
msgstr "Virhe päivitettäessä työkopiota %s %s-varastosta"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:537 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:609
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:634 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:710
msgid "Failure while creating working copy of %s %s repo"
msgstr "Varaston %s %s työkopion luominen epäonnistui"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:558 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:656
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:751
msgid "Cloning %s %s repo..."
msgstr "Kloonataan varasto %s %s ..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:560 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:658
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:754
msgid "Failure while downloading %s %s repo"
msgstr "Varaston %s %s lataaminen epäonnistui"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:568
msgid "%s is not a clone of %s"
msgstr "%s ei ole varaston %s klooni"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:572 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:663
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:759
msgid "Updating %s %s repo..."
msgstr "Päivitetään varasto %s %s ..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:575 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:667
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:763
msgid "Failure while updating %s %s repo"
msgstr "Varaston %s %s päivitys epäonnistui"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:816
msgid "Retrieving sources..."
msgstr "Noudetaan lähdetiedostoja..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:868
msgid "pkgver() generated an invalid version: %s"
msgstr "pkgver() loi virheellisen version: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:875
msgid "Failed to update %s from %s to %s"
msgstr "%s-kentän päivittäminen arvosta %s arvoon %s epäonnistui"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:882
msgid "Updated version: %s"
msgstr "Päivitetty versio: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:884
msgid "%s is not writeable -- pkgver will not be updated"
msgstr "Tiedostoon %s ei voi kirjoittaa -- pkgveriä ei päivitetä"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:892
msgid "Unable to find source file %s."
msgstr "Lähdetiedostoa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1072
msgid "'%s' returned a fatal error (%i): %s"
msgstr "'%s' palautti virheen (%i): %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1091
msgid "Installing missing dependencies..."
msgstr "Asennetaan puuttuvia riippuvuuksia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1094
msgid "'%s' failed to install missing dependencies."
msgstr "'%s' ei onnistunut asentamaan puuttuvia riippuvuuksia."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1125
msgid "Missing dependencies:"
msgstr "Puuttuvat riippuvuudet:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1141 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1155
msgid "Failed to remove installed dependencies."
msgstr "Asennettujen riippuvuuksien poistaminen epäonnistui."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1230
msgid "Generating checksums for source files..."
msgstr "Luodaan tarkistussummia lähdetiedostoille..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1233
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for generating sourcefile checksums."
msgstr ""
"Lähdetiedostojen tarkistussummien luontiin tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1247
msgid "Invalid integrity algorithm '%s' specified."
msgstr "Virheellinen tarkistussumma-algoritmi \"%s\" annettu."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1265
msgid "Skipped"
msgstr "Ohitettu"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1270
msgid "NOT FOUND"
msgstr "EI LÖYDY"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1277 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1514
msgid "Passed"
msgstr "Virheetön"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1279 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1490
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1508 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1511
msgid "FAILED"
msgstr "Virheellinen"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1302
msgid "Validating source files with %s..."
msgstr "Lähdetiedostojen virheettömyyttä tarkastetaan algoritmilla '%s'..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1309
msgid "One or more files did not pass the validity check!"
msgstr "Yksi tai useampi tiedosto ei läpäissyt virheettömyystestiä!"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1313
msgid "Integrity checks (%s) differ in size from the source array."
msgstr "Tarkistussummien (%s) lukumäärä ei vastaa lähdetiedostojen määrää."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1361
msgid "Integrity checks are missing."
msgstr "Tarkistussummat puuttuvat."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1428
msgid "Verifying source file signatures with %s..."
msgstr "Tarkastetaan lähdetiedostojen allekirjoituksia %s menetelmällä..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1453
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1466
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1493
msgid "unknown public key"
msgstr "julkista avainta ei tunnisteta"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1496
msgid "public key %s has been revoked"
msgstr "julkinen avain %s on mitätöity"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1499
msgid "bad signature from public key"
msgstr "kelvoton allekirjoitus julkiselta avaimelta"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1502
msgid "error during signature verification"
msgstr "virhe tarkistettaessa allekirjoitusta"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1508
msgid "the public key %s is not trusted"
msgstr "julkinen avain %s ei ole luotettava"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1511
msgid "invalid public key"
msgstr "kelvoton julkinen avain"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1517
msgid "the signature has expired."
msgstr "allekirjoitus on vanhentunut."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1521
msgid "the key has expired."
msgstr "avain on vanhentunut."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1533
msgid "One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!"
msgstr "Yhtä tai useampaa PGP-allekirjoitusta ei voitu tarkastaa!"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1538
msgid "Warnings have occurred while verifying the signatures."
msgstr "Allekirjoituksia tarkastettaessa tapahtui virhe."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1539
msgid "Please make sure you really trust them."
msgstr "Varmista, että todella luotat heihin."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1545
msgid "Skipping all source file integrity checks."
msgstr "Ohitetaan lähdetiedostojen virheellisyyden tarkistaminen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1547
msgid "Skipping verification of source file checksums."
msgstr "Ohitetaan lähdetiedostojen tarkistussummien todentaminen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1550
msgid "Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures."
msgstr "Lähdetiedostojen PGP-allekirjoituksia ei tarkasteta."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1559
msgid "Extracting sources..."
msgstr "Puretaan lähdetiedostoja..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1592
msgid "A failure occurred in %s()."
msgstr "Virhe tapahtui funktiossa %s()."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1600
msgid "Failed to change to directory %s"
msgstr "Kansioon %s vaihtaminen epäonnistui"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1609
msgid "Failed to source %s"
msgstr "source epäonnistui tiedostolle %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1671
msgid "Starting %s()..."
msgstr "Aloitetaan osion %s() käsittelemistä..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1796
msgid "Tidying install..."
