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// These are variables the popup is going to want to access...
var spell_formname, spell_fieldname;
// Spell check the specified field in the specified form.
function spellCheck(formName, fieldName)
// Grab the (hidden) spell checking form.
var spellform = document.forms.spell_form;
// Register the name of the editing form for future reference.
spell_formname = formName;
spell_fieldname = fieldName;
// This should match a word (most of the time).
var regexpWordMatch = /(?:<[^>]+>)|(?:\[[^ ][^\]]*\])|(?:&[^; ]+;)|(?:[^0-9\s\]\[{};:"\\|,<.>\/?`~!@#$%^&*()_+=]+)/g;
// These characters can appear within words.
var aWordCharacters = ['-', '\''];
var aWords = new Array(), aResult = new Array();
var sText = document.forms[formName][fieldName].value;
var bInCode = false;
var iOffset1, iOffset2;
// Loop through all words.
while ((aResult = regexpWordMatch.exec(sText)) && typeof(aResult) != 'undefined')
iOffset1 = 0;
iOffset2 = aResult[0].length - 1;
// Strip the dashes and hyphens from the begin of the word.
while (in_array(aResult[0].charAt(iOffset1), aWordCharacters) && iOffset1 < iOffset2)
// Strip the dashes and hyphens from the end of the word.
while (in_array(aResult[0].charAt(iOffset2), aWordCharacters) && iOffset1 < iOffset2)
// I guess there's only dashes and hyphens in this word...
if (iOffset1 == iOffset2)
// Ignore code blocks.
if (aResult[0].substr(0, 5).toLowerCase() == '[code')
bInCode = true;
// Glad we're out of that code block!
else if (bInCode && aResult[0].substr(0, 7).toLowerCase() == '[/code]')
bInCode = false;
// Now let's get to business.
else if (!bInCode && !in_array(aResult[0].charAt(0), ['[', '<']) && aResult[0].toUpperCase() != aResult[0])
aWords[aWords.length] = aResult[0].substr(iOffset1, iOffset2 - iOffset1 + 1) + '|' + (iOffset1 + sText.substr(0, aResult.index).length) + '|' + (iOffset2 + sText.substr(0, aResult.index).length);
// Open the window...
openSpellWin(640, 480);
// Pass the data to a form...
spellform.spellstring.value = aWords.join('\n');
// and go!
return true;
// Private functions -------------------------------
// Globals...
var wordindex = -1, offsetindex = 0;
var ignoredWords = [];
// A "misspelled word" object.
function misp(word, start, end, suggestions)
// The word, start index, end index, and array of suggestions.
this.word = word;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.suggestions = suggestions;
// Replace the word in the misps array at the "wordindex" index. The
// misps array is generated by a PHP script after the string to be spell
// checked is evaluated with pspell.
function replaceWord()
var strstart = "";
var strend;
// If this isn't the beginning of the string then get all of the string
// that is before the word we are replacing.
if (misps[wordindex].start != 0)
strstart = mispstr.slice(0, misps[wordindex].start + offsetindex);
// Get the end of the string after the word we are replacing.
strend = mispstr.slice(misps[wordindex].end + 1 + offsetindex);
// Rebuild the string with the new word.
mispstr = strstart + document.forms.spellingForm.changeto.value + strend;
// Update offsetindex to compensate for replacing a word with a word
// of a different length.
offsetindex += document.forms.spellingForm.changeto.value.length - misps[wordindex].word.length;
// Update the word so future replaceAll calls don't change it.
misps[wordindex].word = document.forms.spellingForm.changeto.value;
// Replaces all instances of currently selected word with contents chosen by user.
// Note: currently only replaces words after highlighted word. I think we can re-index
// all words at replacement or ignore time to have it wrap to the beginning if we want
// to.
function replaceAll()
var strend;
var idx;
var origword;
var localoffsetindex = offsetindex;
origword = misps[wordindex].word;
// Re-index everything past the current word.
for (idx = wordindex; idx < misps.length; idx++)
misps[idx].start += localoffsetindex;
misps[idx].end += localoffsetindex;
localoffsetindex = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < misps.length; idx++)
if (misps[idx].word == origword)
var strstart = "";
if (misps[idx].start != 0)
strstart = mispstr.slice(0, misps[idx].start + localoffsetindex);
// Get the end of the string after the word we are replacing.
strend = mispstr.slice(misps[idx].end + 1 + localoffsetindex);
// Rebuild the string with the new word.
