/* Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ (function() { // #### checkSelectionChange : START // The selection change check basically saves the element parent tree of // the current node and check it on successive requests. If there is any // change on the tree, then the selectionChange event gets fired. function checkSelectionChange() { try { // In IE, the "selectionchange" event may still get thrown when // releasing the WYSIWYG mode, so we need to check it first. var sel = this.getSelection(); if ( !sel || !sel.document.getWindow().$ ) return; var firstElement = sel.getStartElement(); var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement ); if ( !currentPath.compare( this._.selectionPreviousPath ) ) { this._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath; this.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } ); } } catch (e) {} } var checkSelectionChangeTimer, checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending; function checkSelectionChangeTimeout() { // Firing the "OnSelectionChange" event on every key press started to // be too slow. This function guarantees that there will be at least // 200ms delay between selection checks. checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = true; if ( checkSelectionChangeTimer ) return; checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec.call( this ); checkSelectionChangeTimer = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec, 200, this ); } function checkSelectionChangeTimeoutExec() { checkSelectionChangeTimer = null; if ( checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending ) { // Call this with a timeout so the browser properly moves the // selection after the mouseup. It happened that the selection was // being moved after the mouseup when clicking inside selected text // with Firefox. CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( checkSelectionChange, 0, this ); checkSelectionChangeTimeoutPending = false; } } // #### checkSelectionChange : END function rangeRequiresFix( range ) { function isInlineCt( node ) { return node && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty; } function singletonBlock( node ) { var body = range.document.getBody(); return !node.is( 'body' ) && body.getChildCount() == 1; } var start = range.startContainer, offset = range.startOffset; if ( start.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) return false; // 1. Empty inline element. ^ // 2. Adjoin to inline element.


// 3. The only empty block in document.


(#7222) return !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( start.getHtml() ) ? isInlineCt( start ) || singletonBlock( start ) : isInlineCt( start.getChild( offset - 1 ) ) || isInlineCt( start.getChild( offset ) ); } var selectAllCmd = { modes : { wysiwyg : 1, source : 1 }, readOnly : CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit, exec : function( editor ) { switch ( editor.mode ) { case 'wysiwyg' : editor.document.$.execCommand( 'SelectAll', false, null ); // Force triggering selectionChange (#7008) editor.forceNextSelectionCheck(); editor.selectionChange(); break; case 'source' : // Select the contents of the textarea var textarea = editor.textarea.$; if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) textarea.createTextRange().execCommand( 'SelectAll' ); else { textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length; } textarea.focus(); } }, canUndo : false }; function createFillingChar( doc ) { removeFillingChar( doc ); var fillingChar = doc.createText( '\u200B' ); doc.setCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar', fillingChar ); return fillingChar; } function getFillingChar( doc ) { return doc && doc.getCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar' ); } // Checks if a filling char has been used, eventualy removing it (#1272). function checkFillingChar( doc ) { var fillingChar = doc && getFillingChar( doc ); if ( fillingChar ) { // Use this flag to avoid removing the filling char right after // creating it. if ( fillingChar.getCustomData( 'ready' ) ) removeFillingChar( doc ); else fillingChar.setCustomData( 'ready', 1 ); } } function removeFillingChar( doc ) { var fillingChar = doc && doc.removeCustomData( 'cke-fillingChar' ); if ( fillingChar ) { var bm, sel = doc.getSelection().getNative(), // Be error proof. range = sel && sel.type != 'None' && sel.getRangeAt( 0 ); // Text selection position might get mangled by // subsequent dom modification, save it now for restoring. (#8617) if ( fillingChar.getLength() > 1 && range && range.intersectsNode( fillingChar.$ ) ) { bm = [ sel.anchorOffset, sel.focusOffset ]; // Anticipate the offset change brought by the removed char. var startAffected = sel.anchorNode == fillingChar.