msgstr "Siistitään pakettia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1799
msgid "Removing doc files..."
msgstr "Poistetaan doc-tiedostoja..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1804
msgid "Purging unwanted files..."
msgstr "Puhdistetaan tarpeettomia tiedostoja..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1816
msgid "Removing %s files..."
msgstr "Poistetaan %s tiedostoa..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1821
msgid "Removing static library files..."
msgstr "Poistetaan staattisia kirjastotiedostoja..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1831
msgid "Removing empty directories..."
msgstr "Poistetaan tyhjiä kansioita..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1839
msgid "%s entry file not in package : %s"
msgstr "%s-merkittyä tiedostoa ei paketissa : %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1845 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1848
msgid "Package contains reference to %s"
msgstr "Paketti sisältää viitteitä kohteeseen %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1852
msgid "Compressing man and info pages..."
msgstr "Pakataan man- ja info-sivuja..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1880
msgid "Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries..."
msgstr "Poistetaan tarpeettomat symbolit ohjelmista ja kirjastoista..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1914
msgid "Compressing binaries with %s..."
msgstr "Pakataan binääri tiedsotoja %sllä..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1919
msgid "Could not compress binary : %s"
msgstr "Ohjelmaa ei voitu pakata : %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1976
msgid "Library listed in %s is not required by any files: %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2005
msgid "Library listed in %s is not versioned: %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2018
msgid "Library listed in %s is not a shared object: %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2033
msgid "Cannot find library listed in %s: %s"
msgstr "%s-kentässä mainittua kirjastoa ei löydy: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2147 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2351
msgid "Generating %s file..."
msgstr "Luodaan %s-tiedostoa..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2207
msgid "Missing %s directory."
msgstr "Kansio %s puuttuu."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2213
msgid "Creating package \"%s\"..."
msgstr "Luodaan pakettia \"%s\"..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2225
msgid "Adding %s file..."
msgstr "Lisätään %s-tiedostoa..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2227
msgid "Failed to add %s file to package."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2247
msgid "Generating .MTREE file..."
msgstr "Luodaan .MTREE-tiedostoa..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2253
msgid "Compressing package..."
msgstr "Pakataan pakettia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2268 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2394
msgid "'%s' is not a valid archive extension."
msgstr "'%s' ei ole kelvollinen arkistopääte."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2276
msgid "Failed to create package file."
msgstr "Pakettitiedoston luominen epäonnistui."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2293
msgid "Failed to create symlink to package file."
msgstr "Symbolisen linkin luominen pakettiin epäonnistui."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2325
msgid "Signing package..."
msgstr "Allekirjoitetaan pakettia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2336
msgid "Created signature file %s."
msgstr "Luotiin allekirjoutus tiedosto %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2338
msgid "Failed to sign package file."
msgstr "Paketin allekirjoitus epäonnistui."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2344
msgid "Creating source package..."
msgstr "Luodaan lähdepakettia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2348 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2361
msgid "Adding %s..."
msgstr "Lisätään kohdetta %s..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2379
msgid "Adding %s file (%s)..."
msgstr "Lisätään %s-tiedostoa (%s)..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2402
msgid "Compressing source package..."
msgstr "Pakataan lähdekoodipakettia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2405
msgid "Failed to create source package file."
msgstr "Lähdepaketin luominen epäonnistui."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2422
msgid "Failed to create symlink to source package file."
msgstr "Symbolisen linkin luominen lähdetiedostoon epäonnistui."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2434
msgid "Installing package %s with %s..."
msgstr "Asennetaan paketti %s komennolla %s..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2436
msgid "Installing %s package group with %s..."
msgstr "Asennetaan paketti ryhmää %s komennolla %s..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2454
msgid "Failed to install built package(s)."
msgstr "Käännettyjen pakettien asentaminen epäonnistui."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2546 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2561
msgid "%s is not allowed to start with a hyphen."
msgstr "%s ei saa alkaa tavuviivalla."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2556 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2580
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2869
msgid "%s is not allowed to be empty."
msgstr "%s ei saa olla tyhjä."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2565
msgid "%s is not allowed to start with a dot."
msgstr "%s ei saa alkaa pisteellä."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2569 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2615
msgid "%s contains invalid characters: '%s'"
msgstr "%s sisältää virheellisiä merkkejä: \"%s\""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2585
msgid "%s must be a decimal, not %s."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2601
msgid "%s must be an integer, not %s."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2622 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2632
msgid "%s is not available for the '%s' architecture."
msgstr "%s ei ole saatavilla arkkitehtuurille '%s'."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2623
msgid "Note that many packages may need a line added to their %s"
msgstr "Huomioi että monet paketit saattavat tarvita rivin %s:iinsa"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2624
msgid "such as %s."
msgstr "esim. %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2662
msgid "%s array cannot contain comparison (< or >) operators."
msgstr "%s kenttä ei saa sisältää < tai > operaattoreita."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2682
msgid "%s entry should not contain leading slash : %s"
msgstr "%s-merkintä ei saa alkaa kauttaviivalla : %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2715
msgid "Invalid syntax for %s: '%s'"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2728
msgid "%s file (%s) does not exist or is not a regular file."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2781
msgid "%s array contains unknown option '%s'"
msgstr "Kentässä %s on tuntematon valitsin '%s'."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2792
msgid "Sparse arrays are not allowed for source"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2802
msgid "Requested package %s is not provided in %s"
msgstr "Pyydettyä pakettia %s ei löydy kohteesta %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2815
msgid "Missing %s function in %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2821
msgid "Missing %s function for split package '%s'"
msgstr "Funktio %s puuttuu jaetusta paketista '%s'"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2862
msgid "%s is not allowed to contain colons, hyphens or whitespace."
