package.preload['util.encodings']=(function(...) local function e() error("Function not implemented"); end local t=require"mime"; module"encodings" stringprep={}; base64={encode=t.b64,decode=e}; return _M; end) package.preload['util.hashes']=(function(...) local e=require"util.sha1"; return{sha1=e.sha1}; end) package.preload['util.sha1']=(function(...) local m=string.len local o=string.char local g=string.byte local k=string.sub local c=math.floor local t=require"bit" local q=t.bnot local local y=t.bor local n=t.bxor local a=t.lshift local i=t.rshift local l,u,d,h,s local function p(t,e) return a(t,e)+i(t,32-e) end local function r(i) local t,a local t="" for n=1,8 do a=e(i,15) if(a<10)then t=o(a+48)..t else t=o(a+87)..t end i=c(i/16) end return t end local function j(t) local i,a local n="" i=m(t)*8 t=t..o(128) a=56-e(m(t),63) if(a<0)then a=a+64 end for e=1,a do t=t..o(0) end for t=1,8 do n=o(e(i,255))..n i=c(i/256) end return t..n end local function b(w) local r,t,i,a,f,m,c,v local o,o local o={} while(w~="")do for e=0,15 do o[e]=0 for t=1,4 do o[e]=o[e]*256+g(w,e*4+t) end end for e=16,79 do o[e]=p(n(n(o[e-3],o[e-8]),n(o[e-14],o[e-16])),1) end r=l t=u i=d a=h f=s for s=0,79 do if(s<20)then m=y(e(t,i),e(q(t),a)) c=1518500249 elseif(s<40)then m=n(n(t,i),a) c=1859775393 elseif(s<60)then m=y(y(e(t,i),e(t,a)),e(i,a)) c=2400959708 else m=n(n(t,i),a) c=3395469782 end v=p(r,5)+m+f+c+o[s] f=a a=i i=p(t,30) t=r r=v end l=e(l+r,4294967295) u=e(u+t,4294967295) d=e(d+i,4294967295) h=e(h+a,4294967295) s=e(s+f,4294967295) w=k(w,65) end end local function a(e,t) e=j(e) l=1732584193 u=4023233417 d=2562383102 h=271733878 s=3285377520 b(e) local e=r(l)..r(u)..r(d) ..r(h)..r(s); if t then return e; else return(e:gsub("..",function(e) return string.char(tonumber(e,16)); end)); end end _G.sha1={sha1=a}; return _G.sha1; end) package.preload['lib.adhoc']=(function(...) local n,h=require"util.stanza",require"util.uuid"; local e=""; local i={} local s={}; function _cmdtag(o,i,t,a) local e=n.stanza("command",{xmlns=e,node=o.node,status=i}); if t then e.attr.sessionid=t;end if a then e.attr.action=a;end return e; end function,e,o,a) return{name=t,node=e,handler=o,cmdtag=_cmdtag,permission=(a or"user")}; end function s.handle_cmd(a,s,o) local e=o.tags[1].attr.sessionid or h.generate(); local t={};; t.from=o.attr.from; t.action=o.tags[1].attr.action or"execute"; t.form=o.tags[1]:child_with_ns("jabber:x:data"); local t,h=a:handler(t,i[e]); i[e]=h; local o=n.reply(o); if t.status=="completed"then i[e]=nil; cmdtag=a:cmdtag("completed",e); elseif t.status=="canceled"then i[e]=nil; cmdtag=a:cmdtag("canceled",e); elseif t.status=="error"then i[e]=nil; o=n.error_reply(o,t.error.type,t.error.condition,t.error.message); s.send(o); return true; else cmdtag=a:cmdtag("executing",e); end for t,e in pairs(t)do if t=="info"then cmdtag:tag("note",{type="info"}):text(e):up(); elseif t=="warn"then cmdtag:tag("note",{type="warn"}):text(e):up(); elseif t=="error"then cmdtag:tag("note",{type="error"}):text(e.message):up(); elseif t=="actions"then local t=n.stanza("actions"); for o,e in ipairs(e)do if(e=="prev")or(e=="next")or(e=="complete")then t:tag(e):up(); else module:log("error",'Command "' '" at node "'..a.node..'" provided an invalid action "'..e..'"'); end end cmdtag:add_child(t); elseif t=="form"then cmdtag:add_child((e.layout or e):form(e.values)); elseif t=="result"then cmdtag:add_child((e.layout or e):form(e.values,"result")); elseif t=="other"then cmdtag:add_child(e); end end o:add_child(cmdtag); s.send(o); return true; end return s; end) package.preload['util.rsm']=(function(...) local n=require"util.stanza".stanza; local t,i=tostring,tonumber; local h=type; local s=pairs; local o=''; local a={}; do local e=a; local function t(e) return i((e:get_text())); end local function a(t) return t:get_text(); end e.after=a; e.before=function(e) local e=e:get_text(); return e==""or e; end; e.max=t; e.index=t; e.first=function(e) return{index=i(e.attr.index);e:get_text()}; end; e.last=a; e.count=t; end local h=setmetatable({ first=function(a,e) if h(e)=="table"then a:tag("first",{index=e.index}):text(e[1]):up(); else a:tag("first"):text(t(e)):up(); end end; before=function(a,e) if e==true then a:tag("before"):up(); else a:tag("before"):text(t(e)):up(); end end },{ __index=function(e,a) return function(e,o) e:tag(a):text(t(o)):up(); end end; }); local function t(e) local t={}; for o in e:childtags()do local; local a=e and a[e]; if a then t[e]=a(o); end end return t; end local function i(e) local t=n("set",{xmlns=o}); for e,o in s(e)do if a[e]then h[e](t,o); end end return t; end local function a(e) local e=e:get_child("set",o); if e and#e.tags>0 then return t(e); end end return{parse=t,generate=i,get=a}; end) package.preload['util.stanza']=(function(...) local t=table.insert; local d=table.remove; local p=table.concat; local h=string.format; local l=string.match; local c=tostring; local m=setmetatable; local n=pairs; local o=ipairs; local i=type; local v=string.gsub; local w=string.sub; local f=string.find; local e=os; local u=not e.getenv("WINDIR"); local r,a; if u then local t,e=pcall(require,"util.termcolours"); if t then r,a=e.getstyle,e.getstring; else u=nil; end end local y="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"; module"stanza" stanza_mt={__type="stanza"}; stanza_mt.__index=stanza_mt; local e=stanza_mt; function stanza(a,t) local t={name=a,attr=t or{},tags={}}; return m(t,e); end local s=stanza; function e:query(e) return self:tag("query",{xmlns=e}); end function e:body(t,e) return self:tag("body",e):text(t); end function e:tag(a,e) local a=s(a,e); local e=self.last_add; if not e then e={};self.last_add=e;end (e[#e]or self):add_direct_child(a); t(e,a); return self; end function e:text(t) local e=self.last_add; (e and e[#e]or self):add_direct_child(t); return self; end function e:up() local e=self.last_add; if e then d(e);end return self; end function e:reset() self.last_add=nil; return self; end function e:add_direct_child(e) if i(e)=="table"then t(self.tags,e); end t(self,e); end function e:add_child(t) local e=self.last_add; (e and e[#e]or self):add_direct_child(t); return self; end function e:get_child(a,t) for o,e in o(self.tags)do if(not a or and((not t and self.attr.xmlns==e.attr.xmlns) or e.attr.xmlns==t)then return e; end end end function e:get_child_text(e,t) local e=self:get_child(e,t); if e then return e:get_text(); end return nil; end function e:child_with_name(t) for a,e in o(self.tags)do if then return e;end end end function e:child_with_ns(t) for a,e in o(self.tags)do if e.attr.xmlns==t then return e;end end end function e:children() local e=0; return function(t) e=e+1 return t[e]; end,self,e; end function e:childtags(i,o) local e=self.tags; local t,a=1,#e; return function() for a=t,a do local e=e[a]; if(not i or and((not o and self.attr.xmlns==e.attr.xmlns) or e.attr.xmlns==o)then t=a+1; return e; end end end; end function e:maptags(i) local o,e=self.tags,1; local n,a=#self,#o; local t=1; while e<=a and a>0 do if self[t]==o[e]then local i=i(self[t]); if i==nil then d(self,t); d(o,e); n=n-1; a=a-1; t=t-1; e=e-1; else self[t]=i; o[e]=i; end e=e+1; end t=t+1; end return self; end function e:find(a) local e=1; local s=#a+1; repeat local o,t,i; local n=w(a,e,e); if n=="@"then return self.attr[w(a,e+1)]; elseif n=="{"then o,e=l(a,"^([^}]+)}()",e+1); end t,i,e=l(a,"^([^@/#]*)([/#]?)()",e); t=t~=""and t or nil; if e==s then if i=="#"then return self:get_child_text(t,o); end return self:get_child(t,o); end self=self:get_child(t,o); until not self end local d do local e={["'"]="'",["\""]=""",["<"]="<",[">"]=">",["&"]="&"}; function d(t)return(v(t,"['&<>\"]",e));end _M.xml_escape=d; end local function w(o,e,s,a,r) local i=0; local t(e,"<"..h); for o,n in n(o.attr)do if f(o,"\1",1,true)then local s,o=l(o,"^([^\1]*)\1?(.*)$"); i=i+1; t(e," xmlns:ns"..i.."='"..a(s).."' ".."ns"..i..":"..o.."='"..a(n).."'"); elseif not(o=="xmlns"and n==r)then t(e," "..o.."='"..a(n).."'"); end end local i=#o; if i==0 then t(e,"/>"); else t(e,">"); for i=1,i do local i=o[i]; if then s(i,e,s,a,o.attr.xmlns); else t(e,a(i)); end end t(e,""); end end function e.__tostring(t) local e={}; w(t,e,w,d,nil); return p(e); end function e.top_tag(t) local e=""; if t.attr then for t,a in n(t.attr)do if i(t)=="string"then e=e..h(" %s='%s'",t,d(c(a)));end end end return h("<%s%s>",,e); end function e.get_text(e) if#e.tags==0 then return p(e); end end function e.get_error(t) local i,e,a; local t=t:get_child("error"); if not t then return nil,nil,nil; end i=t.attr.type; for o,t in o(t.tags)do if t.attr.xmlns==y then if not a and"text"then a=t:get_text(); elseif not e then; end if e and a then break; end end end return i,e or"undefined-condition",a; end do local e=0; function new_id() e=e+1; return"lx"..e; end end function preserialize(e) local a={,attr=e.attr}; for o,e in o(e)do if i(e)=="table"then t(a,preserialize(e)); else t(a,e); end end return a; end function deserialize(a) if a then local s=a.attr; for e=1,#s do s[e]=nil;end local h={}; for e in n(s)do if f(e,"|",1,true)and not f(e,"\1",1,true)then local a,t=l(e,"^([^|]+)|(.+)$"); h[a.."\1"..t]=s[e]; s[e]=nil; end end for e,t in n(h)do s[e]=t; end m(a,e); for t,e in o(a)do if i(e)=="table"then deserialize(e); end end if not a.tags then local n={}; for o,e in o(a)do if i(e)=="table"then t(n,e); end end a.tags=n; end end return a; end local function l(a) local o,i={},{}; for e,t in n(a.attr)do o[e]=t;end local o={,attr=o,tags=i}; for e=1,#a do local e=a[e]; if then e=l(e); t(i,e); end t(o,e); end return m(o,e); end clone=l; function message(e,t) if not t then return s("message",e); else return s("message",e):tag("body"):text(t):up(); end end function iq(e) if e and not then;end return s("iq",e or{id=new_id()}); end function reply(e) return s(,e.attr and{to=e.attr.from,,,type=(("iq"and"result")or e.attr.type)}); end do local t={xmlns=y}; function error_reply(e,i,o,a) local e=reply(e); e.attr.type="error"; e:tag("error",{type=i}) :tag(o,t):up(); if(a)then e:tag("text",t):text(a):up();end return e; end end function presence(e) return s("presence",e); end if u then local u=r("yellow"); local s=r("red"); local l=r("red"); local t=r("magenta"); local s=" "..a(u,"%s")..a(t,"=")..a(s,"'%s'"); local r=a(t,"<")..a(l,"%s").."%s"..a(t,">"); local l=r.."%s"..a(t,""); function e.pretty_print(e) local t=""; for a,e in o(e)do if i(e)=="string"then t=t..d(e); else t=t..e:pretty_print(); end end local a=""; if e.attr then for e,t in n(e.attr)do if i(e)=="string"then a=a..h(s,e,c(t));end end end return h(l,,a,t,; end function e.pretty_top_tag(t) local e=""; if t.attr then for t,a in n(t.attr)do if i(t)=="string"then e=e..h(s,t,c(a));end end end return h(r,,e); end else e.pretty_print=e.__tostring; e.pretty_top_tag=e.top_tag; end return _M; end) package.preload['util.timer']=(function(...) local a=require"net.server"; local h=math.min local u=math.huge local i=require"socket".gettime; local r=table.insert; local d=pairs; local l=type; local s={}; local t={}; module"timer" local e; if not a.event then function e(o,n) local i=i(); o=o+i; if o>=i then r(t,{o,n}); else local t=n(i); if t and l(t)=="number"then return e(t,n); end end end a._addtimer(function() local o=i(); if#t>0 then for a,e in d(t)do r(s,e); end t={}; end local t=u; for r,a in d(s)do local i,n=a[1],a[2]; if i<=o then s[r]=nil; local a=n(o); if l(a)=="number"then e(a,n); t=h(t,a); end else t=h(t,i-o); end end return t; end); else local t=a.event; local a=a.event_base; local o=(t.core and t.core.LEAVE)or-1; function e(n,e) local t; t=a:addevent(nil,0,function() local e=e(i()); if e then return 0,e; elseif t then return o; end end ,n); end end add_task=e; return _M; end) package.preload['util.termcolours']=(function(...) local i,n=table.concat,table.insert; local t,a=string.char,string.format; local r=tonumber; local h=ipairs; local s=io.write; local e; if os.getenv("WINDIR")then e=require""; end local o=e and e.get_consolecolor and e.get_consolecolor(); module"termcolours" local d={ reset=0;bright=1,dim=2,underscore=4,blink=5,reverse=7,hidden=8; black=30;red=31;green=32;yellow=33;blue=34;magenta=35;cyan=36;white=37; ["black background"]=40;["red background"]=41;["green background"]=42;["yellow background"]=43;["blue background"]=44;["magenta background"]=45;["cyan background"]=46;["white background"]=47; bold=1,dark=2,underline=4,underlined=4,normal=0; } local u={ ["0"]=o, ["1"]=7+8, ["1;33"]=2+4+8, ["1;31"]=4+8 } local l={ [1]="font-weight: bold",[2]="opacity: 0.5",[4]="text-decoration: underline",[8]="visibility: hidden", [30]="color:black",[31]="color:red",[32]="color:green",[33]="color:#FFD700", [34]="color:blue",[35]="color: magenta",[36]="color:cyan",[37]="color: white", [40]="background-color:black",[41]="background-color:red",[42]="background-color:green", [43]="background-color:yellow",[44]="background-color:blue",[45]="background-color: magenta", [46]="background-color:cyan",[47]="background-color: white"; }; local c=t(27).."[%sm%s"..t(27).."[0m"; function getstring(e,t) if e then return a(c,e,t); else return t; end end function getstyle(...) local e,t={...},{}; for a,e in h(e)do e=d[e]; if e then n(t,e); end end return i(t,";"); end local a="0"; function setstyle(e) e=e or"0"; if e~=a then s("\27["..e.."m"); a=e; end end if e then function setstyle(t) t=t or"0"; if t~=a then e.set_consolecolor(u[t]or o); a=t; end end if not o then function setstyle(e)end end end local function a(t) if t=="0"then return"";end local e={}; for t in t:gmatch("[^;]+")do n(e,l[r(t)]); end return""; end function tohtml(e) return e:gsub("\027%[(.-)m",a); end return _M; end) package.preload['util.uuid']=(function(...) local e=math.random; local n=tostring; local e=os.time; local i=os.clock; local o=require"util.hashes".sha1; module"uuid" local t=0; local function a() local e=e(); if t>=e then e=t+1;end t=e; return e; end local function t(e) return o(e..i()..n({}),true); end local e=t(a()); local function o(a) e=t(e..a); end local function t(t) if#e"; end return e; end local w={ LOC=e.LOC_tostring; MX=function(e) return a.format('%2i %s',e.pref,; end; SRV=function(e) local e=e.srv; return a.format('%5d %5d %5d %s',e.priority,e.weight,e.port,; end; }; local x={}; function x.__tostring(e) local t=(w[e.type]or j)(e); return a.format('%2s %-5s %6i %-28s %s',e.class,e.type,e.ttl,,t); end local j={}; function j.__tostring(t) local e={}; for a,t in m(t)do n(e,b(t)..'\n'); end return i.concat(e); end local w={}; function w.__tostring(e) local a=s.gettime(); local t={}; for i,e in o(e)do for i,e in o(e)do for o,e in o(e)do v(e,a); n(t,b(e)); end end end return i.concat(t); end function e:new() local t={active={},cache={},unsorted={}}; r(t,e); r(t.cache,w); r(t.unsorted,{__mode='kv'}); return t; end function t.random(...) p.randomseed(p.floor(1e4*s.gettime())%2147483648); t.random=p.random; return t.random(...); end local function E(e) e=e or{}; or t.random(0,65535); e.rd=e.rd or 1; or 0; e.aa=e.aa or 0; e.opcode=e.opcode or 0; e.qr=e.qr or 0; e.rcode=e.rcode or 0; e.z=e.z or 0; e.ra=e.ra or 0; e.qdcount=e.qdcount or 1; e.ancount=e.ancount or 0; e.nscount=e.nscount or 0; e.arcount=e.arcount or 0; local t=a.char( c(,, e.rd+2**e.aa+8*e.opcode+128*e.qr, e.rcode+16*e.z+128*e.ra, c(e.qdcount),e.qdcount%256, c(e.ancount),e.ancount%256, c(e.nscount),e.nscount%256, c(e.arcount),e.arcount%256 ); return t,; end local function c(t) local e={}; for t in a.gmatch(t,'[^.]