$ && sel.anchorOffset > 0, endAffected = sel.focusNode == fillingChar.$ && sel.focusOffset > 0; startAffected && bm[ 0 ]--; endAffected && bm[ 1 ]--; // Revert the bookmark order on reverse selection. isReversedSelection( sel ) && bm.unshift( bm.pop() ); } // We can't simply remove the filling node because the user // will actually enlarge it when typing, so we just remove the // invisible char from it. fillingChar.setText( fillingChar.getText().replace( /\u200B/g, '' ) ); // Restore the bookmark. if ( bm ) { var rng = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ); rng.setStart( rng.startContainer, bm[ 0 ] ); rng.setEnd( rng.startContainer, bm[ 1 ] ); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange( rng ); } } } function isReversedSelection( sel ) { if ( !sel.isCollapsed ) { var range = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ); // Potentially alter an reversed selection range. range.setStart( sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset ); range.setEnd( sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset ); return range.collapsed; } } CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'selection', { init : function( editor ) { // On WebKit only, we need a special "filling" char on some situations // (#1272). Here we set the events that should invalidate that char. if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) { editor.on( 'selectionChange', function() { checkFillingChar( editor.document ); } ); editor.on( 'beforeSetMode', function() { removeFillingChar( editor.document ); } ); var fillingCharBefore, resetSelection; function beforeData() { var doc = editor.document, fillingChar = getFillingChar( doc ); if ( fillingChar ) { // If cursor is right blinking by side of the filler node, save it for restoring, // as the following text substitution will blind it. (#7437) var sel = doc.$.defaultView.getSelection(); if ( sel.type == 'Caret' && sel.anchorNode == fillingChar.$ ) resetSelection = 1; fillingCharBefore = fillingChar.getText(); fillingChar.setText( fillingCharBefore.replace( /\u200B/g, '' ) ); } } function afterData() { var doc = editor.document, fillingChar = getFillingChar( doc ); if ( fillingChar ) { fillingChar.setText( fillingCharBefore ); if ( resetSelection ) { doc.$.defaultView.getSelection().setPosition( fillingChar.$,fillingChar.getLength() ); resetSelection = 0; } } } editor.on( 'beforeUndoImage', beforeData ); editor.on( 'afterUndoImage', afterData ); editor.on( 'beforeGetData', beforeData, null, null, 0 ); editor.on( 'getData', afterData ); } editor.on( 'contentDom', function() { var doc = editor.document, body = doc.getBody(), html = doc.getDocumentElement(); if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) { // Other browsers don't loose the selection if the // editor document loose the focus. In IE, we don't // have support for it, so we reproduce it here, other // than firing the selection change event. var savedRange, saveEnabled, restoreEnabled = 1; // "onfocusin" is fired before "onfocus". It makes it // possible to restore the selection before click // events get executed. body.on( 'focusin', function( evt ) { // If there are elements with layout they fire this event but // it must be ignored to allow edit its contents #4682 if ( evt.data.$.srcElement.nodeName != 'BODY' ) return; // Give the priority to locked selection since it probably // reflects the actual situation, besides locked selection // could be interfered because of text nodes normalizing. // (#6083, #6987) var lockedSelection = doc.getCustomData( 'cke_locked_selection' ); if ( lockedSelection ) { lockedSelection.unlock( 1 ); lockedSelection.lock(); } // Then check ff we have saved a range, restore it at this // point. else if ( savedRange && restoreEnabled ) { // Well not break because of this. try { savedRange.select(); } catch (e) {} savedRange = null; } }); body.on( 'focus', function() { // Enable selections to be saved. saveEnabled = 1; saveSelection(); }); body.on( 'beforedeactivate', function( evt ) { // Ignore this event if it's caused by focus switch between // internal editable control type elements, e.g. layouted paragraph. (#4682) if ( evt.data.$.toElement ) return; // Disable selections from being saved. saveEnabled = 0; restoreEnabled = 1; }); // [IE] Iframe will still keep the selection when blurred, if // focus is moved onto a non-editing host, e.g. link or button, but // it becomes a problem for the object type selection, since the resizer // handler attached on it will mark other part of the UI, especially // for the dialog. (#8157) // [IE<8] Even worse For old IEs, the cursor will not vanish even if // the selection has been moved to another text input in some cases. (#4716) // // Now the range restore is disabled, so we simply force IE to clean // up the selection before blur. CKEDITOR.env.ie && editor.on( 'blur', function() { // Error proof when the editor is not visible. (#6375) try{ doc.