msgstr "%s ei saa sisältää tavuviivoja, kaksoispisteitä eikä tyhjiä välejä."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2907
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary needed to check VCS source requirements."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2925
msgid "Cannot find the %s package needed to handle %s sources."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2948
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for dependency operations."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2956
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary. Will use %s to acquire root privileges."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2963
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2971
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for signing packages."
msgstr "Pakettien allekirjoittamiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2979
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for verifying source files."
msgstr "Lähdetiedostojen tarkastamiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2987
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for validating sourcefile checksums."
msgstr ""
"Lähdetiedostojen tarkistussummien tarkistamiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei "
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2995
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for compressing binaries."
msgstr "Ohjelmien pakkaamiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3003
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for distributed compilation."
msgstr "Hajautettuun kääntämiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3011
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for compiler cache usage."
msgstr "Kääntäjän valimuistin käyttöön tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3019
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for object file stripping."
msgstr "Objektitiedostojen riisumiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3027
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for compressing man and info pages."
msgstr "man- ja info-sivujen pakkaamiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3047
msgid "A package has already been built, installing existing package..."
msgstr "Paketti on jo käännetty. Asennetaan valmista pakettia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3051
msgid "A package has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr ""
"Paketti on jo käännetty. (käytä valitsinta %s kääntääksesi paketin uudelleen)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3070
msgid ""
"The package group has already been built, installing existing packages..."
msgstr ""
"Pakettiryhmä on jo käännetty. Asennetaan valmiiksi käännettyjä paketteja..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3074
msgid "The package group has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr ""
"Pakettiryhmä on jo käännetty. (käytä valitsinta %s kääntääksesi paketit "
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3079
msgid "Part of the package group has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr ""
"Osa pakettiryhmästä on jo käännetty. (käytä valitsinta %s kääntääksesi "
"paketit uudelleen)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3149
msgid "Make packages compatible for use with pacman"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3151 scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:37
msgid "Usage: %s [options]"
msgstr "Käyttö: %s [valinnat]"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3153 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:81
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Valinnat:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3154
msgid " -A, --ignorearch Ignore incomplete %s field in %s"
msgstr " -A, --ignorearch Älä huomioi %s määrritteitä %sissa"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3155
msgid " -c, --clean Clean up work files after build"
msgstr " -c, --clean Siivoa käännöstiedostot kääntämisen jälkeen"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3156
msgid " -C, --cleanbuild Remove %s dir before building the package"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3157
msgid " -d, --nodeps Skip all dependency checks"
msgstr " -d, --nodeps Ohita riippuvuustarkastukset"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3158
msgid " -e, --noextract Do not extract source files (use existing %s dir)"
msgstr ""
" -e, --noextract Älä pura lähdetiedostoja (käytt'' olemassa olevaa %s "
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3159
msgid " -f, --force Overwrite existing package"
msgstr " -f, --force Ylikirjoita olemassa oleva paketti"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3160
msgid " -g, --geninteg Generate integrity checks for source files"
msgstr " -g, --geninteg Luo virheellisyyden tarkistussummat"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3161
msgid " -h, --help Show this help message and exit"
msgstr " -h, --help Näytä tämä ohje"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3162
msgid " -i, --install Install package after successful build"
msgstr " -i, --install Asenna paketti kääntämisen jälkeen"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3163
msgid " -L, --log Log package build process"
msgstr " -L, --log Kirjaa paketin kääntämisprosessi muistiin"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3164
msgid " -m, --nocolor Disable colorized output messages"
msgstr " -m, --nocolor Älä käytä värejä viesteissä"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3165
msgid " -o, --nobuild Download and extract files only"
msgstr ""
" -o, --nobuild Älä käännä pakettia, mutta lataa ja pura lähdetiedostot"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3166
msgid " -p <file> Use an alternate build script (instead of '%s')"
msgstr ""
" -p <tiedosto> Käytä vaihtoehtoista käännösskriptiä ('%s':in sjaan)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3167
msgid ""
" -r, --rmdeps Remove installed dependencies after a successful build"
msgstr " -r, --rmdeps Poista asennetut riippuvuudet kääntämisen jälkeen"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3168
msgid " -R, --repackage Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding"
msgstr " -R, --repackage Uudelleenpakkaa paketin sisältö ilman kääntämistä"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3169
msgid " -s, --syncdeps Install missing dependencies with %s"
msgstr " -s, --syncdeps Asenna puuttuvat riippuvuudet %s-ohjelmalla"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3170
msgid ""
" -S, --source Generate a source-only tarball without downloaded sources"
msgstr " -S, --source Luo lähdepaketti, ilman ladattuja lähdetiedostoja"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3171
msgid " -V, --version Show version information and exit"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3172
msgid ""
" --allsource Generate a source-only tarball including downloaded "
msgstr ""
" --allsource Luo lähdepaketti ja sisällytä myös ladatut lähdetiedostot "
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3173
msgid " --check Run the %s function in the %s"
msgstr " --check Suorita funktio %s kohteessa %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3174
msgid " --config <file> Use an alternate config file (instead of '%s')"
msgstr ""
" --config<tiedosto> Käytä vaihtoehtoista asetustiedostoa ('%s':in sijaan)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3175
msgid " --holdver Do not update VCS sources"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3176
msgid ""
" --key <key> Specify a key to use for %s signing instead of the default"
msgstr ""
" --key <avain> Määrritä paketin allekirjoittamiseen käytettävä %s avain"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3177
msgid " --noarchive Do not create package archive"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3178
msgid " --nocheck Do not run the %s function in the %s"
msgstr " --nocheck Älä suorita funktiota %s kohteessa %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3179
msgid " --noprepare Do not run the %s function in the %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3180
msgid " --nosign Do not create a signature for the package"
msgstr " --nosign Älä allekirjoita pakettia"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3181
msgid " --pkg <list> Only build listed packages from a split package"
msgstr " --pkg <lista> Käännä vain listatut paketit jaetustapaketista"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3182
msgid " --sign Sign the resulting package with %s"
msgstr " --sign Allekirjoita paketti %s ohjelmalla"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3183
msgid " --skipchecksums Do not verify checksums of the source files"
msgstr " --skipchecksums Ohita tarkastussummat"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3184
msgid ""
" --skipinteg Do not perform any verification checks on source files"