+')do n(e,a.char(a.len(t))); n(e,t); end n(e,a.char(0)); return i.concat(e); end local function p(o,a,e) o=c(o); a=t.typecode[a or'a']; e=t.classcode[e or'in']; return o..a..e; end function e:byte(e) e=e or 1; local t=self.offset; local o=t+e-1; if o>#self.packet then q(a.format('out of bounds: %i>%i',o,#self.packet)); end self.offset=t+e; return a.byte(self.packet,t,o); end function e:word() local t,e=self:byte(2); return 256*t+e; end function e:dword() local t,e,o,a=self:byte(4); return 16777216*t+65536*e+256*o+a; end function e:sub(e) e=e or 1; local t=a.sub(self.packet,self.offset,self.offset+e-1); self.offset=self.offset+e; return t; end function e:header(t) local e=self:word(); if not[e]and not t then return nil;end local e={id=e}; local t,a=self:byte(2); e.rd=t%2;; e.aa=t/4%2; e.opcode=t/8%16; e.qr=t/128; e.rcode=a%16; e.z=a/16%8; e.ra=a/128; e.qdcount=self:word(); e.ancount=self:word(); e.nscount=self:word(); e.arcount=self:word(); for a,t in o(e)do e[a]=t-t%1;end return e; end function e:name() local t,a=nil,0; local e=self:byte(); local o={}; if e==0 then return"."end while e>0 do if e>=192 then a=a+1; if a>=20 then q('dns error: 20 pointers');end; local e=((e-192)*256)+self:byte(); t=t or self.offset; self.offset=e+1; else n(o,self:sub(e)..'.'); end e=self:byte(); end self.offset=t or self.offset; return i.concat(o); end function e:question() local e={};; e.type=t.type[self:word()]; e.class=t.class[self:word()]; return e; end function e:A(o) local e,t,i,n=self:byte(4); o.a=a.format('%i.%i.%i.%i',e,t,i,n); end function e:AAAA(a) local e={}; for t=1,a.rdlength,2 do local a,t=self:byte(2); i.insert(e,("%02x%02x"):format(a,t)); end e=i.concat(e,":"):gsub("%f[%x]0+(%x)","%1"); local t={}; for e in e:gmatch(":[0:]+:")do i.insert(t,e) end if#t==0 then a.aaaa=e; return elseif#t>1 then i.sort(t,function(e,t)return#e>#t end); end a.aaaa=e:gsub(t[1],"::",1):gsub("^0::","::"):gsub("::0$","::"); end function e:CNAME(e) e.cname=self:name(); end function e:MX(e) e.pref=self:word();; end function e:LOC_nibble_power() local e=self:byte(); return((e-(e%16))/16)*(10^(e%16)); end function e:LOC(e) e.version=self:byte(); if e.version==0 then e.loc=e.loc or{}; e.loc.size=self:LOC_nibble_power(); e.loc.horiz_pre=self:LOC_nibble_power(); e.loc.vert_pre=self:LOC_nibble_power(); e.loc.latitude=self:dword(); e.loc.longitude=self:dword(); e.loc.altitude=self:dword(); end end local function c(e,n,t) e=e-2147483648; if e<0 then n=t;e=-e;end local i,t,o; o=e%6e4; e=(e-o)/6e4; t=e%60; i=(e-t)/60; return a.format('%3d %2d %2.3f %s',i,t,o/1e3,n); end function e.LOC_tostring(e) local t={}; n(t,a.format( '%s %s %.2fm %.2fm %.2fm %.2fm', c(e.loc.latitude,'N','S'), c(e.loc.longitude,'E','W'), (e.loc.altitude-1e7)/100, e.loc.size/100, e.loc.horiz_pre/100, e.loc.vert_pre/100 )); return i.concat(t); end function e:NS(e) e.ns=self:name(); end function e:SOA(e) end function e:SRV(e) e.srv={}; e.srv.priority=self:word(); e.srv.weight=self:word(); e.srv.port=self:word();; end function e:PTR(e) e.ptr=self:name(); end function e:TXT(e) e.txt=self:sub(self:byte()); end function e:rr() local e={}; r(e,x);; e.type=t.type[self:word()]or e.type; e.class=t.class[self:word()]or e.class; e.ttl=65536*self:word()+self:word(); e.rdlength=self:word(); if e.ttl<=0 then e.tod=self.time+30; else e.tod=self.time+e.ttl; end local a=self.offset; local t=self[t.type[e.type]]; if t then t(self,e);end self.offset=a; e.rdata=self:sub(e.rdlength); return e; end function e:rrs(t) local e={}; for t=1,t do n(e,self:rr());end return e; end function e:decode(t,o) self.packet,self.offset=t,1; local t=self:header(o); if not t then return nil;end local t={header=t}; t.question={}; local i=self.offset; for e=1,t.header.qdcount do n(t.question,self:question()); end t.question.raw=a.sub(self.packet,i,self.offset-1); if not o then if not[]or not[][t.question.raw]then[]=nil; return nil; end end t.answer=self:rrs(t.header.ancount); t.authority=self:rrs(t.header.nscount); t.additional=self:rrs(t.header.arcount); return t; end e.delays={1,3}; function e:addnameserver(e) self.server=self.server or{}; n(self.server,e); end function e:setnameserver(e) self.server={}; self:addnameserver(e); end function e:adddefaultnameservers() if z then if y and y.get_nameservers then for t,e in m(y.get_nameservers())do self:addnameserver(e); end end if not self.server or#self.server==0 then self:addnameserver(""); self:addnameserver(""); end else local"/etc/resolv.conf"); if e then for e in e:lines()do e=e:gsub("#.*$","") :match('^%s*nameserver%s+(.*)%s*$'); if e then e:gsub("%f[%d.](%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)%f[^%d.]",function(e) self:addnameserver(e) end); end end end if not self.server or#self.server==0 then self:addnameserver(""); end end end function e:getsocket(a) self.socket=self.socket or{}; self.socketset=self.socketset or{}; local e=self.socket[a]; if e then return e;end local o,t; e,t=s.udp(); if e and self.socket_wrapper then e,t=self.socket_wrapper(e,self);end if not e then return nil,t; end e:settimeout(0); self.socket[a]=e; self.socketset[e]=a; o,t=e:setsockname('*',0); if not o then return self:servfail(e,t);end o,t=e:setpeername(self.server[a],53); if not o then return self:servfail(e,t);end return e; end function e:voidsocket(e) if self.socket[e]then self.socketset[self.socket[e]]=nil; self.socket[e]=nil; elseif self.socketset[e]then self.socket[self.socketset[e]]=nil; self.socketset[e]=nil; end e:close(); end function e:socket_wrapper_set(e) self.socket_wrapper=e; end function e:closeall() for t,e in m(self.socket)do self.socket[t]=nil; self.socketset[e]=nil; e:close(); end end function e:remember(e,t) local a,o,i=g(,e.type,e.class); if t~='*'then t=o; local t=d(self.cache,i,'*',a); if t then n(t,e);end end self.cache=self.cache or r({},w); local a=d(self.cache,i,t,a)or u(self.cache,i,t,a,r({},j)); if not a[e[o:lower()]]then a[e[o:lower()]]=true; n(a,e); end if t=='MX'then self.unsorted[a]=true;end end local function c(t,e) return(t.pref==e.pref)and( then e.server=1; end e.retries=(e.retries or 0)+1; if e.retries>=#self.server then a[o]=nil; else t,n=self:getsocket(e.server); if t then t:send(e.packet);end end end end if h(a)==nil then[s]=nil; end end if i==self.best_server then self.best_server=self.best_server+1; if self.best_server>#self.server then self.best_server=1; end end return t,n; end function e:settimeout(e) self.timeout=e; end function e:receive(t) self.time=s.gettime(); t=t or self.socket; local e; for a,t in o(t)do if self.socketset[t]then local t=t:receive(); if t then e=self:decode(t); if e and[] and[][e.question.raw]then for a,t in o(e.answer)do self:remember(t,e.question[1].type) end local[]; t[e.question.raw]=nil; if not h(t)then[]=nil;end if not h( self:closeall();end local e=e.question[1]; local t=d(self.wanted,e.class,e.type,; if t then for e in o(t)do if l.status(e)=="suspended"then l.resume(e);end end u(self.wanted,e.class,e.type,,nil); end end end end end return e; end function e:feed(a,e,t) self.time=s.gettime(); local e=self:decode(e,t); if e and[] and[][e.question.raw]then for a,t in o(e.answer)do self:remember(t,e.question[1].type); end local[]; t[e.question.raw]=nil; if not h(t)then[]=nil;end if not h( self:closeall();end local e=e.question[1]; if e then local t=d(self.wanted,e.class,e.type,; if t then for e in o(t)do if l.status(e)=="suspended"then l.resume(e);end end u(self.wanted,e.class,e.type,,nil); end end end return e; end function e:cancel(t,e,a) local i=d(self.wanted,t,e,a); if i then for e in o(i)do if l.status(e)=="suspended"then l.resume(e);end end u(self.wanted,t,e,a,nil); end end function e:pulse() while self:receive()do end if not h( return nil;end self.time=s.gettime(); for i,t in o( for a,e in o(t)do if self.time>=e.retry then e.server=e.server+1; if e.server>#self.server then e.server=1; e.delay=e.delay+1; end if e.delay>#self.delays then t[a]=nil; if not h(t)then[i]=nil;end if not h( return nil;end else local t=self.socket[e.server]; if t then t:send(e.packet);end e.retry=self.time+self.delays[e.delay]; end end end end if h( return true;end return nil; end function e:lookup(e,t,a) self:query(e,t,a) while self:pulse()do local e={} for a,t in m(self.socket)do e[a]=t end,nil,4) end return self:peek(e,t,a); end function e:lookupex(o,a,t,e) return self:peek(a,t,e)or self:query(a,t,e); end function e:tohostname(e) return t.lookup(e:gsub("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)",""),"PTR"); end local i={ qr={[0]='query','response'}, opcode={[0]='query','inverse query','server status request'}, aa={[0]='non-authoritative','authoritative'}, tc={[0]='complete','truncated'}, rd={[0]='recursion not desired','recursion desired'}, ra={[0]='recursion not available','recursion available'}, z={[0]='(reserved)'}, rcode={[0]='no error','format error','server failure','name error','not implemented'}, type=t.type, class=t.class }; local function s(t,e) return(i[e]and i[e][t[e]])or''; end function e.print(e) for o,t in o{'id','qr','opcode','aa','tc','rd','ra','z', 'rcode','qdcount','ancount','nscount','arcount'}do f(a.format('%-30s','header.'..t),e.header[t],s(e.header,t)); end for e,t in m(e.question)do f(a.format('question[%i].name ',e),; f(a.format('question[%i].type ',e),t.type); f(a.format('question[%i].class ',e),t.class); end local h={name=1,type=1,class=1,ttl=1,rdlength=1,rdata=1}; local t; for n,i in o({'answer','authority','additional'})do for n,e in o(e[i])do for h,o in o({'name','type','class','ttl','rdlength'})do t=a.format('%s[%i].%s',i,n,o); f(a.format('%-30s',t),e[o],s(e,o)); end for e,o in o(e)do if not h[e]then t=a.format('%s[%i].%s',i,n,e); f(a.format('%-30s %s',b(t),b(o))); end end end end end function t.resolver() local t={active={},cache={},unsorted={},wanted={},best_server=1}; r(t,e); r(t.cache,w); r(t.unsorted,{__mode='kv'}); return t; end local e=t.resolver(); t._resolver=e; function t.lookup(...) return e:lookup(...); end function t.tohostname(...) return e:tohostname(...); end function t.purge(...) return e:purge(...); end function t.peek(...) return e:peek(...); end function t.query(...) return e:query(...); end function t.feed(...) return e:feed(...); end function t.cancel(...) return e:cancel(...); end function t.settimeout(...) return e:settimeout(...); end function t.cache() return e.cache; end function t.socket_wrapper_set(...) return e:socket_wrapper_set(...); end return t; end) package.preload['net.adns']=(function(...) local c=require"net.server"; local a=require"net.dns"; local e=require"util.logger".init("adns"); local t,t=table.insert,table.remove; local n,s,l=coroutine,tostring,pcall; local function u(a,a,e,t)return(t-e)+1;end module"adns" function lookup(d,t,h,r) return n.wrap(function(o) if o then e("debug","Records for %s already cached, using those...",t); d(o); return; end e("debug","Records for %s not in cache, sending query (%s)...",t,s(n.running())); local i,o=a.query(t,h,r); if i then n.yield({r or"IN",h or"A",t,n.running()}); e("debug","Reply for %s (%s)",t,s(n.running())); end if i then i,o=l(d,a.peek(t,h,r)); else e("error","Error sending DNS query: %s",o); i,o=l(d,nil,o); end if not i then e("error","Error in DNS response handler: %s",s(o)); end end)(a.peek(t,h,r)); end function cancel(t,o,i) e("warn","Cancelling DNS lookup for %s",s(t[3])); a.cancel(t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],o); end function new_async_socket(o,i) local s=""; local n={}; local t={}; local h; function n.onincoming(o,e) if e then a.feed(t,e); end end function n.ondisconnect(a,o) if o then e("warn","DNS socket for %s disconnected: %s",s,o); local t=i.server; if i.socketset[a]==i.best_server and i.best_server==#t then e("error","Exhausted all %d configured DNS servers, next lookup will try %s again",#t,t[1]); end i:servfail(a); end end t,h=c.wrapclient(o,"dns",53,n); if not t then return nil,h; end t.settimeout=function()end t.setsockname=function(e,...)return o:setsockname(...);end t.setpeername=function(e,...)s=(...);local o,a=o:setpeername(...);e:set_send(u);return o,a;end t.connect=function(e,...)return o:connect(...)end t.send=function(a,t) e("debug","Sending DNS query to %s",s); return o:send(t); end return t; end a.socket_wrapper_set(new_async_socket); return _M; end) package.preload['net.server']=(function(...) local d=function(e) return _G[e] end local M,e=require("util.logger").init("socket"),table.concat; local i=function(...)return M("debug",e{...});end local U=function(...)return M("warn",e{...});end local ne=1 local H=d"type" local D=d"pairs" local ie=d"ipairs" local p=d"tonumber" local h=d"tostring" local a=d"os" local t=d"table" local o=d"string" local e=d"coroutine" local V=a.difftime local Y=math.min local oe=math.huge local ve=t.concat local ye=o.sub local pe=e.wrap local we=e.yield local T=d"ssl" local v=d"socket"or require"socket" local P=v.gettime local fe=(T and T.wrap) local le=v.bind local me=v.sleep local local K local G local ue local Q local re local c local he local se local de local ae local ee local X local r local Z local F local te local y local s local R local l local n local S local b local w local m local a local o local g local L local C local O local N local j local J local u local I local E local A local _ local z local W local q local k local x y={} s={} l={} R={} n={} b={} w={} S={} a=0 o=0 g=0 L=0 C=0 O=1 N=0 j=128 I=51e3*1024 E=25e3*1024 A=12e5 _=6e4 z=6*60*60 local e=package.config:sub(1,1)=="\\" k=(e and math.huge)or v._SETSIZE or 1024 q=v._SETSIZE or 1024 x=30 ae=function(w,t,f,d,v,u) if t:getfd()>=k then U("server.lua: Disallowed FD number: "..t:getfd()) t:close() return nil,"fd-too-large" end local m=0 local p,e=w.onconnect,w.ondisconnect local b=t.accept local e={} e.shutdown=function()end e.ssl=function() return u~=nil end e.sslctx=function() return u end e.remove=function() m=m-1 if e then e.resume() end end e.close=function() t:close() o=r(l,t,o) a=r(s,t,a) y[f..":"..d]=nil; n[t]=nil e=nil t=nil i"server.lua: closed server handler and removed sockets from list" end e.pause=function(o) if not e.paused then a=r(s,t,a) if o then n[t]=nil t:close() t=nil; end e.paused=true; end end e.resume=function() if e.paused then if not t then t=le(f,d,j); t:settimeout(0) end a=c(s,t,a) n[t]=e e.paused=false; end end e.ip=function() return f end e.serverport=function() return d end e.socket=function() return t end e.readbuffer=function() if a>=q or o>=q then e.pause() i("server.lua: refused new client connection: server full") return false end local t,o=b(t) if t then local a,o=t:getpeername() local e,n,t=F(e,w,t,a,d,o,v,u) if t then return false end m=m+1 i("server.lua: accepted new client connection from ",h(a),":",h(o)," to ",h(d)) if p and not u then return p(e); end return; elseif o then i("server.lua: error with new client connection: ",h(o)) return false end end return e end F=function(D,y,t,H,X,N,O,g) if t:getfd()>=k then U("server.lua: Disallowed FD number: "..t:getfd()) t:close() if D then D.pause() end return