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1762 lines
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1762 lines
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// *** smc_Editor class.
function smc_Editor(oOptions)
this.opt = oOptions;
// Create some links to the editor object.
this.oTextHandle = null;
this.sCurrentText = 'sText' in this.opt ? this.opt.sText : '';
// How big?
this.sEditWidth = 'sEditWidth' in this.opt ? this.opt.sEditWidth : '70%';
this.sEditHeight = 'sEditHeight' in this.opt ? this.opt.sEditHeight : '150px';
this.showDebug = false;
this.bRichTextEnabled = 'bWysiwyg' in this.opt && this.opt.bWysiwyg;
// This doesn't work on Opera as they cannot restore focus after clicking a BBC button.
this.bRichTextPossible = !this.opt.bRichEditOff && ((is_ie5up && !is_ie50) || is_ff || is_opera95up || is_safari || is_chrome) && !(is_iphone || is_android);
this.oFrameHandle = null;
this.oFrameDocument = null;
this.oFrameWindow = null;
// These hold the breadcrumb.
this.oBreadHandle = null;
this.oResizerElement = null;
// Kinda holds all the useful stuff.
this.aKeyboardShortcuts = new Array();
// This tracks the cursor position on IE to avoid refocus problems.
this.cursorX = 0;
this.cursorY = 0;
// This is all the elements that can have a simple execCommand.
this.oSimpleExec = {
b: 'bold',
u: 'underline',
i: 'italic',
s: 'strikethrough',
left: 'justifyleft',
center: 'justifycenter',
right: 'justifyright',
hr: 'inserthorizontalrule',
list: 'insertunorderedlist',
orderlist: 'insertorderedlist',
sub: 'subscript',
sup: 'superscript',
indent: 'indent',
outdent: 'outdent'
// Codes to call a private function
this.oSmfExec = {
unformat: 'removeFormatting',
toggle: 'toggleView'
// Any special breadcrumb mappings to ensure we show a consistant tag name.
this.breadCrumbNameTags = {
strike: 's',
strong: 'b',
em: 'i'
this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles = [
sStyleType: 'text-decoration',
sStyleValue: 'underline',
sBbcTag: 'u'
sStyleType: 'text-decoration',
sStyleValue: 'line-through',
sBbcTag: 's'
sStyleType: 'text-align',
sStyleValue: 'left',
sBbcTag: 'left'
sStyleType: 'text-align',
sStyleValue: 'center',
sBbcTag: 'center'
sStyleType: 'text-align',
sStyleValue: 'right',
sBbcTag: 'right'
sStyleType: 'font-weight',
sStyleValue: 'bold',
sBbcTag: 'b'
sStyleType: 'font-style',
sStyleValue: 'italic',
sBbcTag: 'i'
// All the fonts in the world.
this.aFontFaces = [
'Arial Black',
'Times New Roman',
'Andale Mono',
'Trebuchet MS',
'Comic Sans MS'
// Font maps (HTML => CSS size)
this.aFontSizes = [
// Color maps! (hex => name)
this.oFontColors = {
black: '#000000',
red: '#ff0000',
yellow: '#ffff00',
pink: '#ffc0cb',
green: '#008000',
orange: '#ffa500',
purple: '#800080',
blue: '#0000ff',
beige: '#f5f5dc',
brown: '#a52a2a',
teal: '#008080',
navy: '#000080',
maroon: '#800000',
limegreen: '#32cd32'
this.sFormId = 'sFormId' in this.opt ? this.opt.sFormId : 'postmodify';
this.iArrayPosition = smf_editorArray.length;
// Current resize state.
this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize = {};
smc_Editor.prototype.init = function()
// Define the event wrapper functions.
var oCaller = this;
this.aEventWrappers = {
editorKeyUp: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.editorKeyUp(oEvent);},
shortcutCheck: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.shortcutCheck(oEvent);},
editorBlur: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.editorBlur(oEvent);},
editorFocus: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.editorFocus(oEvent);},
startResize: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.startResize(oEvent);},
resizeOverDocument: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.resizeOverDocument(oEvent);},
endResize: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.endResize(oEvent);},
resizeOverIframe: function(oEvent) {return oCaller.resizeOverIframe(oEvent);}
// Set the textHandle.
this.oTextHandle = document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId);
// Ensure the currentText is set correctly depending on the mode.
if (this.sCurrentText == '' && !this.bRichTextEnabled)
this.sCurrentText = getInnerHTML(this.oTextHandle).php_unhtmlspecialchars();
// Only try to do this if rich text is supported.
if (this.bRichTextPossible)
// Make the iframe itself, stick it next to the current text area, and give it an ID.
this.oFrameHandle = document.createElement('iframe');
this.oFrameHandle.src = 'about:blank';
this.oFrameHandle.id = 'html_' + this.opt.sUniqueId;
this.oFrameHandle.className = 'rich_editor_frame';
this.oFrameHandle.style.display = 'none';
this.oFrameHandle.style.margin = '0px';
this.oFrameHandle.tabIndex = this.oTextHandle.tabIndex;
// Create some handy shortcuts.
this.oFrameDocument = this.oFrameHandle.contentDocument ? this.oFrameHandle.contentDocument : ('contentWindow' in this.oFrameHandle ? this.oFrameHandle.contentWindow.document : this.oFrameHandle.document);
this.oFrameWindow = 'contentWindow' in this.oFrameHandle ? this.oFrameHandle.contentWindow : this.oFrameHandle.document.parentWindow;
// Create the debug window... and stick this under the main frame - make it invisible by default.
this.oBreadHandle = document.createElement('div');
this.oBreadHandle.id = 'bread_' . uid;
this.oBreadHandle.style.visibility = 'visible';
this.oBreadHandle.style.display = 'none';
// Size the iframe dimensions to something sensible.
this.oFrameHandle.style.width = this.sEditWidth;
this.oFrameHandle.style.height = this.sEditHeight;
this.oFrameHandle.style.visibility = 'visible';
// Only bother formatting the debug window if debug is enabled.
if (this.showDebug)
this.oBreadHandle.style.width = this.sEditWidth;
this.oBreadHandle.style.height = '20px';
this.oBreadHandle.className = 'windowbg2';
this.oBreadHandle.style.border = '1px black solid';
this.oBreadHandle.style.display = '';
// Populate the editor with nothing by default.
if (!is_opera95up)
// Right to left mode?
