
206 lines
8.6 KiB

class MailCatcher
constructor: ->
$('#messages tr').live 'click', (e) =>
@loadMessage $(e.currentTarget).attr 'data-message-id'
$('#message .views a').live 'click', (e) =>
@loadMessageBody @selectedMessage(), $($(e.currentTarget).parent('li')).data 'message-format'
$('#message .views a').live 'click', (e) =>
@loadMessageAnalysis @selectedMessage()
mousedown: (e) ->
$(window).bind events =
mouseup: (e) ->
$(window).unbind events
mousemove: (e) ->
height: e.clientY - $('#messages').offset().top
$(' .clear a').live 'click', (e) =>
if confirm "You will lose all your received messages.\n\nAre you sure you want to clear all messages?"
url: '/messages'
type: 'DELETE'
success: ->
$('#messages tbody, #message .metadata dd').empty()
$('#message .metadata .attachments').hide()
$('#message iframe').attr 'src', 'about:blank'
error: ->
alert 'Error while quitting.'
$(' .quit a').live 'click', (e) =>
if confirm "You will lose all your received messages.\n\nAre you sure you want to quit?"
type: 'DELETE'
success: ->
location.replace $('body > header h1 a').attr('href')
error: ->
alert 'Error while quitting.'
# Only here because Safari's Date parsing *sucks*
# We throw away the timezone, but you could use it for something...
parseDateRegexp: /^(\d{4})[-\/\\](\d{2})[-\/\\](\d{2})(?:\s+|T)(\d{2})[:-](\d{2})[:-](\d{2})(?:([ +-]\d{2}:\d{2}|\s*\S+|Z?))?$/
parseDate: (date) ->
if match = @parseDateRegexp.exec(date)
new Date match[1], match[2] - 1, match[3], match[4], match[5], match[6], 0
formatDate: (date) ->
date &&= @parseDate(date) if typeof(date) == "string"
date &&= date.toString("dddd, d MMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt")
haveMessage: (message) ->
message = if
$("#messages tbody tr[data-message-id=\"#{message}\"]").length > 0
selectedMessage: ->
$('#messages tr.selected').data 'message-id'
addMessage: (message) ->
$('#messages tbody').append \
$('<tr />').attr('data-message-id',
.append($('<td/>').text(message.sender or "No sender").toggleClass("blank", !message.sender))
.append($('<td/>').text((message.recipients || []).join(', ') or "No receipients").toggleClass("blank", !message.recipients.length))
.append($('<td/>').text(message.subject or "No subject").toggleClass("blank", !message.subject))
.append($('<td/>').text @formatDate message.created_at)
loadMessage: (id) ->
id = if id?.id?
id ||= $('#messages tr.selected').attr 'data-message-id'
if id?
$('#messages tbody tr:not([data-message-id="'+id+'"])').removeClass 'selected'
$('#messages tbody tr[data-message-id="'+id+'"]').addClass 'selected'
$.getJSON '/messages/' + id + '.json', (message) =>
$('#message .metadata dd.created_at').text @formatDate message.created_at
$('#message .metadata dd.from').text message.sender
$('#message .metadata').text (message.recipients || []).join(', ')
$('#message .metadata dd.subject').text message.subject
$('#message .views .tab.format').each (i, el) ->
$el = $(el)
format = $el.attr 'data-message-format'
if $.inArray(format, message.formats) >= 0
$el.find('a').attr('href', '/messages/' + id + '.' + format)
if $("#message .views .tab.selected:not(:visible)").length
$("#message .views .tab.selected").removeClass "selected"
$("#message .views .tab:visible:first").addClass "selected"
if message.attachments.length
$('#message .metadata dd.attachments ul').empty()
$.each message.attachments, (i, attachment) ->
$('#message .metadata dd.attachments ul').append($('<li>').append($('<a>').attr('href', attachment['href']).addClass(attachment['type'].split('/', 1)[0]).addClass(attachment['type'].replace('/', '-')).text(attachment['filename'])));
$('#message .metadata .attachments').show()
$('#message .metadata .attachments').hide()
$('#message .views .download a').attr 'href', "/messages/#{id}.eml"
if $('#message .views .tab.analysis.selected').length
# XXX: These should probably cache their iframes for the current message now we're using a remote service:
loadMessageBody: (id, format) ->
id ||= @selectedMessage()
format ||= $('#message .views .tab.format.selected').attr 'data-message-format'
format ||= 'html'
$("#message .views .tab[data-message-format=\"#{format}\"]:not(.selected)").addClass 'selected'
$("#message .views .tab:not([data-message-format=\"#{format}\"]).selected").removeClass 'selected'
if id?
$('#message iframe').attr "src", "/messages/#{id}.#{format}"
loadMessageAnalysis: (id) ->
id ||= @selectedMessage()
$("#message .views").addClass 'selected'
$("#message .views :not(.analysis).tab.selected").removeClass 'selected'
if id?
# Makes a new iframe which will have a foreign origin eventually, and populate it with a quick intro and a form to send to Fractal.
$iframe = $('#message iframe').contents().children().html("""
<html class="mailcatcher"><head>#{$('link[rel="stylesheet"]')[0].outerHTML}</head><body><iframe></iframe></body></html>
<body class="iframe">
<h1>Analyse your email with Fractal</h1>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Fractal</a> is a really neat service that applies common email design and development knowledge from <a href="" target="_blank">Email Standards Project</a> to your HTML email and tells you what you've done wrong or what you should do instead.</p>
<p>Please note that this <strong>sends your email to the Fractal service</strong> for analysis. Read their <a href="" target="_blank">terms of service</a> if you're paranoid.</p>
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="html" />
<input type="submit" value="Analyse" disabled="disabled" /><span class="loading" style="color: #999">Loading your email...</span>
# This should be cached if already accessed, so it's actually quite quick
$.get "/messages/#{id}.html", (html) ->
.find('input[name="html"]').attr('value', html).end()
.find('input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', null).end()
.find('form').submit ->
.find('input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled').end()
# FIXME: Fractal need to allow GET requests to their JSONP endpoint, then we can use the API:
# $.ajax
# url: ''
# data:
# api_key: '59372c4f65426f78282c5c657d'
# html: html
# dataType: 'jsonp'
# success: (json) ->
# console.log json
# $iframe.children().html json
refresh: ->
$.getJSON '/messages', (messages) =>
$.each messages, (i, message) =>
unless @haveMessage message
@addMessage message
subscribe: ->
if WebSocket?
subscribeWebSocket: ->
secure = window.location.scheme == 'https'
@websocket = new WebSocket("#{if secure then 'wss' else 'ws'}://#{}/messages");
@websocket.onmessage = (event) =>
@addMessage $.parseJSON
subscribePoll: ->
unless @refreshInterval?
@refreshInterval = setInterval (=> @refresh()), 1000
$ -> window.MailCatcher = new MailCatcher