/* Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.skins.add( 'v2', (function() { return { editor : { css : [ 'editor.css' ] }, dialog : { css : [ 'dialog.css' ] }, separator : { canGroup: false }, templates : { css : [ 'templates.css' ] }, margins : [ 0, 14, 18, 14 ] }; })() ); (function() { CKEDITOR.dialog ? dialogSetup() : CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogPluginReady', dialogSetup ); function dialogSetup() { CKEDITOR.dialog.on( 'resize', function( evt ) { var data = evt.data, width = data.width, height = data.height, dialog = data.dialog, contents = dialog.parts.contents; if ( data.skin != 'v2' ) return; contents.setStyles( { width : width + 'px', height : height + 'px' }); if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat ) return; // Fix the size of the elements which have flexible lengths. setTimeout( function() { var innerDialog = dialog.parts.dialog.getChild( [ 0, 0, 0 ] ), body = innerDialog.getChild( 0 ), bodyWidth = body.getSize( 'width' ); height += body.getChild( 0 ).getSize( 'height' ) + 1; // tc var el = innerDialog.getChild( 2 ); el.setSize( 'width', bodyWidth ); // bc el = innerDialog.getChild( 7 ); el.setSize( 'width', bodyWidth - 28 ); // ml el = innerDialog.getChild( 4 ); el.setSize( 'height', height ); // mr el = innerDialog.getChild( 5 ); el.setSize( 'height', height ); }, 100 ); }); } })();