require 'active_support/all' require 'eventmachine' require ‘rbconfig’ require 'thin' def windows? Config::CONFIG[‘host_os’] =~ /mswin|mingw/ end module MailCatcher extend ActiveSupport::Autoload autoload :Events autoload :Mail autoload :Smtp autoload :Web @@defaults = { :smtp_ip => '', :smtp_port => '1025', :http_ip => '', :http_port => '1080', :verbose => false, :daemon => true unless windows?, } def self.parse! arguments=ARGV, defaults=@@defaults @@defaults.dup.tap do |options| do |parser| parser.banner = 'Usage: mailcatcher [options]' parser.on('--ip IP', 'Set the ip address of both servers') do |ip| options[:smtp_ip] = options[:http_ip] = ip end parser.on('--smtp-ip IP', 'Set the ip address of the smtp server') do |ip| options[:smtp_ip] = ip end parser.on('--smtp-port PORT', Integer, 'Set the port of the smtp server') do |port| options[:smtp_port] = port end parser.on('--http-ip IP', 'Set the ip address of the http server') do |ip| options[:http_ip] = ip end parser.on('--http-port PORT', Integer, 'Set the port address of the http server') do |port| options[:http_port] = port end unless windows? parser.on('-f', '--foreground', 'Run in the foreground') do options[:daemon] = false end end parser.on('-v', '--verbose', 'Be more verbose') do options[:verbose] = true end parser.on('-h', '--help', 'Display this help information') do puts parser exit! end end.parse! end end def! options=nil # If we are passed options, fill in the blanks options &&= @@defaults.merge options # Otherwise, parse them from ARGV options ||= parse! puts "Starting MailCatcher" Thin::Logging.silent = true # One EventMachine loop... do # TODO: DRY this up # Set up an SMTP server to run within EventMachine rescue_port options[:smtp_port] do EventMachine.start_server options[:smtp_ip], options[:smtp_port], Smtp puts "==> smtp://#{options[:smtp_ip]}:#{options[:smtp_port]}" end # Let Thin set itself up inside our EventMachine loop # (Skinny/WebSockets just works on the inside) rescue_port options[:http_port] do Thin::Server.start options[:http_ip], options[:http_port], Web puts "==> http://#{options[:http_ip]}:#{options[:http_port]}" end # Daemonize, if we should, but only after the servers have started. if options[:daemon] EventMachine.next_tick do puts "*** MailCatcher now runs as a daemon by default. Go to the web interface to quit." Process.daemon end end end end def self.quit! EventMachine.next_tick { EventMachine.stop_event_loop } end protected def self.rescue_port port begin yield # XXX: EventMachine only spits out RuntimeError with a string description rescue RuntimeError if $!.to_s =~ /\bno acceptor\b/ puts "~~> ERROR: Something's using port #{port}. Are you already running MailCatcher?" exit -1 else raise end end end end