mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 17:31:52 -05:00
1825 lines
66 KiB
1825 lines
66 KiB
# Copyright (C) YEAR Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Osoitz <oelkoro@gmail.com>, 2013-2016
# Osoitz <oelkoro@gmail.com>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-30 10:08+1000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-24 18:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Osoitz <oelkoro@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/language/eu/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:135
msgid "Cleaning up..."
msgstr "Garbitzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:169
msgid "Entering %s environment..."
msgstr "%s ingurunean sartzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:178
msgid "pkgver() generated an invalid version: %s"
msgstr "pkgver() funtzioak baliogabeko bertsioa sortu du: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:185
msgid "Failed to update %s from %s to %s"
msgstr "Huts egin du %s eguneratzean hemendik %s hona %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:192
msgid "Updated version: %s"
msgstr "Eguneratutako bertsioa: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:194
msgid "%s is not writeable -- pkgver will not be updated"
msgstr "%s ezin da idatzi -- pkgver ez da eguneratuko"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:202
msgid "Unable to find source file %s."
msgstr "Ezin izan da %s iturburu fitxategia aurkitu."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:203 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:735
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1174 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1441
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1876 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1910
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1917 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1930
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1938 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1947
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1960 scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:50
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:81
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:96
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:101
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/file.sh.in:75
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/file.sh.in:139
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:47
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:55
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:90
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:96
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:113
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:121
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:47 scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:85
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:94 scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:99
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:58
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:68
#: scripts/libmakepkg/util/source.sh.in:130
#: scripts/libmakepkg/util/source.sh.in:139
msgid "Aborting..."
msgstr "Abortatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:247
msgid "'%s' returned a fatal error (%i): %s"
msgstr "'%s' errore larria bueltatu du (%i): %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:266
msgid "Installing missing dependencies..."
msgstr "Falta diren menpekotasunak instalatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:269
msgid "'%s' failed to install missing dependencies."
msgstr "'%s' falta ziren menpekotasunak instalatzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:300
msgid "Missing dependencies:"
msgstr "Falta diren menpekotasunak:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:316 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:330
msgid "Failed to remove installed dependencies."
msgstr "Instalatutako menpekotasunak ezabatzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:405
msgid "Generating checksums for source files..."
msgstr "Iturburu fitxategien kontrol-baturak sortzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:408
msgid ""
"Cannot find the %s binary required for generating sourcefile checksums."
msgstr "Ezin da aurkitu iturburu fitxategien kontrol-batura sortzeko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:422
msgid "Invalid integrity algorithm '%s' specified."
msgstr "'%s' osotasun algoritmo baliogabea zehaztu da."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:440
msgid "Skipped"
msgstr "Saltatua"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:445
msgid "NOT FOUND"
msgstr "EZ DA AURKITU"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:452 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:684
msgid "Passed"
msgstr "Gainditua"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:454 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:660
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:678 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:681
msgid "FAILED"
msgstr "HUTS EGIN DU"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:478
msgid "Validating %s files with %s..."
msgstr "Balioztatzen %s fitxategiak %s bidez..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:485
msgid "One or more files did not pass the validity check!"
msgstr "Gutxienez fitxategi batek ez du gainditu baliozkotasun egiaztaketa!"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:489
msgid "Integrity checks (%s) differ in size from the source array."
msgstr "Osotasun egiaztaketak (%s) tamainan desberdinak dira iturburu taularekiko."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:531
msgid "Integrity checks are missing for: %s"
msgstr "Osotasun egiaztaketak falta dira hemen: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:598
msgid "Verifying source file signatures with %s..."
msgstr "Iturburu fitxategien sinadura %s bidez egiaztatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:623
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:636
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:663
msgid "unknown public key"
msgstr "gako publiko ezezaguna"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:666
msgid "public key %s has been revoked"
msgstr "%s gako publikoa indargabetua dago"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:669
msgid "bad signature from public key"
msgstr "gako publikoaren sinadura baliogabea"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:672
msgid "error during signature verification"
msgstr "errorea sinadura egiaztatzean"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:678
msgid "the public key %s is not trusted"
msgstr "%s gako publikoarengan konfidantzarik ez"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:681
msgid "invalid public key"
msgstr "gako publiko baliogabea"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:687 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:691
#: scripts/libmakepkg/util/message.sh:63 scripts/library/output_format.sh:26
msgid "WARNING:"
msgstr "OHARRA:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:687
msgid "the signature has expired."
msgstr "Sinadurak iraungi du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:691
msgid "the key has expired."
msgstr "gako honek iraungi du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:703
msgid "One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!"
msgstr "Gutxienez PGP sinadura bat ezin izan da egiaztatu!"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:708
msgid "Warnings have occurred while verifying the signatures."
msgstr "Sinadurak egiaztatzean oharrak jaso dira."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:709
msgid "Please make sure you really trust them."
msgstr "Benetan zure konfiantzazkoak direla ziurtatu."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:715
msgid "Skipping all source file integrity checks."
msgstr "iturburu-fitxategien osotasun egiaztaketa guztiak saltatzen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:717
msgid "Skipping verification of source file checksums."
msgstr "Iturburu fitxategien kontrol-batura egiaztapena saltatzen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:720
msgid "Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures."
msgstr "Iturburu-fitxategien PGP sinaduren egiaztaketa saltatzen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:734
msgid "A failure occurred in %s()."
msgstr "Hutsegitea hemen %s()."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:743
msgid "Failed to source %s"
msgstr "Huts egin du %s iturbururatzean"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:804
msgid "Starting %s()..."
msgstr "Abiarazten %s()..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:938
msgid "Library listed in %s is not required by any files: %s"
msgstr "%s-k zerrendatutako liburutegia behar duen fitxategirik ez dago: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:967
msgid "Library listed in %s is not versioned: %s"
msgstr "%s-k zerrendatutako liburutegiak ez du bertsiorik: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:980
msgid "Library listed in %s is not a shared object: %s"
msgstr "%s-k zerrendatutako liburutegia ez da partekatutako objetktua: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:995
msgid "Cannot find library listed in %s: %s"
msgstr "Ezin izan da %s zerrendan agertzen den liburutegia: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1109 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1153
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1318
msgid "Generating %s file..."
msgstr "%s fitxategia sortzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1173
msgid "Missing %s directory."
msgstr "%s direktorioa falta da."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1179
msgid "Creating package \"%s\"..."
msgstr "\"%s\" paketea sortzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1192
msgid "Adding %s file..."
msgstr "%s fitxategia gehitzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1194
msgid "Failed to add %s file to package."
msgstr "Huts egin du %s fitxategia paketera gehitzean."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1214
msgid "Generating .MTREE file..."
msgstr ".MTREE fitxategia sortzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1220
msgid "Compressing package..."
msgstr "Paketea trinkotzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1235 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1361
msgid "'%s' is not a valid archive extension."
msgstr "'%s' ez da artxibo luzapen baliagarria."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1243
msgid "Failed to create package file."
msgstr "Pakete fitxategia sortzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1260
msgid "Failed to create symlink to package file."
msgstr "pakete fitxategira lotura sinbolikoa sortzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1292
msgid "Signing package..."
msgstr "Paketea sinatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1303
msgid "Created signature file %s."
msgstr "%s sinadura fitxategia sortu da."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1305
msgid "Failed to sign package file."