nil,nil,"fd-too-large" end t:settimeout(0) local p local R local k local W local F=y.onincoming local U=y.onstatus local q=y.ondisconnect local M=y.ondrain local Y=y.ondetach local v={} local d=0 local G local J local P local f=0 local j=false local A=false local V,B=0,0 local _=I local z=E local e=v e.dispatch=function() return F end e.disconnect=function() return q end e.setlistener=function(a,t) if Y then Y(a) end F=t.onincoming q=t.ondisconnect U=t.onstatus M=t.ondrain Y=t.ondetach end e.getstats=function() return B,V end e.ssl=function() return W end e.sslctx=function() return g end e.send=function(n,i,o,a) return p(t,i,o,a) end e.receive=function(o,a) return R(t,o,a) end e.shutdown=function(a) return k(t,a) end e.setoption=function(i,a,o) if t.setoption then return t:setoption(a,o); end return false,"setoption not implemented"; end e.force_close=function(t,a) if d~=0 then i("server.lua: discarding unwritten data for ",h(H),":",h(N)) d=0; end return t:close(a); end e.close=function(u,h) if not e then return true;end a=r(s,t,a) b[e]=nil if d~=0 then e.sendbuffer() if d~=0 then if e then e.write=nil end G=true return false end end if t then m=k and k(t) t:close() o=r(l,t,o) n[t]=nil t=nil else i"server.lua: socket already closed" end if e then w[e]=nil S[e]=nil local t=e; e=nil if q then q(t,h or false); q=nil end end if D then D.remove() end i"server.lua: closed client handler and removed socket from list" return true end e.ip=function() return H end e.serverport=function() return X end e.clientport=function() return N end e.port=e.clientport local q=function(i,a) f=f+#a if f>_ then S[e]="send buffer exceeded" e.write=Q return false elseif t and not l[t]then o=c(l,t,o) end d=d+1 v[d]=a if e then w[e]=w[e]or u end return true end e.write=q e.bufferqueue=function(t) return v end e.socket=function(a) return t end e.set_mode=function(a,t) O=t or O return O end e.set_send=function(a,t) p=t or p return p end e.bufferlen=function(o,a,t) _=t or _ z=a or z return f,z,_ end e.lock_read=function(i,o) if o==true then local o=a a=r(s,t,a) b[e]=nil if a~=o then j=true end elseif o==false then if j then j=false a=c(s,t,a) b[e]=u end end return j end e.pause=function(t) return t:lock_read(true); end e.resume=function(t) return t:lock_read(false); end e.lock=function(i,a) e.lock_read(a) if a==true then e.write=Q local a=o o=r(l,t,o) w[e]=nil if o~=a then A=true end elseif a==false then e.write=q if A then A=false q("") end end return j,A end local b=function() local o,t,a=R(t,O) if not t or(t=="wantread"or t=="timeout")then local o=o or a or"" local a=#o if a>z then e:close("receive buffer exceeded") return false end local a=a*ne B=B+a C=C+a b[e]=u return F(e,o,t) else i("server.lua: client ",h(H),":",h(N)," read error: ",h(t)) J=true m=e and e:force_close(t) return false end end local v=function() local y,a,s,n,c; if t then n=ve(v,"",1,d) y,a,s=p(t,n,1,f) c=(y or s or 0)*ne V=V+c L=L+c for e=d,1,-1 do v[e]=nil end else y,a,c=false,"unexpected close",0; end if y then d=0 f=0 o=r(l,t,o) w[e]=nil if M then M(e) end m=P and e:starttls(nil) m=G and e:force_close() return true elseif s and(a=="timeout"or a=="wantwrite")then n=ye(n,s+1,f) v[1]=n d=1 f=f-s w[e]=u return true else i("server.lua: client ",h(H),":",h(N)," write error: ",h(a)) J=true m=e and e:force_close(a) return false end end local u; function e.set_sslctx(w,t) g=t; local f,d u=pe(function(n) local t for h=1,x do o=(d and r(l,n,o))or o a=(f and r(s,n,a))or a f,d=nil,nil m,t=n:dohandshake() if not t then i("server.lua: ssl handshake done") e.readbuffer=b e.sendbuffer=v m=U and U(e,"ssl-handshake-complete") if w.autostart_ssl and y.onconnect then y.onconnect(w); end a=c(s,n,a) return true else if t=="wantwrite"then o=c(l,n,o) d=true elseif t=="wantread"then a=c(s,n,a) f=true else break; end t=nil; we() end end i("server.lua: ssl handshake error: ",h(t or"handshake too long")) m=e and e:force_close("ssl handshake failed") return false,t end ) end if T then e.starttls=function(f,m) if m then e:set_sslctx(m); end if d>0 then i"server.lua: we need to do tls, but delaying until send buffer empty" P=true return end i("server.lua: attempting to start tls on "..h(t)) local d,m=t t,m=fe(t,g) if not t then i("server.lua: error while starting tls on client: ",h(m or"unknown error")) return nil,m end t:settimeout(0) p=t.send R=t.receive k=K n[t]=e a=c(s,t,a) a=r(s,d,a) o=r(l,d,o) n[d]=nil e.starttls=nil P=nil W=true e.readbuffer=u e.sendbuffer=u return u(t) end end e.readbuffer=b e.sendbuffer=v p=t.send R=t.receive k=(W and K)or t.shutdown n[t]=e a=c(s,t,a) if g and T then i"server.lua: auto-starting ssl negotiation..." e.autostart_ssl=true; local e,t=e:starttls(g); if e==false then return nil,nil,t end end return e,t end K=function() end Q=function() return false end c=function(t,a,e) if not t[a]then e=e+1 t[e]=a t[a]=e end return e; end r=function(e,i,t) local a=e[i] if a then e[i]=nil local o=e[t] e[t]=nil if o~=i then e[o]=a e[a]=o end return t-1 end return t end X=function(e) o=r(l,e,o) a=r(s,e,a) n[e]=nil e:close() end local function f(e,t,o) local a; local i=t.sendbuffer; function t.sendbuffer() i(); if a and t.bufferlen()=o then a=true; e:lock_read(true); end end e:set_mode("*a"); end he=function(t,e,d,l,r) local o if H(d)~="table"then o="invalid listener table" end if H(e)~="number"or not(e>=0 and e<=65535)then o="invalid port" elseif y[t..":"..e]then o="listeners on '["..t.."]:"..e.."' already exist" elseif r and not T then o="luasec not found" end if o then U("server.lua, [",t,"]:",e,": ",o) return nil,o end t=t or"*" local o,h=le(t,e,j) if h then U("server.lua, [",t,"]:",e,": ",h) return nil,h end local h,d=ae(d,o,t,e,l,r) if not h then o:close() return nil,d end o:settimeout(0) a=c(s,o,a) y[t..":"..e]=h n[o]=h i("server.lua: new "..(r and"ssl "or"").."server listener on '[",t,"]:",e,"'") return h end de=function(e,t) return y[e..":"..t]; end Z=function(e,t) local a=y[e..":"..t] if not a then return nil,"no server found on '["..e.."]:"..h(t).."'" end a:close() y[e..":"..t]=nil return true end re=function() for e,t in D(n)do t:close() n[e]=nil end a=0 o=0 g=0 y={} s={} l={} R={} n={} end ee=function() return{ select_timeout=O; select_sleep_time=N; tcp_backlog=j; max_send_buffer_size=I; max_receive_buffer_size=E; select_idle_check_interval=A; send_timeout=_; read_timeout=z; max_connections=q; max_ssl_handshake_roundtrips=x; highest_allowed_fd=k; } end te=function(e) if H(e)~="table"then return nil,"invalid settings table" end O=p(e.select_timeout)or O N=p(e.select_sleep_time)or N I=p(e.max_send_buffer_size)or I E=p(e.max_receive_buffer_size)or E A=p(e.select_idle_check_interval)or A j=p(e.tcp_backlog)or j _=p(e.send_timeout)or _ z=p(e.read_timeout)or z q=e.max_connections or q x=e.max_ssl_handshake_roundtrips or x k=e.highest_allowed_fd or k return true end se=function(e) if H(e)~="function"then return nil,"invalid listener function" end g=g+1 R[g]=e return true end ue=function() return C,L,a,o,g end local t; local function y(e) t=not not e; end G=function(a) if t then return"quitting";end if a then t="once";end local e=oe; repeat local o,a,s=ce(s,l,Y(O,e)) for t,e in ie(a)do local t=n[e] if t then t.sendbuffer() else X(e) i"server.lua: found no handler and closed socket (writelist)" end end for e,t in ie(o)do local e=n[t] if e then e.readbuffer() else X(t) i"server.lua: found no handler and closed socket (readlist)" end end for e,t in D(S)do e.disconnect()(e,t) e:force_close() S[e]=nil; end u=P() local a=V(u-J) if a>A then J=u for e,t in D(w)do if V(u-t)>_ then e.disconnect()(e,"send timeout") e:force_close() end end for e,t in D(b)do if V(u-t)>z then e.disconnect()(e,"read timeout") e:close() end end end if u-W>=Y(e,1)then e=oe; for t=1,g do local t=R[t](u) if t then e=Y(e,t);end end W=u else e=e-(u-W); end me(N) until t; if a and t=="once"then t=nil;return;end return"quitting" end local function h() return G(true); end local function r() return"select"; end local s=function(e,s,a,t,h,i) local e,a,s=F(nil,t,e,s,a,"clientport",h,i) if not e then return nil,s end n[a]=e if not i then o=c(l,a,o) if t.onconnect then local a=e.sendbuffer; e.sendbuffer=function() e.sendbuffer=a; t.onconnect(e); return a(); end end end return e,a end local t=function(a,o,i,n,h) local t,e=v.tcp() if e then return nil,e end t:settimeout(0) m,e=t:connect(a,o) if e then local e=s(t,a,o,i) else F(nil,i,t,a,o,"clientport",n,h) end end d"setmetatable"(n,{__mode="k"}) d"setmetatable"(b,{__mode="k"}) d"setmetatable"(w,{__mode="k"}) W=P() J=P() local function a(e) local t=M; if e then M=e; end return t; end return{ _addtimer=se, addclient=t, wrapclient=s, loop=G, link=f, step=h, stats=ue, closeall=re, addserver=he, getserver=de, setlogger=a, getsettings=ee, setquitting=y, removeserver=Z, get_backend=r, changesettings=te, } end) package.preload['util.xmppstream']=(function(...) local e=require"lxp"; local t=require"util.stanza"; local b=t.stanza_mt; local f=error; local t=tostring; local d=table.insert; local p=table.concat; local _=table.remove; local v=setmetatable; local z=pcall(,{StartDoctypeDecl=false}); local T=pcall(,{XmlDecl=false}); local a=not not{}).getcurrentbytecount; local E=1024*1024*10; module"xmppstream" local; local x={ ["\1lang"]="xml:lang"; ["\1space"]="xml:space"; ["\1base"]="xml:base"; ["\1id"]="xml:id"; }; local s=""; local r="\1"; local g="^([^"..r.."]*)"..r.."?(.*)$"; _M.ns_separator=r; _M.ns_pattern=g; local function o()end function new_sax_handlers(n,e,h) local i={}; local y=e.streamopened; local w=e.streamclosed; local l=e.error or function(o,a,e)f("XML stream error: "..t(a)..(e and": "..t(e)or""),2);end; local j=e.handlestanza; h=h or o; local t=e.stream_ns or s; local c=e.stream_tag or"stream"; if t~=""then c=t..r..c; end local q=t..r..(e.error_tag or"error"); local k=e.default_ns; local u={}; local s,e={}; local t=0; local r=0; function i:StartElement(m,o) if e and#s>0 then d(e,p(s)); s={}; end local s,i=m:match(g); if i==""then s,i="",s; end if s~=k or r>0 then o.xmlns=s; r=r+1; end for t=1,#o do local e=o[t]; o[t]=nil; local t=x[e]; if t then o[t]=o[e]; o[e]=nil; end end if not e then if a then t=self:getcurrentbytecount(); end if n.notopen then if m==c then r=0; if y then if a then h(t); t=0; end y(n,o); end else l(n,"no-stream",m); end return; end if s=="jabber:client"and i~="iq"and i~="presence"and i~="message"then l(n,"invalid-top-level-element"); end e=v({name=i,attr=o,tags={}},b); else if a then t=t+self:getcurrentbytecount(); end d(u,e); local t=e; e=v({name=i,attr=o,tags={}},b); d(t,e); d(t.tags,e); end end if T then function i:XmlDecl(e,e,e) if a then h(self:getcurrentbytecount()); end end end function i:StartCdataSection() if a then if e then t=t+self:getcurrentbytecount(); else h(self:getcurrentbytecount()); end end end function i:EndCdataSection() if a then if e then t=t+self:getcurrentbytecount(); else h(self:getcurrentbytecount()); end end end function i:CharacterData(o) if e then if a then t=t+self:getcurrentbytecount(); end d(s,o); elseif a then h(self:getcurrentbytecount()); end end function i:EndElement(o) if a then t=t+self:getcurrentbytecount() end if r>0 then r=r-1; end if e then if#s>0 then d(e,p(s)); s={}; end if#u==0 then if a then h(t); end t=0; if o~=q then j(n,e); else l(n,"stream-error",e); end e=nil; else e=_(u); end else if w then w(n); end end end local function a(e) l(n,"parse-error","restricted-xml","Restricted XML, see RFC 6120 section 11.1."); if not e.stop or not e:stop()then f("Failed to abort parsing"); end end if z then i.StartDoctypeDecl=a; end i.Comment=a; i.ProcessingInstruction=a; local function a() e,s,t=nil,{},0; u={}; end local function e(t,e) n=e; end return i,{reset=a,set_session=e}; end function new(i,n,t) local e=0; local o; if a then function o(a) e=e-a; end t=t or E; elseif t then f("Stanza size limits are not supported on this version of LuaExpat") end local n,i=new_sax_handlers(i,n,o); local o=k(n,r,false); local s=o.parse; return{ reset=function() o=k(n,r,false); s=o.parse; e=0; i.reset(); end, feed=function(n,i) if a then e=e+#i; end local i,o=s(o,i); if a and e>t then return nil,"stanza-too-large"; end return i,o; end, set_session=i.set_session; }; end return _M; end) package.preload['util.jid']=(function(...) local a,i=string.match,string.sub; local r=require"util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep; local d=require"util.encodings".stringprep.nameprep; local l=require"util.encodings".stringprep.resourceprep; local n={ [" "]="\\20";['"']="\\22"; ["&"]="\\26";["'"]="\\27"; ["/"]="\\2f";[":"]="\\3a"; ["<"]="\\3c";[">"]="\\3e"; ["@"]="\\40";["\\"]="\\5c"; }; local s={}; for e,t in pairs(n)do s[t]=e;end module"jid" local function o(e) if not e then return;end local o,t=a(e,"^([^@/]+)@()"); local t,i=a(e,"^([^@/]+)()",t) if o and not t then return nil,nil,nil;end local a=a(e,"^/(.+)$",i); if(not t)or((not a)and#e>=i)then return nil,nil,nil;end return o,t,a; end split=o; function bare(e) local t,e=o(e); if t and e then return t.."@"..e; end return e; end local function h(e) local a,e,t=o(e); if e then if i(e,-1,-1)=="."then e=i(e,1,-2); end e=d(e); if not e then return;end if a then a=r(a); if not a then return;end end if t then t=l(t); if not t then return;end end return a,e,t; end end prepped_split=h; function prep(e) local t,e,a=h(e); if e then if t then e=t.."@"..e; end if a then e=e.."/"..a; end end return e; end function join(a,e,t) if a and e and t then return a.."@"..e.."/"..t; elseif a and e then return a.."@"..e; elseif e and t then return e.."/"..t; elseif e then return e; end return nil; end function compare(t,e) local n,i,s=o(t); local e,t,a=o(e); if((e~=nil and e==n)or e==nil)and ((t~=nil and t==i)or t==nil)and ((a~=nil and a==s)or a==nil)then return true end return false end function escape(e)return e and(e:gsub(".",n));end function unescape(e)return e and(e:gsub("\\%x%x",s));end return _M; end) package.preload['']=(function(...) local o=pairs; local s=table.insert; local n=table.sort; local d=setmetatable; local h=next; module"events" function new() local t={}; local e={}; local function r(i,a) local e=e[a]; if not e or h(e)==nil then return;end local t={}; for e in o(e)do s(t,e); end n(t,function(a,t)return e[a]>e[t];end); i[a]=t; return t; end; d(t,{__index=r}); local function s(o,i,n) local a=e[o]; if a then a[i]=n or 0; else a={[i]=n or 0}; e[o]=a; end t[o]=nil; end; local function i(a,i) local o=e[a]; if o then o[i]=nil; t[a]=nil; if h(o)==nil then e[a]=nil; end end end; local function a(e) for e,t in o(e)do s(e,t); end end; local function n(e) for t,e in o(e)do i(t,e); end end; local function o(e,...) local e=t[e]; if e then for t=1,#e do local e=e[t](...); if e~=nil then return e;end end end end; return{ add_handler=s; remove_handler=i; add_handlers=a; remove_handlers=n; fire_event=o; _handlers=t; _event_map=e; }; end return _M; end) package.preload['util.dataforms']=(function(...) local e=setmetatable; local t,i=pairs,ipairs; local r,h,c=tostring,type,next; local s=table.concat; local l=require"util.stanza"; local d=require"util.jid".prep; module"dataforms" local u='jabber:x:data'; local n={}; local t={__index=n}; function new(a) return e(a,t); end function from_stanza(e) local o={ title=e:get_child_text("title"); instructions=e:get_child_text("instructions"); }; for e in e:childtags("field")do local a={ name=e.attr.var; label=e.attr.label; type=e.attr.type; required=e:get_child("required")and true or nil; value=e:get_child_text("value"); }; o[#o+1]=a; if a.type then local t={}; if a.type:match"list%-"then for e in e:childtags("option")do t[#t+1]={label=e.attr.label,value=e:get_child_text("value")}; end for e in e:childtags("value")do t[#t+1]={label=e.attr.label,value=e:get_text(),default=true}; end elseif a.type:match"%-multi"then for e in e:childtags("value")do t[#t+1]=e.attr.label and{label=e.attr.label,value=e:get_text()}or e:get_text(); end if a.type=="text-multi"then a.value=s(t,"\n"); else a.value=t; end end end end return new(o); end function n.form(t,n,e) local e=l.stanza("x",{xmlns=u,type=e or"form"}); if t.title then e:tag("title"):text(t.title):up(); end if t.instructions then e:tag("instructions"):text(t.instructions):up(); end for t,o in i(t)do local a=o.type or"text-single"; e:tag("field",{type=a,,label=o.label}); local t=(n and n[])or o.value; if t then if a=="hidden"then if h(t)=="table"then e:tag("value") :add_child(t) :up(); else e:tag("value"):text(r(t)):up(); end elseif a=="boolean"then e:tag("value"):text((t and"1")or"0"):up(); elseif a=="fixed"then elseif a=="jid-multi"then for a,t in i(t)do e:tag("value"):text(t):up(); end elseif a=="jid-single"then e:tag("value"):text(t):up(); elseif a=="text-single"or a=="text-private"then e:tag("value"):text(t):up(); elseif a=="text-multi"then for t in t:gmatch("([^\r\n]+)\r?