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2013-08-06 19:45:56 -04:00
# This script takes screenshots, uploads them to a service, optionally shortens the URL, puts it in your clipboard, and opens it in a browser.
# Currently supported services are imgur, puush, and (which is a script included with this one that can be called locally or over ssh)
# Currently supported URL shortening services are tinyurl and
# Required dependencies are curl, scrot, xclip, notify-send, xdg-open, md5sum, and standard unix utilities grep, date, and cut
# You may add upload and url shortening methods as you please, if you do, please contribute them back with a pull request or patch.
# You may set your defaults here, but ideally you will set them by exporting the right values in your .profile or .bashrc or similar
set -e # exit on error
[ -z "$puush_api_key" ] && export puush_api_key='' # find API key here:
[ -z "$imgur_api_key" ] && export imgur_api_key='486690f872c678126a2c09a9e196ce1b' # nabbed from here:
[ -z "$imgup_path" ] && export imgup_path='' # example: 'ssh user@host ~/ ~/htdocs/s http://host/s png'
[ -z "$http_upload_path" ] && export http_upload_path='' # example: '~/bin/' without quotes where your required variables are already exported
2013-08-06 19:45:56 -04:00
# if these are empty, go with defaults we know to exist and work without configuration
[ -z "$upload" ] && export upload='imgur' # must be one of 'puush', 'imgur', 'imgup', or 'http_upload'
2013-08-06 19:45:56 -04:00
[ -z "$shorturl" ] && export shorturl='' # must be one of 'tinyurl', 'b1tit', or '' (no shorturl)
filename="$1" # if there is no filename to upload, we take a screenshot and upload that
# The following are implemented upload methods, they take one argument, the file to upload, and echo the URL the file was uploaded to #
function upload_imgur {
[ -z "$imgur_api_key" ] && echo '$imgur_api_key is empty, cannot upload!' && return
curl -s -F "image=@$1" -F "key=$imgur_api_key" | grep -E -o "<original_image>(.)*</original_image>" | grep -E -o "[^<]*"
function upload_puush {
[ -z "$puush_api_key" ] && echo '$puush_api_key is empty, cannot upload!' && return
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -F "k=$puush_api_key" -F "c=$(md5sum "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1)" -F "z=poop" -F "f=@${1};filename=ss ($(date '+%Y-%m-%d at %I.%M.%S')).png;type=application/octet-stream" | cut -d, -f2
function upload_imgup {
[ -z "$imgup_path" ] && echo '$imgup_path is empty, cannot upload!' && return
$imgup_path < "$1"
function upload_http_upload {
[ -z "$http_upload_path" ] && echo '$imgup_path is empty, cannot upload!' && return
"$http_upload_path" "$1"
2013-08-06 19:45:56 -04:00
# The following are implemented shorturl methods, they take one argument, the long url, and echo the URL the long was shortened to #
function shorturl_tinyurl {
curl -s "$1"
function shorturl_b1tit {
# caution! This doesn't work as of this moment because they recently added a still-undocumented 'secret key' parameter that is required...
echo "$(curl -s -d "url=$1" | sed -e 's/^.*"id":"//' -e 's/".*$//')"
# you probably don't need to touch below here
if [ -z "$filename" ]
filename="/tmp/open-screeny-$$.png" # store file someplace
#trap 'rm -f "$filename"' EXIT # delete file on exit
scrot -z -s -b -q 0 "$filename" # take screenshot
url="$("upload_$upload" "$filename")" # upload image
[ ! -z "$shorturl" ] && url="$("shorturl_$shorturl" "$url")" # shorten url if requested
echo "$url" | xclip -selection c # put url in clipboard
notify-send "Screenshot Uploaded" "<a href=\"$url\">$url</a>" # pop up handy notification
xdg-open "$url" # open url in browser
# profit?