2013-09-06 11:24:28 +02:00
2013-05-25 23:13:39 +02:00
2013-01-17 14:47:44 +01:00
2013-05-25 23:13:39 +02:00
2013-09-06 11:24:28 +02:00
2013-05-25 23:13:39 +02:00
2013-01-08 23:03:45 +01:00
2013-01-16 16:33:04 +01:00
2013-09-06 11:24:28 +02:00
2013-09-06 11:24:28 +02:00

OpenPGP Keychain (for Android)

OpenPGP Keychain is a EXPERIMENTAL fork of Android Privacy Guard (APG)


Fork OpenPGP Keychain and do a merge request. I will merge your changes back into the main project.


Build with Gradle

  1. Have Android SDK "tools", "platform-tools", and "build-tools" directories in your PATH (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
  2. Export ANDROID_HOME pointing to your Android SDK
  3. Install gradle
  4. Execute gradle wrapper (http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html)
  5. Execute ./gradlew assemble

Build with Ant

  1. Have Android SDK "tools" directory in your PATH (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
  2. Execute android update project -p OpenPGP-Keychain and android update project -p libraries/ActionBarSherlock
  3. Execute cd OpenPGP-Kechain, ant debug

Build with Eclipse

  1. File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace, choose "libraries/ActionBarSherlock"
  2. File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace, choose "OpenPGP-Keychain"
  3. OpenPGP-Kechain can now be build


All JAR-Libraries are provided in this repository under "libs", all Android Library projects are under "libraries".

  • ActionBarSherlock to provide an ActionBar for Android < 3.0
  • forked Spongy Castle Crypto Lib (Android version of Bouncy Castle)
  • android-support-v4.jar: Compatibility Lib
  • barcodescanner-android-integration-supportv4.jar: Barcode Scanner Integration

Build Barcode Scanner Integration

  1. Checkout their SVN (see http://code.google.com/p/zxing/source/checkout)
  2. Change android-home variable in "build.properties" in the main directory to point to your Android SDK
  3. Change directory to android-integration
  4. Build using ant build
  5. We use "android-integration-supportv4.jar"

On error see: http://code.google.com/p/zxing/issues/detail?id=1207

Build Spongy Castle

Spongy Castle is the stock Bouncy Castle libraries with a couple of small changes to make it work on Android. OpenPGP-Keychain uses a forked version with some small changes to improve key import speed. These changes will be sent to Bouncy Castle, and Spongy Castle will be used again when they have filtered down.



Eclipse: "GC overhead limit exceeded"

If you have problems starting OpenPGP Kechain from Eclipse, consider increasing the memory limits in eclipse.ini. See http://docs.oseems.com/general/application/eclipse/fix-gc-overhead-limit-exceeded for more information.

Generate pressed dashboard icons

  1. Open svg file in Inkscape
  2. Extensions -> Color -> darker (2 times!)


OpenPGP Kechain is licensed under Apache License v2.



  • icon.svg
    modified version of kgpg_key2_kopete.svgz

  • dashboard_manage_keys.svg, dashboard_my_keys.svg, key.svg
    Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike licence 3.0

  • dashboard_decrypt.svg, dashboard_encrypt.svg, dashboard_help.svg
    Public Domain

  • dashboard_scan_qrcode.svg
    New creation for OpenPGP Kechain
    Apache License v2

No description provided
Readme GPL-3.0 116 MiB
Java 94.2%
Public Key 3.7%
eC 0.8%
Gradle 0.5%
Python 0.4%
Other 0.4%