\n*")do e:tag("value"):text(t):up(); end elseif a=="list-single"then local a=false; for o,t in i(t)do if h(t)=="table"then e:tag("option",{label=t.label}):tag("value"):text(t.value):up():up(); if t.default and(not a)then e:tag("value"):text(t.value):up(); a=true; end else e:tag("option",{label=t}):tag("value"):text(r(t)):up():up(); end end elseif a=="list-multi"then for a,t in i(t)do if h(t)=="table"then e:tag("option",{label=t.label}):tag("value"):text(t.value):up():up(); if t.default then e:tag("value"):text(t.value):up(); end else e:tag("option",{label=t}):tag("value"):text(r(t)):up():up(); end end end end if o.required then e:tag("required"):up(); end e:up(); end return e; end local e={}; function,s) local n={}; local a={}; for o,t in i(t)do local o; for e in s:childtags()do if then o=e; break; end end if not o then if t.required then a[]="Required value missing"; end else local e=e[t.type]; if e then n[],a[]=e(o,t.required); end end end if c(a)then return n,a; end return n; end e["text-single"]= function(t,a) local t=t:get_child_text("value"); if t and#t>0 then return t elseif a then return nil,"Required value missing"; end end e["text-private"]= e["text-single"]; e["jid-single"]= function(t,o) local t=t:get_child_text("value") local a=d(t); if a and#a>0 then return a elseif t then return nil,"Invalid JID: "..t; elseif o then return nil,"Required value missing"; end end e["jid-multi"]= function(o,i) local a={}; local t={}; for e in o:childtags("value")do local e=e:get_text(); local o=d(e); a[#a+1]=o; if e and not o then t[#t+1]=("Invalid JID: "..e); end end if#a>0 then return a,(#t>0 and s(t,"\n")or nil); elseif i then return nil,"Required value missing"; end end e["list-multi"]= function(a,o) local t={}; for e in a:childtags("value")do t[#t+1]=e:get_text(); end return t,(o and#t==0 and"Required value missing"or nil); end e["text-multi"]= function(t,a) local t,a=e["list-multi"](t,a); if t then t=s(t,"\n"); end return t,a; end e["list-single"]= e["text-single"]; local a={ ["1"]=true,["true"]=true, ["0"]=false,["false"]=false, }; e["boolean"]= function(t,o) local t=t:get_child_text("value"); local a=a[t~=nil and t]; if a~=nil then return a; elseif t then return nil,"Invalid boolean representation"; elseif o then return nil,"Required value missing"; end end e["hidden"]= function(e) return e:get_child_text("value"); end return _M; end) package.preload['util.caps']=(function(...) local d=require"util.encodings".base64.encode; local l=require"util.hashes".sha1; local n,h,s=table.insert,table.sort,table.concat; local r=ipairs; module"caps" function calculate_hash(e) local i,o,a={},{},{}; for t,e in r(e)do if"identity"then n(i,(e.attr.category or"").."\0"..(e.attr.type or"").."\0"..(e.attr["xml:lang"]or"").."\0"..( or"")); elseif"feature"then n(o,e.attr.var or""); elseif"x"and e.attr.xmlns=="jabber:x:data"then local t={}; local o; for a,e in r(e.tags)do if"field"and e.attr.var then local a={}; for t,e in r(e.tags)do e=#e.tags==0 and e:get_text(); if e then n(a,e);end end h(a); if e.attr.var=="FORM_TYPE"then o=a[1]; elseif#a>0 then n(t,e.attr.var.."\0"..s(a,"<")); else n(t,e.attr.var); end end end h(t); t=s(t,"<"); if o then t=o.."\0"..t;end n(a,t); end end h(i); h(o); h(a); if#i>0 then i=s(i,"<"):gsub("%z","/").."<";else i="";end if#o>0 then o=s(o,"<").."<";else o="";end if#a>0 then a=s(a,"<"):gsub("%z","<").."<";else a="";end local e=i..o..a; local t=d(l(e)); return t,e; end return _M; end) package.preload['util.vcard']=(function(...) local i=require"util.stanza"; local a,r=table.insert,table.concat; local s=type; local e,h,m=next,pairs,ipairs; local c,l,u,d; local f="\n"; local o; local function e() error"Not implemented" end local function e() error"Not implemented" end local function w(e) return e:gsub("[,:;\\]","\\%1"):gsub("\n","\\n"); end local function y(e) return e:gsub("\\?[\\nt:;,]",{ ["\\\\"]="\\", ["\\n"]="\n", ["\\r"]="\r", ["\\t"]="\t", ["\\:"]=":", ["\\;"]=";", ["\\,"]=",", [":"]="\29", [";"]="\30", [","]="\31", }); end local function p(t) local a=i.stanza(,{xmlns="vcard-temp"}); local e=o[]; if e=="text"then a:text(t[1]); elseif s(e)=="table"then if e.types and t.TYPE then if s(t.TYPE)=="table"then for o,e in h(e.types)do for o,t in h(t.TYPE)do if t:upper()==e then a:tag(e):up(); break; end end end else a:tag(t.TYPE:upper()):up(); end end if e.props then for o,e in h(e.props)do if t[e]then a:tag(e):up(); end end end if e.value then a:tag(e.value):text(t[1]):up(); elseif e.values then local o=e.values; local i=o.behaviour=="repeat-last"and o[#o]; for o=1,#t do a:tag(e.values[o]or i):text(t[o]):up(); end end end return a; end local function n(t) local e=i.stanza("vCard",{xmlns="vcard-temp"}); for a=1,#t do e:add_child(p(t[a])); end return e; end function d(e) if not e[1]or e[1].name then return n(e) else local t=i.stanza("xCard",{xmlns="vcard-temp"}); for a=1,#e do t:add_child(n(e[a])); end return t; end end function c(t) t=t :gsub("\r\n","\n") :gsub("\n ","") :gsub("\n\n+","\n"); local s={}; local e; for t in t:gmatch("[^\n]+")do local t=y(t); local n,t,i=t:match("^([-%a]+)(\30?[^\29]*)\29(.*)$"); i=i:gsub("\29",":"); if#t>0 then local a={}; for e,o,i in t:gmatch("\30([^=]+)(=?)([^\30]*)")do e=e:upper(); local t={}; for e in i:gmatch("[^\31]+")do t[#t+1]=e t[e]=true; end if o=="="then a[e]=t; else a[e]=true; end end t=a; end if n=="BEGIN"and i=="VCARD"then e={}; s[#s+1]=e; elseif n=="END"and i=="VCARD"then e=nil; elseif e and o[n]then local o=o[n]; local n={name=n}; e[#e+1]=n; local s=e; e=n; if o.types then for o,a in m(o.types)do local a=a:lower(); if(t.TYPE and t.TYPE[a]==true) or t[a]==true then e.TYPE=a; end end end if o.props then for o,a in m(o.props)do if t[a]then if t[a]==true then e[a]=true; else for o,t in m(t[a])do e[a]=t; end end end end end if o=="text"or o.value then a(e,i); elseif o.values then local t="\30"..i; for t in t:gmatch("\30([^\30]*)")do a(e,t); end end e=s; end end return s; end local function n(e) local t={}; for a=1,#e do t[a]=w(e[a]); end t=r(t,";"); local a=""; for e,t in h(e)do if s(e)=="string"and e~="name"then a=a..(";%s=%s"):format(e,s(t)=="table"and r(t,",")or t); end end return("%s%s:%s"):format(,a,t) end local function i(t) local e={}; a(e,"BEGIN:VCARD") for o=1,#t do a(e,n(t[o])); end a(e,"END:VCARD") return r(e,f); end function l(e) if e[1]and e[1].name then return i(e) else local t={}; for a=1,#e do t[a]=i(e[a]); end return r(t,f); end end local function n(i) local; local e=o[t]; local t={name=t}; if e=="text"then t[1]=i:get_text(); elseif s(e)=="table"then if e.value then t[1]=i:get_child_text(e.value)or""; elseif e.values then local e=e.values; if e.behaviour=="repeat-last"then for e=1,#i.tags do a(t,i.tags[e]:get_text()or""); end else for o=1,#e do a(t,i:get_child_text(e[o])or""); end end elseif e.names then local e=e.names; for a=1,#e do if i:get_child(e[a])then t[1]=e[a]; break; end end end if e.props_verbatim then for a,e in h(e.props_verbatim)do t[a]=e; end end if e.types then local e=e.types; t.TYPE={}; for o=1,#e do if i:get_child(e[o])then a(t.TYPE,e[o]:lower()); end end if#t.TYPE==0 then t.TYPE=nil; end end if e.props then local e=e.props; for o=1,#e do local e=e[o] local o=i:get_child_text(e); if o then t[e]=t[e]or{}; a(t[e],o); end end end else return nil end return t; end local function i(e) local t=e.tags; local e={}; for o=1,#t do a(e,n(t[o])); end return e end function u(e) if e.attr.xmlns~="vcard-temp"then return nil,"wrong-xmlns"; end if"xCard"then local t={}; local a=e.tags; for e=1,#a do t[e]=i(a[e]); end return t elseif"vCard"then return i(e) end end o={ VERSION="text", FN="text", N={ values={ "FAMILY", "GIVEN", "MIDDLE", "PREFIX", "SUFFIX", }, }, NICKNAME="text", PHOTO={ props_verbatim={ENCODING={"b"}}, props={"TYPE"}, value="BINVAL", }, BDAY="text", ADR={ types={ "HOME", "WORK", "POSTAL", "PARCEL", "DOM", "INTL", "PREF", }, values={ "POBOX", "EXTADD", "STREET", "LOCALITY", "REGION", "PCODE", "CTRY", } }, LABEL={ types={ "HOME", "WORK", "POSTAL", "PARCEL", "DOM", "INTL", "PREF", }, value="LINE", }, TEL={ types={ "HOME", "WORK", "VOICE", "FAX", "PAGER", "MSG", "CELL", "VIDEO", "BBS", "MODEM", "ISDN", "PCS", "PREF", }, value="NUMBER", }, EMAIL={ types={ "HOME", "WORK", "INTERNET", "PREF", "X400", }, value="USERID", }, JABBERID="text", MAILER="text", TZ="text", GEO={ values={ "LAT", "LON", }, }, TITLE="text", ROLE="text", LOGO="copy of PHOTO", AGENT="text", ORG={ values={ behaviour="repeat-last", "ORGNAME", "ORGUNIT", } }, CATEGORIES={ values="KEYWORD", }, NOTE="text", PRODID="text", REV="text", SORTSTRING="text", SOUND="copy of PHOTO", UID="text", URL="text", CLASS={ names={ "PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "CONFIDENTIAL", }, }, KEY={ props={"TYPE"}, value="CRED", }, DESC="text", }; o.LOGO=o.PHOTO; o.SOUND=o.PHOTO; return{ from_text=c; to_text=l; from_xep54=u; to_xep54=d; lua_to_text=l; lua_to_xep54=d; text_to_lua=c; text_to_xep54=function(...)return d(c(...));end; xep54_to_lua=u; xep54_to_text=function(...)return l(u(...))end; }; end) package.preload['util.logger']=(function(...) local e=pcall; local e=string.find; local e,s,e=ipairs,pairs,setmetatable; module"logger" local e={}; local t; function init(e) local n=t(e,"debug"); local i=t(e,"info"); local o=t(e,"warn"); local a=t(e,"error"); return function(t,e,...) if t=="debug"then return n(e,...); elseif t=="info"then return i(e,...); elseif t=="warn"then return o(e,...); elseif t=="error"then return a(e,...); end end end function t(o,a) local t=e[a]; if not t then t={}; e[a]=t; end local e=function(e,...) for i=1,#t do t[i](o,a,e,...); end end return e; end function reset() for t,e in s(e)do for t=1,#e do e[t]=nil; end end end function add_level_sink(t,a) if not e[t]then e[t]={a}; else e[t][#e[t]+1]=a; end end; return _M; end) package.preload['util.datetime']=(function(...) local; local n=os.time; local u=os.difftime; local t=error; local r=tonumber; module"datetime" function date(t) return e("!%Y-%m-%d",t); end function datetime(t) return e("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",t); end function time(t) return e("!%H:%M:%S",t); end function legacy(t) return e("!%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S",t); end function parse(o) if o then local i,s,h,d,l,t,a; i,s,h,d,l,t,a=o:match("^(%d%d%d%d)%-?(%d%d)%-?(%d%d)T(%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)%.?%d*([Z+%-]?.*)$"); if i then local u=u(n(e("*t")),n(e("!*t"))); local o=0; if a~=""and a~="Z"then local a,t,e=a:match("([+%-])(%d%d):?(%d*)"); if not a then return;end if#e~=2 then e="0";end t,e=r(t),r(e); o=t*60*60+e*60; if a=="-"then o=-o;end end t=(t+u)-o; return n({year=i,month=s,day=h,hour=d,min=l,sec=t,isdst=false}); end end end return _M; end) package.preload['util.sasl.scram']=(function(...) local i,c=require"mime".b64,require"mime".unb64; local a=require"crypto"; local t=require"bit"; local n=tonumber; local s,e=string.char,string.byte; local o=string.gsub; local h=t.bxor; local function m(a,t) return(o(a,"()(.)",function(o,a) return s(h(e(a),e(t,o))) end)); end local function y(e) return a.digest("sha1",e,true); end local s=a.hmac.digest; local function e(e,t) return s("sha1",t,e,true); end local function w(o,t,i) local t=e(o,t.."\0\0\0\1"); local a=t; for i=2,i do t=e(o,t); a=m(a,t); end return a; end local function f(e) return e; end local function t(e) return(o(e,"[,=]",{[","]="=2C",["="]="=3D"})); end local function r(o,h) local t="n="..t(o.username); local s=i(a.rand.bytes(15)); local d="r="..s; local r=t..","..d; local u=""; local t=o.conn:ssl()and"y"or"n"; if h=="SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS"then u=o.conn:socket():getfinished(); t="p=tls-unique"; end local l=t..",,"; local t=l..r; local t,h=coroutine.yield(t); if t~="challenge"then return false end local a,t,p=h:match("(r=[^,]+),s=([^,]*),i=(%d+)"); local n=n(p); t=c(t); if not a or not t or not n then return false,"Could not parse server_first_message"; elseif a:find(s,3,true)~=3 then return false,"nonce sent by server does not match our nonce"; elseif a==d then return false,"server did not append s-nonce to nonce"; end local s=l..u; local s="c="..i(s); local s=s..","..a; local a=w(f(o.password),t,n); local t=e(a,"Client Key"); local n=y(t); local o=r..","..h..","..s; local n=e(n,o); local t=m(t,n); local a=e(a,"Server Key"); local e=e(a,o); local t="p="..i(t); local t=s..","..t; local t,a=coroutine.yield(t); if t~="success"then return false,"success-expected"end local t=a:match("v=([^,]+)"); if c(t)~=e then return false,"server signature did not match"; end return true; end return function(e,t) if e.username and(e.password or(e.client_key or e.server_key))then if t=="SCRAM-SHA-1"then return r,99; elseif t=="SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS"then local e=e.conn:ssl()and e.conn:socket(); if e and e.getfinished then return r,100; end end end end end) package.preload['util.sasl.plain']=(function(...) return function(e,t) if t=="PLAIN"and e.username and e.password then return function(e) return"success"==coroutine.yield("\0"..e.username.."