$.selection.empty(); } catch ( er){} }); // Listening on document element ensures that // scrollbar is included. (#5280) html.on( 'mousedown', function() { // Lock restore selection now, as we have // a followed 'click' event which introduce // new selection. (#5735) restoreEnabled = 0; }); html.on( 'mouseup', function() { restoreEnabled = 1; }); var scroll; // IE fires the "selectionchange" event when clicking // inside a selection. We don't want to capture that. body.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) { // IE scrolls document to top on right mousedown // when editor has no focus, remember this scroll // position and revert it before context menu opens. (#5778) if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 ) { var sel = editor.document.$.selection; if ( sel.type == 'None' ) scroll = editor.window.getScrollPosition(); } disableSave(); }); body.on( 'mouseup', function( evt ) { // Restore recorded scroll position when needed on right mouseup. if ( evt.data.$.button == 2 && scroll ) { editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollLeft = scroll.x; editor.document.$.documentElement.scrollTop = scroll.y; } scroll = null; saveEnabled = 1; setTimeout( function() { saveSelection( true ); }, 0 ); }); body.on( 'keydown', disableSave ); body.on( 'keyup', function() { saveEnabled = 1; saveSelection(); }); // When content doc is in standards mode, IE doesn't focus the editor when // clicking at the region below body (on html element) content, we emulate // the normal behavior on old IEs. (#1659, #7932) if ( ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ) && doc.$.compatMode != 'BackCompat' ) { function moveRangeToPoint( range, x, y ) { // Error prune in IE7. (#9034, #9110) try { range.moveToPoint( x, y ); } catch ( e ) {} } html.on( 'mousedown', function( evt ) { // Expand the text range along with mouse move. function onHover( evt ) { evt = evt.data.$; if ( textRng ) { // Read the current cursor. var rngEnd = body.$.createTextRange(); moveRangeToPoint( rngEnd, evt.x, evt.y ); // Handle drag directions. textRng.setEndPoint( textRng.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', rngEnd ) < 0 ? 'EndToEnd' : 'StartToStart', rngEnd ); // Update selection with new range. textRng.select(); } } evt = evt.data.$; // We're sure that the click happens at the region // below body, but not on scrollbar. if ( evt.y < html.$.clientHeight && evt.y > body.$.offsetTop + body.$.clientHeight && evt.x < html.$.clientWidth ) { // Start to build the text range. var textRng = body.$.createTextRange(); moveRangeToPoint( textRng, evt.x, evt.y ); html.on( 'mousemove', onHover ); html.on( 'mouseup', function( evt ) { html.removeListener( 'mousemove', onHover ); evt.removeListener(); // Make it in effect on mouse up. (#9022) textRng.select(); } ); } }); } // It's much simpler for IE8, we just need to reselect the reported range. if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie8 ) { html.on( 'mouseup', function( evt ) { // The event is not fired when clicking on the scrollbars, // so we can safely check the following to understand // whether the empty space following has been clicked. if ( evt.data.getTarget().getName() == 'html' ) { var sel = CKEDITOR.document.$.selection, range = sel.createRange(); // The selection range is reported on host, but actually it should applies to the content doc. if ( sel.type != 'None' && range.parentElement().ownerDocument == doc.$ ) range.select(); } } ); } // IE is the only to provide the "selectionchange" // event. doc.on( 'selectionchange', saveSelection ); function disableSave() { saveEnabled = 0; } function saveSelection( testIt ) { if ( saveEnabled ) { var doc = editor.document, sel = editor.getSelection(), nativeSel = sel && sel.getNative(); // There is a very specific case, when clicking // inside a text selection. In that case, the // selection collapses at the clicking point, // but the selection object remains in an // unknown state, making createRange return a // range at the very start of the document. In // such situation we have to test the range, to // be sure it's valid. if ( testIt && nativeSel && nativeSel.type == 'None' ) { // The "InsertImage" command can be used to // test whether the selection is good or not. // If not, it's enough to give some time to // IE to put things in order for us. if ( !doc.