msgstr " --skipinteg Älä tarkasta lähdetiedostoja ollenkaan"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3185
msgid " --skippgpcheck Do not verify source files with PGP signatures"
msgstr " --skippgpcheck Älä tarkasta lähdetiedostojen PGP-allekirjoituksia"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3186
msgid ""
" --verifysource Download source files (if needed) and perform integrity "
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3188
msgid "These options can be passed to %s:"
msgstr "Seuraavat valinnat voidaan antaa %s-ohjelmalle:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3190
msgid " --asdeps Install packages as non-explicitly installed"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3191
msgid ""
" --needed Do not reinstall the targets that are already up to date"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3192
msgid ""
" --noconfirm Do not ask for confirmation when resolving dependencies"
msgstr " --noconfirm Älä kysy vahvistusta riippuvuuksia setvittäessä"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3193
msgid " --noprogressbar Do not show a progress bar when downloading files"
msgstr " --noprogressbar Älä näytä edistymispalkkia tiedostoja ladattaessa"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3195
msgid "If %s is not specified, %s will look for '%s'"
msgstr "Jos tiedostoa ei anneta %s-valitsimella, %s etsii tiedostoa \"%s\""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3201 scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:53
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>."
"\\nCopyright (C) 2002-2006 Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org>.\\n\\nThis is "
"free software; see the source for copying conditions.\\nThere is NO "
"WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3302 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:612
msgid "%s signal caught. Exiting..."
msgstr "%s signaali vastaanotettu. Lopetetaan..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3326
msgid "%s not found."
msgstr "%s löytyi."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3374 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3381
msgid "You do not have write permission to create packages in %s."
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia luoda paketteja sijainnissa %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3394
msgid "You do not have write permission to store packages in %s."
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia säilöä paketteja sijainnissa %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3402
msgid "You do not have write permission to store downloads in %s."
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia säilöä latauksia sijainnissa %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3411
msgid "You do not have write permission to store source tarballs in %s."
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia säilöä lähdekoodiarkistoja sijainnissa %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3424
msgid "You do not have write permission to store logs in %s."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3437
msgid ""
"Running %s as root is not allowed as it can cause permanent,\\ncatastrophic "
"damage to your system."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3443
msgid "Do not use the %s option. This option is only for use by %s."
msgstr "Älä käytä valitsinta %s. Vain %s käyttää sitä."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3454
msgid "%s does not exist."
msgstr "%s ei ole olemassa."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3458
msgid "%s contains %s characters and cannot be sourced."
msgstr "%s sisältää %s-merkkejä eikä sille voi tehdä source-toimintoa."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3463
msgid "%s must be in the current working directory."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3544
msgid "The key %s does not exist in your keyring."
msgstr "Avain %s ei ole avainnipussasi."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3546 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:635
msgid "There is no key in your keyring."
msgstr "Avainnipussasi ei ole avaimia."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3560 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3578
msgid "Leaving %s environment."
msgstr "Poistutaan %s-ympäristöstä."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3582
msgid "Making package: %s"
msgstr "Käännetään pakettia: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3588
msgid "A source package has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr ""
"Lähdepaketti on jo luotu. (käytä valitsinta %s luodaksesi lähdepaketin "
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3607
msgid "Source package created: %s"
msgstr "Luotiin lähdepaketti: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3614
msgid "Skipping dependency checks."
msgstr "Ohitetaan riippuvuustarkastukset."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3622
msgid "Checking runtime dependencies..."
msgstr "Tarkastetaan yleisriippuvuuksia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3629
msgid "Checking buildtime dependencies..."
msgstr "Tarkastetaan käännönaikaisia riippuvuuksia..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3641
msgid "Could not resolve all dependencies."
msgstr "Kaikkia riippuvuuksia ei pystytty selvittämään."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3652
msgid "Using existing %s tree"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3659 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3680
msgid "Removing existing %s directory..."
msgstr "Poistetaan jo olemassaolevaa %s-kansiota..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3675
msgid "Sources are ready."
msgstr "Lähdetiedostot ovat valmiita."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3698
msgid "Package directory is ready."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:3702
msgid "Finished making: %s"
msgstr "Saatiin valmiiksi paketti: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:55
#, perl-format
msgid "can't create '%s': %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:73
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"invalid key/value pair\n"
"%s:%s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:82
msgid "invalid template line: can't find template name\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:87
#, perl-format
msgid "invalid chars used in name '%s'. allowed: [:alnum:]+_.@-\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:112
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't detect version for template '%s'"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:131
#, perl-format
msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:148
#, perl-format
msgid "Unknown template marker '%s'\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:170
msgid "makepkg-template [options]\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:172
msgid "Options:\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:173
#, perl-format
msgid " --input, -p <file> Build script to read (default: %s)\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:174
msgid " --output, -o <file> file to output to (default: input file)\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:175
msgid " --newest, -n update templates to newest version\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:176
msgid ""
" (default: use version specified in the template "
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:177
msgid " --template-dir <dir> directory to search for templates\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:178
#, perl-format
msgid " (default: %s)\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:179
msgid " --help, -h This help message\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:180
msgid " --version Version information\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:189
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>.\n"
"This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n"
"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:35
msgid "Upgrade the local pacman database to a newer format"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:39
msgid "options:"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:40
msgid " -b, --dbpath <path> set an alternate database location"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:41
msgid " -h, --help show this help message and exit"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:42
msgid " -r, --root <path> set an alternate installation root"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:43
msgid " -V, --version show version information and exit"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:44
msgid " --config <path> set an alternate configuration file"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:45
msgid " --nocolor disable colorized output messages"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:51 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:94
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>."