\0"..e.password); end,5; end end end) package.preload['util.sasl.anonymous']=(function(...) return function(t,e) if e=="ANONYMOUS"then return function() return coroutine.yield()=="success"; end,0; end end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.tls']=(function(...) local a=require"verse"; local t="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"; function a.plugins.tls(e) local function i(o) if e.authenticated then return;end if o:get_child("starttls",t)and e.conn.starttls then e:debug("Negotiating TLS..."); e:send(a.stanza("starttls",{xmlns=t})); return true; elseif not e.conn.starttls and not then e:warn("SSL libary (LuaSec) not loaded, so TLS not available"); elseif not then e:debug("Server doesn't offer TLS :("); end end local function o(t) if"proceed"then e:debug("Server says proceed, handshake starting..."); e.conn:starttls({mode="client",protocol="sslv23",options="no_sslv2"},true); end end local function a(t) if t=="ssl-handshake-complete"then; e:debug("Re-opening stream..."); e:reopen(); end end e:hook("stream-features",i,400); e:hook("stream/"..t,o); e:hook("status",a,400); return true; end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.sasl']=(function(...) local n,s=require"mime".b64,require"mime".unb64; local o="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"; function verse.plugins.sasl(e) local function h(t) if e.authenticated then return;end e:debug("Authenticating with SASL..."); local t=t:get_child("mechanisms",o); if not t then return end local a={}; local i={}; for t in t:childtags("mechanism")do t=t:get_text(); e:debug("Server offers %s",t); if not a[t]then local n=t:match("[^-]+"); local s,o=pcall(require,"util.sasl."..n:lower()); if s then e:debug("Loaded SASL %s module",n); a[t],i[t]=o(e,t); elseif not tostring(o):match("not found")then e:debug("Loading failed: %s",tostring(o)); end end end local t={}; for e in pairs(a)do table.insert(t,e); end if not t[1]then e:event("authentication-failure",{condition="no-supported-sasl-mechanisms"}); e:close(); return; end table.sort(t,function(e,t)return i[e]>i[t];end); local t,i=t[1]; e:debug("Selecting %s mechanism...",t); e.sasl_mechanism=coroutine.wrap(a[t]); i=e:sasl_mechanism(t); local t=verse.stanza("auth",{xmlns=o,mechanism=t}); if i then t:text(n(i)); end e:send(t); return true; end local function i(t) if"failure"then local a=t.tags[1]; local t=t:get_child_text("text"); e:event("authentication-failure",{,text=t}); e:close(); return false; end local t,a=e.sasl_mechanism(,s(t:get_text())); if not t then e:event("authentication-failure",{condition=a}); e:close(); return false; elseif t==true then e:event("authentication-success"); e.authenticated=true e:reopen(); else e:send(verse.stanza("response",{xmlns=o}):text(n(t))); end return true; end e:hook("stream-features",h,300); e:hook("stream/"..o,i); return true; end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.bind']=(function(...) local t=require"verse"; local o=require"util.jid"; local a="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"; function t.plugins.bind(e) local function i(i) if e.bound then return;end e:debug("Binding resource..."); e:send_iq({type="set"}):tag("bind",{xmlns=a}):tag("resource"):text(e.resource), function(t) if t.attr.type=="result"then local t=t :get_child("bind",a) :get_child_text("jid"); e.username,,e.resource=o.split(t); e.jid,e.bound=t,true; e:event("bind-success",{jid=t}); elseif t.attr.type=="error"then local a=t:child_with_name("error"); local o,t,a=t:get_error(); e:event("bind-failure",{error=t,text=a,type=o}); end end); end e:hook("stream-features",i,200); return true; end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.session']=(function(...) local a=require"verse"; local o="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"; function a.plugins.session(e) local function n(t) local t=t:get_child("session",o); if t and not t:get_child("optional")then local function i(t) e:debug("Establishing Session..."); e:send_iq({type="set"}):tag("session",{xmlns=o}), function(t) if t.attr.type=="result"then e:event("session-success"); elseif t.attr.type=="error"then local a=t:child_with_name("error"); local t,o,a=t:get_error(); e:event("session-failure",{error=o,text=a,type=t}); end end); return true; end e:hook("bind-success",i); end end e:hook("stream-features",n); return true; end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.legacy']=(function(...) local a=require"verse"; local n=require"util.uuid".generate; local i="jabber:iq:auth"; function a.plugins.legacy(e) function handle_auth_form(t) local o=t:get_child("query",i); if t.attr.type~="result"or not o then local o,a,t=t:get_error(); e:debug("warn","%s %s: %s",o,a,t); end local t={ username=e.username; password=e.password; resource=e.resource or n(); digest=false,sequence=false,token=false; }; local{,type="set"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=i}); if#o>0 then for a in o:childtags()do local; local o=t[a]; if o then i:tag(a):text(t[a]):up(); elseif o==nil then local t="feature-not-implemented"; e:event("authentication-failure",{condition=t}); return false; end end else for t,e in pairs(t)do if e then i:tag(t):text(e):up(); end end end e:send_iq(i,function(a) if a.attr.type=="result"then e.resource=t.resource; e.jid=t.username.."@""/"..t.resource; e:event("authentication-success"); e:event("bind-success",e.jid); else local a,t,a=a:get_error(); e:event("authentication-failure",{condition=t}); end end); end function handle_opened(t) if not t.version then e:send_iq({type="get"}) :tag("query",{xmlns="jabber:iq:auth"}) :tag("username"):text(e.username), handle_auth_form); end end e:hook("opened",handle_opened); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.compression']=(function(...) local a=require"verse"; local e=require"zlib"; local t="" local t="" local o=""; local i=9; local function l(o) local i,e=pcall(e.deflate,i); if i==false then local t=a.stanza("failure",{xmlns=t}):tag("setup-failed"); o:send(t); o:error("Failed to create zlib.deflate filter: %s",tostring(e)); return end return e end local function d(o) local i,e=pcall(e.inflate); if i==false then local t=a.stanza("failure",{xmlns=t}):tag("setup-failed"); o:send(t); o:error("Failed to create zlib.inflate filter: %s",tostring(e)); return end return e end local function h(e,o) function e:send(i) local i,o,n=pcall(o,tostring(i),'sync'); if i==false then e:close({ condition="undefined-condition"; text=o; extra=a.stanza("failure",{xmlns=t}):tag("processing-failed"); }); e:warn("Compressed send failed: %s",tostring(o)); return; end e.conn:write(o); end; end local function r(e,i) local,o) e:debug("Decompressing data..."); local i,o,h=pcall(i,o); if i==false then e:close({ condition="undefined-condition"; text=o; extra=a.stanza("failure",{xmlns=t}):tag("processing-failed"); }); stream:warn("%s",tostring(o)); return; end return s(n,o); end; end function a.plugins.compression(e) local function i(o) if not e.compressed then local o=o:child_with_name("compression"); if o then for o in o:children()do local o=o[1] if o=="zlib"then e:send(a.stanza("compress",{xmlns=t}):tag("method"):text("zlib")) e:debug("Enabled compression using zlib.") return true; end end session:debug("Remote server supports no compression algorithm we support.") end end end local function o(t) if"compressed"then e:debug("Activating compression...") local a=l(e); if not a then return end local t=d(e); if not t then return end h(e,a); r(e,t); e.compressed=true; e:reopen(); elseif"failure"then e:warn("Failed to establish compression"); end end e:hook("stream-features",i,250); e:hook("stream/"..t,o); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.smacks']=(function(...) local s=require"verse"; local h=socket.gettime; local n="urn:xmpp:sm:2"; function s.plugins.smacks(e) local t={}; local a=0; local r=h(); local o; local i=0; local function d(t) if t.attr.xmlns=="jabber:client"or not t.attr.xmlns then i=i+1; e:debug("Increasing handled stanzas to %d for %s",i,t:top_tag()); end end function outgoing_stanza(a) if and not a.attr.xmlns then t[#t+1]=tostring(a); r=h(); if not o then o=true; e:debug("Waiting to send ack request..."); s.add_task(1,function() if#t==0 then o=false; return; end local a=h()-r; if a<1 and#t<10 then return 1-a; end e:debug("Time up, sending ..."); o=false; e:send(s.stanza("r",{xmlns=n})); end); end end end local function h() e:debug("smacks: connection lost"); e.stream_management_supported=nil; if e.resumption_token then e:debug("smacks: have resumption token, reconnecting in 1s..."); e.authenticated=nil; s.add_task(1,function() e:connect(e.connect_host or,e.connect_port or 5222); end); return true; end end local function r() e.resumption_token=nil; e:unhook("disconnected",h); end local function l(o) if"r"then e:debug("Ack requested... acking %d handled stanzas",i); e:send(s.stanza("a",{xmlns=n,h=tostring(i)})); elseif"a"then local o=tonumber(o.attr.h); if o>a then local i=#t; for a=a+1,o do table.remove(t,1); end e:debug("Received ack: New ack: "..o.." Last ack: "..a.." Unacked stanzas now: "..#t.." (was "..i..")"); a=o; else e:warn("Received bad ack for "..o.." when last ack was "..a); end elseif"enabled"then if then; e:hook("closed",r,100); e:hook("disconnected",h,100); end elseif"resumed"then local o=tonumber(o.attr.h); if o>a then local i=#t; for a=a+1,o do table.remove(t,1); end e:debug("Received ack: New ack: "..o.." Last ack: "..a.." Unacked stanzas now: "..#t.." (was "..i..")"); a=o; end for a=1,#t do e:send(t[a]); end t={}; e:debug("Resumed successfully"); e:event("resumed"); else e:warn("Don't know how to handle "..n.."/"; end end local function t() if not e.smacks then e:debug("smacks: sending enable"); e:send(s.stanza("enable",{xmlns=n,resume="true"})); e.smacks=true; e:hook("stanza",d); e:hook("outgoing",outgoing_stanza); end end local function o(a) if a:get_child("sm",n)then e.stream_management_supported=true; if e.smacks and e.bound then e:debug("Resuming stream with %d handled stanzas",i); e:send(s.stanza("resume",{xmlns=n, h=i,previd=e.resumption_token})); return true; else e:hook("bind-success",t,1); end end end e:hook("stream-features",o,250); e:hook("stream/"..n,l); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.keepalive']=(function(...) local t=require"verse"; function t.plugins.keepalive(e) e.keepalive_timeout=e.keepalive_timeout or 300; t.add_task(e.keepalive_timeout,function() e.conn:write(" "); return e.keepalive_timeout; end); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.disco']=(function(...) local a=require"verse"; local r=require("mime").b64; local s=require("util.sha1").sha1; local n=""; local e=""; local i=e.."#info"; local o=e.."#items"; function a.plugins.disco(e) e:add_plugin("presence"); local h={ __index=function(a,e) local t={identities={},features={}}; if e=="identities"or e=="features"then return a[false][e] end a[e]=t; return t; end, }; local t={ __index=function(t,a) local e={}; t[a]=e; return e; end, }; e.disco={ cache={}, info=setmetatable({ [false]={ identities={ {category='client',type='pc',name='Verse'}, }, features={ [n]=true, [i]=true, [o]=true, }, }, },h); items=setmetatable({[false]={}},t); }; e.caps={} e.caps.node='' local function h(t,e) if t.category0 then self.connecting_peer_candidates=true; local function n(t,e) self.jingle:send_command("transport-info",a.stanza("content",{creator=self.creator,}) :tag("transport",{xmlns=o,sid=self.s5b_sid}) :tag("candidate-used",{cid=t.cid})); self.onconnect_callback=i; self.conn=e; end local e=h(self.s5b_sid..self.peer..e.jid,true); s(n,t,e); else e:warn("Actually, I'm going to wait for my peer to tell me its streamhost..."); self.onconnect_callback=i; end end function t:info_received(t) e:warn("Info received"); local n=t:child_with_name("content"); local i=n:child_with_name("transport"); if i:get_child("candidate-used")and not self.connecting_peer_candidates then local t=i:child_with_name("candidate-used"); if t then local function r(i,e) if self.jingle.role=="initiator"then{to=i.jid,type="set"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=l,sid=self.s5b_sid}) :tag("activate"):text(self.jingle.peer),function(i) if i.attr.type=="result"then self.jingle:send_command("transport-info",a.stanza("content",n.attr) :tag("transport",{xmlns=o,sid=self.s5b_sid}) :tag("activated",{cid=t.attr.cid})); self.conn=e; self.onconnect_callback(e); else"Failed to activate bytestream"); end end); end end"CID: %s",[t.attr.cid]); local t={[t.attr.cid]; }; local e=h(self.s5b_sid..e.jid..self.peer,true); s(r,t,e); end elseif i:get_child("activated")then self.onconnect_callback(self.conn); end end function t:disconnect() if self.conn then self.conn:close(); end end function t:handle_accepted(e) end local t={__index=t}; e:hook("jingle/transport/"..o,function(e) return setmetatable({ role=e.role, peer=e.peer,, jingle=e, },t); end); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.proxy65']=(function(...) local e=require""; local r=require"util.uuid"; local h=require"util.sha1"; local i={}; i.__index=i; local o=""; local n; function verse.plugins.proxy65(t) t.proxy65=setmetatable({stream=t},i); t.proxy65.available_streamhosts={}; local e=0; t:hook("disco/service-discovered/proxy",function(a) if a.type=="bytestreams"then e=e+1; t:send_iq({to=a.jid,type="get"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=o}),function(a) e=e-1; if a.attr.type=="result"then local e=a:get_child("query",o) :get_child("streamhost").attr; t.proxy65.available_streamhosts[e.jid]={ jid=e.jid;; port=tonumber(e.port); }; end if e==0 then t:event("proxy65/discovered-proxies",t.proxy65.available_streamhosts); end end); end end); t:hook("iq/"..o,function(a) local,{ initiator_jid=a.attr.from, streamhosts={}, current_host=0; }); for t in a.tags[1]:childtags()do if"streamhost"then table.insert(e.streamhosts,t.attr); end end local function o() if e.current_host<#e.streamhosts then e.current_host=e.current_host+1; e:connect( e.streamhosts[e.current_host].host, e.streamhosts[e.current_host].port ); n(t,e,a.tags[1].attr.sid,a.attr.from,t.jid); return true; end e:unhook("disconnected",o); t:send(verse.error_reply(a,"cancel","item-not-found")); end function e:accept() e:hook("disconnected",o,100); e:hook("connected",function() e:unhook("disconnected",o); local e=verse.reply(a) :tag("query",a.tags[1].attr) :tag("streamhost-used",{jid=e.streamhosts[e.current_host].jid}); t:send(e); end,100); o(); end function e:refuse() end t:event("proxy65/request",e); end); end function i:new(t,s) local,{ target_jid=t; bytestream_sid=r.generate(); }); local{type="set",to=t} :tag("query",{xmlns=o,mode="tcp",sid=e.bytestream_sid}); for t,e in ipairs(s or self.proxies)do a:tag("streamhost",e):up(); end,function(a) if a.attr.type=="error"then local o,t,a=a:get_error(); e:event("connection-failed",{conn=e,type=o,condition=t,text=a}); else local a=a.tags[1]:get_child("streamhost-used"); if not a then end e.streamhost_jid=a.attr.jid; local a,i; for o,t in ipairs(s or self.proxies)do if t.jid==e.streamhost_jid then a,,t.port; break; end end if not(a and i)then end e:connect(a,i); local function a() e:unhook("connected",a); local{to=e.streamhost_jid,type="set"} :tag("query",{xmlns=o,sid=e.bytestream_sid}) :tag("activate"):text(t);,function(t) if t.attr.type=="result"then e:event("connected",e); else end end); return true; end e:hook("connected",a,100); n(,e,e.bytestream_sid,,t); end end); return e; end function n(i,e,a,o,t) local t=h.sha1(a..o..t); local function o() e:unhook("connected",o); return true; end local function a(t) e:unhook("incoming-raw",a); if t:sub(1,2)~="\005\000"then return e:event("error","connection-failure"); end e:event("connected"); return true; end local function i(o) e:unhook("incoming-raw",i); if o~="\005\000"then local t="version-mismatch"; if o:sub(1,1)=="\005"then t="authentication-failure"; end return e:event("error",t); end e:send(string.char(5,1,0,3,#t)..t.."