$.queryCommandEnabled( 'InsertImage' ) ) { CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( saveSelection, 50, this, true ); return; } } // Avoid saving selection from within text input. (#5747) var parentTag; if ( nativeSel && nativeSel.type && nativeSel.type != 'Control' && ( parentTag = nativeSel.createRange() ) && ( parentTag = parentTag.parentElement() ) && ( parentTag = parentTag.nodeName ) && parentTag.toLowerCase() in { input: 1, textarea : 1 } ) { return; } savedRange = nativeSel && sel.getRanges()[ 0 ]; checkSelectionChangeTimeout.call( editor ); } } } else { // In other browsers, we make the selection change // check based on other events, like clicks or keys // press. doc.on( 'mouseup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor ); doc.on( 'keyup', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor ); doc.on( 'selectionchange', checkSelectionChangeTimeout, editor ); } if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) { doc.on( 'keydown', function( evt ) { var key = evt.data.getKey(); // Remove the filling char before some keys get // executed, so they'll not get blocked by it. switch ( key ) { case 13 : // ENTER case 33 : // PAGEUP case 34 : // PAGEDOWN case 35 : // HOME case 36 : // END case 37 : // LEFT-ARROW case 39 : // RIGHT-ARROW case 8 : // BACKSPACE case 45 : // INS case 46 : // DEl removeFillingChar( editor.document ); } }, null, null, 10 ); } }); // Clear the cached range path before unload. (#7174) editor.on( 'contentDomUnload', editor.forceNextSelectionCheck, editor ); editor.addCommand( 'selectAll', selectAllCmd ); editor.ui.addButton( 'SelectAll', { label : editor.lang.selectAll, command : 'selectAll' }); /** * Check if to fire the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#selectionChange} event * for the current editor instance. * * @param {Boolean} checkNow Check immediately without any delay. */ editor.selectionChange = function( checkNow ) { ( checkNow ? checkSelectionChange : checkSelectionChangeTimeout ).call( this ); }; // IE9 might cease to work if there's an object selection inside the iframe (#7639). CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat && editor.on( 'destroy', function() { var sel = editor.getSelection(); sel && sel.getNative().clear(); }, null, null, 9 ); } }); /** * Gets the current selection from the editing area when in WYSIWYG mode. * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object or null if not in * WYSIWYG mode or no selection is available. * @example * var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection(); * alert( selection.getType() ); */ CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getSelection = function() { return this.document && this.document.getSelection(); }; CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.forceNextSelectionCheck = function() { delete this._.selectionPreviousPath; }; /** * Gets the current selection from the document. * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} A selection object. * @example * var selection = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.document.getSelection(); * alert( selection.getType() ); */ CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getSelection = function() { var sel = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( this ); return ( !sel || sel.isInvalid ) ? null : sel; }; /** * No selection. * @constant * @example * if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE ) * alert( 'Nothing is selected' ); */ CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE = 1; /** * A text or a collapsed selection. * @constant * @example * if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT ) * alert( 'A text is selected' ); */ CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT = 2; /** * Element selection. * @constant * @example * if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) * alert( 'An element is selected' ); */ CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT = 3; /** * Manipulates the selection in a DOM document. * @constructor * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.document} document The DOM document that contains the selection. * @example * var sel = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( CKEDITOR.document ); */ CKEDITOR.dom.selection = function( document ) { var lockedSelection = document.getCustomData( 'cke_locked_selection' ); if ( lockedSelection ) return lockedSelection; this.document = document; this.isLocked = 0; this._ = { cache : {} }; /** * IE BUG: The selection's document may be a different document than the * editor document. Return null if that is the case. */ if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) { // Avoid breaking because of it. (#8836) try { var range = this.getNative().createRange(); if ( !range || ( range.item && range.item( 0 ).ownerDocument != this.document.$ ) || ( range.parentElement && range.parentElement().ownerDocument != this.document.