"\\nThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\\nThere is "
"NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:129 scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:105
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:459
msgid "%s does not exist or is not a directory."
msgstr "%s ei ole olemassa, tai se ei ole kansio."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:133
msgid "%s is not a pacman database directory."
msgstr "%s ei ole pacman-tietokantakansio."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:137
msgid "You must have correct permissions to upgrade the database."
msgstr "Sinulla tulee olla oikeat oikeudet tietokannan päivittämiseen."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:147 scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:119
msgid "Pacman lock file was found. Cannot run while pacman is running."
msgstr ""
"Pacmanin lukitustiedosto löytyi. Et voi ajaa kahta pacmania samanaikaisesti."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:159
msgid "Pre-3.5 database format detected - upgrading..."
msgstr ""
"Vanhanaikainen pakettitietokantaformaatti havaittu. Päivitetään sitä uuteen "
"3.5 formaattiin..."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:166
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Tehty."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:183
msgid "Pre-4.2 database format detected - upgrading..."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:192
msgid "symlink '%s' points outside pacman root, manual repair required"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:58
msgid "Usage: %s [options] operation [targets]"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:60
msgid "Manage pacman's list of trusted keys"
msgstr "Hallitse pacmanin tietokantaa luotetuista avaimista"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:62
msgid "Operations:"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:63
msgid " -a, --add Add the specified keys (empty for stdin)"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:64
msgid " -d, --delete Remove the specified keyids"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:65
msgid " -e, --export Export the specified or all keyids"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:66
msgid ""
" -f, --finger List fingerprint for specified or all keyids"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:67
msgid " -l, --list-keys List the specified or all keys"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:68
msgid " -r, --recv-keys Fetch the specified keyids"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:69
msgid " -u, --updatedb Update the trustdb of pacman"
msgstr " -u, --updatedb Päivittää pacmanin trustdb tietokannan"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:70
msgid ""
" -v, --verify Verify the file(s) specified by the signature(s)"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:71
msgid ""
" --edit-key Present a menu for key management task on keyids"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:72
msgid " --import Imports pubring.gpg from dir(s)"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:73
msgid ""
" --import-trustdb Imports ownertrust values from trustdb.gpg in "
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:74
msgid " --init Ensure the keyring is properly initialized"
msgstr " --init Varmistaa että avainnippu on alustettu"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:75
msgid " --list-sigs List keys and their signatures"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:76
msgid " --lsign-key Locally sign the specified keyid"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:77
msgid ""
" --populate Reload the default keys from the (given) keyrings"
"\\n in '%s'"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:79
msgid ""
" --refresh-keys Update specified or all keys from a keyserver"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:82
msgid ""
" --config <file> Use an alternate config file (instead of"
"\\n '%s')"
msgstr ""
" --config <tiedosto> Käytä omavalintaista asetustiedostoa "
"(tiedoston\\n '%s' sijaan)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:84
msgid ""
" --gpgdir <dir> Set an alternate directory for GnuPG (instead"
"\\n of '%s')"
msgstr ""
" --gpgdir <kansio> Käytä omavalintaista GnuPG kansiota (kansion"
"\\n '%s' sijaan)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:86
msgid " --keyserver <server-url> Specify a keyserver to use if necessary"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:88
msgid " -h, --help Show this help message and exit"
msgstr " -h, --help Näyttää tämän ohjeen"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:89
msgid " -V, --version Show program version"
msgstr " -V, --version Kertoo ohjelman version"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:130
msgid "Failed to lookup key by name:"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:138
msgid "Key name is ambiguous:"
msgstr "Avaimen nimi on moniselitteinen:"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:181
msgid "The key identified by %s could not be found locally."
msgstr "Avainta tunnisteella %s ei voitu löytää paikallisesti."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:224
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to read the %s keyring."
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole riittäviä oikeuksia lukea avainnippua %s."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:225 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:232
msgid "Use '%s' to correct the keyring permissions."
msgstr "Korjaa avainnipun oikeudet suorittamalla \"%s\"."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:231
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to run this command."
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole riittäviä oikeuksia tämän komennon suorittamiseen."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:239
msgid "There is no secret key available to sign with."
msgstr "Ei ole salaista avainta, jolla allekirjoittaa."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:240
msgid "Use '%s' to generate a default secret key."
msgstr "Luo oletusarvoinen salainen avain suorittamalla \"%s\"."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:259
msgid "No keyring files exist in %s."
msgstr "Kansiossa %s ei ole avainnipputiedostoja."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:266
msgid "The keyring file %s does not exist."
msgstr "Avainnipputiedostoa %s ei ole olemassa."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:281
msgid "Appending keys from %s.gpg..."
msgstr "Lisätään avaimia tiedostosta %s.gpg..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:304
msgid "Locally signing trusted keys in keyring..."
msgstr "Allekirjoitetaan avainnipun luotettuja avaimia paikallisesti..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:306
msgid "Importing owner trust values..."
msgstr "Tuodaan omistajan luotetut arvot..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:324
msgid "Disabling revoked keys in keyring..."
msgstr "Poistetaan avainnipun mitätöidyt avaimet käytöstä..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:326
msgid "Disabling key %s..."