\0\0"); e:hook("incoming-raw",a,100); return true; end e:hook("connected",o,200); e:hook("incoming-raw",i,100); e:send("\005\001\000"); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.jingle_ibb']=(function(...) local e=require"verse"; local i=require"util.encodings".base64; local s=require"util.uuid".generate; local n="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ibb:1"; local o=""; assert(i.encode("This is a test.")=="VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Qu","Base64 encoding failed"); assert(i.decode("VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Qu")=="This is a test.","Base64 decoding failed"); local t=table.concat local a={}; local t={__index=a}; local function h(a) local t=setmetatable({stream=a},t) t=e.eventable(t); return t; end function a:initiate(a,e,t) self.block=2048; self.stanza=t or'iq'; self.peer=a; self.sid=e or tostring(self):match("%x+$"); self.iseq=0; self.oseq=0; local e=function(e) return self:feed(e) end self.feeder=e; print("Hooking incomming IQs"); local; a:hook("iq/"..o,e) if t=="message"then a:hook("message",e) end end function a:open(t){to=self.peer,type="set"} :tag("open",{ xmlns=o, ["block-size"]=self.block, sid=self.sid, stanza=self.stanza }) ,function(e) if t then if e.attr.type~="error"then t(true) else t(false,e:get_error()) end end end); end function a:send(n) local a=self.stanza; local t; if a=="iq"then{type="set",to=self.peer} elseif a=="message"then t=e.message{to=self.peer} end local e=self.oseq; self.oseq=e+1; t:tag("data",{xmlns=o,sid=self.sid,seq=e}) :text(i.encode(n)); if a=="iq"then,function(e) self:event(e.attr.type=="result"and"drained"or"error"); end) else stream:send(t) self:event("drained"); end end function a:feed(t) if t.attr.from~=self.peer then return end local a=t[1]; if a.attr.sid~=self.sid then return end local n; if"open"then self:event("connected"); return true elseif"data"then local o=t:get_child_text("data",o); local a=tonumber(a.attr.seq); local n=self.iseq; if o and a then if a~=n then,"cancel","not-acceptable","Wrong sequence. Packet lost?")) self:close(); self:event("error"); return true; end self.iseq=a+1; local a=i.decode(o); if self.stanza=="iq"then end self:event("incoming-raw",a); return true; end elseif"close"then self:close(); return true end end function a:close()"iq/"..o,self.feeder) self:event("disconnected"); end function e.plugins.jingle_ibb(a) a:hook("ready",function() a:add_disco_feature(n); end,10); local t={}; function t:_setup() local e=h(; e.sid=self.sid or e.sid; e.stanza=self.stanza or e.stanza; e.block=self.block or e.block; e:initiate(self.peer,self.sid,self.stanza); self.conn=e; end function t:generate_initiate() print("ibb:generate_initiate() as "..self.role); local t=s(); self.sid=t; self.stanza='iq'; self.block=2048; local e=e.stanza("transport",{xmlns=n, sid=self.sid,stanza=self.stanza,["block-size"]=self.block}); return e; end function t:generate_accept(t) print("ibb:generate_accept() as "..self.role); local e=t.attr; self.sid=e.sid or self.sid; self.stanza=e.stanza or self.stanza; self.block=e["block-size"]or self.block; self:_setup(); return t; end function t:connect(t) if not self.conn then self:_setup(); end local e=self.conn; print("ibb:connect() as "..self.role); if self.role=="initiator"then e:open(function(a,...) assert(a,table.concat({...},", ")); t(e); end); else t(e); end end function t:info_received(e) print("ibb:info_received()"); end function t:disconnect() if self.conn then self.conn:close() end end function t:handle_accepted(e)end local t={__index=t}; a:hook("jingle/transport/"..n,function(e) return setmetatable({ role=e.role, peer=e.peer,, jingle=e, },t); end); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.pubsub']=(function(...) local o=require"verse"; local e=require"util.jid".bare; local n=table.insert; local i=""; local s=""; local a=""; local e=""; local e={}; local h={__index=e}; function o.plugins.pubsub(e) e.pubsub=setmetatable({stream=e},h); e:hook("message",function(t) local o=t.attr.from; for t in t:childtags("event",a)do local t=t:get_child("items"); if t then local a=t.attr.node; for t in t:childtags("item")do e:event("pubsub/event",{ from=o; node=a; item=t; }); end end end end); return true; end function e:create(e,a,t) return self:service(e):node(a):create(nil,t); end function e:subscribe(a,o,t,e) return self:service(a):node(o):subscribe(t,nil,e); end function e:publish(e,t,a,o,i) return self:service(e):node(t):publish(a,nil,o,i); end local a={}; local t={__index=a}; function e:service(e) return setmetatable({,service=e},t) end local function t(e,h,r,a,s,n,t) local{type=e or"get",to=h} :tag("pubsub",{xmlns=r or i}) if a then e:tag(a,{node=s,jid=n});end if t then e:tag("item",{id=t~=true and t or nil});end return e; end function a:subscriptions(a),self.service,nil,"subscriptions") ,a and function(o) if o.attr.type=="result"then local e=o:get_child("pubsub",i); local e=e and e:get_child("subscriptions"); local o={}; if e then for t in e:childtags("subscription")do local e=self:node(t.attr.node) e.subscription=t; e.subscribed_jid=t.attr.jid; n(o,e); end end a(o); else a(false,o:get_error()); end end or nil); end function a:affiliations(a),self.service,nil,"affiliations") ,a and function(e) if e.attr.type=="result"then local e=e:get_child("pubsub",i); local e=e and e:get_child("affiliations")or{}; local t={}; if e then for e in e:childtags("affiliation")do local a=self:node(e.attr.node) a.affiliation=e; n(t,a); end end a(t); else a(false,e:get_error()); end end or nil); end function a:nodes(a),nil,function(e,...) if e then for t=1,#e do e[t]=self:node(e[t].node); end end a(e,...) end); end local e={}; local o={__index=e}; function a:node(e) return setmetatable({,service=self.service,node=e},o) end function h:__call(e,t) local e=self:service(e); return t and e:node(t)or e; end function e:hook(a,o) self._hooks=self._hooks or setmetatable({},{__mode='kv'}); local function t(e) if(not e.service or e.from==self.service)and e.node==self.node then return a(e) end end self._hooks[a]=t;"pubsub/event",t,o); return t; end function e:unhook(e) if e then local e=self._hooks[e];"pubsub/event",e); elseif self._hooks then for e in pairs(self._hooks)do"pubsub/event",e); end end end function e:create(a,e) if a~=nil then error("Not implemented yet."); else"set",self.service,nil,"create",self.node),e); end end function e:configure(e,a) if e~=nil then error("Not implemented yet."); end"set",self.service,nil,e==nil and"default"or"configure",self.node),a); end function e:publish(e,o,a,i) if o~=nil then error("Node configuration is not implemented yet."); end"set",self.service,nil,"publish",self.node,nil,e or true) :add_child(a) ,i); end function e:subscribe(e,a,o) e=e or; if a~=nil then error("Subscription configuration is not implemented yet."); end"set",self.service,nil,"subscribe",self.node,e,id) ,o); end function e:subscription(e) error("Not implemented yet."); end function e:affiliation(e) error("Not implemented yet."); end function e:unsubscribe(e,a) e=e or self.subscribed_jid or;"set",self.service,nil,"unsubscribe",self.node,e) ,a); end function e:configure_subscription(e,e) error("Not implemented yet."); end function e:items(a,e) if a then"get",self.service,nil,"items",self.node) ,e); else,self.node,e); end end function e:item(e,a)"get",self.service,nil,"items",self.node,nil,e) ,a); end function e:retract(a,e)"set",self.service,nil,"retract",self.node,nil,a) ,e); end function e:purge(a,e) assert(not a,"Not implemented yet.");"set",self.service,s,"purge",self.node) ,e); end function e:delete(e,a) assert(not e,"Not implemented yet.");"set",self.service,s,"delete",self.node) ,a); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.pep']=(function(...) local e=require"verse"; local t=""; local t=t.."#event"; function e.plugins.pep(e) e:add_plugin("disco"); e:add_plugin("pubsub"); e.pep={}; e:hook("pubsub/event",function(t) return e:event("pep/"..t.node,{from=t.from,item=t.item.tags[1]}); end); function e:hook_pep(t,o,i) local["pep/"..t]; if not(a)or#a==0 then e:add_disco_feature(t.."+notify"); end e:hook("pep/"..t,o,i); end function e:unhook_pep(t,a) e:unhook("pep/"..t,a); local["pep/"..t]; if not(a)or#a==0 then e:remove_disco_feature(t.."+notify"); end end function e:publish_pep(t,a) return e.pubsub:service(nil):node(a or t.attr.xmlns):publish(nil,nil,t) end end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.adhoc']=(function(...) local o=require"verse"; local n=require"lib.adhoc"; local t=""; local r="jabber:x:data"; local a={}; a.__index=a; local i={}; function o.plugins.adhoc(e) e:add_plugin("disco"); e:add_disco_feature(t); function e:query_commands(a,o) e:disco_items(a,t,function(t) e:debug("adhoc list returned") local a={}; for o,t in ipairs(t)do a[t.node]; end e:debug("adhoc calling callback") return o(a); end); end function e:execute_command(i,t,o) local e=setmetatable({ stream=e,jid=i, command=t,callback=o },a); return e:execute(); end local function h(t,e) if not(e)or e=="user"then return true;end if type(e)=="function"then return e(t); end end function e:add_adhoc_command(o,a,s,h) i[a],a,s,h); e:add_disco_item({jid=e.jid,node=a,name=o},t); return i[a]; end local function s(a) local t=a.tags[1]; local t=t.attr.node; local t=i[t]; if not t then return;end if not h(a.attr.from,t.permission)then e:send(o.error_reply(a,"auth","forbidden","You don't have permission to execute this command"):up() :add_child(t:cmdtag("canceled") :tag("note",{type="error"}):text("You don't have permission to execute this command"))); return true end return n.handle_cmd(t,{send=function(t)return e:send(t)end},a); end e:hook("iq/"..t,function(e) local a=e.attr.type; local t=e.tags[1].name; if a=="set"and t=="command"then return s(e); end end); end function a:_process_response(e) if e.attr.type=="error"then self.status="canceled"; self.callback(self,{}); return; end local e=e:get_child("command",t); self.status=e.attr.status; self.sessionid=e.attr.sessionid; self.form=e:get_child("x",r); self.note=e:get_child("note"); self.callback(self); end function a:execute() local{to=self.jid,type="set"}) :tag("command",{xmlns=t,node=self.command});,function(e) self:_process_response(e); end); end function a:next(e) local{to=self.jid,type="set"}) :tag("command",{ xmlns=t, node=self.command, sessionid=self.sessionid }); if e then t:add_child(e);end,function(e) self:_process_response(e); end); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.presence']=(function(...) local a=require"verse"; function a.plugins.presence(t) t.last_presence=nil; t:hook("presence-out",function(e) if not then t.last_presence=e; end end,1); function t:resend_presence() if last_presence then t:send(last_presence); end end function t:set_status(e) local a=a.presence(); if type(e)=="table"then if then a:tag("show"):text(; end if e.prio then a:tag("priority"):text(tostring(e.prio)):up(); end if e.msg then a:tag("status"):text(e.msg):up(); end end t:send(a); end end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.private']=(function(...) local a=require"verse"; local o="jabber:iq:private"; function a.plugins.private(s) function s:private_set(n,i,e,s) local{type="set"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=o}); if e then if and e.attr and e.attr.xmlns==i then t:add_child(e); else t:tag(n,{xmlns=i}) :add_child(e); end end self:send_iq(t,s); end function s:private_get(i,t,n) self:send_iq({type="get"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=o}) :tag(i,{xmlns=t}), function(e) if e.attr.type=="result"then local e=e:get_child("query",o); local e=e:get_child(i,t); n(e); end end); end end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.roster']=(function(...) local i=require"verse"; local r=require"util.jid".bare; local a="jabber:iq:roster"; local o="urn:xmpp:features:rosterver"; local n=table.insert; function i.plugins.roster(t) local s=false; local e={ items={}; ver=""; }; t.roster=e; t:hook("stream-features",function(e) if e:get_child("ver",o)then s=true; end end); local function h(t) local e=i.stanza("item",{xmlns=a}); for a,t in pairs(t)do if a~="groups"then e.attr[a]=t; else for a=1,#t do e:tag("group"):text(t[a]):up(); end end end return e; end local function d(t) local e={}; local a={}; e.groups=a; local o=t.attr.jid; for t,a in pairs(t.attr)do if t~="xmlns"then e[t]=a end end for e in t:childtags("group")do n(a,e:get_text()) end return e; end function e:load(t) e.ver,e.items=t.ver,t.items; end function e:dump() return{ ver=e.ver, items=e.items, }; end function e:add_contact(o,s,n,e) local o={jid=o,name=s,groups=n}; local{type="set"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=a}) :add_child(h(o)); t:send_iq(a,function(t) if not e then return end if t.attr.type=="result"then e(true); else local o,t,a=t:get_error(); e(nil,{o,t,a}); end end); end function e:delete_contact(o,n) o=(type(o)=="table"and o.jid)or o; local s={jid=o,subscription="remove"} if not e.items[o]then return false,"item-not-found";end t:send_iq({type="set"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=a}) :add_child(h(s)), function(e) if not n then return end if e.attr.type=="result"then n(true); else local a,t,e=e:get_error(); n(nil,{a,t,e}); end end); end local function h(t) local t=d(t); e.items[t.jid]=t; end local function d(t) local a=e.items[t]; e.items[t]=nil; return a; end function e:fetch(o) t:send_iq({type="get"}):tag("query",{xmlns=a,ver=s and e.ver or nil}), function(t) if t.attr.type=="result"then local t=t:get_child("query",a); if t then e.items={}; for t in t:childtags("item")do h(t) end e.ver=t.attr.ver or""; end o(e); else local e,t,a=stanza:get_error(); o(nil,{e,t,a}); end end); end t:hook("iq/"..a,function(o) local s,n=o.attr.type,o.attr.from; if s=="set"and(not n or n==r(t.jid))then local s=o:get_child("query",a); local n=s and s:get_child("item"); if n then local o,a; local i=n.attr.jid; if n.attr.subscription=="remove"then o="removed" a=d(i); else o=e.items[i]and"changed"or"added"; h(n) a=e.items[i]; end e.ver=s.attr.ver; if a then t:event("roster/item-"..o,a); end end t:send(i.reply(o)) return true; end end); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.register']=(function(...) local t=require"verse"; local i="jabber:iq:register"; function t.plugins.register(e) local function a(o) if o:get_child("register","")then local{to=e.host_,type="set"}) :tag("query",{xmlns=i}) :tag("username"):text(e.username):up() :tag("password"):text(e.password):up(); if e.register_email then t:tag("email"):text(e.register_email):up(); end e:send_iq(t,function(t) if t.attr.type=="result"then e:event("registration-success"); else local a,t,o=t:get_error(); e:debug("Registration failed: %s",t); e:event("registration-failure",{type=a,condition=t,text=o}); end end); else e:debug("In-band registration not offered by server"); e:event("registration-failure",{condition="service-unavailable"}); end e:unhook("stream-features",a); return true; end e:hook("stream-features",a,310); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.groupchat']=(function(...) local i=require"verse"; local e=require"events"; local n=require"util.jid"; local a={}; a.