if (this.opt.bRTL)
this.oFrameDocument.dir = "rtl";
this.oFrameDocument.body.dir = "rtl";
// Mark it as editable...
if (this.oFrameDocument.body.contentEditable)
this.oFrameDocument.body.contentEditable = true;
this.oFrameHandle.style.display = '';
this.oFrameDocument.designMode = 'on';
this.oFrameHandle.style.display = 'none';
// Now we need to try and style the editor - internet explorer allows us to do the whole lot.
if (document.styleSheets['editor_css'] || document.styleSheets['editor_ie_css'])
var oMyStyle = this.oFrameDocument.createElement('style');
oMyStyle.styleSheet.cssText = document.styleSheets['editor_ie_css'] ? document.styleSheets['editor_ie_css'].cssText : document.styleSheets['editor_css'].cssText;
// Otherwise we seem to have to try to rip out each of the styles one by one!
else if (document.styleSheets.length)
var bFoundSomething = false;
// First we need to find the right style sheet.
for (var i = 0, iNumStyleSheets = document.styleSheets.length; i < iNumStyleSheets; i++)
// Start off looking for the right style sheet.
if (!document.styleSheets[i].href || document.styleSheets[i].href.indexOf('editor') < 1)
// Firefox won't allow us to get a CSS file which ain't in the right URL.
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules.length < 1)
catch (e)
// Manually try to find the rich_editor class.
for (var r = 0, iNumRules = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules.length; r < iNumRules; r++)
// Got the main editor?
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].selectorText == '.rich_editor')
// Set some possible styles.
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.color)
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.color = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.color;
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.backgroundColor)
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.backgroundColor = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.backgroundColor;
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.fontSize)
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.fontSize = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.fontSize;
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.fontFamily)
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.fontFamily = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.fontFamily;
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.border)
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.border = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.border;
bFoundSomething = true;
// The frame?
else if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].selectorText == '.rich_editor_frame')
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.border)
this.oFrameHandle.style.border = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[r].style.border;
// Didn't find it?
if (!bFoundSomething)
// Do something that is better than nothing.
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.color = 'black';
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.fontSize = '78%';
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.fontFamily = '"Verdana", "Arial", "Helvetica", "sans-serif"';
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.border = 'none';
this.oFrameHandle.style.border = '1px solid #808080';
if (is_opera)
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.height = '99%';
// Apply the class...
this.oFrameDocument.body.className = 'rich_editor';
// Set the frame padding/margin inside the editor.
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.padding = '1px';
this.oFrameDocument.body.style.margin = '0';
// Listen for input.
this.oFrameDocument.instanceRef = this;
this.oFrameHandle.instanceRef = this;
this.oTextHandle.instanceRef = this;
// Attach addEventListener for those browsers that don't support it.
// Attach functions to the key and mouse events.
this.oFrameDocument.addEventListener('keyup', this.aEventWrappers.editorKeyUp, true);
this.oFrameDocument.addEventListener('mouseup', this.aEventWrappers.editorKeyUp, true);
this.oFrameDocument.addEventListener('keydown', this.aEventWrappers.shortcutCheck, true);
this.oTextHandle.addEventListener('keydown', this.aEventWrappers.shortcutCheck, true);
if (is_ie)
this.oFrameDocument.addEventListener('blur', this.aEventWrappers.editorBlur, true);
this.oFrameDocument.addEventListener('focus', this.aEventWrappers.editorFocus, true);
// Show the iframe only if wysiwyrg is on - and hide the text area.
this.oTextHandle.style.display = this.bRichTextEnabled ? 'none' : '';
this.oFrameHandle.style.display = this.bRichTextEnabled ? '' : 'none';
this.oBreadHandle.style.display = this.bRichTextEnabled ? '' : 'none';
// If we can't do advanced stuff then just do the basics.
// Cannot have WYSIWYG anyway!
this.bRichTextEnabled = false;
// We need some of the event handlers.
// Make sure we set the message mode correctly.
document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId + '_mode').value = this.bRichTextEnabled ? 1 : 0;
// Show the resizer.
if (document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId + '_resizer') && (!is_opera || is_opera95up) && !(is_chrome && !this.bRichTextEnabled))
// Currently nothing is being resized...I assume!
window.smf_oCurrentResizeEditor = null;
this.oResizerElement = document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId + '_resizer');
this.oResizerElement.style.display = '';
this.oResizerElement.addEventListener('mousedown', this.aEventWrappers.startResize, false);
// Set the text - if WYSIWYG is enabled that is.
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
this.insertText(this.sCurrentText, true);
// Better make us the focus!
// Finally, register shortcuts.
// Return the current text.
smc_Editor.prototype.getText = function(bPrepareEntities, bModeOverride)
var bCurMode = typeof(bModeOverride) != 'undefined' ? bModeOverride : this.bRichTextEnabled;
if (!bCurMode || this.oFrameDocument == null)
var sText = this.oTextHandle.value;
if (bPrepareEntities)
sText = sText.replace(/</g, '#smlt#').replace(/>/g, '#smgt#').replace(/&/g, '#smamp#');
var sText = this.oFrameDocument.body.innerHTML;
if (bPrepareEntities)
sText = sText.replace(/</g, '#smlt#').replace(/>/g, '#smgt#').replace(/&/g, '#smamp#');
// Clean it up - including removing semi-colons.
if (bPrepareEntities)
sText = sText.replace(/ /g, ' ').replace(/;/g, '#smcol#');
// Return it.
return sText;
// Return the current text.
smc_Editor.prototype.unprotectText = function(sText)
var bCurMode = typeof(bModeOverride) != 'undefined' ? bModeOverride : this.bRichTextEnabled;
// This restores smlt, smgt and smamp into boring entities, to unprotect against XML'd information like quotes.
sText = sText.replace(/#smlt#/g, '<').replace(/#smgt#/g, '>').replace(/#smamp#/g, '&');
// Return it.
return sText;
smc_Editor.prototype.editorKeyUp = function()
// Rebuild the breadcrumb.
smc_Editor.prototype.editorBlur = function()
if (!is_ie)
// Need to do something here.
smc_Editor.prototype.editorFocus = function()
if (!is_ie)
// Need to do something here.
// Rebuild the breadcrumb etc - and set things to the correct context.
smc_Editor.prototype.updateEditorControls = function()
// Everything else is specific to HTML mode.