msgstr "Poistetaan avain %s käytöstä..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:334
msgid "A specified keyfile could not be added to the keyring."
msgstr "Määritettyä avaintiedostoa ei voitu lisätä avainketjuun."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:342
msgid "A specified key could not be removed from the keyring."
msgstr "Määritettyä avainta ei voitu poistaa avainketjusta."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:352
msgid "The key identified by %s could not be edited."
msgstr "Avainta tunnisteella %s ei voitu muokata."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:364
msgid "A specified key could not be exported from the keyring."
msgstr "Määritettyä avainta ei voitu viedä avainketjusta."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:372
msgid "The fingerprint of a specified key could not be determined."
msgstr "Määritetyn avaimen sormenjälkeä ei voitu selvittää."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:385 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:404
msgid "%s could not be imported."
msgstr "%s ei voitu tuoda."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:389 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:408
msgid "File %s does not exist and could not be imported."
msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei ole olemassa ja sitä ei voitu tuoda."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:420
msgid "A specified key could not be listed."
msgstr "Määritettyä avainta ei voitu luetella."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:428
msgid "A specified signature could not be listed."
msgstr "Määritettyä allekirjoitusta ei voitu luetella."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:438
msgid "Locally signing key %s..."
msgstr "Allekirjoitetaan avainta %s paikallisesti..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:442
msgid "%s could not be locally signed."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:469
msgid "Remote key not fetched correctly from keyserver."
msgstr "Etäavaimen nouto avainpalvelimelta ei onnistunut."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:477
msgid "A specified local key could not be updated from a keyserver."
msgstr "Määritettyä paikallista avainta ei voitu päivittää avainpalvelimelta."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:487
msgid "The signature identified by %s could not be verified."
msgstr "Allekirjoitusta tunnisteella %s ei voitu tarkastaa."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:495
msgid "Updating trust database..."
msgstr "Päivitetään luotettujen tietokantaa..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:497
msgid "Trust database could not be updated."
msgstr "Luotettujen tietokantaa ei voitu päivittää."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:559
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for all %s operations."
msgstr "Kaikille %s-operaatioille tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:564
msgid "%s needs to be run as root for this operation."
msgstr "Tämä operaatio vaatii, että %s suoritetaan pääkäyttäjänä."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:570
msgid "%s configuration file '%s' not found."
msgstr "%s-asetustiedostoa \"%s\" ei löydy."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:591
msgid "no operation specified (use -h for help)"
msgstr "mitään operaatiota ei annettu (-h tulostaa ohjeen)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:596
msgid "Multiple operations specified."
msgstr "Annettiin useampia operaatioita."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:597
msgid "Please run %s with each operation separately."
msgstr "Suorita %s erikseen joka operaatiolle."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:605
msgid "No targets specified"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:38
msgid "Usage: %s [--nocolor] [pacman_db_root]"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:39
msgid ""
"pacman-optimize is a little hack that should improve the performance\\nof "
"pacman when reading/writing to its filesystem-based database.\\n\\n"
msgstr ""
"pacman-optimize on pikkuinen skripti, jonka tarkoituksena\\non kohentaa "
"pacmanin suorituskykyä,\\nluettaessa ja kirjoitettaessa sen tietokantaan.\\n"
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:42
msgid ""
"Because pacman uses many small files to keep track of packages,\\nthere is a "
"tendency for these files to become fragmented over time.\\nThis script "
"attempts to relocate these small files into one\\ncontinuous location on "
"your hard drive. The result is that the hard\\ndrive should be able to read "
"them faster, since the hard drive head\\ndoes not have to move around the "
"disk as much.\\n"
msgstr ""
"Koska pacman pitää kirjaa paketeista monien pienten tiedostojen\\navulla, "
"niin saattavat nämä tiedostot kertyä ympäri kiintolevyä\\najan kuluessa. "
"Tämän skriptin tarkoituksena on tuoda nämä tiedostot\\nyhteen ja samaan "
"paikkaan kiintolevyllä.\\nNäin ollen pacmanilta menee vähemmän aikaa löytää "
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:101
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for verifying integrity."
msgstr "Eheyden tarkistamiseen tarvittavaa ohjelmaa %s ei löydy."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:109
msgid "You must have correct permissions to optimize the database."
msgstr "Sinulla tulee olla kunnolliset oikeudet tietokannan optimoimiseen."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:125
msgid "Cannot create temporary directory for database building."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:128
msgid "MD5sum'ing the old database..."
msgstr "Luodaan md5-summaa vanhasta tietokannasta..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:133
msgid "Tar'ing up %s..."
msgstr "Tar-arkistoidaan %s"
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:137
msgid "Tar'ing up %s failed."
msgstr "%s:n tar-arkistointi epäonnistui."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:141
msgid "Making and MD5sum'ing the new database..."
msgstr "Luodaan uutta tietokantaa ja sen md5-summia..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:146
msgid "Untar'ing %s failed."
msgstr "%s:n purkaminen tar-arkistosta epäonnistui."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:149
msgid "Syncing database to disk..."
msgstr "Siirretään tietokantaa levylle..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:155
msgid "Checking integrity..."
msgstr "Tarkastetaan virheettömyyttä..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:162
msgid "Integrity check FAILED, reverting to old database."
msgstr "Uusi tietokanta on VIRHEELLINEN, palautetaan vanhaa tietokantaa..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:166
msgid "Rotating database into place..."
msgstr "Pyöritellään tietokantaa paikalleen..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:175
msgid "New database substitution failed. Check for %s, %s, and %s directories."