msgstr "Pakete fitxategia sinatzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1311
msgid "Creating source package..."
msgstr "iturburu paketea sortzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1315 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1328
msgid "Adding %s..."
msgstr "%s gehitzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1346
msgid "Adding %s file (%s)..."
msgstr "%s fitxategia gehitzen (%s)..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1369
msgid "Compressing source package..."
msgstr "Iturburu paketea trinkotzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1372
msgid "Failed to create source package file."
msgstr "Iturburu pakete fitxategia sortzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1389
msgid "Failed to create symlink to source package file."
msgstr "Iturburu pakete fitxategira lotura sinbolikoa sortzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1401
msgid "Installing package %s with %s..."
msgstr "%s paketea %s bidez instalatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1403
msgid "Installing %s package group with %s..."
msgstr "%s pakete taldea %s bidez instalatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1421
msgid "Failed to install built package(s)."
msgstr "Eraikitako paketea(k) instalatzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1440 scripts/libmakepkg/util/source.sh.in:129
msgid "Unknown download protocol: %s"
msgstr "Deskarga protokolo ezezaguna: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1457
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary needed to check VCS source requirements."
msgstr "Ezin da aurkitu VCS iturburu betebeharrak egiaztatzeko beharrezkoa den %s binarioa."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1485
msgid "Cannot find the %s package needed to handle %s sources."
msgstr "Ezin da aurkitu iturburu fitxategiak kudeatzeko beharrezkoa den %s binarioa."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1508
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for dependency operations."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu menpekotasun eragiketetarako beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1516
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary. Will use %s to acquire root privileges."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu %s bitarra. %s erabiliko da root pribilegioak eskuratzeko."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1523
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1531
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for signing packages."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu paketeak sinatzeko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1539
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for verifying source files."
msgstr "Ezin da aurkitu iturburu fitxategiak egiaztatzeko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1547
msgid ""
"Cannot find the %s binary required for validating source file checksums."
msgstr "Ezin izan da %s bitarra aurkitu iturburu fitxategien egiaztaketa batura balioztatzeko."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1555
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for compressing binaries."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu bitarrak trinkotzeko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1563
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for optimizing PNG images."
msgstr "Ezin izan da %s bitarra aurkitu PNG irudiak optimizatzeko."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1571
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for distributed compilation."
msgstr "Ezin izan da banatutako konpilaziorako beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1579
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for compiler cache usage."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu konpilatzailearen cachea erabiltzeko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1587
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for object file stripping."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu objektu fitxategia eranzteko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1595
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for compressing man and info pages."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu man eta info orriak trinkotzeko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1615
msgid "A package has already been built, installing existing package..."
msgstr "Pakete bat eraiki da dagoeneko, badagoen paketea instalatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1619
msgid "A package has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr "Pakete bat eraiki da dagoeneko. (Erabili %s gainidazteko)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1638
msgid ""
"The package group has already been built, installing existing packages..."
msgstr "Pakete taldea eraiki da dagoeneko, badauden paketeak instalatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1642
msgid "The package group has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr "Pakete taldea eraiki da dagoeneko. (Erabili %s gainidazteko)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1647
msgid ""
"Part of the package group has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr "Pakete taldearen parte bat eraiki da dagoeneko. (Erabili %s gainidazteko)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1696
msgid "Make packages compatible for use with pacman"
msgstr "Paketeak Pacman erabiltzeko bateragarriak egin"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1698 scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:40
msgid "Usage: %s [options]"
msgstr "Erabilera: %s [aukerak]"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1700 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:81
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Aukerak:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1701
msgid " -A, --ignorearch Ignore incomplete %s field in %s"
msgstr " -A, --ignorearch Ezikusi osatu gabeko %s eremua hemen %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1702
msgid " -c, --clean Clean up work files after build"
msgstr " -c, --clean Garbitu lan fitxategiak eraiki eta gero"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1703
msgid " -C, --cleanbuild Remove %s dir before building the package"
msgstr " -C, --cleanbuild Ezabatu %s direktorioa paketea eraiki aurretik"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1704
msgid " -d, --nodeps Skip all dependency checks"
msgstr " -d, --nodeps Saltatu menpekotasun egiaztaketa guztiak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1705
msgid " -e, --noextract Do not extract source files (use existing %s dir)"
msgstr " -e, --noextract Ez erauzi iturburu-fitxategiak (erabili aurretik dagoen %s direktorioa)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1706
msgid " -f, --force Overwrite existing package"
msgstr " -f, --force Gainidatzi aurretik dagoen paketea"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1707
msgid " -g, --geninteg Generate integrity checks for source files"
msgstr " -g, --geninteg Sortu iturburu-fitxategien osotasun egiaztaketak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1708
msgid " -h, --help Show this help message and exit"
msgstr " -h, --help Bistaratu laguntza mezu hau eta irten"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1709
msgid " -i, --install Install package after successful build"
msgstr " -i, --install Instalatu paketea eraikuntza arrakastatsua eta gero"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1710
msgid " -L, --log Log package build process"
msgstr " -L, --log Eraikitze prozesuaren egunkaria gorde"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1711
msgid " -m, --nocolor Disable colorized output messages"
msgstr " -m, --nocolor Desgaitu koloredun irteera mezuak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1712
msgid " -o, --nobuild Download and extract files only"
msgstr " -o, --nobuild Fitxategiak deskargatu eta erauzi soilik"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1713
msgid " -p <file> Use an alternate build script (instead of '%s')"
msgstr " -p <fitxategia> Erabili beste eraikitze script bat ('%s' ordez)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1714
msgid ""
" -r, --rmdeps Remove installed dependencies after a successful build"
msgstr " -r, --rmdeps Ezabatu instalatutako menpekotasunak eraikuntza arrakastatsua eta gero"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1715
msgid ""
" -R, --repackage Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding"
msgstr " -R, --repackage Birpaketatu paketearen edukiak berriro eraiki gabe"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1716
msgid " -s, --syncdeps Install missing dependencies with %s"
msgstr " -s, --syncdeps Instalatu falta diren menpekotasunak %s bidez"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1717
msgid ""
" -S, --source Generate a source-only tarball without downloaded sources"
msgstr " -S, --source Sortu iturburu hutsez osatutako tarball bat deskargatutako iturbururik gabe"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1718
msgid " -V, --version Show version information and exit"