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
// Set none of the buttons active.
if (this.opt.oBBCBox)
var aCrumb = new Array();
var aAllCrumbs = new Array();
var iMaxLength = 6;
// What is the current element?
var oCurTag = this.getCurElement();
var i = 0;
while (typeof(oCurTag) == 'object' && oCurTag != null && oCurTag.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body' && i < iMaxLength)
aCrumb[i++] = oCurTag;
oCurTag = oCurTag.parentNode;
// Now print out the tree.
var sTree = '';
var sCurFontName = '';
var sCurFontSize = '';
var sCurFontColor = '';
for (var i = 0, iNumCrumbs = aCrumb.length; i < iNumCrumbs; i++)
var sCrumbName = aCrumb[i].nodeName.toLowerCase();
// Does it have an alternative name?
if (sCrumbName in this.breadCrumbNameTags)
sCrumbName = this.breadCrumbNameTags[sCrumbName];
// Don't bother with this...
else if (sCrumbName == 'p')
// A link?
else if (sCrumbName == 'a')
var sUrlInfo = aCrumb[i].getAttribute('href');
sCrumbName = 'url';
if (typeof(sUrlInfo) == 'string')
if (sUrlInfo.substr(0, 3) == 'ftp')
sCrumbName = 'ftp';
else if (sUrlInfo.substr(0, 6) == 'mailto')
sCrumbName = 'email';
else if (sCrumbName == 'span' || sCrumbName == 'div')
if (aCrumb[i].style)
for (var j = 0, iNumStyles = this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles.length; j < iNumStyles; j++)
// Do we have a font?
if (aCrumb[i].style.fontFamily && aCrumb[i].style.fontFamily != '' && sCurFontName == '')
sCurFontName = aCrumb[i].style.fontFamily;
sCrumbName = 'face';
// ... or a font size?
if (aCrumb[i].style.fontSize && aCrumb[i].style.fontSize != '' && sCurFontSize == '')
sCurFontSize = aCrumb[i].style.fontSize;
sCrumbName = 'size';
// ... even color?
if (aCrumb[i].style.color && aCrumb[i].style.color != '' && sCurFontColor == '')
sCurFontColor = aCrumb[i].style.color;
if (in_array(sCurFontColor, this.oFontColors))
sCurFontColor = array_search(sCurFontColor, this.oFontColors);
sCrumbName = 'color';
if (this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleType == 'text-align' && aCrumb[i].style.textAlign && aCrumb[i].style.textAlign == this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleValue)
sCrumbName = this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sBbcTag;
else if (this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleType == 'text-decoration' && aCrumb[i].style.textDecoration && aCrumb[i].style.textDecoration == this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleValue)
sCrumbName = this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sBbcTag;
else if (this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleType == 'font-weight' && aCrumb[i].style.fontWeight && aCrumb[i].style.fontWeight == this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleValue)
sCrumbName = this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sBbcTag;
else if (this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleType == 'font-style' && aCrumb[i].style.fontStyle && aCrumb[i].style.fontStyle == this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sStyleValue)
sCrumbName = this.aBreadCrumbNameStyles[j].sBbcTag;
// Do we have a font?
else if (sCrumbName == 'font')
if (aCrumb[i].getAttribute('face') && sCurFontName == '')
sCurFontName = aCrumb[i].getAttribute('face').toLowerCase();
sCrumbName = 'face';
if (aCrumb[i].getAttribute('size') && sCurFontSize == '')
sCurFontSize = aCrumb[i].getAttribute('size');
sCrumbName = 'size';
if (aCrumb[i].getAttribute('color') && sCurFontColor == '')
sCurFontColor = aCrumb[i].getAttribute('color');
if (in_array(sCurFontColor, this.oFontColors))
sCurFontColor = array_search(sCurFontColor, this.oFontColors);
sCrumbName = 'color';
// Something else - ignore.
if (sCrumbName == 'font')
sTree += (i != 0 ? ' <strong>></strong>' : '') + ' ' + sCrumbName;
aAllCrumbs[aAllCrumbs.length] = sCrumbName;
// Since we're in WYSIWYG state, show the toggle button as active.
aAllCrumbs[aAllCrumbs.length] = 'toggle';
// Try set the font boxes correct.
this.opt.oBBCBox.setSelect('sel_face', sCurFontName);
this.opt.oBBCBox.setSelect('sel_size', sCurFontSize);
this.opt.oBBCBox.setSelect('sel_color', sCurFontColor);
if (this.showDebug)
setInnerHTML(this.oBreadHandle, sTree);
// Set the HTML content to be that of the text box - if we are in wysiwyg mode.
smc_Editor.prototype.doSubmit = function()
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
this.oTextHandle.value = this.oFrameDocument.body.innerHTML;
// Populate the box with text.
smc_Editor.prototype.insertText = function(sText, bClear, bForceEntityReverse, iMoveCursorBack)
if (bForceEntityReverse)
sText = this.unprotectText(sText);
// Erase it all?
if (bClear)
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
// This includes a work around for FF to get the cursor to show!
this.oFrameDocument.body.innerHTML = sText;
// If FF trick the cursor into coming back!
if (is_ff || is_opera)
// For some entirely unknown reason FF3 Beta 2 and some Opera versions
// require this.
this.oFrameDocument.body.contentEditable = false;
this.oFrameDocument.designMode = 'off';
this.oFrameDocument.designMode = 'on';
this.oTextHandle.value = sText;
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
// IE croaks if you have an image selected and try to insert!
if ('selection' in this.oFrameDocument && this.oFrameDocument.selection.type != 'Text' && this.oFrameDocument.selection.type != 'None' && this.oFrameDocument.selection.clear)
var oRange = this.getRange();
if (oRange.pasteHTML)
// Do we want to move the cursor back at all?
if (iMoveCursorBack)
oRange.moveEnd('character', -iMoveCursorBack);
// If the cursor needs to be positioned, insert the last fragment first.
if (typeof(iMoveCursorBack) != 'undefined' && iMoveCursorBack > 0 && sText.length > iMoveCursorBack)
var oSelection = this.getSelect(false, false);
var oRange = oSelection.getRangeAt(0);
oRange.insertNode(this.oFrameDocument.createTextNode(sText.substr(sText.length - iMoveCursorBack)));
this.smf_execCommand('inserthtml', false, typeof(iMoveCursorBack) == 'undefined' ? sText : sText.substr(0, sText.length - iMoveCursorBack));
replaceText(sText, this.oTextHandle);
// Special handler for WYSIWYG.
smc_Editor.prototype.smf_execCommand = function(sCommand, bUi, sValue)
return this.oFrameDocument.execCommand(sCommand, bUi, sValue);
smc_Editor.prototype.insertSmiley = function(oSmileyProperties)
// In text mode we just add it in as we always did.
