function smf_NewsFader(oOptions) { this.opt = oOptions; this.oFaderHandle = document.getElementById(this.opt.sFaderControlId); // Fade from... what text color? Default to black. this.oFadeFrom = 'oFadeFrom' in this.opt ? this.opt.oFadeFrom : { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }; // To which background color? Default to white. this.oFadeTo = 'oFadeTo' in this.opt ? this.opt.oFadeTo : { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }; // Surround each item with... anything special? this.sItemTemplate = 'sItemTemplate' in this.opt ? this.opt.sItemTemplate : '%1$s'; // Fade delay (in milliseconds). this.iFadeDelay = 'iFadeDelay' in this.opt ? this.opt.iFadeDelay : 5000; // The array that contains all the lines of the news for display. this.aFaderItems = 'aFaderItems' in this.opt ? this.opt.aFaderItems : []; // Should we look for fader data, still? this.bReceivedItemsOnConstruction = 'aFaderItems' in this.opt; // The current item in smfFadeContent. this.iFadeIndex = -1; // Percent of fade (-64 to 510). this.iFadePercent = 510 // Direction (in or out). this.bFadeSwitch = false; // Just make sure the page is loaded before calling the init. setTimeout(this.opt.sSelf + '.init();', 1); } smf_NewsFader.prototype.init = function init() { var oForeEl, oForeColor, oBackEl, oBackColor; // Try to find the fore- and background colors. if ('currentStyle' in this.oFaderHandle) { oForeColor = this.oFaderHandle.currentStyle.color.match(/#([\da-f][\da-f])([\da-f][\da-f])([\da-f][\da-f])/); this.oFadeFrom = { r: parseInt(oForeColor[1]), g: parseInt(oForeColor[2]), b: parseInt(oForeColor[3]) }; oBackEl = this.oFaderHandle; while (oBackEl.currentStyle.backgroundColor == 'transparent' && 'parentNode' in oBackEl) oBackEl = oBackEl.parentNode; oBackColor = oBackEl.currentStyle.backgroundColor.match(/#([\da-f][\da-f])([\da-f][\da-f])([\da-f][\da-f])/); this.oFadeTo = { r: eval('0x' + oBackColor[1]), g: eval('0x' + oBackColor[2]), b: eval('0x' + oBackColor[3]) }; } else if (!('opera' in window) && 'defaultView' in document) { oForeEl = this.oFaderHandle; while (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oForeEl, null).getPropertyCSSValue('color') == null && 'parentNode' in oForeEl && 'tagName' in oForeEl.parentNode) oForeEl = oForeEl.parentNode; oForeColor = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oForeEl, null).getPropertyValue('color').match(/rgb\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)/); this.oFadeFrom = { r: parseInt(oForeColor[1]), g: parseInt(oForeColor[2]), b: parseInt(oForeColor[3]) }; oBackEl = this.oFaderHandle; while (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oBackEl, null).getPropertyCSSValue('background-color') == null && 'parentNode' in oBackEl && 'tagName' in oBackEl.parentNode) oBackEl = oBackEl.parentNode; oBackColor = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oBackEl, null).getPropertyValue('background-color'); this.oFadeTo = { r: parseInt(oBackColor[1]), g: parseInt(oBackColor[2]), b: parseInt(oBackColor[3]) }; } // Did we get our fader items on construction, or should we be gathering them instead? if (!this.bReceivedItemsOnConstruction) { // Get the news from the list in boardindex var oNewsItems = this.oFaderHandle.getElementsByTagName('li'); // Fill the array that has previously been created for (var i = 0, n = oNewsItems.length; i < n; i ++) this.aFaderItems[i] = oNewsItems[i].innerHTML; } // The ranges to fade from for R, G, and B. (how far apart they are.) this.oFadeRange = { 'r': this.oFadeFrom.r - this.oFadeTo.r, 'g': this.oFadeFrom.g - this.oFadeTo.g, 'b': this.oFadeFrom.b - this.oFadeTo.b }; // Divide by 20 because we are doing it 20 times per one ms. this.iFadeDelay /= 20; // Start the fader! window.setTimeout(this.opt.sSelf + '.fade();', 20); } // Main fading function... called 50 times every second. smf_NewsFader.prototype.fade = function fade() { if (this.aFaderItems.length <= 1) return; // A fix for Internet Explorer 4: wait until the document is loaded so we can use setInnerHTML(). if ('readyState' in document && document.readyState != 'complete') { window.setTimeout(this.opt.sSelf + '.fade();', 20); return; } // Starting out? Set up the first item. if (this.iFadeIndex == -1) { setInnerHTML(this.oFaderHandle, this.sItemTemplate.replace('%1$s', this.aFaderItems[0])); this.iFadeIndex = 1; // In Mozilla, text jumps around from this when 1 or 0.5, etc... if ('MozOpacity' in = '0.90'; else if ('opacity' in = '0.90'; // In Internet Explorer, we have to define this to use it. else if ('filter' in = 'alpha(opacity=100)'; } // Are we already done fading in? If so, fade out. if (this.iFadePercent >= 510) this.bFadeSwitch = !this.bFadeSwitch; // All the way faded out? else if (this.iFadePercent <= -64) { this.bFadeSwitch = !this.bFadeSwitch; // Go to the next item, or first if we're out of items. setInnerHTML(this.oFaderHandle, this.sItemTemplate.replace('%1$s', this.aFaderItems[this.iFadeIndex ++])); if (this.iFadeIndex >= this.aFaderItems.length) this.iFadeIndex = 0; } // Increment or decrement the fade percentage. if (this.bFadeSwitch) this.iFadePercent -= 255 / this.iFadeDelay * 2; else this.iFadePercent += 255 / this.iFadeDelay * 2; // If it's not outside 0 and 256... (otherwise it's just delay time.) if (this.iFadePercent < 256 && this.iFadePercent > 0) { // Easier... also faster... var tempPercent = this.iFadePercent / 255, rounded; if ('MozOpacity' in { rounded = Math.round(tempPercent * 100) / 100; = rounded == 1 ? '0.99' : rounded; } else if ('opacity' in { rounded = Math.round(tempPercent * 100) / 100; = rounded == 1 ? '0.99' : rounded; } else { var done = false; if ('alpha' in this.oFaderHandle.filters) { try { this.oFaderHandle.filters.alpha.opacity = Math.round(tempPercent * 100); done = true; } catch (err) { } } if (!done) { // Get the new R, G, and B. (it should be bottom + (range of color * percent)...) var r = Math.ceil(this.oFadeTo.r + this.oFadeRange.r * tempPercent); var g = Math.ceil(this.oFadeTo.g + this.oFadeRange.g * tempPercent); var b = Math.ceil(this.oFadeTo.b + this.oFadeRange.b * tempPercent); // Set the color in the style, thereby fading it. = 'rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')'; } } } // Keep going. window.setTimeout(this.opt.sSelf + '.fade();', 20); }