require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine' require 'json' require 'ostruct' require 'mail' require 'thin' require 'sqlite3' require 'sinatra/base' require 'sunshowers' # Monkey-patch Sinatra to use Sunshowers class Sinatra::Request < Rack::Request include Sunshowers::WebSocket end module MailCatcher def self.db @@__db ||= begin':memory:', :results_as_hash => true, :type_translation => true).tap do |db| begin db.execute(<<-SQL) CREATE TABLE mail ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, sender TEXT, recipients TEXT, subject TEXT, source BLOB, size TEXT, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_DATETIME ) SQL db.execute(<<-SQL) CREATE TABLE part ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, mail_id INTEGER NOT NULL, cid TEXT, type TEXT, is_attachment INTEGER, filename TEXT, body BLOB, size INTEGER, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_DATETIME ) SQL rescue SQLite3::SQLException end end end end def self.subscribers @@subscribers ||= [] end class SmtpServer < EventMachine::Protocols::SmtpServer def insert_message @@insert_message ||= MailCatcher.db.prepare("INSERT INTO mail (sender, recipients, subject, source, size, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, datetime('now'))") end def insert_part @@insert_part ||= MailCatcher.db.prepare("INSERT INTO part (mail_id, cid, type, is_attachment, filename, body, size, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, datetime('now'))") end def current_message @current_message ||= end def receive_reset @current_message = nil true end def receive_sender(sender) current_message.sender = sender true end def receive_recipient(recipient) current_message.recipients ||= [] current_message.recipients << recipient true end def receive_data_chunk(lines) current_message.source ||= "" current_message.source += lines.join("\n") true end def receive_message mail = result = insert_message.execute(current_message.sender, current_message.recipients.inspect, mail.subject, current_message.source, current_message.source.length) mail_id = MailCatcher.db.last_insert_row_id if mail.multipart? mail.all_parts.each do |part| body = part.body.to_s insert_part.execute(mail_id, part.cid, part.mime_type, part.attachment? ? 1 : 0, part.filename, body, body.length) end else body = mail.body.to_s insert_part.execute(mail_id, nil, mail.mime_type, 0, mail.filename, body, body.length) end puts "==> SMTP: Received message '#{mail.subject}' from '#{current_message.sender}'" @current_message = nil true end end class WebApp < Sinatra::Base set :views, File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'views')) set :haml, {:format => :html5 } get '/' do haml :index end get '/mail' do if latest = MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT created_at FROM mail ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1').next last_modified latest["created_at"] end MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT id, sender, recipients, subject, size, created_at FROM mail ORDER BY created_at DESC').to_a.to_json end get '/mail/:id.json' do mail_id = params[:id].to_i message = MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT * FROM mail WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1', mail_id).to_a.first if message last_modified message["created_at"] message["formats"] = ['eml'] message["formats"] << 'html' if MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT id FROM part WHERE mail_id = ? AND type = "text/html" LIMIT 1', mail_id).next message["formats"] << 'txt' if MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT id FROM part WHERE mail_id = ? AND type = "text/plain" LIMIT 1', mail_id).next message["attachments"] = MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT cid, type, filename, size FROM part WHERE mail_id = ? AND is_attachment = 1 ORDER BY filename ASC', mail_id) do |attachment| attachment.merge({"href" => "/mail/#{escape(params[:id])}/#{escape(attachment['cid'])}"}) end message.to_json else not_found end end get '/mail/:id.html' do mail_id = params[:id].to_i part = MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT body, created_at FROM part WHERE mail_id = ? AND type = "text/html" LIMIT 1', mail_id).to_a.first if part content_type 'text/html' last_modified part["created_at"] part["body"].gsub(/cid:([^'"> ]+)/, "#{mail_id}/\\1") else not_found end end get '/mail/:id.txt' do part = MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT body, created_at FROM part WHERE mail_id = ? AND type = "text/plain" LIMIT 1', params[:id].to_i).to_a.first if part content_type 'text/plain' last_modified part["created_at"] part["body"] else not_found end end get '/mail/:id.eml' do content_type 'text/plain' message = MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT source, created_at FROM mail WHERE id = ? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1', params[:id].to_i).to_a.first if message last_modified message["created_at"] message["source"] else not_found end end get '/mail/:id/:cid' do result = MailCatcher.db.query('SELECT * FROM part WHERE mail_id = ?', params[:id].to_i) part = result.find { |part| part["cid"] == params[:cid] } if part content_type part["type"] attachment part["filename"] if part["is_attachment"] == 1 last_modified part["created_at"] body part["body"].to_s else not_found end end get '/mail/subscribe' do return head 400 unless request.ws_handshake! request.ws_io.each do |message| ws_quit! if message == "goodbye" end end not_found do "

No Dice

The message you were looking for does not exist, or doesn't have content of this type.

" end end def = {}) options[:smtp_ip] ||= '' options[:smtp_port] ||= 1025 options[:http_ip] ||= '' options[:http_port] ||= 1080 Thin::Logging.silent = true EM::run do EM::start_server options[:smtp_ip], options[:smtp_port], SmtpServer Thin::Server.start WebApp, options[:http_ip], options[:http_port] end end end