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
this.insertText(' ' + oSmileyProperties.sCode);
// Otherwise we need to do a whole image...
var iUniqueSmileyId = 1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
this.insertText('<img src="' + oSmileyProperties.sSrc + '" id="smiley_' + iUniqueSmileyId + '_' + oSmileyProperties.sSrc.replace(/^.*\//, '') + '" onresizestart="return false;" align="bottom" alt="" title="' + oSmileyProperties.sDescription.php_htmlspecialchars() + '" style="padding: 0 3px 0 3px;" />');
smc_Editor.prototype.handleButtonClick = function (oButtonProperties)
// A special SMF function?
if (oButtonProperties.sCode in this.oSmfExec)
// In text this is easy...
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
// Replace?
if (!('sAfter' in oButtonProperties) || oButtonProperties.sAfter == null)
replaceText(oButtonProperties.sBefore.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'), this.oTextHandle)
// Surround!
surroundText(oButtonProperties.sBefore.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'), oButtonProperties.sAfter.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'), this.oTextHandle)
// Is it easy?
if (oButtonProperties.sCode in this.oSimpleExec)
this.smf_execCommand(this.oSimpleExec[oButtonProperties.sCode], false, null);
// A link?
else if (oButtonProperties.sCode == 'url' || oButtonProperties.sCode == 'email' || oButtonProperties.sCode == 'ftp')
// Maybe an image?
else if (oButtonProperties.sCode == 'img')
// Everything else means doing something ourselves.
else if ('sBefore' in oButtonProperties)
this.insertCustomHTML(oButtonProperties.sBefore.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'), oButtonProperties.sAfter.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'));
// Finally set the focus.
// Changing a select box?
smc_Editor.prototype.handleSelectChange = function (oSelectProperties)
var sValue = oSelectProperties.oSelect.value;
if (sValue == '')
return true;
// Changing font face?
if (oSelectProperties.sName == 'sel_face')
// Not in HTML mode?
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
sValue = sValue.replace(/"/, '');
surroundText('[font=' + sValue + ']', '[/font]', this.oTextHandle);
oSelectProperties.oSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
if (is_webkit)
this.smf_execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, true);
this.smf_execCommand('fontname', false, sValue);
// Font size?
else if (oSelectProperties.sName == 'sel_size')
// Are we in boring mode?
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
surroundText('[size=' + this.aFontSizes[sValue] + 'pt]', '[/size]', this.oTextHandle);
oSelectProperties.oSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
this.smf_execCommand('fontsize', false, sValue);
// Or color even?
else if (oSelectProperties.sName == 'sel_color')
// Are we in boring mode?
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
surroundText('[color=' + sValue + ']', '[/color]', this.oTextHandle);
oSelectProperties.oSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
this.smf_execCommand('forecolor', false, sValue);
else if (oSelectProperties.sName == 'sel_code')
// Are we in boring mode?
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
surroundText('[code=' + sValue + ']', '[/code]', this.oTextHandle);
oSelectProperties.oSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
return true;
// Put in some custom HTML.
smc_Editor.prototype.insertCustomHTML = function(sLeftTag, sRightTag)
var sSelection = this.getSelect(true, true);
if (sSelection.length == 0)
sSelection = '';
// Are we overwriting?
if (sRightTag == '')
// If something was selected, replace and position cursor at the end of it.
else if (sSelection.length > 0)
this.insertText(sLeftTag + sSelection + sRightTag, false, false, 0);
// Wrap the tags around the cursor position.
this.insertText(sLeftTag + sRightTag, false, false, sRightTag.length);
// Insert a URL link.
smc_Editor.prototype.insertLink = function(sType)
if (sType == 'email')
var sPromptText = oEditorStrings['prompt_text_email'];
else if (sType == 'ftp')
var sPromptText = oEditorStrings['prompt_text_ftp'];
var sPromptText = oEditorStrings['prompt_text_url'];
// IE has a nice prompt for this - others don't.
if (sType != 'email' && sType != 'ftp' && is_ie)
this.smf_execCommand('createlink', true, 'http://');
// Ask them where to link to.
var sText = prompt(sPromptText, sType == 'email' ? '' : (sType == 'ftp' ? 'ftp://' : 'http://'));
if (!sText)
if (sType == 'email' && sText.indexOf('mailto:') != 0)
sText = 'mailto:' + sText;
// Check if we have text selected and if not force us to have some.
var oCurText = this.getSelect(true, true);
if (oCurText.toString().length != 0)
this.smf_execCommand('createlink', false, sText);
this.insertText('<a href="' + sText + '">' + sText + '</a>');
smc_Editor.prototype.insertImage = function(sSrc)
if (!sSrc)
sSrc = prompt(oEditorStrings['prompt_text_img'], 'http://');
if (!sSrc || sSrc.length < 10)
this.smf_execCommand('insertimage', false, sSrc);
smc_Editor.prototype.getSelect = function(bWantText, bWantHTMLText)
if (is_ie && 'selection' in this.oFrameDocument)
// Just want plain text?
if (bWantText && !bWantHTMLText)
return this.oFrameDocument.selection.createRange().text;
// We want the HTML flavoured variety?
else if (bWantHTMLText)
return this.oFrameDocument.selection.createRange().htmlText;
return this.oFrameDocument.selection;
// This is mainly Firefox.
if ('getSelection' in this.oFrameWindow)
// Plain text?
if (bWantText && !bWantHTMLText)
return this.oFrameWindow.getSelection().toString();
// HTML is harder - currently using: http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/32427
else if (bWantHTMLText)
var oSelection = this.oFrameWindow.getSelection();
if (oSelection.rangeCount > 0)
var oRange = oSelection.getRangeAt(0);
var oClonedSelection = oRange.cloneContents();
var oDiv = this.oFrameDocument.createElement('div');
return oDiv.innerHTML;
return '';
// Want the whole object then.
return this.oFrameWindow.getSelection();
// If we're here it's not good.