__index=a; local s="urn:xmpp:delay"; local h=""; function i.plugins.groupchat(o) o:add_plugin("presence") o.rooms={}; o:hook("stanza",function(e) local a=n.bare(e.attr.from); if not a then return end local t=o.rooms[a] if not t and and a then t=o.rooms[" "..a] end if t and t.opts.source and then return end if t then local o=select(3,n.split(e.attr.from)); local n=e:get_child_text("body"); local i=e:get_child("delay",s); local a={ room_jid=a; room=t; sender=t.occupants[o]; nick=o; body=n; stanza=e; delay=(i and i.attr.stamp); }; local t=t:event(,a); return t or("message")or nil; end end,500); function o:join_room(n,s,t) if not s then return false,"no nickname supplied" end t=t or{}; local e=setmetatable(i.eventable{ stream=o,jid=n,nick=s, subject=nil, occupants={}, opts=t, },a); if t.source then self.rooms[t.source.." "..n]=e; else self.rooms[n]=e; end local a=e.occupants; e:hook("presence",function(o) local t=o.nick or s; if not a[t]and o.stanza.attr.type~="unavailable"then a[t]={ nick=t; jid=o.stanza.attr.from; presence=o.stanza; }; local o=o.stanza:get_child("x",h.."#user"); if o then local e=o:get_child("item"); if e and e.attr then a[t].real_jid=e.attr.jid; a[t].affiliation=e.attr.affiliation; a[t].role=e.attr.role; end end if t==e.nick then"groupchat/joined",e); else e:event("occupant-joined",a[t]); end elseif a[t]and o.stanza.attr.type=="unavailable"then if t==e.nick then"groupchat/left",e); if e.opts.source then self.rooms[e.opts.source.." "..n]=nil; else self.rooms[n]=nil; end else a[t].presence=o.stanza; e:event("occupant-left",a[t]); a[t]=nil; end end end); e:hook("message",function(a) local t=a.stanza:get_child_text("subject"); if not t then return end t=#t>0 and t or nil; if t~=e.subject then local o=e.subject; e.subject=t; return e:event("subject-changed",{from=o,to=t,by=a.sender,event=a}); end end,2e3); local t=i.presence():tag("x",{xmlns=h}):reset(); self:event("pre-groupchat/joining",t); e:send(t) self:event("groupchat/joining",e); return e; end o:hook("presence-out",function(e) if not then for a,t in pairs(o.rooms)do t:send(e); end; end end); end function a:send(e) if"message"and not e.attr.type then e.attr.type="groupchat"; end if"presence"then"/"..self.nick; end if e.attr.type=="groupchat"or not then; end if self.opts.source then e.attr.from=self.opts.source end; end function a:send_message(e) self:send(i.message():tag("body"):text(e)); end function a:set_subject(e) self:send(i.message():tag("subject"):text(e)); end function a:leave(e)"groupchat/leaving",self); local t=i.presence({type="unavailable"}); if e then t:tag("status"):text(e); end self:send(t); end function a:admin_set(e,t,o,a) self:send({type="set"}) :query(h.."#admin") :tag("item",{nick=e,[t]=o}) :tag("reason"):text(a or"")); end function a:set_role(e,t,a) self:admin_set(e,"role",t,a); end function a:set_affiliation(t,a,e) self:admin_set(t,"affiliation",a,e); end function a:kick(t,e) self:set_role(t,"none",e); end function a:ban(t,e) self:set_affiliation(t,"outcast",e); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.vcard']=(function(...) local i=require"verse"; local o=require"util.vcard"; local n="vcard-temp"; function i.plugins.vcard(a) function a:get_vcard(t,e) a:send_iq({to=t,type="get"}) :tag("vCard",{xmlns=n}),e and function(t) local a,a; vCard=t:get_child("vCard",n); if t.attr.type=="result"and vCard then vCard=o.from_xep54(vCard) e(vCard) else e(false) end end or nil); end function a:set_vcard(e,n) local t; if type(e)=="table"and then t=e; elseif type(e)=="string"then t=o.to_xep54(o.from_text(e)[1]); elseif type(e)=="table"then t=o.to_xep54(e); error("Converting a table to vCard not implemented") end if not t then return false end a:debug("setting vcard to %s",tostring(t)); a:send_iq({type="set"}) :add_child(t),n); end end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.vcard_update']=(function(...) local n=require"verse"; local e,i="vcard-temp","vcard-temp:x:update"; local e,t=pcall(function()return require("util.hashes").sha1;end); if not e then e,t=pcall(function()return require("util.sha1").sha1;end); if not e then error("Could not find a sha1()") end end local h=t; local e,t=pcall(function() local e=require("util.encodings").base64.decode; assert(e("SGVsbG8=")=="Hello") return e; end); if not e then e,t=pcall(function()return require("mime").unb64;end); if not e then error("Could not find a base64 decoder") end end local s=t; function n.plugins.vcard_update(e) e:add_plugin("vcard"); e:add_plugin("presence"); local t; function update_vcard_photo(a) local o; for e=1,#a do if a[e].name=="PHOTO"then o=a[e][1]; break end end if o then local a=h(s(o),true); t=n.stanza("x",{xmlns=i}) :tag("photo"):text(a); e:resend_presence() else t=nil; end end local a=e.set_vcard; local a; e:hook("ready",function(t) if a then return;end a=true; e:get_vcard(nil,function(t) if t then update_vcard_photo(t) end e:event("ready"); end); return true; end,3); e:hook("presence-out",function(e) if t and not e:get_child("x",i)then e:add_child(t); end end,10); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.carbons']=(function(...) local o=require"verse"; local a="urn:xmpp:carbons:2"; local n="urn:xmpp:forward:0"; local s=os.time; local r=require"util.datetime".parse; local h=require"util.jid".bare; function o.plugins.carbons(e) local t={}; t.enabled=false; e.carbons=t; function t:enable(i) e:send_iq({type="set"} :tag("enable",{xmlns=a}) ,function(e) local e=e.attr.type=="result"; if e then t.enabled=true; end if i then i(e); end end or nil); end function t:disable(i) e:send_iq({type="set"} :tag("disable",{xmlns=a}) ,function(e) local e=e.attr.type=="result"; if e then t.enabled=false; end if i then i(e); end end or nil); end local o; e:hook("bind-success",function() o=h(e.jid); end); e:hook("message",function(i) local t=i:get_child(nil,a); if i.attr.from==o and t then local; local t=t:get_child("forwarded",n); local a=t and t:get_child("message","jabber:client"); local t=t:get_child("delay","urn:xmpp:delay"); local t=t and t.attr.stamp; t=t and r(t); if a then return e:event("carbon",{ dir=o, stanza=a, timestamp=t or s(), }); end end end,1); end end) package.preload['verse.plugins.archive']=(function(...) local e=require"verse"; local t=require"util.stanza"; local a="urn:xmpp:mam:0" local d="urn:xmpp:forward:0"; local l="urn:xmpp:delay"; local i=require"util.uuid".generate; local u=require"util.datetime".parse; local o=require"util.datetime".datetime; local n=require"util.dataforms".new; local h=require"util.rsm"; local c={}; local m=n{ {name="FORM_TYPE";type="hidden";value=a;}; {name="with";type="jid-single";}; {name="start";type="text-single"}; {name="end";type="text-single";}; }; function e.plugins.archive(n) function n:query_archive(n,e,r) local s=i(); local{type="set",to=n} :tag("query",{xmlns=a,queryid=s}); local n,t=tonumber(e["start"]),tonumber(e["end"]); e["start"]=n and o(n); e["end"]=t and o(t); i:add_child(m:form(e,"submit")); i:add_child(h.generate(e)); local o={}; local function n(i) local e=i:get_child("fin",a) if e and e.attr.queryid==s then local e=h.get(e); for t,e in pairs(e or c)do o[t]=e;end self:unhook("message",n); r(o); return true end local t=i:get_child("result",a); if t and t.attr.queryid==s then local e=t:get_child("forwarded",d); e=e or i:get_child("forwarded",d); local; local t=e:get_child("delay",l); local t=t and u(t.attr.stamp)or nil; local e=e:get_child("message","jabber:client") o[#o+1]={id=a,stamp=t,message=e}; return true end end self:hook("message",n,1); self:send_iq(i,function(e) if e.attr.type=="error"then self:warn(table.concat({e:get_error()}," ")) self:unhook("message",n); r(false,e:get_error()) end return true end); end local i={ always=true,[true]="always", never=false,[false]="never", roster="roster", } local function h(t) local e={}; local a=t.attr.default; if a then e[false]=i[a]; end local a=t:get_child("always"); if a then for t in a:childtags("jid")do local t=t:get_text(); e[t]=true; end end local t=t:get_child("never"); if t then for t in t:childtags("jid")do local t=t:get_text(); e[t]=false; end end return e; end local function s(o) local e e,o[false]=o[false],nil; if e~=nil then e=i[e]; end local i=t.stanza("prefs",{xmlns=a,default=e}) local a=t.stanza("always"); local e=t.stanza("never"); for t,o in pairs(o)do (o and a or e):tag("jid"):text(t):up(); end return i:add_child(a):add_child(e); end function n:archive_prefs_get(o) self:send_iq({type="get"}:tag("prefs",{xmlns=a}), function(e) if e and e.attr.type=="result"and e.tags[1]then local t=h(e.tags[1]); o(t,e); else o(nil,e); end end); end function n:archive_prefs_set(a,e) self:send_iq({type="set"}:add_child(s(a)),e); end end end) package.preload['util.http']=(function(...) local t,s=string.format,string.char; local d,r,n=pairs,ipairs,tonumber; local i,o=table.insert,table.concat; local function h(e) return e and(e:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]",function(e)return t("%%%02x",e:byte());end)); end local function a(e) return e and(e:gsub("%%(%x%x)",function(e)return s(n(e,16));end)); end local function e(e) return e and(e:gsub("%W",function(e) if e~=" "then return t("%%%02x",e:byte()); else return"+"; end end)); end local function s(t) local a={}; if t[1]then for o,t in r(t)do i(a,e("="..e(t.value)); end else for o,t in d(t)do i(a,e(o).."="..e(t)); end end return o(a,"&"); end local function n(e) if not e:match("=")then return a(e);end local o={}; for e,t in e:gmatch("([^=&]*)=([^&]*)")do e,t=e:gsub("%+","%%20"),t:gsub("%+","%%20"); e,t=a(e),a(t); i(o,{name=e,value=t}); o[e]=t; end return o; end local function o(e,t) e=","..e:gsub("[ \t]",""):lower()..","; return e:find(","..t:lower()..",",1,true)~=nil; end return{ urlencode=h,urldecode=a; formencode=s,formdecode=n; contains_token=o; }; end) package.preload['net.http.parser']=(function(...) local m=tonumber; local a=assert; local v=require"socket.url".parse; local t=require"util.http".urldecode; local function b(e) e=t((e:gsub("//+","/"))); if e:sub(1,1)~="/"then e="/"..e; end local t=0; for e in e:gmatch("([^/]+)/")do if e==".."then t=t-1; elseif e~="."then t=t+1; end if t<0 then return nil; end end return e; end local y={}; function,r,e,y) local d=true; if not e or e=="server"then d=false;else a(e=="client","Invalid parser type");end local e=""; local p,o,h; local s=nil; local t; local a; local c; local n; return{ feed=function(l,i) if n then return nil,"parse has failed";end if not i then if s and d and not a then t.body=e; u(t); elseif e~=""then n=true;return r(); end return; end e=e..i; while#e>0 do if s==nil then local f=e:find("\r\n\r\n",nil,true); if not f then return;end local w,h,l,i,g; local u; local o={}; for t in e:sub(1,f+1):gmatch("([^\r\n]+)\r\n")do if u then local e,t=t:match("^([^%s:]+): *(.*)$"); if not e then n=true;return r("invalid-header-line");end e=e:lower(); o[e]=o[e]and o[e]..","..t or t; else u=t; if d then l,i,g=t:match("^HTTP/(1%.[01]) (%d%d%d) (.*)$"); i=m(i); if not i then n=true;return r("invalid-status-line");end c=not ((y and y().method=="HEAD") or(i==204 or i==304 or i==301) or(i>=100 and i<200)); else w,h,l=t:match("^(%w+) (%S+) HTTP/(1%.[01])$"); if not w then n=true;return r("invalid-status-line");end end end end if not u then n=true;return r("invalid-status-line");end p=c and o["transfer-encoding"]=="chunked"; a=m(o["content-length"]); if d then if not c then a=0;end t={ code=i; httpversion=l; headers=o; body=c and""or nil; responseversion=l; responseheaders=o; }; else local e; if h:byte()==47 then local a,t=h:match("([^?]*).?(.*)"); if t==""then t=nil;end e={path=a,query=t}; else e=v(h); if not(e and e.path)then n=true;return r("invalid-url");end end h=b(e.path); or; a=a or 0; t={ method=w; url=e; path=h; httpversion=l; headers=o; body=nil; }; end e=e:sub(f+4); s=true; end if s then if d then if p then if not e:find("\r\n",nil,true)then return; end if not o then o,h=e:match("^(%x+)[^\r\n]*\r\n()"); o=o and m(o,16); if not o then n=true;return r("invalid-chunk-size");end end if o==0 and e:find("\r\n\r\n",h-2,true)then s,o=nil,nil; e=e:gsub("^.-\r\n\r\n",""); u(t); elseif#e-h-2>=o then t.body=t.body..e:sub(h,h+(o-1)); e=e:sub(h+o+2); o,h=nil,nil; else break; end elseif a and#e>=a then if t.code==101 then t.body,e=e,""; else t.body,e=e:sub(1,a),e:sub(a+1); end s=nil;u(t); else break; end elseif#e>=a then t.body,e=e:sub(1,a),e:sub(a+1); s=nil;u(t); else break; end end end end; }; end return y; end) package.preload['net.http']=(function(...) local b=require"socket" local y=require"util.encodings".base64.encode; local l=require"socket.url" local d=require"net.http.parser".new; local h=require"util.http"; local j=pcall(require,"ssl"); local x=require"net.server" local u,o=table.insert,table.concat; local m=pairs; local k,c,q,g,s= tonumber,tostring,xpcall,select,debug.traceback; local v,p=assert,error local r=require"util.logger".init("http"); module"http" local i={}; local n={default_port=80,default_mode="*a"}; function n.onconnect(t) local e=i[t]; local a={e.method or"GET"," ",e.path," HTTP/1.1\r\n"}; if e.query then u(a,4,"?"..e.query); end t:write(o(a)); local a={[2]=": ",[4]="\r\n"}; for e,i in m(e.headers)do a[1],a[3]=e,i; t:write(o(a)); end t:write("\r\n"); if e.body then t:write(e.body); end end function n.onincoming(a,t) local e=i[a]; if not e then r("warn","Received response from connection %s with no request attached!",c(a)); return; end if t and e.reader then e:reader(t); end end function n.ondisconnect(t,a) local e=i[t]; if e and e.conn then e:reader(nil,a); end i[t]=nil; end function n.ondetach(e) i[e]=nil; end local function w(e,o,i) if not e.parser then local function a(t) if e.callback then e.callback(t or"connection-closed",0,e); e.callback=nil; end destroy_request(e); end if not o then a(i); return; end local function o(t) if e.callback then e.callback(t.body,t.code,t,e); e.callback=nil; end destroy_request(e); end local function t() return e; end e.parser=d(o,a,"client",t); end e.parser:feed(o); end local function f(e)r("error","Traceback[http]: %s",s(c(e),2));end function request(e,t,u) local e=l.parse(e); if not(e and u(nil,0,e); return nil,"invalid-url"; end if not e.path then e.path="/"; end local d,o,s; local l,,e.port; local h=l; if(a=="80"and e.scheme=="http") or(a=="443"and e.scheme=="https")then a=nil; elseif a then h=h..":"..a; end o={ ["Host"]=h; ["User-Agent"]="Prosody XMPP Server"; }; if e.userinfo then o["Authorization"]="Basic "..y(e.userinfo); end if t then e.onlystatus=t.onlystatus; s=t.body; if s then d="POST"; o["Content-Length"]=c(#s); o["Content-Type"]="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; end if t.method then d=t.method;end if t.headers then for t,e in m(t.headers)do o[t]=e; end end end e.method,e.headers,e.body=d,o,s; local o=e.scheme=="https"; if o and not j then p("SSL not available, unable to contact https URL"); end local h=a and k(a)or(o and 443 or 80); local a=b.tcp(); a:settimeout(10); local d,s=a:connect(l,h); if not d and s~="timeout"then u(nil,0,e); return nil,s; end local s=false; if o then s=t and t.sslctx or{mode="client",protocol="sslv23",options={"no_sslv2","no_sslv3"}}; end e.handler,e.conn=v(x.wrapclient(a,l,h,n,"*a",s)); e.write=function(...)return e.handler:write(...);end e.callback=function(i,t,o,a)r("debug","Calling callback, status %s",t or"---");return g(2,q(function()return u(i,t,o,a)end,f));end e.reader=w; e.state="status"; i[e.handler]=e; return e; end function destroy_request(e) if e.conn then e.conn=nil; e.handler:close() end end local e,t=h.urlencode,h.urldecode; local o,a=h.formencode,h.formdecode; _M.urlencode,_M.urldecode=e,t; _M.formencode,_M.formdecode=o,a; return _M; end) package.preload['verse.bosh']=(function(...) local n=require"util.xmppstream".new; local a=require"util.stanza"; require"net.httpclient_listener"; local i=require"net.http"; local e=setmetatable({},{__index=verse.stream_mt}); e.