* avoid repeated regex compilations (regex for search string do not
change while scanning the package database)
* remove needless string duplication (regex function do not change target
string nor free them)
* code cleanup
This patch improves search performance:
bash-3.2$ time ./src/pacman/pacman.static.old -Ss "(database|web).*server" >/dev/null
real 0m1.026s
user 0m0.544s
sys 0m0.208s
bash-3.2$ time ./src/pacman/pacman.static -Ss "(database|web).*server" >/dev/null
real 0m0.777s
user 0m0.456s
sys 0m0.128s
* Modified some dependancy checking
* Changed "performing local database upgrade" message to be more clear
* Change 'usize' to 'isize' in database files
* Scriptlet output is now sent to pacman's log file
* Limited some debugging output to be more clear
* libalpm api changes - move from a _getinfo(p, WHAT_WE_WANT) scheme to a
typesafe _get_what_we_want(p) scheme [not 100% complete yet]
* some const correctness changes
* removal of PM_* types in alpm.h in favor of the pm*_t types used throughout
* Addition of hacky architecture check in the _splitname function
* Removal of libfetch from the archlinux proper - it has been renamed to
libdownload and can be found at http://phraktured.net/libdownload
* Merge of _some_ of the Frugalware makepkg change - this may still be
* Removal of libftp from cvs proper
* PKGBUILD manpage now says 'PKGBUILD' instead of FrugalBuild (he he)
* Accidental database read of a file-based package (whoops)
* Proper fetching of url-based -U or -A
Removed some newlines from _alpm_log calls, to make debug output more concise
* Furthered the "lazy caching" to force the pkgcache to read nothing
(INFRQ_NONE) by default. Anything requiring package data should now check
the infolevel of each package and attempt to update it. This could be
ironed out a bit more later (by using the front-end get_info function
* Switched to libfetch. Drastic changes to the download code and the callback
progress bar functions. Also fixed the return value of
_alpm_downloadfiles_forreal. Downloading now supports http, ftp, https, and
files urls, along with 'mtime's and numerous other fancy features from
This should be changed later, or at least everything fixed up. Typically a 1
return indicates "an error occured" and some functions still might just return
error on failure.
* Removed the PMList typedef, in favor of the same naming scheme other
structs use 'pmlist_t'
* Added a time stamp on debug output, to make it more informational
* Moved alpm_db_register to _alpm_db_register, making the public function
not take a callback parameter