return this.oFrameDocument.getSelection();
smc_Editor.prototype.getRange = function()
// Get the current selection.
var oSelection = this.getSelect();
if (!oSelection)
return null;
if (is_ie && oSelection.createRange)
return oSelection.createRange();
return oSelection.rangeCount == 0 ? null : oSelection.getRangeAt(0);
// Get the current element.
smc_Editor.prototype.getCurElement = function()
var oRange = this.getRange();
if (!oRange)
return null;
if (is_ie)
if (oRange.item)
return oRange.item(0);
return oRange.parentElement();
var oElement = oRange.commonAncestorContainer;
return this.getParentElement(oElement);
smc_Editor.prototype.getParentElement = function(oNode)
if (oNode.nodeType == 1)
return oNode;
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
if (!oNode.parentNode)
oNode = oNode.parentNode;
if (oNode.nodeType == 1)
return oNode;
return null;
// Remove formatting for the selected text.
smc_Editor.prototype.removeFormatting = function()
// Do both at once.
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
// Otherwise do a crude move indeed.
// Get the current selection first.
if (this.oTextHandle.caretPos)
var sCurrentText = this.oTextHandle.caretPos.text;
else if ('selectionStart' in this.oTextHandle)
var sCurrentText = this.oTextHandle.value.substr(this.oTextHandle.selectionStart, (this.oTextHandle.selectionEnd - this.oTextHandle.selectionStart));
// Do bits that are likely to have attributes.
sCurrentText = sCurrentText.replace(RegExp("\\[/?(url|img|iurl|ftp|email|img|color|font|size|list|bdo).*?\\]", "g"), '');
// Then just anything that looks like BBC.
sCurrentText = sCurrentText.replace(RegExp("\\[/?[A-Za-z]+\\]", "g"), '');
replaceText(sCurrentText, this.oTextHandle);
// Toggle wysiwyg/normal mode.
smc_Editor.prototype.toggleView = function(bView)
if (!this.bRichTextPossible)
return false;
// Overriding or alternating?
if (typeof(bView) == 'undefined')
bView = !this.bRichTextEnabled;
return true;
// Request the message in a different form.
smc_Editor.prototype.requestParsedMessage = function(bView)
// Replace with a force reload.
if (!window.XMLHttpRequest)
// Get the text.
var sText = this.getText(true, !bView).replace(/&#/g, "&#").php_to8bit().php_urlencode();
this.tmpMethod = sendXMLDocument;
this.tmpMethod(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=jseditor;view=' + (bView ? 1 : 0) + ';' + this.opt.sSessionVar + '=' + this.opt.sSessionId + ';xml', 'message=' + sText, this.onToggleDataReceived);
delete tmpMethod;
smc_Editor.prototype.onToggleDataReceived = function(oXMLDoc)
var sText = '';
for (var i = 0; i < oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].childNodes.length; i++)
sText += oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].childNodes[i].nodeValue;
// What is this new view we have?
this.bRichTextEnabled = oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].getAttribute('view') != '0';
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
this.oFrameHandle.style.display = '';
if (this.showDebug)
this.oBreadHandle.style.display = '';
this.oTextHandle.style.display = 'none';
sText = sText.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/&/g, '&');
this.oFrameHandle.style.display = 'none';
this.oBreadHandle.style.display = 'none';
this.oTextHandle.style.display = '';
// First we focus.
this.insertText(sText, true);
// Record the new status.
document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId + '_mode').value = this.bRichTextEnabled ? '1' : '0';
// Rebuild the bread crumb!
// Set the focus for the editing window.
smc_Editor.prototype.setFocus = function(force_both)
if (!this.bRichTextEnabled)
else if (is_ff || is_opera)
// Start up the spellchecker!
smc_Editor.prototype.spellCheckStart = function()
if (!spellCheck)
return false;
// If we're in HTML mode we need to get the non-HTML text.
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
var sText = escape(this.getText(true, 1).php_to8bit());
this.tmpMethod = sendXMLDocument;
this.tmpMethod(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=jseditor;view=0;' + this.opt.sSessionVar + '=' + this.opt.sSessionId + ';xml', 'message=' + sText, this.onSpellCheckDataReceived);
delete tmpMethod;
// Otherwise start spellchecking right away.
spellCheck(this.sFormId, this.opt.sUniqueId);
return true;
// This contains the spellcheckable text.
smc_Editor.prototype.onSpellCheckDataReceived = function(oXMLDoc)
var sText = '';
for (var i = 0; i < oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].childNodes.length; i++)
sText += oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].childNodes[i].nodeValue;
sText = sText.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/&/g, '&');
this.oTextHandle.value = sText;
spellCheck(this.sFormId, this.opt.sUniqueId);
// Function called when the Spellchecker is finished and ready to pass back.
smc_Editor.prototype.spellCheckEnd = function()
// If HTML edit put the text back!
if (this.bRichTextEnabled)
var sText = escape(this.getText(true, 0).php_to8bit());
this.tmpMethod = sendXMLDocument;
this.tmpMethod(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=jseditor;view=1;' + this.opt.sSessionVar + '=' + this.opt.sSessionId + ';xml', 'message=' + sText, smf_editorArray[this.iArrayPosition].onSpellCheckCompleteDataReceived);
delete tmpMethod;
// The corrected text.
smc_Editor.prototype.onSpellCheckCompleteDataReceived = function(oXMLDoc)
var sText = '';
for (var i = 0; i < oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].childNodes.length; i++)
sText += oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('message')[0].childNodes[i].nodeValue;
this.insertText(sText, true);
smc_Editor.prototype.resizeTextArea = function(newHeight, newWidth, is_change)
// Work out what the new height is.
if (is_change)
// We'll assume pixels but may not be.
newHeight = this._calculateNewDimension(this.oTextHandle.style.height, newHeight);
if (newWidth)
newWidth = this._calculateNewDimension(this.oTextHandle.style.width, newWidth);
// Do the HTML editor - but only if it's enabled!
if (this.bRichTextPossible)
this.oFrameHandle.style.height = newHeight;
if (newWidth)
this.oFrameHandle.style.width = newWidth;
// Do the text box regardless!
this.oTextHandle.style.height = newHeight;
if (newWidth)
this.oTextHandle.style.width = newWidth;
// A utility instruction to save repetition when trying to work out what to change on a height/width.
