-- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_shutdown(function() print("[PREVIEW] shutdown client") end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_receiving_chat_messages(function(message) print("[PREVIEW] Received message " .. message) return false end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_sending_chat_messages(function(message) print("[PREVIEW] Sending message " .. message) return false end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_hp_modification(function(hp) print("[PREVIEW] HP modified " .. hp) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_damage_taken(function(hp) print("[PREVIEW] Damage taken " .. hp) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -- print("[PREVIEW] globalstep " .. dtime) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_chatcommand("dump", { func = function(param) return true, dump(_G) end, }) core.after(2, function() print("After 2") end) core.register_on_dignode(function(pos, node) print("pos:" .. dump(pos)) print("node:" .. dump(node)) return false end)