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:184
msgid "Finished. Your pacman database has been optimized."
msgstr "Valmis. Pakettitietokantasi on nyt optimoitu."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:51
msgid "Usage: pkgdelta [options] <package1> <package2>\\n"
msgstr "Käyttö: pkgdelta [valinnat] <paketti1> <paketti2>\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:53
msgid ""
"pkgdelta will create a delta file between two packages.\\nThis delta file "
"can then be added to a database using repo-add.\\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:57
msgid "Example: pkgdelta pacman-3.0.0.pkg.tar.gz pacman-3.0.1.pkg.tar.gz"
msgstr "Esimerkki: pkgdelta pacman-3.0.0.pkg.tar.gz pacman-3.0.1.pkg.tar.gz"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:59 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:59
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:72
msgid "Options:\\n"
msgstr "Valinnat:\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:60 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:78
msgid " -q, --quiet minimize output\\n"
msgstr " -q, --quiet minimoi viestien määrä\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:61
msgid " --nocolor remove color from output\\n"
msgstr " --nocolor poista värit tulosteesta\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:62
msgid " --min-pkg-size minimum package size before deltas are generated\\n"
msgstr " --min-pkg-size paketin vähimmäiskoko, jotta delta luodaan\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:63
msgid ""
" --max-delta-size percent of new package above which the delta will be "
msgstr ""
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:68
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2009 Xavier Chantry <shiningxc@gmail.com>.\\n\\nThis is free "
"software; see the source for copying conditions.\\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to "
"the extent permitted by law.\\n"
msgstr ""
"Tekijänoikeudet (c) 2009 Xavier Chantry <shiningxc@gmail.com>\\n\\nTämä on "
"vapaa ohjelmisto; katso kopiointiehdot lähdekoodista.\\nMitään takuita ei "
"anneta, lain rajoissa.\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:94 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:293
msgid "Invalid package file '%s'."
msgstr "Pakettitiedosto '%s' ei ole kelvollinen."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:120
msgid "Skipping delta creation for small package: %s - size %s"
msgstr "Ohitetaan deltan luonti pienikokoiselle paketille: %s - koko %s"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:125
msgid "The package names don't match : '%s' and '%s'"
msgstr "Pakettien nimet eivät täsmää: '%s' ja '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:130
msgid "The package architectures don't match : '%s' and '%s'"
msgstr "Pakettien arkkitehtuurit eivät täsmää: '%s' ja '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:135
msgid "Both packages have the same version : '%s'"
msgstr "Paketeilla on sama versio: '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:139
msgid "Generating delta from version %s to version %s"
msgstr "Luodaan deltaa versiosta %s versioon %s"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:145
msgid "Delta could not be created."
msgstr "Deltaa ei voitu luoda."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:152
msgid "Delta package larger than maximum size. Removing."
msgstr "Deltapaketti on enimmäiskokoa suurempi. Poistetaan."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:157
msgid "Generated delta : '%s'"
msgstr "Luotiin delta: '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:214
msgid "File '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "Tiedostoa '%s' ei ole olemassa"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:220 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:513
msgid "Cannot find the xdelta3 binary! Is xdelta3 installed?"
msgstr "Xdelta3-ohjelmaa ei löydy! Onko xdelta3 asennettuna?"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:53
msgid "Usage: repo-add [options] <path-to-db> <package|delta> ...\\n"
msgstr ""
"Käyttö: repo-add [valinnat] <tietokannan-sijainti> <paketti|delta> ...\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:55
msgid ""
"repo-add will update a package database by reading a package file."
"\\nMultiple packages to add can be specified on the command line.\\n"
msgstr ""
"repo-add päivittää pakettitietokannan lukemalla pakettitiedoston."
"\\nKomentorivillä voi antaa useita päivitettäviä paketteja.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:60
msgid " -d, --delta generate and add delta for package update\\n"
msgstr " -d, --delta luo ja lisää delta paketti\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:61
msgid ""
" -n, --new only add packages that are not already in the database\\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:62
msgid ""
" -R, --remove remove package file from disk when updating database "
msgstr ""
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:63
msgid " -f, --files update database's file list\\n"
msgstr " -f, --files päivitä tietokannan tiedostolistaus\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:65
msgid "Usage: repo-remove [options] <path-to-db> <packagename|delta> ...\\n"
msgstr "Käyttö: repo-remove [valinnat] <path-to-db> <packagename|delta> ...\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:67
msgid ""
"repo-remove will update a package database by removing the package name"
"\\nspecified on the command line from the given repo database. Multiple"
"\\npackages to remove can be specified on the command line.\\n"
msgstr ""
"repo-remove päivittää pakettitietokannan poistamalla komentorivillä"
"\\nannetun nimisen paketin annetusta varastotietokannasta.\\nKomentorivillä "
"voi antaa useita poistettavia paketteja.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:74
msgid "Please move along, there is nothing to see here.\\n"
msgstr "Jatkakaa matkaanne, täällä ei ole mitään nähtävää.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:77
msgid " --nocolor turn off color in output\\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:79
msgid " -s, --sign sign database with GnuPG after update\\n"
msgstr " -s, --sign allekirjoita tietokanta GnuGP:llä\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:80
msgid " -k, --key <key> use the specified key to sign the database\\n"
msgstr ""
" -k, --key <avain> käytä annettua avainta tietokannan allekirjoittamiseen\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:81
msgid " -v, --verify verify database's signature before update\\n"
msgstr ""
" -v, --verify tarkasta tietokannan allekirjoitus, ennen päivittämistä"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:82
msgid ""
"\\nSee %s(8) for more details and descriptions of the available options.\\n"
msgstr "\\nMan-sivulta %s(8) löydät lisätietoja käytettävistä valinnoista.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:86
msgid ""
"Example: repo-add /path/to/repo.db.tar.gz pacman-3.0.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz\\n"
msgstr ""
"Esimerkki: repo-add /polku/varastoon/repo.db.tar.gz pacman-3.0.0-1-i686.pkg."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:88
msgid "Example: repo-remove /path/to/repo.db.tar.gz kernel26\\n"
msgstr "Esimerkki: repo-remove /polku/varastoon/repo.db.tar.gz kernel26\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:95
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>\\n"
"\\nThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\\nThere is "
"NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\\n"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:143
msgid "No database entry for package '%s'."
