require 'sinatra' require 'json' require 'pathname' require 'skinny' class Sinatra::Request include Skinny::Helpers end module MailCatcher class Web < Sinatra::Base set :root, set :haml, :format => :html5 get '/' do haml :index end get '/messages' do if request.websocket? request.websocket!( :protocol => "MailCatcher 0.2 Message Push", :on_start => proc do |websocket| subscription = MailCatcher::Events::MessageAdded.subscribe { |message| websocket.send_message message.to_json } websocket.on_close do |websocket| MailCatcher::Events::MessageAdded.unsubscribe subscription end end) else MailCatcher::Mail.messages.to_json end end get '/messages/:id.json' do id = params[:id].to_i if message = MailCatcher::Mail.message(id) message.merge({ "formats" => [ "source", ("html" if MailCatcher::Mail.message_has_html? id), ("plain" if MailCatcher::Mail.message_has_plain? id), ].flatten, "attachments" => MailCatcher::Mail.message_attachments(id).map do |attachment| attachment.merge({"href" => "/messages/#{escape(id)}/#{escape(attachment['cid'])}"}) end, }).to_json else not_found end end get '/messages/:id.html' do id = params[:id].to_i if part = MailCatcher::Mail.message_part_html(id) content_type part["type"], :charset => (part["charset"] || "utf8") # Rewrite body to link to embedded attachments served by cid part["body"].gsub(/cid:([^'"> ]+)/, "#{id}/\\1") # Rewrite body to open links in a new window part["body"].gsub(/( (part["charset"] || "utf8") part["body"] else not_found end end get "/messages/:id.source" do id = params[:id].to_i if message = MailCatcher::Mail.message(id) content_type "text/plain" message["source"] else not_found end end get "/messages/:id/:cid" do id = params[:id].to_i if part = MailCatcher::Mail.message_part_cid(id, params[:cid]) content_type part["type"], :charset => (part["charset"] || "utf8") attachment part["filename"] if part["is_attachment"] == 1 body part["body"].to_s else not_found end end not_found do "

No Dice

The message you were looking for does not exist, or doesn't have content of this type.

" end end end