mispstr = strstart + document.forms.spellingForm.changeto.value + strend;
// Update offsetindex to compensate for replacing a word with a word
// of a different length.
localoffsetindex += document.forms.spellingForm.changeto.value.length - misps[idx].word.length;
// We have to re-index everything after replacements.
misps[idx].start += localoffsetindex;
misps[idx].end += localoffsetindex;
// Add the word to the ignore array.
ignoredWords[origword] = true;
// Reset offsetindex since we re-indexed.
offsetindex = 0;
// Highlight the word that was selected using the nextWord function.
function highlightWord()
var strstart = "";
var strend;
// If this isn't the beginning of the string then get all of the string
// that is before the word we are replacing.
if (misps[wordindex].start != 0)
strstart = mispstr.slice(0, misps[wordindex].start + offsetindex);
// Get the end of the string after the word we are replacing.
strend = mispstr.slice(misps[wordindex].end + 1 + offsetindex);
// Rebuild the string with a span wrapped around the misspelled word
// so we can highlight it in the div the user is viewing the string in.
var divptr, newValue;
divptr = document.getElementById("spellview");
newValue = htmlspecialchars(strstart) + '<span class="highlight" id="h1">' + misps[wordindex].word + '</span>' + htmlspecialchars(strend);
setInnerHTML(divptr, newValue.replace(/_\|_/g, '<br />'));
// We could use scrollIntoView, but it's just not that great anyway.
var spellview_height = typeof(document.getElementById("spellview").currentStyle) != "undefined" ? parseInt(document.getElementById("spellview").currentStyle.height) : document.getElementById("spellview").offsetHeight;
var word_position = document.getElementById("h1").offsetTop;
var current_position = document.getElementById("spellview").scrollTop;
// The spellview is not tall enough! Scroll down!
if (spellview_height <= (word_position + current_position))
document.getElementById("spellview").scrollTop = word_position + current_position - spellview_height + 32;
// Display the next misspelled word to the user and populate the suggested spellings box.
function nextWord(ignoreall)
// Push ignored word onto ignoredWords array.
if (ignoreall)
ignoredWords[misps[wordindex].word] = true;
// Update the index of all words we have processed...
// This must be done to accomodate the replaceAll function.
if (wordindex >= 0)
misps[wordindex].start += offsetindex;
misps[wordindex].end += offsetindex;
// Increment the counter for the array of misspelled words.
// Draw it and quit if there are no more misspelled words to evaluate.
if (misps.length <= wordindex)
var divptr;
divptr = document.getElementById("spellview");
setInnerHTML(divptr, htmlspecialchars(mispstr).replace(/_\|_/g, "<br />"));
while (document.forms.spellingForm.suggestions.options.length > 0)
document.forms.spellingForm.suggestions.options[0] = null;
document.forms.spellingForm.change.disabled = true;
document.forms.spellingForm.changeall.disabled = true;
document.forms.spellingForm.ignore.disabled = true;
document.forms.spellingForm.ignoreall.disabled = true;
// Put line feeds back...
mispstr = mispstr.replace(/_\|_/g, "\n");
// Get a handle to the field we need to re-populate.
window.opener.document.forms[spell_formname][spell_fieldname].value = mispstr;
if (!window.opener.spellCheckDone)
return true;
// Check to see if word is supposed to be ignored.
if (typeof(ignoredWords[misps[wordindex].word]) != "undefined")
return false;
// Clear out the suggestions box!
while (document.forms.spellingForm.suggestions.options.length > 0)
document.forms.spellingForm.suggestions.options[0] = null;
// Re-populate the suggestions box if there are any suggested spellings for the word.
if (misps[wordindex].suggestions.length)
for (var sugidx = 0; sugidx < misps[wordindex].suggestions.length; sugidx++)
var newopt = new Option(misps[wordindex].suggestions[sugidx], misps[wordindex].suggestions[sugidx]);
document.forms.spellingForm.suggestions.options[sugidx] = newopt;
if (sugidx == 0)
newopt.selected = true;
document.forms.spellingForm.changeto.value = newopt.value;
if (document.forms.spellingForm.suggestions.options.length == 0)
document.forms.spellingForm.changeto.value = "";
return false;
function htmlspecialchars(thetext)
thetext = thetext.replace(/\</g, "<");
thetext = thetext.replace(/\>/g, ">");
thetext = thetext.replace(/\n/g, "<br />");
thetext = thetext.replace(/\ \ /g, " ");
return thetext;
function openSpellWin(width, height)
window.open("", "spellWindow", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=" + width + ",height=" + height);