new-edit: add new save keyring stuff

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Breitmoser 2014-06-17 20:04:25 +02:00
parent a0f546739d
commit 5c47143d64
3 changed files with 133 additions and 160 deletions

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@ -171,173 +171,139 @@ public class PgpKeyOperation {
return new PGPSecretKey(keyPair.getPrivateKey(), keyPair.getPublicKey(),
sha1Calc, isMasterKey, keyEncryptor);
} catch(NoSuchProviderException e) {
throw new PgpGeneralMsgIdException(R.string.error_encoding, e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new PgpGeneralMsgIdException(R.string.error_encoding, e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch(InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw new PgpGeneralMsgIdException(R.string.error_encoding, e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch(PGPException e) {
throw new PgpGeneralMsgIdException(R.string.error_encoding, e);
throw new PgpGeneralMsgIdException(R.string.msg_mr_error_pgp, e);
public Pair<PGPSecretKeyRing, PGPPublicKeyRing> buildSecretKey(PGPSecretKeyRing sKR,
PGPPublicKeyRing pKR,
SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel,
/** This method introduces a list of modifications specified by a SaveKeyringParcel to a
* PGPSecretKeyRing.
* Note that PGPPublicKeyRings can not be directly modified. Instead, the corresponding
* PGPSecretKeyRing must be modified and consequently consolidated with its public counterpart.
* This is a natural workflow since pgp keyrings are immutable data structures: Old semantics
* are changed by adding new certificates, which implicitly override older certificates.
public UncachedKeyRing modifySecretKeyRing(WrappedSecretKeyRing wsKR, SaveKeyringParcel saveParcel,
String passphrase)
throws PgpGeneralMsgIdException, PGPException, SignatureException, IOException {
updateProgress(R.string.progress_building_key, 0, 100);
// sort these, so we can use binarySearch later on
* What's gonna happen here:
* 1. Unlock private key
* 2. Create new secret key ring
* 3. Copy subkeys
* - Generate revocation if requested
* - Copy old cert, or generate new if change requested
* 4. Generate and add new subkeys
* 5. Copy user ids
* - Generate revocation if requested
* - Copy old cert, or generate new if primary user id status changed
* 6. Add new user ids
* 7. Generate PublicKeyRing from SecretKeyRing
* 8. Return pair (PublicKeyRing,SecretKeyRing)
* 2a. Add certificates for new user ids
* 2b. Add revocations for revoked user ids
* 3. If primary user id changed, generate new certificates for both old and new
* 4a. For each subkey change, generate new subkey binding certificate
* 4b. For each subkey revocation, generate new subkey revocation certificate
* 5. Generate and add new subkeys
* 6. If requested, change passphrase
// 1. Unlock private key
updateProgress(R.string.progress_building_key, 0, 100);
// We work on bouncycastle object level here
PGPSecretKeyRing sKR = wsKR.getRing();
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey = sKR.getPublicKey();
PGPSecretKey masterSecretKey = sKR.getSecretKey();
// 1. Unlock private key
PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey; {
PGPSecretKey masterKey = sKR.getSecretKey();
PBESecretKeyDecryptor keyDecryptor = new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder().setProvider(
masterPrivateKey = masterKey.extractPrivateKey(keyDecryptor);
masterPrivateKey = masterSecretKey.extractPrivateKey(keyDecryptor);
if (!Arrays.equals(saveParcel.mFingerprint, sKR.getPublicKey().getFingerprint())) {
return null;
// 2. Create new secret key ring
updateProgress(R.string.progress_certifying_master_key, 20, 100);
// Note we do NOT use PGPKeyRingGeneraor, it's just one level too high and does stuff
// we want to do manually. Instead, we simply use a list of secret keys.