msgstr " -V, --version Bistaratu bertsio informazioa eta irten"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1719
msgid ""
" --allsource Generate a source-only tarball including downloaded "
msgstr " --allsource Sortu iturburuak soilik dituen tarball bat deskargatutako iturburuekin"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1720
msgid " --check Run the %s function in the %s"
msgstr " --check Abiarazi %s funtzioa hemen %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1721
msgid " --config <file> Use an alternate config file (instead of '%s')"
msgstr " --config <fitxategia> Erabili beste konfigurazio fitxategi bat ('%s' ordez)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1722
msgid " --holdver Do not update VCS sources"
msgstr " --holdver Ez eguneratu VCS iturburuak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1723
msgid ""
" --key <key> Specify a key to use for %s signing instead of the "
msgstr " --key <gakoa> Zehaztu %s bidez sinatzeko gakoa, lehenetsitakoaren ordez"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1724
msgid " --noarchive Do not create package archive"
msgstr " --noarchive Ez sortu paketearen artxiboa"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1725
msgid " --nocheck Do not run the %s function in the %s"
msgstr " --nocheck Ez erabili %s funtzioa hemen %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1726
msgid " --noprepare Do not run the %s function in the %s"
msgstr "--noprepare Ez erabili %s funtzioa hemen %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1727
msgid " --nosign Do not create a signature for the package"
msgstr " --nosign Ez sortu sinadura bat paketearentzat"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1728
msgid ""
" --packagelist Only list packages that would be produced, without PKGEXT"
msgstr " --packagelist Zerrendatu sortuko liratekeen paketeak besterik gabe, PKGEXT gabe"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1729
msgid " --printsrcinfo Print the generated SRCINFO and exit"
msgstr " --printsrcinfo Bistaratu sortutako SRCINFO eta irten"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1730
msgid " --sign Sign the resulting package with %s"
msgstr " --sign Sinatu sortutako paketea %s erabilita"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1731
msgid " --skipchecksums Do not verify checksums of the source files"
msgstr " --skipchecksums Ez egiaztatu iturburu fitxategien kontrol-baturak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1732
msgid ""
" --skipinteg Do not perform any verification checks on source files"
msgstr " --skipinteg Ez egin iturburu-fitxategien inolako egiaztaketarik."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1733
msgid " --skippgpcheck Do not verify source files with PGP signatures"
msgstr "--skippgpcheck Ez egiaztatu iturburu fitxategien PGP sinadurak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1734
msgid ""
" --verifysource Download source files (if needed) and perform integrity "
msgstr "--verifysource Deskargatu iturburu-fitxategiak (beharrezkoa bada) eta egin osotasun egiaztaketak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1736
msgid "These options can be passed to %s:"
msgstr "Aukera hauek onartzen ditu %s:"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1738
msgid " --asdeps Install packages as non-explicitly installed"
msgstr " --asdeps Instalatu paketeak ez esplizituki instalatuta gisa"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1739
msgid ""
" --needed Do not reinstall the targets that are already up to date"
msgstr " --needed Ez berrinstalatu egunean dauden helburuak"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1740
msgid ""
" --noconfirm Do not ask for confirmation when resolving dependencies"
msgstr " --noconfirm Ez eskatu berrestea menpekotasunak ebaztean"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1741
msgid " --noprogressbar Do not show a progress bar when downloading files"
msgstr " --noprogressbar Ez bistaratu aurrerapen-barra fitxategiak deskargatzean"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1743
msgid "If %s is not specified, %s will look for '%s'"
msgstr "%s zehaztu ez bada, %sek %s bilatuko du"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1749 scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:53
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-"
"dev@archlinux.org>.\\nCopyright (C) 2002-2006 Judd Vinet "
"<jvinet@zeroflux.org>.\\n\\nThis is free software; see the source for "
"copying conditions.\\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by "
msgstr "Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>.\\nCopyright (C) 2002-2006 Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org>.\\n\\Hau software librea da; Begiratu iturburua kopiatzeko baldintzak ikusteko.\\n EZ DAGO GARANTIARIK, legeak baimentzen duen heinean.\\n"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1851 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:743
msgid "%s signal caught. Exiting..."
msgstr "%s seinalea jaso da. Irteten..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1875
msgid "%s not found."
msgstr "%s ez da aurkitu."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1909 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1916
msgid "You do not have write permission to create packages in %s."
msgstr "Ez duzu idazteko baimenik %s direktorioan paketeak sortzeko."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1929
msgid "You do not have write permission to store packages in %s."
msgstr "Ez duzu idazteko baimenik %s direktorioan paketeak gordetzeko."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1937
msgid "You do not have write permission to store downloads in %s."
msgstr "Ez duzu idazteko baimenik %s direktorioan deskargak gordetzeko."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1946
msgid "You do not have write permission to store source tarballs in %s."
msgstr "Ez duzu idazteko baimenik iturburu tarball-ak hemen gordetzeko %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1959
msgid "You do not have write permission to store logs in %s."
msgstr "Ez duzu idazteko baimenik egunkari fitxategiak hemen gordetzeko %s."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1972
msgid ""
"Running %s as root is not allowed as it can cause permanent,\\ncatastrophic "
"damage to your system."
msgstr "%s root gisa exekutatzea ez dago baimenduta zure sisteman \\nbehin-betiko kalte katastrofikoa sor dezakelako."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1978
msgid "Do not use the %s option. This option is only for use by %s."
msgstr "Ez erabili %s aukera. Aukera hau %s bidez erabiltzeko da soilik."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1989
msgid "%s does not exist."
msgstr "%s ez da existitzen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1993
msgid "%s contains %s characters and cannot be sourced."
msgstr "%s baditu %s karaktereak eta ezin da iturbururatu."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:1998
msgid "%s must be in the current working directory."
msgstr "%s oraingo laneko direktorioan egon behar du."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2078
msgid "The key %s does not exist in your keyring."
msgstr "%s gakoa ez dago zure gako-sortan."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2080 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:225
msgid "There is no key in your keyring."
msgstr "Ez dago gakorik zure gako-sortan."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2104 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2123
msgid "Leaving %s environment."
msgstr "%s ingurunetik irtetzen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2127
msgid "Making package: %s"
msgstr "Paketea egiten: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2133
msgid "A source package has already been built. (use %s to overwrite)"
msgstr "Iturburu pakete bat eraiki da dagoeneko. (Erabili %s gainidazteko)"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2152
msgid "Source package created: %s"
msgstr "Iturburu paketea sortu da: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2158
msgid "Skipping dependency checks."
msgstr "Menpekotasun egiaztaketak saltatzen."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2166
msgid "Checking runtime dependencies..."
msgstr "Exekuzio-denborako menpekotasunak egiaztatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2173
msgid "Checking buildtime dependencies..."
msgstr "Eraikuntza-orduko menpekotasunak egiaztatzen..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2185
msgid "Could not resolve all dependencies."
msgstr "Ezin izan dira menpekotasun guztiak ebatzi."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2197
msgid "Using existing %s tree"
msgstr "Badagoen %s zuhaitza erabiltzen"
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2204 scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2227
msgid "Removing existing %s directory..."
msgstr "Ezabatzen badagoen %s direktorioa..."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2222
msgid "Sources are ready."
msgstr "Iturburuak prest daude."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2248
msgid "Package directory is ready."
msgstr "Pakete direktorioa prest dago."
