Contacts Secret Keys Select Public Key Select Secret Key Encrypt Decrypt Passphrase Create Key Edit Key Preferences Registered Applications Key Server Preference Change Passphrase Set Passphrase "Send Mail…" Encrypt To File Decrypt To File Import Keys Export Key Export Keys Key Not Found Query Key Server Export to Key Server Unknown Signature Key Sign Key Key Details Help Share key with NFC User IDs Keys General Defaults Advanced Master Key Master User ID Actions Sign (Clipboard) Encrypt to Clipboard Encrypt and send… Sign and send… Sign Decrypt Verify Select Recipients Encrypt File Save Cancel Delete None Okay Change Passphrase Set Passphrase Search Export To Server Next Back Settings Help Registered Apps Import from file Import from QR Code Import Import from NFC Export all keys Export to file Delete key Create key Create key (expert) Edit key Search Import from key server Update from server Export to server Share with… Share with QR Code Share with NFC Copy to clipboard Sign key Beam settings Cancel Encrypt to… Sign Message File No Passphrase Passphrase Again Algorithm ASCII Armor Public Key(s) Delete After Encryption Delete After Decryption Encryption Algorithm Hash Algorithm Public Key Passphrase Passphrase Cache Message Compression File Compression Force V3 Signatures Key Servers Key ID Creation Expiry Usage Key Size Main User ID Name Comment Email Send Key to Server? Fingerprint Select 1 Selected Selected <unknown> <none> <no key> can encrypt can sign expired %s key server(s) Fingerprint: Secret Key: not valid Secret Keyring None Sign only Encrypt only Sign and Encrypt 15 secs 1 min 3 mins 5 mins 10 mins 20 mins 40 mins 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours 8 hours DSA ElGamal RSA Open… Warning Error Error: %s Wrong passphrase. Using clipboard content. Set a passphrase first. No compatible file manager installed. The passphrases didn\'t match. Empty passphrases are not allowed. Symmetric encryption. Enter passphrase for \'%s\' Are you sure you want to delete\n%s? Successfully deleted. Select a file first. Successfully decrypted. Successfully encrypted. Successfully encrypted to clipboard. Enter the passphrase twice. Select at least one encryption key. Select at least one encryption key or a signature key. Please specify which file to encrypt to.\nWARNING! File will be overwritten if it exists. Please specify which file to decrypt to.\nWARNING! File will be overwritten if it exists. Please specify which file to export to.\nWARNING! File will be overwritten if it exists. Please specify which file to export to.\nWARNING! You are about to export SECRET keys.\nWARNING! File will be overwritten if it exists. Do you really want to delete the key \'%s\'?\nYou can\'t undo this! Do you really want to delete all selected keys?\nYou can\'t undo this! Do you really want to delete the SECRET key \'%s\'?\nYou can\'t undo this! Successfully added %1$s key(s) and updated %2$s key(s). Successfully added %s key(s). Successfully updated %s key(s). No keys added or updated. Successfully exported 1 key. Successfully exported %s keys. No keys exported. Note: only subkeys support ElGamal, and for ElGamal the nearest keysize of 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, or 8192 will be used. Couldn\'t find key %08X. Found %s key(s). Unknown signature, touch to look up key. %s bad secret key(s) ignored. Perhaps you exported with the option\n --export-secret-subkeys\nMake sure you export with\n --export-secret-keys\ninstead. Unknown key %s, do you want to try finding it on a keyserver? Successfully sent key to server Successfully signed key This list is empty! Successfully sent key with NFC Beam! deleting \'%s\' failed file not found no suitable secret key found no known kind of encryption found external storage not ready invalid email \'%s\' key size must be at least 512bit the master key cannot be an ElGamal key unknown algorithm choice you need to specify a name you need to specify an email address need at least one user id main user id must not be empty need at least a master key no encryption key(s) or passphrase given signature failed no passphrase given no signature key given not valid encryption data corrupt data couldn\'t find a packet with symmetric encryption wrong passphrase error saving some key(s) could not extract private key Direct binary data without actual file in filesystem is not supported. This is only supported by ACTION_ENCRYPT_STREAM_AND_RETURN. You need Android 4.1 alias Jelly Bean to use Androids NFC Beam feature! NFC is not available on your device! Nothing to import! done. saving… importing… exporting… generating key, this can take a while… building key… preparing master key… certifying master key… building master ring… adding sub keys… saving key key… importing secret keys… exporting key… exporting keys… extracting signature key… extracting key… preparing streams… encrypting data… decrypting data… preparing signature… generating signature… processing signature… verifying signature… signing… reading data… finding key… decompressing data… verifying integrity… deleting \'%s\' securely… querying… Search Public Keys Search Secret Keys Share Key with… 512 1024 2048 4096 fast very slow Contacts My Secret Keys Encrypt Decrypt Help Import Keys Start NFC Beam Changelog About Version: Import selected keys Import, Sign, and upload selected keys Import from Clipboard Missing QR Code with ID %1$s Missing QR Codes with IDs %1$s Please start with QR Code with ID 1 QR Code malformed! Please try again! QR Code scanning finished! Scan QR Code with \'Barcode Scanner\' OpenPGP: Decrypt File OpenPGP: Import Key OpenPGP: Encrypt OpenPGP: Decrypt No registered applications! Show advanced settings Hide advanced settings No key selected Select key Save Cancel Revoke access Package Name SHA-256 of Package Signature The following application requests access to OpenPGP Keychain\'s API.\n\nAllow permanent access? Allow access Disallow access Please select a key! No public keys were found for these user ids: More than one public key exist for these user ids: Please review the list of recipients! Signature check failed! Have you installed this app from a different source? If you are sure that this is not an attack, revoke this app\'s registration in OpenPGP Keychain and then register the app again. Go through all QR Codes using \'Next\', and scan them one by one. QR Code with ID %1$d of %2$d Share with NFC 1 key selected. %d keys selected. No keys available yet… You can start by or creating your own key importing keys. Encrypt to this contact Contacts Encrypt Decrypt Import Keys My Keys Registered Apps Open navigation drawer Close navigation drawer