$ ) ) { throw 0; } } catch ( e ) { this.isInvalid = true; } } return this; }; var styleObjectElements = { img:1,hr:1,li:1,table:1,tr:1,td:1,th:1,embed:1,object:1,ol:1,ul:1, a:1,input:1,form:1,select:1,textarea:1,button:1,fieldset:1,thead:1,tfoot:1 }; CKEDITOR.dom.selection.prototype = { /** * Gets the native selection object from the browser. * @function * @returns {Object} The native browser selection object. * @example * var selection = editor.getSelection().getNative(); */ getNative : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? function() { return this._.cache.nativeSel || ( this._.cache.nativeSel = this.document.$.selection ); } : function() { return this._.cache.nativeSel || ( this._.cache.nativeSel = this.document.getWindow().$.getSelection() ); }, /** * Gets the type of the current selection. The following values are * available: * * @function * @returns {Number} One of the following constant values: * {@link CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE}, {@link CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT}, or * {@link CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT}. * @example * if ( editor.getSelection().getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT ) * alert( 'A text is selected' ); */ getType : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? function() { var cache = this._.cache; if ( cache.type ) return cache.type; var type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE; try { var sel = this.getNative(), ieType = sel.type; if ( ieType == 'Text' ) type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT; if ( ieType == 'Control' ) type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT; // It is possible that we can still get a text range // object even when type == 'None' is returned by IE. // So we'd better check the object returned by // createRange() rather than by looking at the type. if ( sel.createRange().parentElement ) type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT; } catch(e) {} return ( cache.type = type ); } : function() { var cache = this._.cache; if ( cache.type ) return cache.type; var type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT; var sel = this.getNative(); if ( !sel ) type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE; else if ( sel.rangeCount == 1 ) { // Check if the actual selection is a control (IMG, // TABLE, HR, etc...). var range = sel.getRangeAt(0), startContainer = range.startContainer; if ( startContainer == range.endContainer && startContainer.nodeType == 1 && ( range.endOffset - range.startOffset ) == 1 && styleObjectElements[ startContainer.childNodes[ range.startOffset ].nodeName.toLowerCase() ] ) { type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT; } } return ( cache.type = type ); }, /** * Retrieves the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range} instances that represent the current selection. * Note: Some browsers return multiple ranges even for a continuous selection. Firefox, for example, returns * one range for each table cell when one or more table rows are selected. * @function * @param {Boolean} [onlyEditables] If set to true, this function retrives editable ranges only. * @return {Array} Range instances that represent the current selection. * @example * var ranges = selection.getRanges(); * alert( ranges.length ); */ getRanges : (function() { var func = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? ( function() { function getNodeIndex( node ) { return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( node ).getIndex(); } // Finds the container and offset for a specific boundary // of an IE range. var getBoundaryInformation = function( range, start ) { // Creates a collapsed range at the requested boundary. range = range.duplicate(); range.collapse( start ); // Gets the element that encloses the range entirely. var parent = range.parentElement(), doc = parent.ownerDocument; // Empty parent element, e.g. ^ if ( !parent.hasChildNodes() ) return { container : parent, offset : 0 }; var siblings = parent.children, child, sibling, testRange = range.duplicate(), startIndex = 0, endIndex = siblings.length - 1, index = -1, position, distance, container; // Binary search over all element childs to test the range to see whether // range is right on the boundary of one element. while ( startIndex <= endIndex ) { index = Math.floor( ( startIndex + endIndex ) / 2 ); child = siblings[ index ]; testRange.moveToElementText( child ); position = testRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToStart', range ); if ( position > 0 ) endIndex = index - 1; else if ( position < 0 ) startIndex = index + 1; else { // IE9 report wrong measurement with compareEndPoints when range anchors between two BRs. // e.g.


