# MailCatcher Catches mail and serves it through a dream. MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to display in a web interface. Run mailcatcher, set your favourite app to deliver to smtp:// instead of your default SMTP server, then check out to see the mail that's arrived so far. ![MailCatcher screenshot](http://f.cl.ly/items/3w2T1p0F3g003b2i1F2z/Screen%20shot%202011-06-23%20at%2011.39.03%20PM.png) ## Features * Catches all mail and stores it for display. * Shows HTML, Plain Text and Source version of messages, as applicable. * Rewrites HTML enabling display of embedded, inline images/etc and open links in a new window. (currently very basic) * Can send HTML for analysis by [Fractal][fractal]. * Lists attachments and allows separate downloading of parts. * Download original email to view in your native mail client(s). * Command line options to override the default SMTP/HTTP IP and port settings. * Mail appears instantly if your browser supports [WebSockets][websockets], otherwise updates every thirty seconds. * Growl notifications when you receive a new message. * Runs as a daemon run in the background. * Sendmail-analogue command, `catchmail`, makes [using mailcatcher from PHP][withphp] a lot easier. * Written super-simply in EventMachine, easy to dig in and change. * Keyboard navigation between messages ## How 1. `gem install mailcatcher` 2. `mailcatcher` 3. Go to http://localhost:1080/ 4. Send mail through smtp://localhost:1025 The brave can get the source from [the GitHub repository][mailcatcher-github]. ### Bundler Please don't put mailcatcher into your Gemfile. It will conflict with your applications gems at some point. Instead, pop a note in your README stating you use mailcatcher. Simply run `gem install mailcatcher` then `mailcatcher` to get started. ### RVM Under RVM your mailcatcher command may only be available under the ruby you install mailcatcher into. To prevent this, and to prevent gem conflicts, install mailcatcher into a dedicated gemset and create wrapper scripts: rvm default@mailcatcher --create do gem install mailcatcher rvm wrapper default@mailcatcher --no-prefix mailcatcher catchmail ### Rails To set up your rails app, I recommend adding this to your `environment/development.rb`: config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :address => "localhost", :port => 1025 } ### PHP For projects using PHP, or PHP frameworks and application platforms like Drupal, you can set [PHP's mail configuration](http://www.php.net/manual/en/mail.configuration.php) in your [php.ini](http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.php) to send via MailCatcher with: sendmail_path = /usr/bin/env catchmail You can do this in an [Apache htaccess file](http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.changes.php) or general configuration like so: php_value sendmail_path "/usr/bin/env catchmail" If you've installed via RVM this probably won't work unless you've manually added your RVM bin paths to your system environment's PATH. In that case, run `which catchmail` and put that path into the `sendmail_path` directive above instead of `/usr/bin/env catchmail`. Don't forget to set 'From' header. Code example: ~~~