#: scripts/makepkg.sh.in:2252
msgid "Finished making: %s"
msgstr "Egiten bukatua: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:55
#, perl-format
msgid "can't create '%s': %s"
msgstr "ezin izan da '%s' sortu: %s"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:73
msgid "invalid key/value pair\n"
msgstr "baliogabeko gako/balio bikotea\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:82
msgid "invalid template line: can't find template name\n"
msgstr "baliogabeko txantiloi lerroa: ezin izan da txantiloiaren izena aurkitu\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:87
#, perl-format
msgid "invalid chars used in name '%s'. allowed: [:alnum:]+_.@-\n"
msgstr "baliogabeko karaktereak izenean '%s'. baimenduta: [:alnum:]+_.@-\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:114
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't detect version for template '%s'\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da txantiloiaren bertsioa antzeman: '%s'\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:125
#, perl-format
msgid "Failed to find template file matching '%s'\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu '%s' bilaketarekin bat datorren txantiloirik\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:136
#, perl-format
msgid "failed to open '%s': %s\n"
msgstr "ezin izan da '%s' ireki: %s\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:153
#, perl-format
msgid "Unknown template marker '%s'\n"
msgstr "Txantiloi markagailu ezezaguna '%s'\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:175
msgid "makepkg-template [options]\n"
msgstr "makepkg-template [aukerak]\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:177
msgid "Options:\n"
msgstr "Aukerak:\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:178
#, perl-format
msgid " --input, -p <file> Build script to read (default: %s)\n"
msgstr " --input, -p <fitxategia> Irakurri behar den eraiketa script-a (lehenetsita: %s)\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:179
msgid " --output, -o <file> file to output to (default: input file)\n"
msgstr " --output, -o <fitxategia> irteera fitxategia (lehenetsita: sarrera fitxategia)\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:180
msgid " --newest, -n update templates to newest version\n"
msgstr " --newest, -n eguneratu txantiloiak bertsio berrienera\n\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:181
msgid ""
" (default: use version specified in the template "
msgstr "(lehenetsita: erabili txantiloi markagailuetan zehaztutako bertsioa)\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:182
msgid " --template-dir <dir> directory to search for templates\n"
msgstr " --template-dir <dir> txantiloiak bilatzeko direktorioa\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:183
#, perl-format
msgid " (default: %s)\n"
msgstr "(lehenetsia: %s)\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:184
msgid " --help, -h This help message\n"
msgstr "--help, -h Laguntza testu hau\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:185
msgid " --version Version information\n"
msgstr "--version Bertsio informazioa\n"
#: scripts/makepkg-template.pl.in:194
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>.\n"
"This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n"
"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"
msgstr "Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>.\nHau software librea da; Begiratu iturburua kopiatzeko baldintzak ikusteko.\nEZ DAGO GARANTIARIK, legeak baimentzen duen heinean.\n"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:38
msgid "Upgrade the local pacman database to a newer format"
msgstr "Bertsioberritu pacman datu-base lokala formatu berriago batetara"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:42
msgid "options:"
msgstr "aukerak:"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:43
msgid " -b, --dbpath <path> set an alternate database location"
msgstr "-b, --dbpath <bidea> ezarri beste datu-base kokapen bat"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:44
msgid " -h, --help show this help message and exit"
msgstr "-h, --help bistaratu laguntza mezu hau eta irten"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:45
msgid " -r, --root <path> set an alternate installation root"
msgstr "-r, --root <bidea> ezarri beste instalazio erro bat"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:46
msgid " -V, --version show version information and exit"
msgstr "-V, --version bistaratu bertsio informazioa eta irten"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:47
msgid " --config <path> set an alternate configuration file"
msgstr "--config <bidea> ezarri beste konfigurazio fitxategi bat"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:48
msgid " --nocolor disable colorized output messages"
msgstr "--nocolor desgaitu koloredun irteera mezuak"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:54 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:94
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-"
"dev@archlinux.org>.\\nThis is free software; see the source for copying "
"conditions.\\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\\n"
msgstr "Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>\\nHau software librea da; Begiratu iturburua kopiatzeko baldintzak ikusteko.\\n EZ DAGO GARANTIARIK, legeak baimentzen duen heinean.\\n"
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:132 scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:105
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:514
msgid "%s does not exist or is not a directory."
msgstr "%s ez dago edo ez da direktorio bat."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:136
msgid "%s is not a pacman database directory."
msgstr "%s ez da pacman datu-base direktorio bat."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:140
msgid "You must have correct permissions to upgrade the database."
msgstr "Baimen egokiak izan behar dituzu datu-basea eguneratzeko."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:150 scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:119
msgid "Pacman lock file was found. Cannot run while pacman is running."
msgstr "Pacman blokeo fitxategia aurkitu da. Ezin da hau erabili pacman erabiltzen dn bitartean."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:162
msgid "Pre-3.5 database format detected - upgrading..."
msgstr "3.5 bertsio aurreko datu-base formatua aurkitu da - bertsio berritzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:169
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Egina."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:173
msgid "Pre-4.2 database format detected - upgrading..."
msgstr "4.2 bertsio aurreko datu-base formatua aurkitu da - bertsio berritzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-db-upgrade.sh.in:195
msgid "symlink '%s' points outside pacman root, manual repair required"
msgstr "'%s' esteka sinbolikoak pacman errotik kanpora bideratzen du, eskuzko konponketa behar da."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:58
msgid "Usage: %s [options] operation [targets]"
msgstr "Erabilera: %s [aukerak] eragiketak [helburuak]"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:60
msgid "Manage pacman's list of trusted keys"
msgstr "Kudeatu Pacman-en konfiantzazko gakoen zerrenda"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:62
msgid "Operations:"
msgstr "Eragiketak:"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:63
msgid " -a, --add Add the specified keys (empty for stdin)"
msgstr " -a, --add Gehitu zehaztutako gakoak (hutsik stdin erabiltzeko)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:64
msgid " -d, --delete Remove the specified keyids"
msgstr " -d, --delete Ezabatu zehaztutako gako id-ak"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:65
msgid " -e, --export Export the specified or all keyids"
msgstr " -e, --export Esportatu zehatutako gako id-ak edo guztiak"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:66
msgid ""
" -f, --finger List fingerprint for specified or all keyids"
msgstr " -f, --finger Zerrendatu zehaztutako gako id-en edo guztien hatz-markak"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:67
msgid " -l, --list-keys List the specified or all keys"
msgstr " -l, --list-keys Zerrendatu zehaztutako gakoak edo guztiak"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:68
msgid " -r, --recv-keys Fetch the specified keyids"
msgstr " -r, --recv-keys Eskuratu zehaztutako gako id-ak"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:69
msgid " -u, --updatedb Update the trustdb of pacman"
msgstr " -u, --updatedb Eguneratu trustdb pacman-en konfiantza datu-basea"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:70
msgid ""
" -v, --verify Verify the file(s) specified by the signature(s)"
msgstr " -v, --verify Egiaztatu sinadura(k) bidez zehaztutako fitxategia(k)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:71
msgid ""
" --edit-key Present a menu for key management task on keyids"
msgstr " --edit-key Aurkeztu gako id-etan gako kudeaketa lanerako menu bat"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:72
msgid " --import Imports pubring.gpg from dir(s)"
msgstr " --import pubring.gpg direktori(eta)tik inportatzen du"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:73
msgid ""
" --import-trustdb Imports ownertrust values from trustdb.gpg in "
msgstr " --import-trustdb Jabe konfiantza balioak direktorio(eta)ko trustdb.gpg fitxategi(eta)tik inportatzen du"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:74
msgid " --init Ensure the keyring is properly initialized"
msgstr " --init Ziurtatu gako-sorta behar bezala hasieratuta dagoela"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:75
msgid " --list-sigs List keys and their signatures"
msgstr " --list-sigs Zerrendatu gakoak eta beraien sinadurak"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:76
msgid " --lsign-key Locally sign the specified keyid"
msgstr " --lsign-key Sinatu lokalki zehaztutako gako id-ak"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:77
msgid ""
" --populate Reload the default keys from the (given) "
"keyrings\\n in '%s'"
msgstr " --populate Birkargatu lehenetsitako gakoak %stik (aukeratutako) gako-sortetatik"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:79
msgid ""
" --refresh-keys Update specified or all keys from a keyserver"
msgstr " --refresh-keys Eguneratu zehaztutako giltzak edo guztiak gako zerbitzari batetik"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:82
msgid ""
" --config <file> Use an alternate config file (instead of\\n"
" '%s')"
msgstr " --config <fitxategia> Erabili beste konfigurazio fitxategia bat ( '%s' ordez)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:84
msgid ""
" --gpgdir <dir> Set an alternate directory for GnuPG (instead\\n"
" of '%s')"
msgstr " --gpgdir <dir> Ezarri beste GnuPG direktorio bat ('%s' ordez)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:86
msgid " --keyserver <server-url> Specify a keyserver to use if necessary"
msgstr " --keyserver <zerbitzari url-a> Zehaztu beharrezkoa bada erabiliko den gako zerbitzaria"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:88
msgid " -h, --help Show this help message and exit"
msgstr " -h, --help Bistaratu laguntza testu hau eta irten."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:89
msgid " -V, --version Show program version"
msgstr " -V, --version Bistaratu programa bertsioa"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:130
msgid "Failed to lookup key by name:"
msgstr "Huts egin du gakoa izenez bilatzeak:"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:138
msgid "Key name is ambiguous:"
msgstr "Gako izena anbiguoa da:"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:181
msgid "The key identified by %s could not be found locally."
