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synced 2025-03-02 18:31:48 -05:00
Redefine many internals of ApgService
This helps to add new function calls easily. Some of the new enums could be exported to other files to be included by other projects later on. Next step is asymmetric encryption.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
@ -23,23 +25,74 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
return mBinder;
/** error status */
private enum error {
/** a map from ApgService parameters to function calls to get the default */
static final HashMap<String, String> FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS = new HashMap<String, String>();
/** all arguments that can be passed by calling application */
private enum arg {
MSG, // message to encrypt or to decrypt
SYM_KEY, // key for symmetric en/decryption
PUBLIC_KEYS, // public keys for encryption
ENCRYPTION_ALGO, // encryption algorithm
HASH_ALGO, // hash algorithm
ARMORED, // whether to armor output
FORCE_V3_SIG, // whether to force v3 signature
// what compression to use for encrypted output
/** all things that might be returned */
private enum ret {
/** required arguments for each AIDL function */
private static final HashMap<String, Set<arg>> FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS = new HashMap<String, Set<arg>>();
static {
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put("ENCRYPTION_ALGO", "getDefaultEncryptionAlgorithm");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put("HASH_ALGO", "getDefaultHashAlgorithm");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put("ARMORED", "getDefaultAsciiArmour");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put("FORCE_V3_SIG", "getForceV3Signatures");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put("COMPRESSION", "getDefaultMessageCompression");
HashSet<arg> args = new HashSet<arg>();
FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_passphrase", args);
FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.put("decrypt_with_passphrase", args);
args = new HashSet<arg>();
FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_public_key", args);
/** optional arguments for each AIDL function */
private static final HashMap<String, Set<arg>> FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS = new HashMap<String, Set<arg>>();
static {
HashSet<arg> args = new HashSet<arg>();
FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_passphrase", args);
FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.put("encrypt_with_public_key", args);
FUNCTIONS_OPTIONAL_ARGS.put("decrypt_with_passphrase", args);
/** a map from ApgService parameters to function calls to get the default */
private static final HashMap<arg, String> FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS = new HashMap<arg, String>();
static {
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put(arg.ENCRYPTION_ALGO, "getDefaultEncryptionAlgorithm");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put(arg.HASH_ALGO, "getDefaultHashAlgorithm");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put(arg.ARMORED, "getDefaultAsciiArmour");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put(arg.FORCE_V3_SIG, "getForceV3Signatures");
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.put(arg.COMPRESSION, "getDefaultMessageCompression");
/** a map the default functions to their return types */
static final HashMap<String, Class> FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_TYPES = new HashMap<String, Class>();
private static final HashMap<String, Class<?>> FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_TYPES = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
static {
try {
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_TYPES.put("getDefaultEncryptionAlgorithm", Preferences.class.getMethod("getDefaultEncryptionAlgorithm").getReturnType());
@ -53,7 +106,7 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
/** a map the default function names to their method */
static final HashMap<String, Method> FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_METHODS = new HashMap<String, Method>();
private static final HashMap<String, Method> FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_METHODS = new HashMap<String, Method>();
static {
try {
FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_METHODS.put("getDefaultEncryptionAlgorithm", Preferences.class.getMethod("getDefaultEncryptionAlgorithm"));
@ -73,17 +126,17 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
* the bundle to add default parameters to if missing
private void add_defaults(Bundle args) {
private void add_default_arguments(Bundle args) {
Preferences _mPreferences = Preferences.getPreferences(getBaseContext(), true);
Iterator<String> _iter = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.keySet().iterator();
Iterator<arg> _iter = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.keySet().iterator();
while (_iter.hasNext()) {
String _current_key = _iter.next();
arg _current_arg = _iter.next();
String _current_key = _current_arg.name();
if (!args.containsKey(_current_key)) {
String _current_function_name = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.get(_current_key);
String _current_function_name = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS.get(_current_arg);
try {
Class _ret_type = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_TYPES.get(_current_function_name);
Class<?> _ret_type = FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_TYPES.get(_current_function_name);
if (_ret_type == String.class) {
args.putString(_current_key, (String) FUNCTIONS_DEFAULTS_METHODS.get(_current_function_name).invoke(_mPreferences));
} else if (_ret_type == boolean.class) {
@ -94,74 +147,98 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown return type " + _ret_type.toString() + " for default option");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception in add_defaults " + e.getMessage());
Log.e(TAG, "Exception in add_default_arguments " + e.getMessage());
* updates a Bundle with default return values
* @param pReturn
* the Bundle to update
private void add_default_returns(Bundle pReturn) {
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>();
pReturn.putStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name(), errors);
pReturn.putStringArrayList(ret.WARNINGS.name(), warnings);
* checks for required arguments and adds them to the error if missing
* @param function
* the functions required arguments to check for
* @param pArgs
* the Bundle of arguments to check
* @param pReturn
* the bundle to write errors to
private void check_required_args(String function, Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
Iterator<arg> _iter = FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.get(function).iterator();
while (_iter.hasNext()) {
String _cur_arg = _iter.next().name();