smc_Editor.prototype._calculateNewDimension = function(old_size, change_size)
// We'll assume pixels but may not be.
changeReg = change_size.toString().match(/(-)?(\d+)(\D*)/);
curReg = old_size.toString().match(/(\d+)(\D*)/);
if (!changeReg[3])
changeReg[3] = 'px';
if (changeReg[1] == '-')
changeReg[2] = 0 - changeReg[2];
// Both the same type?
if (changeReg[3] == curReg[2])
new_size = parseInt(changeReg[2]) + parseInt(curReg[1]);
if (new_size < 50)
new_size = 50;
new_size = new_size.toString() + changeReg[3];
// Is the change a percentage?
else if (changeReg[3] == '%')
new_size = (parseInt(curReg[1]) + parseInt((parseInt(changeReg[2]) * parseInt(curReg[1])) / 100)).toString() + 'px';
// Otherwise just guess!
new_size = (parseInt(curReg[1]) + (parseInt(changeReg[2]) / 10)).toString() + '%';
return new_size;
// Register default keyboard shortcuts.
smc_Editor.prototype.registerDefaultShortcuts = function()
if (is_ff)
this.registerShortcut('b', 'ctrl', 'b');
this.registerShortcut('u', 'ctrl', 'u');
this.registerShortcut('i', 'ctrl', 'i');
this.registerShortcut('p', 'alt', 'preview');
this.registerShortcut('s', 'alt', 'submit');
// Register a keyboard shortcut.
smc_Editor.prototype.registerShortcut = function(sLetter, sModifiers, sCodeName)
if (!sCodeName)
var oNewShortcut = {
code : sCodeName,
key: sLetter.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0),
alt : false,
ctrl : false
var aSplitModifiers = sModifiers.split(',');
for(var i = 0, n = aSplitModifiers.length; i < n; i++)
if (aSplitModifiers[i] in oNewShortcut)
oNewShortcut[aSplitModifiers[i]] = true;
this.aKeyboardShortcuts[this.aKeyboardShortcuts.length] = oNewShortcut;
// Check whether the key has triggered a shortcut?
smc_Editor.prototype.checkShortcut = function(oEvent)
// To be a shortcut it needs to be one of these, duh!
if (!oEvent.altKey && !oEvent.ctrlKey)
return false;
var sReturnCode = false;
// Let's take a look at each of our shortcuts shall we?
for (var i = 0, n = this.aKeyboardShortcuts.length; i < n; i++)
// Found something?
if (oEvent.altKey == this.aKeyboardShortcuts[i].alt && oEvent.ctrlKey == this.aKeyboardShortcuts[i].ctrl && oEvent.keyCode == this.aKeyboardShortcuts[i].key)
sReturnCode = this.aKeyboardShortcuts[i].code;
return sReturnCode;
// The actual event check for the above!
smc_Editor.prototype.shortcutCheck = function(oEvent)
var sFoundCode = this.checkShortcut(oEvent);
// Run it and exit.
if (typeof(sFoundCode) == 'string' && sFoundCode != '')
var bCancelEvent = false;
if (sFoundCode == 'submit')
// So much to do!
var oForm = document.getElementById(this.sFormId);
smc_saveEntities(oForm.name, ['subject', this.opt.sUniqueId, 'guestname', 'evtitle', 'question']);
bCancelEvent = true;
else if (sFoundCode == 'preview')
bCancelEvent = true;
bCancelEvent = this.opt.oBBCBox.emulateClick(sFoundCode);
if (bCancelEvent)
if (is_ie && oEvent.cancelBubble)
oEvent.cancelBubble = true;
else if (oEvent.stopPropagation)
return false;
return true;
// This is the method called after clicking the resize bar.
smc_Editor.prototype.startResize = function(oEvent)
if ('event' in window)
oEvent = window.event;
if (!oEvent || window.smf_oCurrentResizeEditor != null)
return true;
window.smf_oCurrentResizeEditor = this.iArrayPosition;
var aCurCoordinates = smf_mousePose(oEvent);
this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.old_y = aCurCoordinates[1];
this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.old_rel_y = null;
this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.cur_height = parseInt(this.oTextHandle.style.height);
// Set the necessary events for resizing.
var oResizeEntity = is_ie ? document : window;
oResizeEntity.addEventListener('mousemove', this.aEventWrappers.resizeOverDocument, false);
if (this.bRichTextPossible)
this.oFrameDocument.addEventListener('mousemove', this.aEventWrappers.resizeOverIframe, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.aEventWrappers.endResize, true);
if (this.bRichTextPossible)
this.oFrameDocument.addEventListener('mouseup', this.aEventWrappers.endResize, true);
return false;
// This is kind of a cheat, as it only works over the IFRAME.
smc_Editor.prototype.resizeOverIframe = function(oEvent)
if ('event' in window)
oEvent = window.event;
if (!oEvent || window.smf_oCurrentResizeEditor == null)
return true;
var newCords = smf_mousePose(oEvent);
if (this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.old_rel_y == null)
this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.old_rel_y = newCords[1];
var iNewHeight = newCords[1] - this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.old_rel_y + this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.cur_height;
if (iNewHeight < 0)
this.resizeTextArea(iNewHeight + 'px', 0, false);
return false;
// This resizes an editor.
smc_Editor.prototype.resizeOverDocument = function (oEvent)
if ('event' in window)
oEvent = window.event;
if (!oEvent || window.smf_oCurrentResizeEditor == null)
return true;
var newCords = smf_mousePose(oEvent);
var iNewHeight = newCords[1] - this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.old_y + this.osmc_EditorCurrentResize.cur_height;
if (iNewHeight < 0)
this.resizeTextArea(iNewHeight + 'px', 0, false);
return false;
smc_Editor.prototype.endResize = function (oEvent)
if ('event' in window)
oEvent = window.event;
if (window.smf_oCurrentResizeEditor == null)
return true;
window.smf_oCurrentResizeEditor = null;
// Remove the event...
var oResizeEntity = is_ie ? document : window;
oResizeEntity.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.aEventWrappers.resizeOverDocument, false);
if (this.bRichTextPossible)
this.oFrameDocument.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.aEventWrappers.resizeOverIframe, false);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.aEventWrappers.endResize, true);
if (this.bRichTextPossible)
this.oFrameDocument.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.aEventWrappers.endResize, true);
return false;
// *** smc_SmileyBox class.
function smc_SmileyBox(oOptions)
this.opt = oOptions;
this.oSmileyRowsContent = {};
this.oSmileyPopupWindow = null;
smc_SmileyBox.prototype.init = function ()
// Get the HTML content of the smileys visible on the post screen.