ArrayList<PGPSecretKey> secretKeys = new ArrayList<PGPSecretKey>();
ArrayList<PGPPublicKey> publicKeys = new ArrayList<PGPPublicKey>();
{ // work on master secret key
// 3. Copy subkeys
// - Generate revocation if requested
// - Copy old cert, or generate new if change requested
for (PGPSecretKey sKey : new IterableIterator<PGPSecretKey>(sKR.getSecretKeys())) {
PGPPublicKey modifiedPublicKey = masterPublicKey;
// 2a. Add certificates for new user ids
for (String userId : saveParcel.addUserIds) {
PGPSignature cert = generateUserIdSignature(masterPrivateKey,
masterPublicKey, userId, false);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(masterPublicKey, userId, cert);
// 2b. Add revocations for revoked user ids
for (String userId : saveParcel.revokeUserIds) {
PGPSignature cert = generateRevocationSignature(masterPrivateKey,
masterPublicKey, userId);
modifiedPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(masterPublicKey, userId, cert);
// 3. If primary user id changed, generate new certificates for both old and new
if (saveParcel.changePrimaryUserId != null) {
// todo
// Update the secret key ring
if (modifiedPublicKey != masterPublicKey) {
masterSecretKey = PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(masterSecretKey, modifiedPublicKey);
masterPublicKey = modifiedPublicKey;
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, masterSecretKey);
// 4a. For each subkey change, generate new subkey binding certificate
for (SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyChange change : saveParcel.changeSubKeys) {
PGPSecretKey sKey = sKR.getSecretKey(change.mKeyId);
if (sKey == null) {
return null;
PGPPublicKey pKey = sKey.getPublicKey();
if (Arrays.binarySearch(saveParcel.revokeSubKeys, sKey.getKeyID()) >= 0) {
// add revocation signature to key, if there is none yet
if (!pKey.getSignaturesOfType(PGPSignature.SUBKEY_REVOCATION).hasNext()) {
// generate revocation signature
if (saveParcel.changeSubKeys.containsKey(sKey.getKeyID())) {
// change subkey flags?
SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyChange change = saveParcel.changeSubKeys.get(sKey.getKeyID());
// remove old subkey binding signature(s?)
for (PGPSignature sig : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(
pKey.getSignaturesOfType(PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING))) {
pKey = PGPPublicKey.removeCertification(pKey, sig);
// generate and add new signature
PGPSignature sig = generateSubkeyBindingSignature(masterPublicKey, masterPrivateKey,
sKey, pKey, change.mFlags, change.mExpiry, passphrase);
pKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(pKey, sig);
secretKeys.add(PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey));
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey));
// 4. Generate and add new subkeys
// 4b. For each subkey change, generate new subkey binding certificate
for (long revocation : saveParcel.revokeSubKeys) {
PGPSecretKey sKey = sKR.getSecretKey(revocation);
if (sKey == null) {
return null;
PGPPublicKey pKey = sKey.getPublicKey();
// 5. Copy user ids
for (String userId : new IterableIterator<String>(masterPublicKey.getUserIDs())) {
// - Copy old cert, or generate new if primary user id status changed
boolean certified = false, revoked = false;
for (PGPSignature sig : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(
masterPublicKey.getSignaturesForID(userId))) {
// We know there are only revocation and certification types in here.
switch(sig.getSignatureType()) {
revoked = true;
// generate and add new signature
PGPSignature sig = generateRevocationSignature(masterPublicKey, masterPrivateKey, pKey);
// Already got one? Remove this one, then.
if (certified) {
masterPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.removeCertification(
masterPublicKey, userId, sig);
pKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(pKey, sig);
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey));
boolean primary = userId.equals(saveParcel.changePrimaryUserId);
// Generate a new one under certain circumstances
if (saveParcel.changePrimaryUserId != null &&
sig.getHashedSubPackets().isPrimaryUserID() != primary) {
PGPSignature cert = generateUserIdSignature(
masterPrivateKey, masterPublicKey, userId, primary);
PGPPublicKey.addCertification(masterPublicKey, userId, cert);
certified = true;
// - Generate revocation if requested
if (!revoked && Arrays.binarySearch(saveParcel.revokeUserIds, userId) >= 0) {
PGPSignature cert = generateRevocationSignature(masterPrivateKey,
masterPublicKey, userId);
masterPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(masterPublicKey, userId, cert);
// 5. Generate and add new subkeys
for (SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd add : saveParcel.addSubKeys) {
try {
PGPSecretKey sKey = createKey(add.mAlgorithm, add.mKeysize, passphrase, false);
PGPPublicKey pKey = sKey.getPublicKey();
PGPSignature cert = generateSubkeyBindingSignature(masterPublicKey, masterPrivateKey,
sKey, pKey, add.mFlags, add.mExpiry, passphrase);
pKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(pKey, cert);
