mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:42:00 -05:00
Add asymmetric encryption
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,12 +6,19 @@ import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.thialfihar.android.apg.provider.KeyRings;
import org.thialfihar.android.apg.provider.Keys;
import org.thialfihar.android.apg.provider.UserIds;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;
@ -28,7 +35,8 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
/** error status */
private enum error {
/** all arguments that can be passed by calling application */
@ -46,10 +54,11 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
/** all things that might be returned */
private enum ret {
ERRORS, // string array list with errors
WARNINGS, // string array list with warnings
ERROR, // numeric error
// en-/decrypted test
/** required arguments for each AIDL function */
@ -59,12 +68,16 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_passphrase", args);
FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.put("decrypt_with_passphrase", args);
args = new HashSet<arg>();
FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_public_key", args);
args = new HashSet<arg>();
FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.put("decrypt", args);
/** optional arguments for each AIDL function */
@ -78,7 +91,11 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_passphrase", args);
FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_public_key", args);
FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.put("decrypt_with_passphrase", args);
args = new HashSet<arg>();
FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.put("decrypt", args);
/** a map from ApgService parameters to function calls to get the default */
@ -119,6 +136,56 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
* maps fingerprints or user ids of keys to master keys in database
* @param search_keys
* a list of keys (fingerprints or user ids) to look for in
* database
* @return an array of master keys
private static long[] get_master_key(ArrayList<String> search_keys) {
SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
qb.setTables(KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + " INNER JOIN " + Keys.TABLE_NAME + " ON " + "(" + KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + "." + KeyRings._ID + " = " + Keys.TABLE_NAME
+ "." + Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " AND " + Keys.TABLE_NAME + "." + Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY + " = '1'" + ") " + " INNER JOIN " + UserIds.TABLE_NAME
+ " ON " + "(" + Keys.TABLE_NAME + "." + Keys._ID + " = " + UserIds.TABLE_NAME + "." + UserIds.KEY_ID + " AND " + UserIds.TABLE_NAME + "."
+ UserIds.RANK + " = '0') ");
String orderBy = UserIds.TABLE_NAME + "." + UserIds.USER_ID + " ASC";
long now = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
Cursor mCursor = qb.query(Apg.getDatabase().db(), new String[] {
KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + "." + KeyRings._ID, // 0
KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + "." + KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID, // 1
UserIds.TABLE_NAME + "." + UserIds.USER_ID, // 2
"(SELECT COUNT(tmp." + Keys._ID + ") FROM " + Keys.TABLE_NAME + " AS tmp WHERE " + "tmp." + Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " = " + KeyRings.TABLE_NAME
+ "." + KeyRings._ID + " AND " + "tmp." + Keys.IS_REVOKED + " = '0' AND " + "tmp." + Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT + " = '1')", // 3
"(SELECT COUNT(tmp." + Keys._ID + ") FROM " + Keys.TABLE_NAME + " AS tmp WHERE " + "tmp." + Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " = " + KeyRings.TABLE_NAME
+ "." + KeyRings._ID + " AND " + "tmp." + Keys.IS_REVOKED + " = '0' AND " + "tmp." + Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT + " = '1' AND " + "tmp."