msgstr "%s bidez identifikatutako gakoa ezin izan da lokalki aurkitu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:224
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to read the %s keyring."
msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik %s gako-sorta irakurtzeko."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:225 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:232
msgid "Use '%s' to correct the keyring permissions."
msgstr "Erabili '%s' gako-sorta baimenak zuzentzeko."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:231
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to run this command."
msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik komando hau exekutatzeko."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:239
msgid "There is no secret key available to sign with."
msgstr "ez dago sinatzeko gako pribaturik eskuragarri."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:240
msgid "Use '%s' to generate a default secret key."
msgstr "Erabili '%s' lehenetsitako gako sekretu bat sortzeko."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:259
msgid "No keyring files exist in %s."
msgstr "Ez dago gako-sorta fitxategirik hemen %s."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:266
msgid "The keyring file %s does not exist."
msgstr "%s gako-sorta fitxategia ez da existitzen."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:281
msgid "Appending keys from %s.gpg..."
msgstr "%s.gpg fitxategitik gakoak eransten..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:304
msgid "Locally signing trusted keys in keyring..."
msgstr "Gako-sortako konfiantzazko gakoak lokalki sinatzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:306
msgid "Importing owner trust values..."
msgstr "Inportatzen jabe konfiantza balioak..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:324
msgid "Disabling revoked keys in keyring..."
msgstr "Gako-sortako indargabetutako gakoak desgaitzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:326
msgid "Disabling key %s..."
msgstr "%s gakoa desgaitzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:334
msgid "A specified keyfile could not be added to the keyring."
msgstr "Zehaztutako gako fitxategi bat ezin izan da gehitu gako-sortara."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:342
msgid "A specified key could not be removed from the keyring."
msgstr "Zehaztutako gako bat ezin izan da ezabatu gako-sortatik."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:352
msgid "The key identified by %s could not be edited."
msgstr "%s bidez identifikatutako gakoa ezin izan da editatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:364
msgid "A specified key could not be exported from the keyring."
msgstr "Zehaztutako gako bat ezin izan da esportatu gako-sortatik."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:372
msgid "The fingerprint of a specified key could not be determined."
msgstr "Zehaztutako gako baten hatz-marka ezin izan da finkatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:385 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:404
msgid "%s could not be imported."
msgstr "%s ezin izan da inportatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:389 scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:408
msgid "File %s does not exist and could not be imported."
msgstr "%s fitxategia ez dago eta ezin izan da inportatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:420
msgid "A specified key could not be listed."
msgstr "Zehaztutako gako bat ezin izan da zerrendatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:428
msgid "A specified signature could not be listed."
msgstr "Zehaztutako sinadura bat ezin izan da zerrendatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:438
msgid "Locally signing key %s..."
msgstr "Lokalki sinatzen %s gakoa..."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:442
msgid "%s could not be locally signed."
msgstr "%s ezin izan da lokalki sinatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:469
msgid "Remote key not fetched correctly from keyserver."
msgstr "Urruneko gakoa ez da ongi eskuratu gako zerbitzaritik."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:477
msgid "A specified local key could not be updated from a keyserver."
msgstr "Zehaztutako gako lokal bat ezin izan da eguneratu gako zerbitzaritik."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:487
msgid "The signature identified by %s could not be verified."
msgstr "%s bidez identifikatutako sinadura ezin izan da egiaztatu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:495
msgid "Updating trust database..."
msgstr "Eguneratzen konfiantza datu-basea... "
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:497
msgid "Trust database could not be updated."
msgstr "Konfiantza datu-basea ezin izan da eguneratu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:559
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for all %s operations."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu %s bitarra, %s eragiketa guztietarako beharrezkoa da."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:564
msgid "%s needs to be run as root for this operation."
msgstr "%s root erabiltzaile bezala exekutatu behar da eragiketa hau egin ahal izateko"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:570
msgid "%s configuration file '%s' not found."
msgstr "%s konfigurazio fitxategia '%s' ez da aurkitu."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:591
msgid "no operation specified (use -h for help)"
msgstr "Ez da eragiketarik zehaztu (erabili -h laguntza lortzeko)"
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:596
msgid "Multiple operations specified."
msgstr "Hainbat eragiketa zehaztu dira."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:597
msgid "Please run %s with each operation separately."
msgstr "Exekutatu %s hainbat aldiz eragitea bakoitza bere aldetik."
#: scripts/pacman-key.sh.in:605
msgid "No targets specified"
msgstr "Ez da helbururik zehaztu"
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:38
msgid "Usage: %s [--nocolor] [pacman_db_root]"
msgstr "Erabilera: %s [--nocolor] [pacman_db_erroa]"
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:39
msgid ""
"pacman-optimize is a little hack that should improve the performance\\nof "
"pacman when reading/writing to its filesystem-based database.\\n\\n"
msgstr "pacman-optimize hack txiki bat da, pacman-en errendimendua hobetu\\n beharko luke fitxategi sisteman oinarritutako datu-baseetan idatzi/irakurtzean.\\n\\n"
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:42
msgid ""
"Because pacman uses many small files to keep track of packages,\\nthere is a"
" tendency for these files to become fragmented over time.\\nThis script "
"attempts to relocate these small files into one\\ncontinuous location on "
"your hard drive. The result is that the hard\\ndrive should be able to read "
"them faster, since the hard drive head\\ndoes not have to move around the "
"disk as much.\\n"
msgstr "Pacman-ek fitxategi txiki ugari erabiltzen dituenez, badago fitxategi hauek denboran zehar fragmentatzeko tendentzia. Script hau fitxategi hauek disko gogorrean jarraian birkokatzen saiatzen da. Ondorioz disko gogorrak fitxategiak azkarrago irakurri beharko lituzke, ez bait du diskoan gora eta behera hainbeste egin behar.\\n"
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:101
msgid "Cannot find the %s binary required for verifying integrity."
