require "pathname" require "net/http" require "uri" require "sinatra" require "skinny" require "mail_catcher/events" require "mail_catcher/mail" class Sinatra::Request include Skinny::Helpers end module MailCatcher module Web class Application < Sinatra::Base set :development, ENV["MAILCATCHER_ENV"] == "development" set :root, File.expand_path("#{__FILE__}/../../../..") if development? require "sprockets-helpers" configure do require "mail_catcher/web/assets" Sprockets::Helpers.configure do |config| config.environment = Assets config.prefix = "/assets" config.digest = false config.public_path = public_folder config.debug = true end end helpers do include Sprockets::Helpers end else helpers do def javascript_tag(name) %{} end def stylesheet_tag(name) %{} end end end get "/" do erb :index end delete "/" do if MailCatcher.quittable? MailCatcher.quit! status 204 else status 403 end end get "/messages" do if request.websocket? request.websocket!( :on_start => proc do |websocket| subscription = Events::MessageAdded.subscribe { |message| websocket.send_message message.to_json } websocket.on_close do |websocket| Events::MessageAdded.unsubscribe subscription end end) else content_type :json Mail.messages.to_json end end delete "/messages" do Mail.delete! status 204 end get "/messages/:id.json" do id = params[:id].to_i if message = Mail.message(id) content_type :json message.merge({ "formats" => [ "source", ("html" if Mail.message_has_html? id), ("plain" if Mail.message_has_plain? id) ].compact, "attachments" => Mail.message_attachments(id).map do |attachment| attachment.merge({"href" => "/messages/#{escape(id)}/parts/#{escape(attachment["cid"])}"}) end, }).to_json else not_found end end get "/messages/:id.html" do id = params[:id].to_i if part = Mail.message_part_html(id) content_type part["type"], :charset => (part["charset"] || "utf8") body = part["body"] # Rewrite body to link to embedded attachments served by cid body.gsub! /cid:([^'"> ]+)/, "#{id}/parts/\\1" content_type :html body else not_found end end get "/messages/:id.plain" do id = params[:id].to_i if part = Mail.message_part_plain(id) content_type part["type"], :charset => (part["charset"] || "utf8") part["body"] else not_found end end get "/messages/:id.source" do id = params[:id].to_i if message = Mail.message(id) content_type "text/plain" message["source"] else not_found end end get "/messages/:id.eml" do id = params[:id].to_i if message = Mail.message(id) content_type "message/rfc822" message["source"] else not_found end end get "/messages/:id/parts/:cid" do id = params[:id].to_i if part = Mail.message_part_cid(id, params[:cid]) content_type part["type"], :charset => (part["charset"] || "utf8") attachment part["filename"] if part["is_attachment"] == 1 body part["body"].to_s else not_found end end get "/messages/:id/analysis.?:format?" do id = params[:id].to_i if part = Mail.message_part_html(id) # TODO: Server-side cache? Make the browser cache based on message create time? Hmm. uri = URI.parse("{"/format/#{params[:format]}" if params[:format].present?}") response = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, :api_key => "5c463877265251386f516f7428", :html => part["body"]) content_type ".#{params[:format]}" if params[:format].present? body response.body else not_found end end delete "/messages/:id" do id = params[:id].to_i if message = Mail.message(id) Mail.delete_message!(id) status 204 else not_found end end not_found do erb :"404" end end end end