// Inject the HTML.
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById(this.opt.sContainerDiv), this.opt.sSmileyBoxTemplate.easyReplace({
smileyRows: this.oSmileyRowsContent.postform,
moreSmileys: this.opt.oSmileyLocations.popup.length == 0 ? '' : this.opt.sMoreSmileysTemplate.easyReplace({
moreSmileysId: this.opt.sUniqueId + '_addMoreSmileys'
// Initialize the smileys.
this.initSmileys('postform', document);
// Initialize the [more] button.
if (this.opt.oSmileyLocations.popup.length > 0)
var oMoreLink = document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId + '_addMoreSmileys');
oMoreLink.instanceRef = this;
oMoreLink.onclick = function () {
return false;
// Loop through the smileys to setup the HTML.
smc_SmileyBox.prototype.getSmileyRowsContent = function (sLocation)
// If it's already defined, don't bother.
if (sLocation in this.oSmileyRowsContent)
this.oSmileyRowsContent[sLocation] = '';
for (var iSmileyRowIndex = 0, iSmileyRowCount = this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation].length; iSmileyRowIndex < iSmileyRowCount; iSmileyRowIndex++)
var sSmileyRowContent = '';
for (var iSmileyIndex = 0, iSmileyCount = this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation][iSmileyRowIndex].length; iSmileyIndex < iSmileyCount; iSmileyIndex++)
sSmileyRowContent += this.opt.sSmileyTemplate.easyReplace({
smileySource: this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation][iSmileyRowIndex][iSmileyIndex].sSrc.php_htmlspecialchars(),
smileyDescription: this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation][iSmileyRowIndex][iSmileyIndex].sDescription.php_htmlspecialchars(),
smileyCode: this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation][iSmileyRowIndex][iSmileyIndex].sCode.php_htmlspecialchars(),
smileyId: this.opt.sUniqueId + '_' + sLocation + '_' + iSmileyRowIndex.toString() + '_' + iSmileyIndex.toString()
this.oSmileyRowsContent[sLocation] += this.opt.sSmileyRowTemplate.easyReplace({
smileyRow: sSmileyRowContent
smc_SmileyBox.prototype.initSmileys = function (sLocation, oDocument)
for (var iSmileyRowIndex = 0, iSmileyRowCount = this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation].length; iSmileyRowIndex < iSmileyRowCount; iSmileyRowIndex++)
for (var iSmileyIndex = 0, iSmileyCount = this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation][iSmileyRowIndex].length; iSmileyIndex < iSmileyCount; iSmileyIndex++)
var oSmiley = oDocument.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId + '_' + sLocation + '_' + iSmileyRowIndex.toString() + '_' + iSmileyIndex.toString());
oSmiley.instanceRef = this;
oSmiley.style.cursor = 'pointer';
oSmiley.onclick = function () {
return false;
smc_SmileyBox.prototype.clickHandler = function (oSmileyImg)
// Dissect the id...
var aMatches = oSmileyImg.id.match(/([^_]+)_(\d+)_(\d+)$/);
if (aMatches.length != 4)
return false;
// ...to determine its exact smiley properties.
var sLocation = aMatches[1];
var iSmileyRowIndex = aMatches[2];
var iSmileyIndex = aMatches[3];
var oProperties = this.opt.oSmileyLocations[sLocation][iSmileyRowIndex][iSmileyIndex];
if ('sClickHandler' in this.opt)
eval(this.opt.sClickHandler + '(oProperties)');
return false;
smc_SmileyBox.prototype.handleShowMoreSmileys = function ()
// Focus the window if it's already opened.
if (this.oSmileyPopupWindow != null && 'closed' in this.oSmileyPopupWindow && !this.oSmileyPopupWindow.closed)
// Get the smiley HTML.
// Open the popup.
this.oSmileyPopupWindow = window.open('about:blank', this.opt.sUniqueId + '_addMoreSmileysPopup', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=480,height=220,resizable=yes');
// Paste the template in the popup.
this.oSmileyPopupWindow.document.open('text/html', 'replace');
smileyRows: this.oSmileyRowsContent.popup,
moreSmileysCloseLinkId: this.opt.sUniqueId + '_closeMoreSmileys'
// Initialize the smileys that are in the popup window.
this.initSmileys('popup', this.oSmileyPopupWindow.document);
// Add a function to the close window button.
var aCloseLink = this.oSmileyPopupWindow.document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId + '_closeMoreSmileys');
aCloseLink.instanceRef = this;
aCloseLink.onclick = function () {
return false;
// *** smc_BBCButtonBox class.