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu osotasuna egiaztatzeko beharrezkoa den %s bitarra."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:109
msgid "You must have correct permissions to optimize the database."
msgstr "Baimen egokiak behar dituzu datu-basea optimizatzeko."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:125
msgid "Cannot create temporary directory for database building."
msgstr "Ezin izan da behin-behineko direktorioa sortu datu-basea eraikitzeko."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:128
msgid "MD5sum'ing the old database..."
msgstr "Datu-base zaharraren MD5 kontrol-batura sortzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:133
msgid "Tar'ing up %s..."
msgstr "%s tar batean sartzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:137
msgid "Tar'ing up %s failed."
msgstr "%s tar batean sartzeak huts egin du."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:141
msgid "Making and MD5sum'ing the new database..."
msgstr "Datu- base berria sortzen eta MD5 kontrol-batura sortzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:146
msgid "Untar'ing %s failed."
msgstr "%s tar paketetik erauzteak huts egin du."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:149
msgid "Syncing database to disk..."
msgstr "Datu-basea diskora sinkronizatzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:155
msgid "Checking integrity..."
msgstr "Osotasuna egiaztatzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:162
msgid "Integrity check FAILED, reverting to old database."
msgstr "Osotasun egiaztaketak HUTS EGIN DU, datu-base zaharrera itzultzen."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:166
msgid "Rotating database into place..."
msgstr "Datu-basea tokian biratzen..."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:175
msgid ""
"New database substitution failed. Check for %s, %s, and %s directories."
msgstr "Datu-base berriaren ordezkatzeak huts egin du. Egiaztatu %s, %s, eta %s direktorioak."
#: scripts/pacman-optimize.sh.in:184
msgid "Finished. Your pacman database has been optimized."
msgstr "Bukatu da. Zure pacman datu-basea optimizatu da."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:51
msgid "Usage: pkgdelta [options] <package1> <package2>\\n"
msgstr "Erabilera: pkgdelta [aukerak] <1paketea> <2paketea>\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:53
msgid ""
"pkgdelta will create a delta file between two packages.\\nThis delta file "
"can then be added to a database using repo-add.\\n"
msgstr "pkgdelta-k bi paketeen arteko delta fitxategi bat sortuko du. \\n Delta fitxategi hau datu-base batetara gehitu daiteke repo-add erabilita.\\n\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:57
msgid "Example: pkgdelta pacman-3.0.0.pkg.tar.gz pacman-3.0.1.pkg.tar.gz"
msgstr "Adibidea: pkgdelta pacman-3.0.0.pkg.tar.gz pacman-3.0.1.pkg.tar.gz"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:59 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:61
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:73
msgid "Options:\\n"
msgstr "Aukerak:\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:60 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:79
msgid " -q, --quiet minimize output\\n"
msgstr " -q, --quiet irteera gutxienekora eraman\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:61
msgid " --nocolor remove color from output\\n"
msgstr " --nocolor kendu kolorea irteeratik\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:62
msgid " --min-pkg-size minimum package size before deltas are generated\\n"
msgstr " --min-pkg-size paketearen gutxienezko tamaina deltak sortu aurretik\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:63
msgid ""
" --max-delta-size percent of new package above which the delta will be "
msgstr "--max-delta-size pakete berriaren ehunekoa, honen gainetik delta baztertu egingo da\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:68
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2009 Xavier Chantry <shiningxc@gmail.com>.\\n\\nThis is free "
"software; see the source for copying conditions.\\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to "
"the extent permitted by law.\\n"
msgstr "Copyright (c) 2009 Xavier Chantry <shiningxc@gmail.com>.\\n\\nHau software librea da; Begiratu iturburua kopiatzeko baldintzak ikusteko.\\n EZ DAGO GARANTIARIK, legeak baimentzen duen heinean.\\n"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:94 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:346
msgid "Invalid package file '%s'."
msgstr "Pakete baliogabea '%s'."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:120
msgid "Skipping delta creation for small package: %s - size %s"
msgstr "pakete txikiaren delta sorrera saltatzen: %s - tamaina %s"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:125
msgid "The package names don't match : '%s' and '%s'"
msgstr "Pakete izenak ez datoz bat: '%s' eta '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:130
msgid "The package architectures don't match : '%s' and '%s'"
msgstr "Pakete arkitekturak ez datoz bat: '%s' eta '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:135
msgid "Both packages have the same version : '%s'"
msgstr "Bi paketeek bertsio bera dute: '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:139
msgid "Generating delta from version %s to version %s"
msgstr "Delta sortzen %s bertsiotik %s bertsiora"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:145
msgid "Delta could not be created."
msgstr "Ezin izan da delta sortu."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:152
msgid "Delta package larger than maximum size. Removing."
msgstr "Delta paketea gehienezko tamaina baino handiagoa: Ezabatzen."
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:157
msgid "Generated delta : '%s'"
msgstr "Delta sortu da: '%s'"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:214
msgid "File '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "'%s' fitxategia ez dago"
#: scripts/pkgdelta.sh.in:220 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:250
msgid "Cannot find the xdelta3 binary! Is xdelta3 installed?"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu xdelta3 bitarra. xdelta3 instalatuta dago?"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:55
msgid "Usage: repo-add [options] <path-to-db> <package|delta> ...\\n"
msgstr "Erabilera: repo-add [aukerak] <datu-basera-bidea> <paketea | delta> ...\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:57
msgid ""
"repo-add will update a package database by reading a package "
"file.\\nMultiple packages to add can be specified on the command line.\\n"
msgstr "repo-add komandoak pakete datu-base bat eguneratuko du pakete fitxategi bat irakurriz.\\nGehitu beharreko hainbat pakete zehaztu daitezke komando lerroan.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:62
msgid " -d, --delta generate and add delta for package update\\n"
msgstr " -d, --delta sortu eta gehitu delta pakete eguneraketarentzat\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:63
msgid ""
" -n, --new only add packages that are not already in the "
msgstr " -n, --new soilik gehitu dagoeneko datu-basean ez dauden paketeak\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:64
msgid ""
" -R, --remove remove old package file from disk after updating "
msgstr " -R, --remove ezabatu pakete fitxategi zaharra diskotik datu-basea eguneratu eta gero\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:66
msgid "Usage: repo-remove [options] <path-to-db> <packagename|delta> ...\\n"
msgstr "Erabilera: repo-remove [aukerak] <datu-basera-bidea> <pakete-izena |delta> ...\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:68
msgid ""
"repo-remove will update a package database by removing the package "
"name\\nspecified on the command line from the given repo database. "
"Multiple\\npackages to remove can be specified on the command line.\\n"
msgstr "repo-remove komandoak datubase bat eguneratuko du komando lerroan zehaztutako pakete izena ezabatuz. Ezabatu beharreko hainbat pakete zehaztu daitezke komando lerroan.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:75
msgid "Please move along, there is nothing to see here.\\n"
msgstr "Mesedez jarraitu aurrera, ez dago ezer ikusteko hemen.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:78
msgid " --nocolor turn off color in output\\n"
msgstr " --nocolor desgaitu kolorea irteeran\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:80
msgid " -s, --sign sign database with GnuPG after update\\n"
msgstr " -s, --sign sinatu datu-basea GnuPG erabiliz eguneraketa eta gero\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:81
msgid " -k, --key <key> use the specified key to sign the database\\n"
msgstr " -k, --key <gakoa> erabili zehaztutako gakoa datu-basea sinatzeko\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:82
msgid " -v, --verify verify database's signature before update\\n"
msgstr " -v, --verify egiaztatu datu-basearen sinadura eguneratu aurretik\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:83
msgid ""
"\\nSee %s(8) for more details and descriptions of the available options.\\n"
msgstr "\\nIkusi %s(8) eskuragarri dauden aukeren xehetasun gehiagorako.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:87
msgid ""
"Example: repo-add /path/to/repo.db.tar.gz pacman-3.0.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz\\n"
msgstr "Adibidea: repo-add /bidea/hona/repo.db.tar.gz gz pacman-3.0.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:89
msgid "Example: repo-remove /path/to/repo.db.tar.gz kernel26\\n"
msgstr "Adibidea: repo-remove /bidea/hona/repo.db.tar.gz kernel26\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:96
msgid ""
"Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-"
"dev@archlinux.org>\\n\\nThis is free software; see the source for copying "
"conditions.\\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\\n"
msgstr "Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>\\n.\\n\\Hau software librea da; Begiratu iturburua kopiatzeko baldintzak ikusteko.\\n EZ DAGO GARANTIARIK, legeak baimentzen duen heinean.\\n"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:146
msgid "No database entry for package '%s'."
