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synced 2025-02-07 10:30:14 -05:00
test: start with UncachedKeyRing.canonicalize tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import android.content.Context;
import org.spongycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.NullProgressable;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.UncachedKeyRing;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.exception.PgpGeneralException;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.provider.ProviderHelper;
import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.OperationResults;
@ -68,6 +69,11 @@ public class KeyringTestingHelper {
return saveSuccess;
public static UncachedKeyRing removePacket(UncachedKeyRing ring, int position)
throws IOException, PgpGeneralException {
return UncachedKeyRing.decodeFromData(removePacket(ring.getEncoded(), position));
public static byte[] removePacket(byte[] ring, int position) throws IOException {
Iterator<RawPacket> it = parseKeyring(ring);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(ring.length);
@ -76,6 +82,7 @@ public class KeyringTestingHelper {
while(it.hasNext()) {
// at the right position, skip the packet
if(i++ == position) {
// write the old one
@ -89,6 +96,11 @@ public class KeyringTestingHelper {
return out.toByteArray();
public static UncachedKeyRing injectPacket(UncachedKeyRing ring, byte[] inject, int position)
throws IOException, PgpGeneralException {
return UncachedKeyRing.decodeFromData(injectPacket(ring.getEncoded(), inject, position));
public static byte[] injectPacket(byte[] ring, byte[] inject, int position) throws IOException {
Iterator<RawPacket> it = parseKeyring(ring);
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
public class UncachedKeyringTest {
static UncachedKeyRing staticRing;
static int totalPackets;
UncachedKeyRing ring;
ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyA = new ArrayList<RawPacket>();
ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyB = new ArrayList<RawPacket>();
@ -59,6 +60,9 @@ public class UncachedKeyringTest {
Assert.assertNotNull("initial test key creation must succeed", staticRing);
// just for later reference
totalPackets = 9;
// we sleep here for a second, to make sure all new certificates have different timestamps
@ -76,24 +80,24 @@ public class UncachedKeyringTest {
Assert.assertEquals("packet #1 should be secret key",
PacketTags.SECRET_KEY, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #2 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #2 should be user id",
PacketTags.USER_ID, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #3 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #3 should be signature",
PacketTags.SIGNATURE, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #4 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #4 should be user id",
PacketTags.USER_ID, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #5 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #5 should be signature",
PacketTags.SIGNATURE, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #6 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #6 should be secret subkey",
PacketTags.SECRET_SUBKEY, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #7 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #7 should be signature",
PacketTags.SIGNATURE, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #8 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #8 should be secret subkey",
PacketTags.SECRET_SUBKEY, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertEquals("packet #9 should be secret key",
Assert.assertEquals("packet #9 should be signature",
PacketTags.SIGNATURE, it.next().tag);
Assert.assertFalse("exactly 9 packets total", it.hasNext());
@ -103,4 +107,107 @@ public class UncachedKeyringTest {
@Test public void testBrokenSignature() throws Exception {
byte[] brokenSig;
UncachedPublicKey masterKey = ring.getPublicKey();
WrappedSignature sig = masterKey.getSignaturesForId("twi").next();
brokenSig = sig.getEncoded();
// break the signature
brokenSig[brokenSig.length - 5] += 1;
byte[] reng = ring.getEncoded();
for(int i = 0; i < totalPackets; i++) {
byte[] brokenBytes = KeyringTestingHelper.injectPacket(reng, brokenSig, i);
Assert.assertEquals("broken ring must be original + injected size",
reng.length + brokenSig.length, brokenBytes.length);
try {
UncachedKeyRing brokenRing = UncachedKeyRing.decodeFromData(brokenBytes);
brokenRing = brokenRing.canonicalize(log, 0);
if (brokenRing == null) {
System.out.println("ok, canonicalization failed.");
Assert.assertArrayEquals("injected bad signature must be gone after canonicalization",
ring.getEncoded(), brokenRing.getEncoded());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("ok, rejected with: " + e.getMessage());
@Test public void testUidSignature() throws Exception {
UncachedPublicKey masterKey = ring.getPublicKey();
final WrappedSignature sig = masterKey.getSignaturesForId("twi").next();
byte[] raw = sig.getEncoded();
// destroy the signature
raw[raw.length - 5] += 1;
final WrappedSignature brokenSig = WrappedSignature.fromBytes(raw);
{ // bad certificates get stripped
UncachedKeyRing modified = KeyringTestingHelper.injectPacket(ring, brokenSig.getEncoded(), 3);
modified = modified.canonicalize(log, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("canonicalized keyring with invalid extra sig must be same as original one",
ring.getEncoded(), modified.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB));
// remove user id certificate for one user
final UncachedKeyRing base = KeyringTestingHelper.removePacket(ring, 2);
{ // user id without certificate should be removed
UncachedKeyRing modified = base.canonicalize(log, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("canonicalized keyring must differ", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings(
ring.getEncoded(), modified.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB));
Assert.assertEquals("two packets should be stripped after canonicalization", 2, onlyA.size());
Assert.assertEquals("no new packets after canonicalization", 0, onlyB.size());
Packet p;
p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
Assert.assertTrue("first stripped packet must be user id", p instanceof UserIDPacket);
Assert.assertEquals("missing user id must be the expected one",
"twi", ((UserIDPacket) p).getID());
p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(1).buf)).readPacket();
Assert.assertArrayEquals("second stripped packet must be signature we removed",
sig.getEncoded(), onlyA.get(1).buf);
{ // add error to signature
UncachedKeyRing modified = KeyringTestingHelper.injectPacket(base, brokenSig.getEncoded(), 3);
modified = modified.canonicalize(log, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("canonicalized keyring must differ", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings(
ring.getEncoded(), modified.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB));
Assert.assertEquals("two packets should be missing after canonicalization", 2, onlyA.size());
Assert.assertEquals("no new packets after canonicalization", 0, onlyB.size());
Packet p;
p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
Assert.assertTrue("first stripped packet must be user id", p instanceof UserIDPacket);
Assert.assertEquals("missing user id must be the expected one",
"twi", ((UserIDPacket) p).getID());
p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(1).buf)).readPacket();
Assert.assertArrayEquals("second stripped packet must be signature we removed",
sig.getEncoded(), onlyA.get(1).buf);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user