+ Keys.CREATION + " <= '" + now + "' AND " + "(tmp." + Keys.EXPIRY + " IS NULL OR " + "tmp." + Keys.EXPIRY + " >= '" + now + "'))", // 4
}, KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + "." + KeyRings.TYPE + " = ?", new String[] { "" + Id.database.type_public }, null, null, orderBy);
ArrayList<Long> _master_keys = new ArrayList<Long>();
while (mCursor.moveToNext()) {
long _cur_mkey = mCursor.getLong(1);
String _cur_user = mCursor.getString(2);
Log.d(TAG, "current master key: " + _cur_mkey + " from " + _cur_user);
if (search_keys.contains(Apg.getSmallFingerPrint(_cur_mkey)) || search_keys.contains(_cur_user)) {
Log.d(TAG, "master key found for: " + Apg.getSmallFingerPrint(_cur_mkey));
long[] _master_longs = new long[_master_keys.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Long _key : _master_keys) {
_master_longs[i++] = _key;
return _master_longs;
* Add default arguments if missing
@ -126,14 +193,14 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
* the bundle to add default parameters to if missing
private void add_default_arguments(Bundle args) {
private void add_default_arguments(String call, Bundle args) {
Preferences _mPreferences = Preferences.getPreferences(getBaseContext(), true);
Iterator<arg> _iter = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.keySet().iterator();
while (_iter.hasNext()) {
arg _current_arg = _iter.next();
String _current_key = _current_arg.name();
if (!args.containsKey(_current_key)) {
if (!args.containsKey(_current_key) && FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.get(call).contains(_current_arg)) {
String _current_function_name = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.get(_current_arg);
try {
Class<?> _ret_type = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_TYPES.get(_current_function_name);
@ -201,101 +268,123 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
HashSet<arg> all_args = new HashSet<arg>(FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.get(function));
ArrayList<String> _unknown_args = new ArrayList<String>();
Iterator<String> _iter = pArgs.keySet().iterator();
while (_iter.hasNext()) {
String _cur_key = _iter.next();
try {
arg _cur_arg = arg.valueOf(_cur_key);
if( !all_args.contains(_cur_arg)) {
if (!all_args.contains(_cur_arg)) {
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.WARNINGS.name()).add("Unknown argument: " + _cur_key);
} catch (Exception e) {
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.WARNINGS.name()).add("Unknown argument: " + _cur_key);
// remove unknown arguments so our bundle has just what we need
for (String _arg : _unknown_args) {
private boolean prepare_args(String call, Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
/* add default return values for all functions */
/* add default arguments if missing */
add_default_arguments(call, pArgs);
Log.d(TAG, "add_default_arguments");
/* check for required arguments */
check_required_args(call, pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_required_args");
/* check for unknown arguments and add to warning if found */
check_unknown_args(call, pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_unknown_args");
/* return if errors happened */
if (pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).size() != 0) {
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.ARGUMENTS_MISSING.ordinal());
return false;
Log.d(TAG, "error return");
return true;
private boolean encrypt(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
long _pub_master_keys[] = {};
if (pArgs.containsKey(arg.PUBLIC_KEYS.name())) {
ArrayList<String> _list = pArgs.getStringArrayList(arg.PUBLIC_KEYS.name());
ArrayList<String> _pub_keys = new ArrayList<String>();
Log.d(TAG, "Long size: " + _list.size());
Iterator<String> _iter = _list.iterator();
while (_iter.hasNext()) {
_pub_master_keys = get_master_key(_pub_keys);
InputStream _inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pArgs.getString(arg.MSG.name()).getBytes());
InputData _in = new InputData(_inStream, 0); // XXX Size second
// param?
OutputStream _out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
Apg.encrypt(getBaseContext(), // context
_in, // input stream
_out, // output stream
pArgs.getBoolean(arg.ARMORED.name()), // armored
_pub_master_keys, // encryption keys
0, // signature key
null, // signature passphrase
null, // progress
pArgs.getInt(arg.ENCRYPTION_ALGO.name()), // encryption
pArgs.getInt(arg.HASH_ALGO.name()), // hash
pArgs.getInt(arg.COMPRESSION.name()), // compression
pArgs.getBoolean(arg.FORCE_V3_SIG.name()), // mPreferences.getForceV3Signatures(),
pArgs.getString(arg.SYM_KEY.name()) // passPhrase
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Exception in encrypt");
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Internal failure (" + e.getClass() + ") in APG when encrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
return false;
Log.d(TAG, "Encrypted");
pReturn.putString(ret.RESULT.name(), _out.toString());
return true;
private final IApgService.Stub mBinder = new IApgService.Stub() {
public boolean encrypt_with_passphrase(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
/* add default return values for all functions */
/* add default arguments if missing */
Log.d(TAG, "add_default_arguments");
/* check for required arguments */
check_required_args("encrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_required_args");
/* check for unknown arguments and add to warning if found */
check_unknown_args("encrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_unknown_args");
/* return if errors happened */
if (pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).size() != 0) {
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.ARGUMENTS_MISSING.ordinal());
public boolean encrypt_with_public_key(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
if (!prepare_args("encrypt_with_public_key", pArgs, pReturn)) {
return false;
Log.d(TAG, "error return");
InputStream _inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pArgs.getString(arg.MSG.name()).getBytes());
InputData _in = new InputData(_inStream, 0); // XXX Size second
// param?