(#7433) if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat && child.tagName == 'BR' ) { // "Fall back" to w3c selection. var sel = doc.defaultView.getSelection(); return { container : sel[ start ? 'anchorNode' : 'focusNode' ], offset : sel[ start ? 'anchorOffset' : 'focusOffset' ] }; } else return { container : parent, offset : getNodeIndex( child ) }; } } // All childs are text nodes, // or to the right hand of test range are all text nodes. (#6992) if ( index == -1 || index == siblings.length - 1 && position < 0 ) { // Adapt test range to embrace the entire parent contents. testRange.moveToElementText( parent ); testRange.setEndPoint( 'StartToStart', range ); // IE report line break as CRLF with range.text but // only LF with textnode.nodeValue, normalize them to avoid // breaking character counting logic below. (#3949) distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length; siblings = parent.childNodes; // Actual range anchor right beside test range at the boundary of text node. if ( !distance ) { child = siblings[ siblings.length - 1 ]; if ( child.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) return { container : parent, offset : siblings.length }; else return { container : child, offset : child.nodeValue.length }; } // Start the measuring until distance overflows, meanwhile count the text nodes. var i = siblings.length; while ( distance > 0 && i > 0 ) { sibling = siblings[ --i ]; if ( sibling.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) { container = sibling; distance -= sibling.nodeValue.length; } } return { container : container, offset : -distance }; } // Test range was one offset beyond OR behind the anchored text node. else { // Adapt one side of test range to the actual range // for measuring the offset between them. testRange.collapse( position > 0 ? true : false ); testRange.setEndPoint( position > 0 ? 'StartToStart' : 'EndToStart', range ); // IE report line break as CRLF with range.text but // only LF with textnode.nodeValue, normalize them to avoid // breaking character counting logic below. (#3949) distance = testRange.text.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ).length; // Actual range anchor right beside test range at the inner boundary of text node. if ( !distance ) return { container : parent, offset : getNodeIndex( child ) + ( position > 0 ? 0 : 1 ) }; // Start the measuring until distance overflows, meanwhile count the text nodes. while ( distance > 0 ) { try { sibling = child[ position > 0 ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling' ]; if ( sibling.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) { distance -= sibling.nodeValue.length; container = sibling; } child = sibling; } // Measurement in IE could be somtimes wrong because of (#6621) if ( ancestor.isReadOnly() || enclosed && enclosed.isReadOnly() ) { right.setStart( left.startContainer, left.startOffset ); ranges.splice( i--, 1 ); continue; } } } var range = ranges[ i ]; var nativeRange = this.document.$.createRange(); var startContainer = range.startContainer; // In FF2, if we have a collapsed range, inside an empty // element, we must add something to it otherwise the caret // will not be visible. // In Opera instead, the selection will be moved out of the // element. (#4657) if ( range.collapsed && ( CKEDITOR.env.opera || ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 ) ) && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !startContainer.getChildCount() ) { startContainer.appendText( '' ); } if ( range.collapsed && CKEDITOR.env.webkit && rangeRequiresFix( range ) ) { // Append a zero-width space so WebKit will not try to // move the selection by itself (#1272). var fillingChar = createFillingChar( this.document ); range.insertNode( fillingChar ) ; var next = fillingChar.getNext(); // If the filling char is followed by a
, whithout // having something before it, it'll not blink. // Let's remove it in this case. if ( next && !fillingChar.getPrevious() && next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.getName() == 'br' ) { removeFillingChar( this.document ); range.moveToPosition( next, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START ); } else range.moveToPosition( fillingChar, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END ); } nativeRange.setStart( range.startContainer.$, range.startOffset ); try { nativeRange.setEnd( range.endContainer.$, range.endOffset ); } catch ( e ) { // There is a bug in Firefox implementation (it would be too easy // otherwise). The new start can't be after the end (W3C says it can). // So, let's create a new range and collapse it to the desired point. if ( e.toString().indexOf( 'NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE' ) >= 0 ) { range.collapse( 1 ); nativeRange.setEnd( range.endContainer.$, range.endOffset ); } else throw e; } // Select the range. sel.addRange( nativeRange ); } // Don't miss selection change event for non-IEs. this.document.fire( 'selectionchange' ); this.reset(); } }, /** * Creates a bookmark for each range of this selection (from #getRanges) * by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.createBookmark} method, * with extra care taken to avoid interference among those ranges. The arguments * received are the same as with the underlying range method. * @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks for each range. * @example * var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks(); */ createBookmarks : function( serializable ) { return this.getRanges().createBookmarks( serializable ); }, /** * Creates a bookmark for each range of this selection (from #getRanges) * by calling the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.createBookmark2} method, * with