local verse = require "verse"; local xmlns_carbons = "urn:xmpp:carbons:2"; local xmlns_forward = "urn:xmpp:forward:0"; local os_time = os.time; local parse_datetime = require "util.datetime".parse; local bare_jid = require "util.jid".bare; -- TODO Check disco for support function verse.plugins.carbons(stream) local carbons = {}; carbons.enabled = false; stream.carbons = carbons; function carbons:enable(callback) stream:send_iq(verse.iq{type="set"} :tag("enable", { xmlns = xmlns_carbons }) , function(result) local success = result.attr.type == "result"; if success then carbons.enabled = true; end if callback then callback(success); end end or nil); end function carbons:disable(callback) stream:send_iq(verse.iq{type="set"} :tag("disable", { xmlns = xmlns_carbons }) , function(result) local success = result.attr.type == "result"; if success then carbons.enabled = false; end if callback then callback(success); end end or nil); end local my_bare; stream:hook("bind-success", function() my_bare = bare_jid(stream.jid); end); stream:hook("message", function(stanza) local carbon = stanza:get_child(nil, xmlns_carbons); if stanza.attr.from == my_bare and carbon then local carbon_dir = carbon.name; local fwd = carbon:get_child("forwarded", xmlns_forward); local fwd_stanza = fwd and fwd:get_child("message", "jabber:client"); local delay = fwd:get_child("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"); local stamp = delay and delay.attr.stamp; stamp = stamp and parse_datetime(stamp); if fwd_stanza then return stream:event("carbon", { dir = carbon_dir, stanza = fwd_stanza, timestamp = stamp or os_time(), }); end end end, 1); end