/* Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /** * @fileOverview jQuery adapter provides easy use of basic CKEditor functions * and access to internal API. It also integrates some aspects of CKEditor with * jQuery framework. * * Every TEXTAREA, DIV and P elements can be converted to working editor. * * Plugin exposes some of editor's event to jQuery event system. All of those are namespaces inside * ".ckeditor" namespace and can be binded/listened on supported textarea, div and p nodes. * * Available jQuery events: * - instanceReady.ckeditor( editor, rootNode ) * Triggered when new instance is ready. * - destroy.ckeditor( editor ) * Triggered when instance is destroyed. * - getData.ckeditor( editor, eventData ) * Triggered when getData event is fired inside editor. It can change returned data using eventData reference. * - setData.ckeditor( editor ) * Triggered when getData event is fired inside editor. * * @example * * * */ (function() { /** * Allows CKEditor to override jQuery.fn.val(), making it possible to use the val() * function on textareas, as usual, having it synchronized with CKEditor.
* This configuration option is global and executed during the jQuery Adapter loading. * It can't be customized across editor instances. * @type Boolean * @example * <script> * CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal = true; * </script> * <!-- Important: The JQuery adapter is loaded *after* setting jqueryOverrideVal --> * <script src="/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js"></script> * @example * // ... then later in the code ... * * $( 'textarea' ).ckeditor(); * // ... * $( 'textarea' ).val( 'New content' ); */ CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal = typeof CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal == 'undefined' ? true : CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal; var jQuery = window.jQuery; if ( typeof jQuery == 'undefined' ) return; // jQuery object methods. jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn, /** @lends jQuery.fn */ { /** * Return existing CKEditor instance for first matched element. * Allows to easily use internal API. Doesn't return jQuery object. * * Raised exception if editor doesn't exist or isn't ready yet. * * @name jQuery.ckeditorGet * @return CKEDITOR.editor * @see CKEDITOR.editor */ ckeditorGet: function() { var instance = this.eq( 0 ).data( 'ckeditorInstance' ); if ( !instance ) throw "CKEditor not yet initialized, use ckeditor() with callback."; return instance; }, /** * Triggers creation of CKEditor in all matched elements (reduced to DIV, P and TEXTAREAs). * Binds callback to instanceReady event of all instances. If editor is already created, than * callback is fired right away. * * Mixed parameter order allowed. * * @param callback Function to be run on editor instance. Passed parameters: [ textarea ]. * Callback is fiered in "this" scope being ckeditor instance and having source textarea as first param. * * @param config Configuration options for new instance(s) if not already created. * See URL * * @example * $( 'textarea' ).ckeditor( function( textarea ) { * $( textarea ).val( this.getData() ) * } ); * * @name jQuery.fn.ckeditor * @return jQuery.fn */ ckeditor: function( callback, config ) { if ( !CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible ) return this; if ( !jQuery.isFunction( callback )) { var tmp = config; config = callback; callback = tmp; } config = config || {}; this.filter( 'textarea, div, p' ).each( function() { var $element = jQuery( this ), editor = $element.data( 'ckeditorInstance' ), instanceLock = $element.data( '_ckeditorInstanceLock' ), element = this; if ( editor && !instanceLock ) { if ( callback ) callback.apply( editor, [ this ] ); } else if ( !instanceLock ) { // CREATE NEW INSTANCE // Handle config.autoUpdateElement inside this plugin if desired. if ( config.autoUpdateElement || ( typeof config.autoUpdateElement == 'undefined' && CKEDITOR.config.autoUpdateElement ) ) { config.autoUpdateElementJquery = true; } // Always disable config.autoUpdateElement. config.autoUpdateElement = false; $element.data( '_ckeditorInstanceLock', true ); // Set instance reference in element's data. editor = CKEDITOR.replace( element, config ); $element.data( 'ckeditorInstance', editor ); // Register callback. editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( event ) { var editor = event.editor; setTimeout( function() { // Delay bit more if editor is still not ready. if ( !editor.element ) { setTimeout( arguments.callee, 100 ); return; } // Remove this listener. event.removeListener( 'instanceReady', this.callee ); // Forward setData on dataReady. editor.on( 'dataReady', function() { $element.trigger( 'setData' + '.ckeditor', [ editor ] ); }); // Forward getData. editor.on( 'getData', function( event ) { $element.trigger( 'getData' + '.ckeditor', [ editor, event.data ] ); }, 999 ); // Forward destroy event. editor.on( 'destroy', function() { $element.trigger( 'destroy.ckeditor', [ editor ] ); }); // Integrate with form submit. if ( editor.config.autoUpdateElementJquery && $element.is( 'textarea' ) && $element.parents( 'form' ).length ) { var onSubmit = function() { $element.ckeditor( function() { editor.updateElement(); }); }; // Bind to submit event. $element.parents( 'form' ).submit( onSubmit ); // Bind to form-pre-serialize from jQuery Forms plugin. $element.parents( 'form' ).bind( 'form-pre-serialize', onSubmit ); // Unbind when editor destroyed. $element.bind( 'destroy.ckeditor', function() { $element.parents( 'form' ).unbind( 'submit', onSubmit ); $element.parents( 'form' ).unbind( 'form-pre-serialize', onSubmit ); }); } // Garbage collect on destroy. editor.on( 'destroy', function() { $element.data( 'ckeditorInstance', null ); }); // Remove lock. $element.data( '_ckeditorInstanceLock', null ); // Fire instanceReady event. $element.trigger( 'instanceReady.ckeditor', [ editor ] ); // Run given (first) code. if ( callback ) callback.apply( editor, [ element ] ); }, 0 ); }, null, null, 9999); } else { // Editor is already during creation process, bind our code to the event. CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( event ) { var editor = event.editor; setTimeout( function() { // Delay bit more if editor is still not ready. if ( !editor.element ) { setTimeout( arguments.callee, 100 ); return; } if ( editor.element.$ == element ) { // Run given code. if ( callback ) callback.apply( editor, [ element ] ); } }, 0 ); }, null, null, 9999); } }); return this; } }); // New val() method for objects. if ( CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal ) { jQuery.fn.val = CKEDITOR.tools.override( jQuery.fn.val, function( oldValMethod ) { /** * CKEditor-aware val() method. * * Acts same as original jQuery val(), but for textareas which have CKEditor instances binded to them, method * returns editor's content. It also works for settings values. * * @param oldValMethod * @name jQuery.fn.val */ return function( newValue, forceNative ) { var isSetter = typeof newValue != 'undefined', result; this.each( function() { var $this = jQuery( this ), editor = $this.data( 'ckeditorInstance' ); if ( !forceNative && $this.is( 'textarea' ) && editor ) { if ( isSetter ) editor.setData( newValue ); else { result = editor.getData(); // break; return null; } } else { if ( isSetter ) oldValMethod.call( $this, newValue ); else { result = oldValMethod.call( $this ); // break; return null; } } return true; }); return isSetter ? this : result; }; }); } })();