Vincent Breitmoser 718acbf954 put unit tests into external module (CAVEAT)
this requires a more up to date version of gradle-android-test-plugin
than is currently in the repositories. it must be added to the local
maven repo using ./ before
2014-07-09 16:03:30 +02:00

17 lines
554 B

include ':OpenKeychain'
include ':OpenKeychain-Test'
include ':extern:openpgp-api-lib'
include ':extern:openkeychain-api-lib'
include ':extern:html-textview'
include ':extern:StickyListHeaders:library'
include ':extern:zxing-qr-code'
include ':extern:zxing-android-integration'
include ':extern:spongycastle:core'
include ':extern:spongycastle:pg'
include ':extern:spongycastle:pkix'
include ':extern:spongycastle:prov'
include ':extern:AppMsg:library'
include ':extern:SuperToasts:supertoasts'
include ':extern:minidns'
include ':extern:KeybaseLib:Lib'