local verse = require "verse"; local stream = verse.stream_mt; local jid_split = require "util.jid".split; local lxp = require "lxp"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local sha1 = require "util.sha1".sha1; -- Shortcuts to save having to load util.stanza verse.message, verse.presence, verse.iq, verse.stanza, verse.reply, verse.error_reply = st.message, st.presence, st.iq, st.stanza, st.reply, st.error_reply; local new_xmpp_stream = require "util.xmppstream".new; local xmlns_stream = "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams"; local xmlns_component = "jabber:component:accept"; local stream_callbacks = { stream_ns = xmlns_stream, stream_tag = "stream", default_ns = xmlns_component }; function stream_callbacks.streamopened(stream, attr) stream.stream_id = attr.id; if not stream:event("opened", attr) then stream.notopen = nil; end return true; end function stream_callbacks.streamclosed(stream) return stream:event("closed"); end function stream_callbacks.handlestanza(stream, stanza) if stanza.attr.xmlns == xmlns_stream then return stream:event("stream-"..stanza.name, stanza); elseif stanza.attr.xmlns or stanza.name == "handshake" then return stream:event("stream/"..(stanza.attr.xmlns or xmlns_component), stanza); end return stream:event("stanza", stanza); end function stream:reset() if self.stream then self.stream:reset(); else self.stream = new_xmpp_stream(self, stream_callbacks); end self.notopen = true; return true; end function stream:connect_component(jid, pass) self.jid, self.password = jid, pass; self.username, self.host, self.resource = jid_split(jid); function self.data(conn, data) local ok, err = self.stream:feed(data); if ok then return; end stream:debug("debug", "Received invalid XML (%s) %d bytes: %s", tostring(err), #data, data:sub(1, 300):gsub("[\r\n]+", " ")); stream:close("xml-not-well-formed"); end self:hook("incoming-raw", function (data) return self.data(self.conn, data); end); self.curr_id = 0; self.tracked_iqs = {}; self:hook("stanza", function (stanza) local id, type = stanza.attr.id, stanza.attr.type; if id and stanza.name == "iq" and (type == "result" or type == "error") and self.tracked_iqs[id] then self.tracked_iqs[id](stanza); self.tracked_iqs[id] = nil; return true; end end); self:hook("stanza", function (stanza) local ret; if stanza.attr.xmlns == nil or stanza.attr.xmlns == "jabber:client" then if stanza.name == "iq" and (stanza.attr.type == "get" or stanza.attr.type == "set") then local xmlns = stanza.tags[1] and stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns; if xmlns then ret = self:event("iq/"..xmlns, stanza); if not ret then ret = self:event("iq", stanza); end end if ret == nil then self:send(verse.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable")); return true; end else ret = self:event(stanza.name, stanza); end end return ret; end, -1); self:hook("opened", function (attr) print(self.jid, self.stream_id, attr.id); local token = sha1(self.stream_id..pass, true); self:send(st.stanza("handshake", { xmlns = xmlns_component }):text(token)); self:hook("stream/"..xmlns_component, function (stanza) if stanza.name == "handshake" then self:event("authentication-success"); end end); end); local function stream_ready() self:event("ready"); end self:hook("authentication-success", stream_ready, -1); -- Initialise connection self:connect(self.connect_host or self.host, self.connect_port or 5347); self:reopen(); end function stream:reopen() self:reset(); self:send(st.stanza("stream:stream", { to = self.jid, ["xmlns:stream"]='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams', xmlns = xmlns_component, version = "1.0" }):top_tag()); end function stream:close(reason) if not self.notopen then self:send(""); end local on_disconnect = self.conn.disconnect(); self.conn:close(); on_disconnect(conn, reason); end function stream:send_iq(iq, callback) local id = self:new_id(); self.tracked_iqs[id] = callback; iq.attr.id = id; self:send(iq); end function stream:new_id() self.curr_id = self.curr_id + 1; return tostring(self.curr_id); end