# HtmlTextView for Android This HtmlTextView supports all HTML tags supported by Android's Html class (see [The CommonsBlog](http://commonsware.com/blog/Android/2010/05/26/html-tags-supported-by-textview.html) and [history of Html class](https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/commits/master/core/java/android/text/Html.java) for newer additions). Additionally, list tags are supported (``<ul>``, ``<ol>``, ``<dd>``) and code tags with ``<code>``. This also includes a workaround to prevent TextView crashing on [specific Android versions](http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=35466). This library is kept very tiny with no external dependencies. I am using it to provide Help/About Activities in my apps. ## Example ``` HtmlTextView text = new HtmlTextView(this); // loads html from string text.setHtmlFromString("<b>Hello</b><ul><li>world</li><li>cats</li></ul>"); ``` or ``` HtmlTextView text = new HtmlTextView(this); // loads html from raw resource, i.e., a html file in res/raw/, this allows translatable resource (e.g., res/raw-de/ for german) text.setHtmlFromRawResource(this, R.raw.help); ``` ## Use library as Gradle dependency (Android library project) 1. Copy this folder to your project and include it in ``settings.gradle`` with ``include ':html-textview'`` 2. Add dependency ``compile project(':html-textview')`` to your project's ``build.gradle``. ## License Apache License v2 ## Authors - This library was hacked together by Dominik Schürmann - Original [TagHandler](https://gist.github.com/mlakkadshaw/5983704) developed by [Mohammed Lakkadshaw](http://blog.mohammedlakkadshaw.com/) - Original [UrlImageGetter](https://gist.github.com/Antarix/4167655) developed by Antarix Tandon - [JellyBeanSpanFixTextView](https://gist.github.com/pyricau/3424004) (with fix from comment) developed by Pierre-Yves Ricau ## Contributions Feel free to fork and do pull requests. I am more than happy to merge them. Please do not introduce external dependencies.