msgstr "Paketilla '%s' ei ole merkintää tietokannassa."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:161
msgid "Adding 'deltas' entry : %s -> %s"
msgstr "Lisätään 'deltas'-merkintää: %s -> %s"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:184 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:429
msgid "Removing existing entry '%s'..."
msgstr "Poistetaan pakettia '%s' tietokannasta..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:187
msgid "Removing empty deltas file ..."
msgstr "Poistetaan tyhjää deltas-tiedostoa..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:198
msgid "Cannot find the gpg binary! Is GnuPG installed?"
msgstr "gpg-ohjelmaa ei löydy! Onko gpg-asennettuna?"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:208
msgid "Signing database..."
msgstr "Allekirjoitetaan tietokantaa..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:217
msgid "Created signature file '%s'"
msgstr "Luotiin allekirjoitustiedosto '%s'"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:219
msgid "Failed to sign package database."
msgstr "Pakettitietokannan allekirjoittaminen epäonnistui."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:228
msgid "Verifying database signature..."
msgstr "Tarkastetaan tietokannan allekirjoitusta..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:231
msgid "No existing signature found, skipping verification."
msgstr "Tietokantaa ei ole allekirjoitettu, ohitetaan tarkastus."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:236
msgid "Database signature file verified."
msgstr "Tietokannan allekirjoitus on tarkastettu."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:238
msgid "Database signature was NOT valid!"
msgstr "Tietokannan allekirjoite oli VIRHEELLINEN!"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:252
msgid "'%s' does not have a valid archive extension."
msgstr "kohteella '%s' ei ole kelvollista arkistopäätettä."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:298
msgid "An entry for '%s' already existed"
msgstr "Paketti '%s' on jo tietokannassa"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:315
msgid "Removing existing package '%s'"
msgstr ""
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:325
msgid "Invalid package signature file '%s'."
msgstr "Virheellinen paketin allekirjoitustiedosto \"%s\"."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:328
msgid "Adding package signature..."
msgstr "Lisätään paketin allekirjoitusta..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:335
msgid "Computing checksums..."
msgstr "Lasketaan tarkistussummia..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:353 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:380
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:395
msgid "Creating '%s' db entry..."
msgstr "Luodaan tietokantamerkintää '%s'.."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:410
msgid "Old package file not found: %s"
msgstr "Vanhaa pakettia ei löydy: %s"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:467
msgid "Failed to acquire lockfile: %s."
msgstr "Ei saatu hallintaan lukkotiedostoa: %s."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:468
msgid "Held by process %s"
msgstr "Prosessin %s hallinnassa"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:478
msgid "Repository file '%s' is not a proper pacman database."
msgstr ""
"Pakettivarastotiedosto '%s' ei ole kelvollinen pacmanin pakettitietokanta."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:483
msgid "Extracting database to a temporary location..."
msgstr "Puretaan tietokantaa väliaikaiseen sijaintiin..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:488
msgid "Repository file '%s' was not found."
msgstr "Tietokantatiedostoa '%s' ei löydy."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:494
msgid "Repository file '%s' could not be created."
msgstr "Tietokantatiedostoa '%s' ei voida luoda."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:505
msgid "File '%s' not found."
msgstr "Tiedostoa '%s' ei löydy."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:511
msgid "Adding delta '%s'"
msgstr "Lisätään deltaa '%s'"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:525
msgid "'%s' is not a package file, skipping"
msgstr "'%s' ei ole pakettitiedosto, ohitetaan"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:529
msgid "Adding package '%s'"
msgstr "Lisätään pakettia '%s'"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:537
msgid "Searching for delta '%s'..."
msgstr "Etsitään deltaa '%s'..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:541
msgid "Delta matching '%s' not found."
msgstr "Kyselyä '%s' vastaavaa deltaa ei löydy."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:547
msgid "Searching for package '%s'..."
msgstr "Etsitään pakettia '%s'..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:553
msgid "Package matching '%s' not found."
msgstr "Kyselyä '%s' vastaavaa pakettia ei löydy."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:601
msgid "Invalid command name '%s' specified."
msgstr "Epäkelvollinen komento '%s' annettu."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:606
msgid "Cannot create temp directory for database building."
msgstr "Tietokannan luontiin tarvittavaa väliaikaiskansiota ei voida luoda."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:686
msgid "Creating updated database file '%s'"
msgstr "Luodaan päivitettyä tietokantatiedostoa '%s'"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:700
msgid "No packages remain, creating empty database."
msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei ole jäljellä, luodaan tyhjä tietokanta."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:737
msgid "No packages modified, nothing to do."
msgstr "Yhtään pakettia ei ole muokattu, ei ole mitään tehtävää jäljellä."
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:37
msgid "option '%s' is ambiguous; possibilities:"
msgstr "valitsin '%s' on moniselitteinen; vaihtoehdot:"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:56 scripts/library/parseopts.sh:119
msgid "invalid option"
msgstr "virheellinen valitsin"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:75
msgid "option requires an argument"
msgstr "valitsin tarvitsee parametrin"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:89
msgid "option '%s' does not allow an argument"
msgstr "valitsin '%s' ei salli parametria"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:107
msgid "option '%s' requires an argument"
msgstr "valitsin '%s' tarvitsee parametrin"