if (!pArgs.containsKey(_cur_arg)) {
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Argument missing: " + _cur_arg);
* checks for unknown arguments and add them to warning if found
* @param function
* the functions name to check against
* @param pArgs
* the Bundle of arguments to check
* @param pReturn
* the bundle to write warnings to
private void check_unknown_args(String function, Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
HashSet<arg> all_args = new HashSet<arg>(FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED_ARGS.get(function));
Iterator<String> _iter = pArgs.keySet().iterator();
while (_iter.hasNext()) {
String _cur_key = _iter.next();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.WARNINGS.name()).add("Unknown argument: " + _cur_key);
private final IApgService.Stub mBinder = new IApgService.Stub() {
public boolean encrypt_with_passphrase(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
/* add default return values for all functions */
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>();
/* add default arguments if missing */
Log.d(TAG, "add_default_arguments");
pReturn.putStringArrayList("ERRORS", errors);
pReturn.putStringArrayList("WARNINGS", warnings);
/* check for required arguments */
check_required_args("encrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_required_args");
Bundle _my_args = new Bundle(pArgs);
/* add default values if missing */
/* required args */
String msg = _my_args.getString("MSG");
String passphrase = _my_args.getString("SYM_KEY");
/* optional args */
Boolean armored = _my_args.getBoolean("ARMORED");
int encryption_algorithm = _my_args.getInt("ENCRYPTION_ALGO");
int hash_algorithm = _my_args.getInt("HASH_ALGO");
int compression = _my_args.getInt("COMPRESSION");
Boolean force_v3_signatures = _my_args.getBoolean("FORCE_V3_SIG");
/* check required args */
if (msg == null) {
errors.add("Message to encrypt (MSG) missing");
if (passphrase == null) {
errors.add("Symmetric key (SYM_KEY) missing");
/* check for unknown args and add to warning */
if (!_my_args.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<String> _iter = _my_args.keySet().iterator();
while (_iter.hasNext()) {
warnings.add("Unknown key: " + _iter.next());
/* check for unknown arguments and add to warning if found */
check_unknown_args("encrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_unknown_args");
/* return if errors happened */
if (errors.size() != 0) {
pReturn.putInt("ERROR", error.ARGUMENTS_MISSING.ordinal());
if (pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).size() != 0) {
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.ARGUMENTS_MISSING.ordinal());
return false;
Log.d(TAG, "error return");
InputStream _inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes());
InputStream _inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pArgs.getString(arg.MSG.name()).getBytes());
InputData _in = new InputData(_inStream, 0); // XXX Size second
// param?
OutputStream _out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
@ -171,82 +248,71 @@ public class ApgService extends Service {
Apg.encrypt(getApplicationContext(), // context
_in, // input stream
_out, // output stream
armored, // armored
pArgs.getBoolean(arg.ARMORED.name()), // armored
new long[0], // encryption keys
0, // signature key
null, // signature passphrase
null, // progress
encryption_algorithm, // encryption
hash_algorithm, // hash
compression, // compression
force_v3_signatures, // mPreferences.getForceV3Signatures(),
passphrase // passPhrase
pArgs.getInt(arg.ENCRYPTION_ALGO.name()), // encryption
pArgs.getInt(arg.HASH_ALGO.name()), // hash
pArgs.getInt(arg.COMPRESSION.name()), // compression
pArgs.getBoolean(arg.FORCE_V3_SIG.name()), // mPreferences.getForceV3Signatures(),
pArgs.getString(arg.SYM_KEY.name()) // passPhrase
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Exception in encrypt");
errors.add("Internal failure in APG when encrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Internal failure in APG when encrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.putInt("ERROR", error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
return false;
Log.d(TAG, "Encrypted");
pReturn.putString("RESULT", _out.toString());
pReturn.putString(ret.RESULT.name(), _out.toString());
return true;
public boolean decrypt_with_passphrase(Bundle pArgs, Bundle pReturn) {
ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>();
/* add default return values for all functions */
pReturn.putStringArrayList("ERRORS", errors);
pReturn.putStringArrayList("WARNINGS", warnings);
/* add default arguments if missing */
Log.d(TAG, "add_default_arguments");
String encrypted_msg = pArgs.getString("MSG");
String passphrase = pArgs.getString("SYM_KEY");
/* check required args */
check_required_args("decrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_required_args");
if (encrypted_msg == null) {
errors.add("Message to decrypt (MSG) missing");
if (passphrase == null) {
errors.add("Symmetric key (SYM_KEY) missing");
/* check for unknown args and add to warning */
check_unknown_args("decrypt_with_passphrase", pArgs, pReturn);
Log.d(TAG, "check_unknown_args");
if (!pArgs.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<String> iter = pArgs.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
warnings.add("Unknown key: " + iter.next());
if (errors.size() != 0) {
pReturn.putStringArrayList("ERROR", errors);
pReturn.putInt("ERROR", error.ARGUMENTS_MISSING.ordinal());
/* return if errors happened */
if (pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).size() != 0) {
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.ARGUMENTS_MISSING.ordinal());
return false;
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(encrypted_msg.getBytes());
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pArgs.getString(arg.MSG.name()).getBytes());
InputData in = new InputData(inStream, 0); // XXX what size in
// second parameter?
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
Apg.decrypt(getApplicationContext(), in, out, passphrase, null, // progress
Apg.decrypt(getApplicationContext(), in, out, pArgs.getString(arg.SYM_KEY.name()), null, // progress
true // symmetric
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Exception in decrypt");
errors.add("Internal failure in APG when decrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.getStringArrayList(ret.ERRORS.name()).add("Internal failure in APG when decrypting: " + e.getMessage());
pReturn.putInt("ERROR", error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
pReturn.putStringArrayList("ERROR", errors);
pReturn.putInt(ret.ERROR.name(), error.APG_FAILURE.ordinal());
return false;
pReturn.putString("RESULT", out.toString());
pReturn.putString(ret.RESULT.name(), out.toString());
return true;
Reference in New Issue
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