OutputStream _out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
Apg.encrypt(getApplicationContext(), // context
_in, // input stream
_out, // output stream
pArgs.getBoolean(arg.ARMORED.name()), // armored
new long[0], // encryption keys
0, // signature key
null, // signature passphrase
null, // progress
pArgs.getInt(arg.ENCRYPTION_ALGO.name()), // encryption
pArgs.getInt(arg.HASH_ALGO.name()), // hash
pArgs.getInt(arg.COMPRESSION.name()), // compression
pArgs.getBoolean(arg.FORCE_V3_SIG.name()), // mPreferences.getForceV3Signatures(),
pArgs.getString(arg.SYM_KEY.name()) // passPhrase
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Exception in encrypt");
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Internal failure in APG when encrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
return false;
Log.d(TAG, "Encrypted");
pReturn.putString(ret.RESULT.name(), _out.toString());
return true;
return encrypt(pArgs, pReturn);
public boolean decrypt_with_passphrase(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
/* add default return values for all functions */
public boolean encrypt_with_passphrase(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
if (!prepare_args("encrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn)) {
return false;
/* add default arguments if missing */
Log.d(TAG, "add_default_arguments");
return encrypt(pArgs, pReturn);
/* check required args */
check_required_args("decrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_required_args");
/* check for unknown args and add to warning */
check_unknown_args("decrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_unknown_args");
/* return if errors happened */
if (pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).size() != 0) {
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.ARGUMENTS_MISSING.ordinal());
public boolean decrypt(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
if (!prepare_args("decrypt", pArgs, pReturn)) {
return false;
@ -304,14 +393,19 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
// second parameter?
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
Apg.decrypt(getApplicationContext(), in, out, pArgs.getString(arg.SYM_KEY.name()), null, // progress
true // symmetric
Apg.decrypt(getBaseContext(), in, out, pArgs.getString(arg.SYM_KEY.name()), null, // progress
pArgs.getString(arg.SYM_KEY.name()) != null // symmetric
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Exception in decrypt");
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Internal failure in APG when decrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
if (e.getMessage() == getBaseContext().getString(R.string.error_noSecretKeyFound)) {
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Cannot decrypt: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.NO_MATCHING_SECRET_KEY.ordinal());
} else {
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Internal failure (" + e.getClass() + ") in APG when decrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
return false;
@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ interface IApgService {
* int "ERROR" = Numeric representation of error
/** Encrypt something with a symmetric key
/** Encryption function's arguments
* Bundle params' keys:
* (optional/required) TYPE "STRING KEY" = EXPLANATION / VALUES
* (required) String "MSG" = Message to encrypt
* (required) String "SYM_KEY" = Symmetric key to use
* (optional) int "ENCRYPTION_ALGO" = Encryption Algorithm
* 7: AES-128, 8: AES-192, 9: AES-256,
4: Blowfish, 10: Twofish, 3: CAST5,
@ -33,16 +32,27 @@ interface IApgService {
* Bundle return_vals (in addition to the ERRORS/WARNINGS above):
* String "RESULT" = Encrypted MSG
/* Additional argument:
* (required) String "SYM_KEY" = Symmetric key to use
boolean encrypt_with_passphrase(in Bundle params, out Bundle return_vals);
/* Additional argument:
* (required) ArrayList<String> "PUBLIC_KEYS" = Public keys (8char fingerprint "123ABC12" OR
* complete id "Alice Meyer <ab@email.com>")
boolean encrypt_with_public_key(in Bundle params, out Bundle return_vals);
/** Decrypt something with a symmetric key
/** Decrypt something
* Bundle params:
* (required) String "MSG" = Message to decrypt
* (required) String "SYM_KEY" = Symmetric key to use
* (optional) String "SYM_KEY" = Symmetric key to use if encryption is symmetric
* Bundle return_vals:
* String "RESULT" = Decrypted MSG
boolean decrypt_with_passphrase(in Bundle params, out Bundle return_vals);
boolean decrypt(in Bundle params, out Bundle return_vals);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user