__index=e; local s=""; local h=""; local o=5; function verse.new_bosh(a,t) local t={ bosh_conn_pool={}; bosh_waiting_requests={}; bosh_rid=math.random(1,999999); bosh_outgoing_buffer={}; bosh_url=t; conn={}; }; function t:reopen() self.bosh_need_restart=true; self:flush(); end local,t); return setmetatable(t,e); end function e:connect() self:_send_session_request(); end function e:send(e) self:debug("Putting into BOSH send buffer: %s",tostring(e)); self.bosh_outgoing_buffer[#self.bosh_outgoing_buffer+1]=a.clone(e); self:flush(); end function e:flush() if self.connected and#self.bosh_waiting_requests0 or self.bosh_need_restart)then self:debug("Flushing..."); local t=self:_make_body(); local e=self.bosh_outgoing_buffer; for o,a in ipairs(e)do t:add_child(a); e[o]=nil; end self:_make_request(t); else self:debug("Decided not to flush."); end end function e:_make_request(a) local e,t=i.request(self.bosh_url,{body=tostring(a)},function(i,e,t) if e~=0 then self.inactive_since=nil; return self:_handle_response(i,e,t); end local e=os.time(); if not self.inactive_since then self.inactive_since=e; elseif e-self.inactive_since>self.bosh_max_inactivity then return self:_disconnected(); else self:debug("%d seconds left to reconnect, retrying in %d seconds...", self.bosh_max_inactivity-(e-self.inactive_since),o); end timer.add_task(o,function() self:debug("Retrying request..."); for a,e in ipairs(self.bosh_waiting_requests)do if e==t then table.remove(self.bosh_waiting_requests,a); break; end end self:_make_request(a); end); end); if e then table.insert(self.bosh_waiting_requests,e); else self:warn("Request failed instantly: %s",t); end end function e:_disconnected() self.connected=nil; self:event("disconnected"); end function e:_send_session_request() local e=self:_make_body(); e.attr.hold="1"; e.attr.wait="60"; e.attr["xml:lang"]="en"; e.attr.ver="1.6"; e.attr.from=self.jid;;'true'; i.request(self.bosh_url,{body=tostring(e)},function(t,e) if e==0 then return self:_disconnected(); end local e=self:_parse_response(t) if not e then self:warn("Invalid session creation response"); self:_disconnected(); return; end self.bosh_sid=e.attr.sid; self.bosh_wait=tonumber(e.attr.wait); self.bosh_hold=tonumber(e.attr.hold); self.bosh_max_inactivity=tonumber(e.attr.inactivity); self.bosh_max_requests=tonumber(e.attr.requests)or self.bosh_hold; self.connected=true; self:event("connected"); self:_handle_response_payload(e); end); end function e:_handle_response(t,a,e) if self.bosh_waiting_requests[1]~=e then self:warn("Server replied to request that wasn't the oldest"); for a,t in ipairs(self.bosh_waiting_requests)do if t==e then self.bosh_waiting_requests[a]=nil; break; end end else table.remove(self.bosh_waiting_requests,1); end local e=self:_parse_response(t); if e then self:_handle_response_payload(e); end self:flush(); end function e:_handle_response_payload(t) local e=t.tags; for t=1,#e do local e=e[t]; if e.attr.xmlns==s then self:event("stream-",e); elseif e.attr.xmlns then self:event("stream/"..e.attr.xmlns,e); else self:event("stanza",e); end end if t.attr.type=="terminate"then self:_disconnected({reason=t.attr.condition}); end end local a={ stream_ns="",stream_tag="body", default_ns="jabber:client", streamopened=function(e,t)e.notopen=nil;e.payload=verse.stanza("body",t);return true;end; handlestanza=function(t,e)t.payload:add_child(e);end; }; function e:_parse_response(e) self:debug("Parsing response: %s",e); if e==nil then self:debug("%s",debug.traceback()); self:_disconnected(); return; end local t={notopen=true,stream=self}; local a=n(t,a); a:feed(e); return t.payload; end function e:_make_body() self.bosh_rid=self.bosh_rid+1; local e=verse.stanza("body",{ xmlns=h; content="text/xml; charset=utf-8"; sid=self.bosh_sid; rid=self.bosh_rid; }); if self.bosh_need_restart then self.bosh_need_restart=nil; e.attr.restart='true'; end return e; end end) package.preload['verse.client']=(function(...) local t=require"verse"; local o=t.stream_mt; local s=require"util.jid".split; local h=require"net.adns"; local e=require"lxp"; local a=require"util.stanza"; t.message,t.presence,,t.stanza,t.reply,t.error_reply= a.message,a.presence,,a.stanza,a.reply,a.error_reply; local d=require"util.xmppstream".new; local n=""; local function r(e,t) return e.priorityt.weight); end local i={ stream_ns=n, stream_tag="stream", default_ns="jabber:client"}; function i.streamopened(e,t); if not e:event("opened",t)then e.notopen=nil; end return true; end function i.streamclosed(e) e.notopen=true; if not e.closed then e:send(""); e.closed=true; end e:event("closed"); return e:close("stream closed") end function i.handlestanza(t,e) if e.attr.xmlns==n then return t:event("stream-",e); elseif e.attr.xmlns then return t:event("stream/"..e.attr.xmlns,e); end return t:event("stanza",e); end function i.error(a,t,e) if a:event(t,e)==nil then if e then local t=e:get_child(nil,"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"); local e=e:get_child_text("text","urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"); error( and": "..e or"")); else error(e and or t or"unknown-error"); end end end function o:reset() if then; else,i); end self.notopen=true; return true; end function o:connect_client(e,a) self.jid,self.password=e,a; self.username,,self.resource=s(e); self:add_plugin("tls"); self:add_plugin("sasl"); self:add_plugin("bind"); self:add_plugin("session"); function,e) local a,; if a then return;end self:debug("debug","Received invalid XML (%s) %d bytes: %s",tostring(t),#e,e:sub(1,300):gsub("[\r\n]+"," ")); self:close("xml-not-well-formed"); end self:hook("connected",function()self:reopen();end); self:hook("incoming-raw",function(e)return,e);end); self.curr_id=0; self.tracked_iqs={}; self:hook("stanza",function(t) local e,,t.attr.type; if e and"iq"and(a=="result"or a=="error")and self.tracked_iqs[e]then self.tracked_iqs[e](t); self.tracked_iqs[e]=nil; return true; end end); self:hook("stanza",function(e) local a; if e.attr.xmlns==nil or e.attr.xmlns=="jabber:client"then if"iq"and(e.attr.type=="get"or e.attr.type=="set")then local o=e.tags[1]and e.tags[1].attr.xmlns; if o then a=self:event("iq/"..o,e); if not a then a=self:event("iq",e); end end if a==nil then self:send(t.error_reply(e,"cancel","service-unavailable")); return true; end else a=self:event(,e); end end return a; end,-1); self:hook("outgoing",function(e) if then self:event("stanza-out",e); end end); self:hook("stanza-out",function(e) if not e.attr.xmlns then self:event("-out",e); end end); local function e() self:event("ready"); end self:hook("session-success",e,-1) self:hook("bind-success",e,-1); local e=self.close; function self:close(t) self.close=e; if not self.closed then self:send(""); self.closed=true; else return self:close(t); end end local function t() self:connect(self.connect_host or,self.connect_port or 5222); end if not(self.connect_host or self.connect_port)then h.lookup(function(a) if a then local e={}; self.srv_hosts=e; for a,t in ipairs(a)do table.insert(e,t.srv); end table.sort(e,r); local a=e[1]; self.srv_choice=1; if a then self.connect_host,,a.port; self:debug("Best record found, will connect to %s:%d",self.connect_host or,self.connect_port or 5222); end self:hook("disconnected",function() if self.srv_hosts and self.srv_choice<#self.srv_hosts then self.srv_choice=self.srv_choice+1; local e=e[self.srv_choice]; self.connect_host,,e.port; t(); return true; end end,1e3); self:hook("connected",function() self.srv_hosts=nil; end,1e3); end t(); end,"_xmpp-client._tcp."..(".","SRV"); else t(); end end function o:reopen() self:reset(); self:send(a.stanza("stream:stream",{,["xmlns:stream"]='', xmlns="jabber:client",version="1.0"}):top_tag()); end function o:send_iq(t,a) local e=self:new_id(); self.tracked_iqs[e]=a;; self:send(t); end function o:new_id() self.curr_id=self.curr_id+1; return tostring(self.curr_id); end end) package.preload['verse.component']=(function(...) local o=require"verse"; local t=o.stream_mt; local h=require"util.jid".split; local e=require"lxp"; local a=require"util.stanza"; local r=require"util.sha1".sha1; o.message,o.presence,,o.stanza,o.reply,o.error_reply= a.message,a.presence,,a.stanza,a.reply,a.error_reply; local d=require"util.xmppstream".new; local s=""; local i="jabber:component:accept"; local n={ stream_ns=s, stream_tag="stream", default_ns=i}; function n.streamopened(e,t); if not e:event("opened",t)then e.notopen=nil; end return true; end function n.streamclosed(e) return e:event("closed"); end function n.handlestanza(t,e) if e.attr.xmlns==s then return t:event("stream-",e); elseif e.attr.xmlns or"handshake"then return t:event("stream/"..(e.attr.xmlns or i),e); end return t:event("stanza",e); end function t:reset() if then; else,n); end self.notopen=true; return true; end function t:connect_component(e,n) self.jid,self.password=e,n; self.username,,self.resource=h(e); function,e) local o,; if o then return;end t:debug("debug","Received invalid XML (%s) %d bytes: %s",tostring(a),#e,e:sub(1,300):gsub("[\r\n]+"," ")); t:close("xml-not-well-formed"); end self:hook("incoming-raw",function(e)return,e);end); self.curr_id=0; self.tracked_iqs={}; self:hook("stanza",function(t) local e,,t.attr.type; if e and"iq"and(a=="result"or a=="error")and self.tracked_iqs[e]then self.tracked_iqs[e](t); self.tracked_iqs[e]=nil; return true; end end); self:hook("stanza",function(e) local t; if e.attr.xmlns==nil or e.attr.xmlns=="jabber:client"then if"iq"and(e.attr.type=="get"or e.attr.type=="set")then local a=e.tags[1]and e.tags[1].attr.xmlns; if a then t=self:event("iq/"..a,e); if not t then t=self:event("iq",e); end end if t==nil then self:send(o.error_reply(e,"cancel","service-unavailable")); return true; end else t=self:event(,e); end end return t; end,-1); self:hook("opened",function(e) print(self.jid,self.stream_id,; local e=r(self.stream_id..n,true); self:send(a.stanza("handshake",{xmlns=i}):text(e)); self:hook("stream/"..i,function(e) if"handshake"then self:event("authentication-success"); end end); end); local function e() self:event("ready"); end self:hook("authentication-success",e,-1); self:connect(self.connect_host or,self.connect_port or 5347); self:reopen(); end function t:reopen() self:reset(); self:send(a.stanza("stream:stream",{to=self.jid,["xmlns:stream"]='', xmlns=i,version="1.0"}):top_tag()); end function t:close(t) if not self.notopen then self:send(""); end local e=self.conn.disconnect(); self.conn:close(); e(conn,t); end function t:send_iq(e,a) local t=self:new_id(); self.tracked_iqs[t]=a;; self:send(e); end function t:new_id() self.curr_id=self.curr_id+1; return tostring(self.curr_id); end end) pcall(require,"luarocks.require"); local h=require"socket"; pcall(require,"ssl"); local a=require"net.server"; local n=require""; local o=require"util.logger"; module("verse",package.seeall); local e=_M; _M.server=a; local t={}; t.__index=t; stream_mt=t; e.plugins={}; function e.init(...) for e=1,select("#",...)do local t=pcall(require,"verse.",...)); if not t then error("Verse connection module not found: verse.",...)); end end return e; end local i=0; function,a) local t=setmetatable(a or{},t); i=i+1;; t.logger=o or e.new_logger("stream";; t.plugins={}; t.verse=e; return t; end e.add_task=require"util.timer".add_task; e.logger=o.init; e.new_logger=o.init; e.log=e.logger("verse"); local function s(o,...) local e,a,t=0,{...},select('#',...); return(o:gsub("%%(.)",function(o)if e<=t then e=e+1;return tostring(a[e]);end end)); end function e.set_log_handler(e,t) t=t or{"debug","info","warn","error"}; o.reset(); if io.type(e)=="file"then local t=e; function e(e,a,o) t:write(e,"\t",a,"\t",o,"\n"); end end if e then local function i(a,o,t,...) return e(a,o,s(t,...)); end for t,e in ipairs(t)do o.add_level_sink(e,i); end end end function _default_log_handler(a,t,o) return io.stderr:write(a,"\t",t,"\t",o,"\n"); end e.set_log_handler(_default_log_handler,{"error"}); local function o(t) e.log("error","Error: %s",t); e.log("error","Traceback: %s",debug.traceback()); end function e.set_error_handler(e) o=e; end function e.loop() return xpcall(a.loop,o); end function e.step() return xpcall(a.step,o); end function e.quit() return a.setquitting(true); end function t:listen(t,e) t=t or"localhost"; e=e or 0; local a,o=a.addserver(t,e,new_listener(self,"server"),"*a"); if a then self:debug("Bound to %s:%s",t,e); self.server=a; end return a,o; end function t:connect(t,o) t=t or"localhost"; o=tonumber(o)or 5222; local i=h.tcp() i:settimeout(0); local n,e=i:connect(t,o); if not n and e~="timeout"then self:warn("connect() to %s:%d failed: %s",t,o,e); return self:event("disconnected",{reason=e})or false,e; end local t=a.wrapclient(i,t,o,new_listener(self),"*a"); if not t then self:warn("connection initialisation failed: %s",e); return self:event("disconnected",{reason=e})or false,e; end self:set_conn(t); return true; end function t:set_conn(t) self.conn=t; self.send=function(a,e) self:event("outgoing",e); e=tostring(e); self:event("outgoing-raw",e); return t:write(e); end; end function t:close(t) if not self.conn then e.log("error","Attempt to close disconnected connection - possibly a bug"); return; end local e=self.conn.disconnect(); self.conn:close(); e(self.conn,t); end function t:debug(...) return self.logger("debug",...); end function t:info(...) return self.logger("info",...); end function t:warn(...) return self.logger("warn",...); end function t:error(...) return self.logger("error",...); end function t:event(e,...) self:debug("Firing event: "..tostring(e)); return,...); end function t:hook(e,...) return,...); end function t:unhook(t,e) return,e); end function e.eventable(e); e.hook,e.unhook=t.hook,t.unhook; local; function e:event(e,...) return t(e,...); end return e; end function t:add_plugin(t) if self.plugins[t]then return true;end if require("verse.plugins."..t)then local e,a=e.plugins[t](self); if e~=false then self:debug("Loaded %s plugin",t); self.plugins[t]=true; else self:warn("Failed to load %s plugin: %s",t,a); end end return self; end function new_listener(t) local a={}; function a.onconnect(a) if t.server then local; a:setlistener(new_listener(e)); e:set_conn(a); t:event("connected",{client=e}); else t.connected=true; t:event("connected"); end end function a.onincoming(a,e) t:event("incoming-raw",e); end function a.ondisconnect(e,a) if e~=t.conn then return end t.connected=false; t:event("disconnected",{reason=a}); end function a.ondrain(e) t:event("drained"); end function a.onstatus(a,e) t:event("status",e); end return a; end return e;