msgstr "Ez dago datu-base sarrerarik '%s' paketearentzat."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:164
msgid "Adding 'deltas' entry : %s -> %s"
msgstr "'deltas' sarrera gehitzen: %s -> %s"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:192 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:479
msgid "Removing existing entry '%s'..."
msgstr "Ezabatzen badagoen %s sarrera..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:195
msgid "Removing empty deltas file..."
msgstr "Delta fitxategi hutsa ezabatzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:216
msgid "Cannot find the gpg binary! Is GnuPG installed?"
msgstr "Ezin izan da aurkitu gpg bitarra. GnuPG instalatuta dago?"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:261
msgid "Signing database '%s'..."
msgstr "'%s' datu-basea sinatzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:270
msgid "Created signature file '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' sinadura fitxategia sortu da"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:272
msgid "Failed to sign package database file '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' pakete datu-base fitxategia sinatzean huts egin du."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:281
msgid "Verifying database signature..."
msgstr "Datu-base sinadura egiaztatzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:284
msgid "No existing signature found, skipping verification."
msgstr "Ez da sinadurarik aurkitu, egiaztaketa saltatzen."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:289
msgid "Database signature file verified."
msgstr "Datu-base sinadura fitxategia egiaztatu da."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:291
msgid "Database signature was NOT valid!"
msgstr "Datu-base sinadura EZ da baliagarria!"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:305
msgid "'%s' does not have a valid database archive extension."
msgstr "'%s' ez du datu-base artxibo luzapen baliagarria."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:351
msgid "An entry for '%s' already existed"
msgstr "'%s' sarrera bazegoen aurretik"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:368
msgid "Cannot use armored signatures for packages: %s"
msgstr "Ezin dira blindatutako sinadurak erabili paketeetan: %s"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:373
msgid "Invalid package signature file '%s'."
msgstr "Pakete sinadura fitxategi baliogabea '%s'."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:376
msgid "Adding package signature..."
msgstr "Pakete sinadura gehitzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:383
msgid "Computing checksums..."
msgstr "Kontrol-baturak kalkulatzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:401 scripts/repo-add.sh.in:455
msgid "Creating '%s' db entry..."
msgstr "'%s' datu-base sarrera sortzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:446
msgid "Old package file not found: %s"
msgstr "Pakete fitxategi zaharra ez da aurkitu: %s"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:461
msgid "Removing old package file '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' pakete zaharra ezabatzen"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:522
msgid "Failed to acquire lockfile: %s."
msgstr "Blokeo fitxategia eskuratzean huts egin du: %s"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:523
msgid "Held by process %s"
msgstr "%s prozesuak eutsita"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:536
msgid "Repository file '%s' is not a proper pacman database."
msgstr "'%s' biltegi fitxategia ez da behar bezalako pacman datu-base bat."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:541
msgid "Extracting database to a temporary location..."
msgstr "Datu-basea behin-behineko kokagune batetara erauzten..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:549
msgid "Repository file '%s' was not found."
msgstr "'%s' biltegi fitxategia ez da aurkitu."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:556
msgid "Repository file '%s' could not be created."
msgstr "'%s' biltegi fitxategia ezin izan da sortu."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:568
msgid "File '%s' not found."
msgstr "'%s' fitxategia ez da aurkitu."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:574
msgid "Adding delta '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' delta gehitzen"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:584
msgid "'%s' is not a package file, skipping"
msgstr "'%s' ez da pakete fitxategi bat, saltatzen"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:588
msgid "Adding package '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' paketea gehitzen"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:596
msgid "Searching for delta '%s'..."
msgstr "'%s' delta bilatzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:600
msgid "Delta matching '%s' not found."
msgstr "Ez da aurkitu '%s'-rekin bat datorren deltarik."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:606
msgid "Searching for package '%s'..."
msgstr "'%s' paketea bilatzen..."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:612
msgid "Package matching '%s' not found."
msgstr "Ez da aurkitu '%s'-rekin bat datorren paketerik."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:676
msgid "No packages remain, creating empty database."
msgstr "Ez da paketerik geratzen, datu-base hutsa sortzen."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:729
msgid "Invalid command name '%s' specified."
msgstr "'%s' komando izen baliogabea zehaztu da."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:734
msgid "Cannot create temp directory for database building."
msgstr "Ezin izan da behin-behineko direktorioa sortu datu-basea eraikitzeko."
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:812
msgid "Creating updated database file '%s'"
msgstr "Eguneratutako '%s' datu-base fitxategia sortzen"
#: scripts/repo-add.sh.in:816
msgid "No packages modified, nothing to do."
msgstr "Ez da paketerik aldatu, ez dago ezer egiteko."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package.sh.in:41
msgid "Checking for packaging issue..."
msgstr "Paketatze arazoa egiaztatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/build_references.sh.in:33
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/build_references.sh.in:36
msgid "Package contains reference to %s"
msgstr "Paketeak erreferentzia egiten dio honi %s "
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/missing_backup.sh.in:35
msgid "%s entry file not in package : %s"
msgstr "%s sarrera ez dago paketean: %s"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/arch.sh.in:42
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgbase.sh.in:44
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgname.sh.in:50
msgid "%s contains invalid characters: '%s'"
msgstr "%s karaktere baliogabeak ditu: '%s'"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/arch.sh.in:49
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/arch.sh.in:57
msgid "%s is not available for the '%s' architecture."
msgstr "%s ez dago '%s' arkitekturarako eskuragarri."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/backup.sh.in:45
msgid "%s entry should not contain leading slash : %s"
msgstr "%s sarrerak ez luke aurretik barra bat izan behar: %s"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/epoch.sh.in:34
msgid "%s must be an integer, not %s."