sKey = PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey);
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.insertSecretKey(sKR, PGPSecretKey.replacePublicKey(sKey, pKey));
} catch (PgpGeneralMsgIdException e) {
return null;
// 6. Add new user ids
for(String userId : saveParcel.addUserIds) {
PGPSignature cert = generateUserIdSignature(masterPrivateKey,
masterPublicKey, userId, userId.equals(saveParcel.changePrimaryUserId));
masterPublicKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification(masterPublicKey, userId, cert);
// 7. Generate PublicKeyRing from SecretKeyRing
updateProgress(R.string.progress_building_master_key, 30, 100);
PGPSecretKeyRing ring = new PGPSecretKeyRing(secretKeys);
// Copy all non-self uid certificates
for (String userId : new IterableIterator<String>(masterPublicKey.getUserIDs())) {
// - Copy old cert, or generate new if primary user id status changed
boolean certified = false, revoked = false;
for (PGPSignature sig : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(
masterPublicKey.getSignaturesForID(userId))) {
for (PGPPublicKey newKey : publicKeys) {
PGPPublicKey oldKey = pKR.getPublicKey(newKey.getKeyID());
for (PGPSignature sig : new IterableIterator<PGPSignature>(
oldKey.getSignatures())) {
// If requested, set new passphrase
// 6. If requested, change passphrase
if (saveParcel.newPassphrase != null) {
PGPDigestCalculator sha1Calc = new JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder().build()
@ -352,9 +318,7 @@ public class PgpKeyOperation {
sKR = PGPSecretKeyRing.copyWithNewPassword(sKR, keyDecryptor, keyEncryptorNew);
// 8. Return pair (PublicKeyRing,SecretKeyRing)
return new Pair<PGPSecretKeyRing, PGPPublicKeyRing>(sKR, pKR);
return new UncachedKeyRing(sKR);
@ -390,10 +354,29 @@ public class PgpKeyOperation {
return sGen.generateCertification(userId, pKey);
private static PGPSignature generateRevocationSignature(
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey, PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey, PGPPublicKey pKey)
throws IOException, PGPException, SignatureException {
PGPContentSignerBuilder signerBuilder = new JcaPGPContentSignerBuilder(
pKey.getAlgorithm(), PGPUtil.SHA1)
PGPSignatureGenerator sGen = new PGPSignatureGenerator(signerBuilder);
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator subHashedPacketsGen = new PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
subHashedPacketsGen.setSignatureCreationTime(false, new Date());
// Generate key revocation or subkey revocation, depending on master/subkey-ness
if (masterPublicKey.getKeyID() == pKey.getKeyID()) {
sGen.init(PGPSignature.KEY_REVOCATION, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(masterPublicKey);
} else {
sGen.init(PGPSignature.SUBKEY_REVOCATION, masterPrivateKey);
return sGen.generateCertification(masterPublicKey, pKey);
private static PGPSignature generateSubkeyBindingSignature(
PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey, PGPPrivateKey masterPrivateKey,
PGPSecretKey sKey, PGPPublicKey pKey,
int flags, Long expiry, String passphrase)
PGPSecretKey sKey, PGPPublicKey pKey, int flags, Long expiry, String passphrase)
throws PgpGeneralMsgIdException, IOException, PGPException, SignatureException {
// date for signing
@ -510,19 +493,4 @@ public class PgpKeyOperation {
return publicKey;
* Simple static subclass that stores two values.
* <p/>
* This is only used to return a pair of values in one function above. We specifically don't use
* to keep this class free from android dependencies.
public static class Pair<K, V> {
public final K first;
public final V second;
public Pair(K first, V second) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;

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@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ public class PgpGeneralMsgIdException extends Exception {
mMessageId = messageId;
public PgpGeneralMsgIdException(int messageId, Throwable cause) {
super("msg[" + messageId + "]", cause);
mMessageId = messageId;
public PgpGeneralException getContextualized(Context context) {
return new PgpGeneralException(context.getString(mMessageId), this);

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@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ public class SaveKeyringParcel implements Parcelable {
// the master key id to be edited
public final long mMasterKeyId;
// the key fingerprint, for safety
private final byte[] mFingerprint;
public final byte[] mFingerprint;
public String newPassphrase;
public String[] addUserIds;
public SubkeyAdd[] addSubKeys;
public HashMap<Long, SubkeyChange> changeSubKeys;
public SubkeyChange[] changeSubKeys;
public String changePrimaryUserId;
public String[] revokeUserIds;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class SaveKeyringParcel implements Parcelable {
addUserIds = source.createStringArray();
addSubKeys = (SubkeyAdd[]) source.readSerializable();
changeSubKeys = (HashMap<Long,SubkeyChange>) source.readSerializable();
changeSubKeys = (SubkeyChange[]) source.readSerializable();
changePrimaryUserId = source.readString();
revokeUserIds = source.createStringArray();