extra care taken to avoid interference among those ranges. The arguments * received are the same as with the underlying range method. * @returns {Array} Array of bookmarks for each range. * @example * var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks2(); */ createBookmarks2 : function( normalized ) { return this.getRanges().createBookmarks2( normalized ); }, /** * Selects the virtual ranges denoted by the bookmarks by calling #selectRanges. * @param {Array} bookmarks The bookmarks representing ranges to be selected. * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.selection} This selection object, after the ranges were selected. * @example * var bookmarks = editor.getSelection().createBookmarks(); * editor.getSelection().selectBookmarks( bookmarks ); */ selectBookmarks : function( bookmarks ) { var ranges = []; for ( var i = 0 ; i < bookmarks.length ; i++ ) { var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document ); range.moveToBookmark( bookmarks[i] ); ranges.push( range ); } this.selectRanges( ranges ); return this; }, /** * Retrieves the common ancestor node of the first range and the last range. * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The common ancestor of the selection. * @example * var ancestor = editor.getSelection().getCommonAncestor(); */ getCommonAncestor : function() { var ranges = this.getRanges(), startNode = ranges[ 0 ].startContainer, endNode = ranges[ ranges.length - 1 ].endContainer; return startNode.getCommonAncestor( endNode ); }, /** * Moves the scrollbar to the starting position of the current selection. * @example * editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView(); */ scrollIntoView : function() { // If we have split the block, adds a temporary span at the // range position and scroll relatively to it. var start = this.getStartElement(); start.scrollIntoView(); } }; })(); ( function() { var notWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces( true ), fillerTextRegex = /\ufeff|\u00a0/, nonCells = { table:1,tbody:1,tr:1 }; CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.select = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? // V2 function( forceExpand ) { var collapsed = this.collapsed, isStartMarkerAlone, dummySpan, ieRange; // Try to make a object selection. var selected = this.getEnclosedNode(); if ( selected ) { try { ieRange = this.document.$.body.createControlRange(); ieRange.addElement( selected.$ ); ieRange.select(); return; } catch( er ) {} } // IE doesn't support selecting the entire table row/cell, move the selection into cells, e.g. // [... =>
... if ( this.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.startContainer.getName() in nonCells || this.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.endContainer.getName() in nonCells ) { this.shrink( CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, true ); } var bookmark = this.createBookmark(); // Create marker tags for the start and end boundaries. var startNode = bookmark.startNode; var endNode; if ( !collapsed ) endNode = bookmark.endNode; // Create the main range which will be used for the selection. ieRange = this.document.$.body.createTextRange(); // Position the range at the start boundary. ieRange.moveToElementText( startNode.$ ); ieRange.moveStart( 'character', 1 ); if ( endNode ) { // Create a tool range for the end. var ieRangeEnd = this.document.$.body.createTextRange(); // Position the tool range at the end. ieRangeEnd.moveToElementText( endNode.$ ); // Move the end boundary of the main range to match the tool range. ieRange.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', ieRangeEnd ); ieRange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 ); } else { // The isStartMarkerAlone logic comes from V2. It guarantees that the lines // will expand and that the cursor will be blinking on the right place. // Actually, we are using this flag just to avoid using this hack in all // situations, but just on those needed. var next = startNode.getNext( notWhitespaces ); isStartMarkerAlone = ( !( next && next.getText && next.getText().match( fillerTextRegex ) ) // already a filler there? && ( forceExpand || !startNode.hasPrevious() || ( startNode.getPrevious().is && startNode.getPrevious().is( 'br' ) ) ) ); // Append a temporary  before the selection. // This is needed to avoid IE destroying selections inside empty // inline elements, like (#253). // It is also needed when placing the selection right after an inline // element to avoid the selection moving inside of it. dummySpan = this.document.createElement( 'span' ); dummySpan.setHtml( '' ); // Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). See #1359. dummySpan.insertBefore( startNode ); if ( isStartMarkerAlone ) { // To expand empty blocks or line spaces after
, we need // instead to have any char, which will be later deleted using the // selection. // \ufeff = Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF). (#1359) this.document.createText( '\ufeff' ).insertBefore( startNode ); } } // Remove the markers (reset the position, because of the changes in the DOM tree). this.setStartBefore( startNode ); startNode.remove(); if ( collapsed ) { if ( isStartMarkerAlone ) { // Move the selection start to include the temporary \ufeff. ieRange.moveStart( 'character', -1 ); ieRange.select(); // Remove our temporary stuff. this.document.$.selection.clear(); } else ieRange.select(); this.moveToPosition( dummySpan, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START ); dummySpan.remove(); } else { this.setEndBefore( endNode ); endNode.remove(); ieRange.select(); } this.document.fire( 'selectionchange' ); } : function() { this.document.getSelection().selectRanges( [ this ] ); }; } )();