function smc_BBCButtonBox(oOptions)
this.opt = oOptions;
var items = ['sActiveButtonBackgroundImageHover', 'sActiveButtonBackgroundImage', 'sButtonBackgroundImageHover', 'sButtonBackgroundImage'];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
if (items[i] in this.opt)
this.opt[items[i]] = this.opt[items[i]].replace(' ', '%20');
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.init = function ()
var sBbcContent = '';
for (var iButtonRowIndex = 0, iRowCount = this.opt.aButtonRows.length; iButtonRowIndex < iRowCount; iButtonRowIndex++)
var sRowContent = '';
var bPreviousWasDivider = false;
for (var iButtonIndex = 0, iButtonCount = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex].length; iButtonIndex < iButtonCount; iButtonIndex++)
var oCurButton = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex][iButtonIndex];
switch (oCurButton.sType)
case 'button':
if (oCurButton.bEnabled)
sRowContent += this.opt.sButtonTemplate.easyReplace({
buttonId: this.opt.sUniqueId.php_htmlspecialchars() + '_button_' + iButtonRowIndex.toString() + '_' + iButtonIndex.toString(),
buttonSrc: oCurButton.sImage.php_htmlspecialchars(),
buttonDescription: oCurButton.sDescription.php_htmlspecialchars()
bPreviousWasDivider = false;
case 'divider':
if (!bPreviousWasDivider)
sRowContent += this.opt.sDividerTemplate;
bPreviousWasDivider = true;
case 'select':
var sOptions = '';
// Fighting javascript's idea of order in a for loop... :P
if ('' in oCurButton.oOptions)
sOptions = '<option value="">' + oCurButton.oOptions[''].php_htmlspecialchars() + '</option>';
for (var sSelectValue in oCurButton.oOptions)
// we've been through this before
if (sSelectValue != '')
sOptions += '<option value="' + sSelectValue.php_htmlspecialchars() + '">' + oCurButton.oOptions[sSelectValue].php_htmlspecialchars() + '</option>';
sRowContent += this.opt.sSelectTemplate.easyReplace({
selectName: oCurButton.sName,
selectId: this.opt.sUniqueId.php_htmlspecialchars() + '_select_' + iButtonRowIndex.toString() + '_' + iButtonIndex.toString(),
selectOptions: sOptions
bPreviousWasDivider = false;
sBbcContent += this.opt.sButtonRowTemplate.easyReplace({
buttonRow: sRowContent
var oBbcContainer = document.getElementById(this.opt.sContainerDiv);
setInnerHTML(oBbcContainer, sBbcContent);
for (var iButtonRowIndex = 0, iRowCount = this.opt.aButtonRows.length; iButtonRowIndex < iRowCount; iButtonRowIndex++)
for (var iButtonIndex = 0, iButtonCount = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex].length; iButtonIndex < iButtonCount; iButtonIndex++)
var oCurControl = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex][iButtonIndex];
switch (oCurControl.sType)
case 'button':
if (!oCurControl.bEnabled)
oCurControl.oImg = document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId.php_htmlspecialchars() + '_button_' + iButtonRowIndex.toString() + '_' + iButtonIndex.toString());
oCurControl.oImg.style.cursor = 'pointer';
if ('sButtonBackgroundImage' in this.opt)
oCurControl.oImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + this.opt.sButtonBackgroundImage + ')';
oCurControl.oImg.instanceRef = this;
oCurControl.oImg.onmouseover = function () {
oCurControl.oImg.onmouseout = function () {
oCurControl.oImg.onclick = function () {
oCurControl.oImg.bIsActive = false;
oCurControl.oImg.bHover = false;
case 'select':
oCurControl.oSelect = document.getElementById(this.opt.sUniqueId.php_htmlspecialchars() + '_select_' + iButtonRowIndex.toString() + '_' + iButtonIndex.toString());
oCurControl.oSelect.instanceRef = this;
oCurControl.oSelect.onchange = oCurControl.onchange = function () {
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.handleButtonMouseOver = function (oButtonImg)
oButtonImg.bHover = true;
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.handleButtonMouseOut = function (oButtonImg)
oButtonImg.bHover = false;
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.updateButtonStatus = function (oButtonImg)
var sNewURL = '';
if (oButtonImg.bHover && oButtonImg.bIsActive && 'sActiveButtonBackgroundImageHover' in this.opt)
sNewURL = 'url(' + this.opt.sActiveButtonBackgroundImageHover + ')';
else if (!oButtonImg.bHover && oButtonImg.bIsActive && 'sActiveButtonBackgroundImage' in this.opt)
sNewURL = 'url(' + this.opt.sActiveButtonBackgroundImage + ')';
else if (oButtonImg.bHover && 'sButtonBackgroundImageHover' in this.opt)
sNewURL = 'url(' + this.opt.sButtonBackgroundImageHover + ')';
else if ('sButtonBackgroundImage' in this.opt)
sNewURL = 'url(' + this.opt.sButtonBackgroundImage + ')';
if (oButtonImg.style.backgroundImage != sNewURL)
oButtonImg.style.backgroundImage = sNewURL;
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.handleButtonClick = function (oButtonImg)
// Dissect the id attribute...
var aMatches = oButtonImg.id.match(/(\d+)_(\d+)$/);
if (aMatches.length != 3)
return false;
// ...so that we can point to the exact button.
var iButtonRowIndex = aMatches[1];
var iButtonIndex = aMatches[2];
var oProperties = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex][iButtonIndex];
oProperties.bIsActive = oButtonImg.bIsActive;
if ('sButtonClickHandler' in this.opt)
eval(this.opt.sButtonClickHandler + '(oProperties)');
return false;
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.handleSelectChange = function (oSelectControl)
// Dissect the id attribute...
var aMatches = oSelectControl.id.match(/(\d+)_(\d+)$/);
if (aMatches.length != 3)
return false;
// ...so that we can point to the exact button.
var iButtonRowIndex = aMatches[1];
var iButtonIndex = aMatches[2];
var oProperties = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex][iButtonIndex];
if ('sSelectChangeHandler' in this.opt)
eval(this.opt.sSelectChangeHandler + '(oProperties)');
return true;
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.setActive = function (aButtons)
for (var iButtonRowIndex = 0, iRowCount = this.opt.aButtonRows.length; iButtonRowIndex < iRowCount; iButtonRowIndex++)
for (var iButtonIndex = 0, iButtonCount = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex].length; iButtonIndex < iButtonCount; iButtonIndex++)
var oCurControl = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex][iButtonIndex];
if (oCurControl.sType == 'button' && oCurControl.bEnabled)
oCurControl.oImg.bIsActive = in_array(oCurControl.sCode, aButtons);
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.emulateClick = function (sCode)
for (var iButtonRowIndex = 0, iRowCount = this.opt.aButtonRows.length; iButtonRowIndex < iRowCount; iButtonRowIndex++)
for (var iButtonIndex = 0, iButtonCount = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex].length; iButtonIndex < iButtonCount; iButtonIndex++)
var oCurControl = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex][iButtonIndex];
if (oCurControl.sType == 'button' && oCurControl.sCode == sCode)
eval(this.opt.sButtonClickHandler + '(oCurControl)');
return true;
return false;
smc_BBCButtonBox.prototype.setSelect = function (sSelectName, sValue)
if (!('sButtonClickHandler' in this.opt))
for (var iButtonRowIndex = 0, iRowCount = this.opt.aButtonRows.length; iButtonRowIndex < iRowCount; iButtonRowIndex++)
for (var iButtonIndex = 0, iButtonCount = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex].length; iButtonIndex < iButtonCount; iButtonIndex++)
var oCurControl = this.opt.aButtonRows[iButtonRowIndex][iButtonIndex];
if (oCurControl.sType == 'select' && oCurControl.sName == sSelectName)
oCurControl.oSelect.value = sValue;