#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import shutil import requests from os.path import expanduser import classic resolutions = { 'material': ("m", "h", "xh", "xxh", "xxxh"), 'fa': ("l", "m", "h", "xh", "xxh"), 'classic': ("m", "h", "xh", "xxh"), } class AppError(Exception): pass def make_filename(filename_format, cat, name, color, size): args = { 'cat': cat or '', 'name': name, 'color': color, 'size': size, } bg = {'white': 'dark', 'grey': 'light', 'black': 'bright'}.get(color) or '' bg_suffix = '_dark' if bg == 'dark' else '' args['bgSuffix'] = bg_suffix args['bg'] = bg return filename_format.format(**args) def download_url(url, target_path): print("Downloading {} to {} ...".format(url, target_path)) print("") #r = requests.get(url, stream=True) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: raise AppError("url not found, perhaps invalid name, size or color") with open(target_path, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(4096): fd.write(chunk) def make_material_icon_url(cat, res, name, color, size): if color == 'grey': color = 'grey600' elif color not in ('white', 'black'): raise AppError('invalid color') return ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/material-design-icons/master/' + '{}/drawable-{}dpi/ic_{}_{}_{}dp.png').format(cat, res, name, color, size) def make_fa_icon_url(res, name, color): if color == 'white': holo = 'dark' elif color == 'grey': holo = 'light' else: raise AppError('invalid color') return ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/svenkapudija/Android-Action-Bar-Icons/' + 'master/Font Awesome/holo_{2}/ic_fa_{1}/drawable-{0}dpi/ic_fa_{1}.png').format(res, name, holo) def make_classic_icon_url(res, name, color): dirname = classic.CLASSIC_MAP.get(name) if not dirname: raise AppError('invalid name') if color == 'white': holo = 'dark' elif color == 'grey': holo = 'light' else: raise AppError('invalid color') return ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/svenkapudija/Android-Action-Bar-Icons/' + 'master/Android Stock/holo_{2}/{3}/drawable-{0}dpi/ic_action_{1}.png').format(res, name, holo, dirname) def make_target_path(base_path, proj, res, filename): res_path1 = os.path.join(base_path, proj, 'src', 'main', 'res') res_path2 = os.path.join(base_path, proj, 'res') if os.path.isdir(res_path1): res_path = res_path1 elif os.path.isdir(res_path2): res_path = res_path2 else: raise AppError('missing res dir') res_specific_path = os.path.join(res_path, 'drawable-' + res + 'dpi') try: os.mkdir(res_specific_path) except OSError: pass return os.path.join(res_specific_path, filename) def do_material(options, proj_path, cat, name, color, size): base_path = expanduser(options['basePath']) filename_map = options['filenameMap'] for res in resolutions['material']: filename = make_filename(filename_map['material'], cat, name, color, size) target_path = make_target_path(base_path, proj_path, res, filename) url = make_material_icon_url(cat, res, name, color, size) download_url(url, target_path) def do_classic_or_fa(options, proj_path, cat, name, color): base_path = expanduser(options['basePath']) filename_map = options['filenameMap'] for res in resolutions[cat]: filename = make_filename(filename_map[cat], cat, name, color, size=32) target_path = make_target_path(base_path, proj_path, res, filename) url = globals()['make_' + cat + '_icon_url'](res, name, color) download_url(url, target_path) def print_usage(): print("Usage:") print("Material : ./copy <proj path> <category> <color> <icon name> [size]") print("Classic & FA: ./copy <proj path> <fa/classic> <color> <icon name>") print("") def main(): import json if len(sys.argv) < 5: print_usage() return option_filename = 'options.json' if not os.path.exists(option_filename): option_filename = 'options.templ.json' print("WARNING: using the template options file") print("You should create your own options.json") with open(option_filename, 'r') as fd: options = json.load(fd) proj_path = sys.argv[1] cat = sys.argv[2] color = sys.argv[3] name = sys.argv[4] if cat == 'classic' or cat == 'fa': do_classic_or_fa(options, proj_path, cat, name, color) else: size = sys.argv[5] if len(sys.argv) >= 6 else 0 size = int(size) or 24 do_material(options, proj_path, cat, name, color, size) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except AppError as e: print(e.message)