msgstr "%s zenbaki osoa izan behar du, ez %s."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/optdepends.sh.in:58
msgid "Invalid syntax for %s: '%s'"
msgstr "%s sintaxi baliogabea: '%s'"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/options.sh.in:52
msgid "%s array contains unknown option '%s'"
msgstr "%s arrayak '%s' aukera ezezaguna du."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/package_function.sh.in:38
msgid "Missing %s function in %s"
msgstr "%s funtzioa falta da hemen: %s' "
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/package_function.sh.in:44
msgid "Missing %s function for split package '%s'"
msgstr "%s funtzioa falta da '%s' zatitutako paketean"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgbase.sh.in:36
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgname.sh.in:42
msgid "%s is not allowed to start with a hyphen."
msgstr "%s ezin da marratxo betekin hasi."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgbase.sh.in:40
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgname.sh.in:46
msgid "%s is not allowed to start with a dot."
msgstr "%s ezin da puntu batekin hasi."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkglist.sh.in:38
msgid "Requested package %s is not provided in %s"
msgstr "Eskatutako %s paketea ez du %s honek hornitzen"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgname.sh.in:37
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgrel.sh.in:34
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgver.sh.in:34
msgid "%s is not allowed to be empty."
msgstr "%s ezin da hutsik egon."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgrel.sh.in:39
msgid "%s must be a decimal, not %s."
msgstr "%s dezimala izan behar du, ez %s."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/pkgver.sh.in:39
msgid "%s is not allowed to contain colons, hyphens or whitespace."
msgstr "%s baitan ezin da bi puntu, marratxoa edo zuriunea egon."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/provides.sh.in:56
msgid "%s array cannot contain comparison (< or >) operators."
msgstr "%s taulak ezin du konparaketa operadorerik izan (< or >)."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/source.sh.in:36
msgid "Sparse arrays are not allowed for source"
msgstr "Array ahulak ez dira onartzen iturri gisa"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/util.sh.in:34
msgid "%s file (%s) does not exist or is not a regular file."
msgstr "%s fitxategia (%s) ez dago edo ez da ohiko fitxategi bat."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/variable.sh.in:47
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/variable.sh.in:82
msgid "%s should be an array"
msgstr "%s array bat izan beharko luke"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/variable.sh.in:61
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/variable.sh.in:92
msgid "%s_%s should be an array"
msgstr "%s_%s array bat izan beharko luke"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/variable.sh.in:72
#: scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/variable.sh.in:100
msgid "%s should not be an array"
msgstr "%s ez luke array bat izan behar"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source.sh.in:40
msgid "Retrieving sources..."
msgstr "Iturburuak eskuratzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source.sh.in:88
msgid "Extracting sources..."
msgstr "Iturburuak erauzten..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:47
msgid "Branching %s..."
msgstr "%s adarrarazten..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:49
msgid "Failure while branching %s"
msgstr "Huts egin du %s adarrarazten"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:54
msgid "Pulling %s..."
msgstr "%s deskargatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:58
msgid "Failure while pulling %s"
msgstr "Huts egin du %s deskargatzean"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:80
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:112
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:84
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:57
msgid "Unrecognized reference: %s"
msgstr "Erreferentzia ezezaguna: %s"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:89
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:81
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:74
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:90
msgid "Creating working copy of %s %s repo..."
msgstr "%s %s biltegiaren lanerako kopia bat sortzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:95
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:89
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:93
msgid "Failure while updating working copy of %s %s repo"
msgstr "Huts egin du %s %s biltegiaren lanerako kopia eguneratzean"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/bzr.sh.in:100
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:95
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:120
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:98
msgid "Failure while creating working copy of %s %s repo"
msgstr "Huts egin du %s %s biltegiaren lanerako kopia bat sortzean"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/file.sh.in:36
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/local.sh.in:36
msgid "Found %s"
msgstr "%s aurkituta"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/file.sh.in:55
msgid "Downloading %s..."
msgstr "%s deskargatzen...."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/file.sh.in:74
msgid "Failure while downloading %s"
msgstr "%s deskargatzean huts egin du"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/file.sh.in:130
msgid "Extracting %s with %s"
msgstr "%s erauzten %s bidez"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/file.sh.in:138
msgid "Failed to extract %s"
msgstr "%s erauztean huts egin du"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:44
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:44
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:64
msgid "Cloning %s %s repo..."
msgstr "%s %s biltegia klonatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:46
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:46
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:67
msgid "Failure while downloading %s %s repo"
msgstr "%s %s biltegia deskargatzeak huts egin du"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:54
msgid "%s is not a clone of %s"
msgstr "%s ez da %s klon bat"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:58
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:51
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:72
msgid "Updating %s %s repo..."
msgstr "Eguneratzen %s %s biltegia..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/git.sh.in:61
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/hg.sh.in:55
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/svn.sh.in:76
msgid "Failure while updating %s %s repo"
msgstr "Huts egin du %s %s biltegia eguneratzean"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/source/local.sh.in:39
msgid "%s was not found in the build directory and is not a URL."
msgstr "%s ez da aurkitu eraikitze direktorioan eta ez da URL bat."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy.sh.in:41
msgid "Tidying install..."
msgstr "Instalazioa txukuntzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/docs.sh.in:34
msgid "Removing doc files..."
msgstr "Doc fitxategiak ezabatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/emptydirs.sh.in:35
msgid "Removing empty directories..."
msgstr "Direktorio hutsak ezabatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/libtool.sh.in:35
msgid "Removing %s files..."
msgstr "%s fitxategi ezabatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/optipng.sh.in:35
msgid "Optimizing PNG images..."
msgstr "PNG irudiak optimizatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/optipng.sh.in:40
msgid "Could not optimize PNG image : %s"
msgstr "Ezin izan da PNG irudia optimizatu: %s"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/purge.sh.in:35
msgid "Purging unwanted files..."
msgstr "Nahi ez diren fitxategiak purgatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/staticlibs.sh.in:35
msgid "Removing static library files..."
msgstr "Libururegi estatikoen fitxategiak ezabatzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/strip.sh.in:85
msgid "Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries..."
msgstr "Binario eta liburutegietatik behar ez diren sinboloak eranzten..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/upx.sh.in:35
msgid "Compressing binaries with %s..."
msgstr "Bitarrak %s erabiliz trinkotzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/upx.sh.in:41
msgid "Could not compress binary : %s"
msgstr "Ezin izan da bitarra trinkotu: %s"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/zipman.sh.in:35
msgid "Compressing man and info pages..."
msgstr "Man eta info orriak trinkotzen..."
#: scripts/libmakepkg/util/message.sh:68 scripts/library/output_format.sh:31
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERROREA:"
#: scripts/libmakepkg/util/source.sh.in:138
msgid "The download program %s is not installed."
msgstr "%s deskarga programa ez dago instalatuta."
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:37
msgid "option '%s' is ambiguous; possibilities:"
msgstr "'%s' aukera anbiguoa da; izan liteke:"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:56 scripts/library/parseopts.sh:119
msgid "invalid option"
msgstr "aukera baliogabea"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:75
msgid "option requires an argument"
msgstr "aukerak argumentu bat behar du"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:89
msgid "option '%s' does not allow an argument"
msgstr "'%s' aukerak ez du argumenturik onartzen"
#: scripts/library/parseopts.sh:107
msgid "option '%s' requires an argument"
msgstr "'%s' aukerak argumentu bat behar du"