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2013-10-12 15:59:08 +02:00

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Lawnchair.adapter('webkit-sqlite', (function () {
// private methods
var fail = function (e, i) { console.error('error in sqlite adaptor!', e, i) }
, now = function () { return new Date() } // FIXME need to use better date fn
// not entirely sure if this is needed...
if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
Function.prototype.bind = function( obj ) {
var slice = [].slice
, args = slice.call(arguments, 1)
, self = this
, nop = function () {}
, bound = function () {
return self.apply(this instanceof nop ? this : (obj || {}), args.concat(slice.call(arguments)))
nop.prototype = self.prototype
bound.prototype = new nop()
return bound
// public methods
return {
valid: function() { return !!(window.openDatabase) },
init: function (options, callback) {
var that = this
, cb = that.fn(that.name, callback)
, create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + this.record + " (id NVARCHAR(32) UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT, timestamp REAL)"
, win = function(){ if(cb) return cb.call(that, that); }
if (cb && typeof cb != 'function') throw 'callback not valid';
// open a connection and create the db if it doesn't exist
this.db = openDatabase(this.name, '1.0.0', this.name, 65536)
this.db.transaction(function (t) {
t.executeSql(create, [])
}, fail, win)
keys: function (callback) {
var cb = this.lambda(callback)
, that = this
, keys = "SELECT id FROM " + this.record + " ORDER BY timestamp DESC"
this.db.readTransaction(function(t) {
var win = function (xxx, results) {
if (results.rows.length == 0 ) {
cb.call(that, [])
} else {
var r = [];
for (var i = 0, l = results.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
cb.call(that, r)
t.executeSql(keys, [], win, fail)
return this
// you think thats air you're breathing now?
save: function (obj, callback, error) {
var that = this
, objs = (this.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj]).map(function(o){if(!o.key) { o.key = that.uuid()} return o})
, ins = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + this.record + " (value, timestamp, id) VALUES (?,?,?)"
, win = function () { if (callback) { that.lambda(callback).call(that, that.isArray(obj)?objs:objs[0]) }}
, error= error || function() {}
, insvals = []
, ts = now()
try {
for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; i++) {
insvals[i] = [JSON.stringify(objs[i]), ts, objs[i].key];
} catch (e) {
throw e;
that.db.transaction(function(t) {
for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; i++)
t.executeSql(ins, insvals[i])
}, function(e,i){fail(e,i)}, win)
return this
batch: function (objs, callback) {
return this.save(objs, callback)
get: function (keyOrArray, cb) {
var that = this
, sql = ''
, args = this.isArray(keyOrArray) ? keyOrArray : [keyOrArray];
// batch selects support
sql = 'SELECT id, value FROM ' + this.record + " WHERE id IN (" +
args.map(function(){return '?'}).join(",") + ")"
// will always loop the results but cleans it up if not a batch return at the end..
// in other words, this could be faster
var win = function (xxx, results) {
var o
, r
, lookup = {}
// map from results to keys
for (var i = 0, l = results.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
o = JSON.parse(results.rows.item(i).value)
o.key = results.rows.item(i).id
lookup[o.key] = o;
r = args.map(function(key) { return lookup[key]; });
if (!that.isArray(keyOrArray)) r = r.length ? r[0] : null
if (cb) that.lambda(cb).call(that, r)
this.db.readTransaction(function(t){ t.executeSql(sql, args, win, fail) })
return this
exists: function (key, cb) {
var is = "SELECT * FROM " + this.record + " WHERE id = ?"
, that = this
, win = function(xxx, results) { if (cb) that.fn('exists', cb).call(that, (results.rows.length > 0)) }
this.db.readTransaction(function(t){ t.executeSql(is, [key], win, fail) })
return this
all: function (callback) {
var that = this
, all = "SELECT * FROM " + this.record
, r = []
, cb = this.fn(this.name, callback) || undefined
, win = function (xxx, results) {
if (results.rows.length != 0) {
for (var i = 0, l = results.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
var obj = JSON.parse(results.rows.item(i).value)
obj.key = results.rows.item(i).id
if (cb) cb.call(that, r)
this.db.readTransaction(function (t) {
t.executeSql(all, [], win, fail)
return this
remove: function (keyOrArray, cb) {
var that = this
, args
, sql = "DELETE FROM " + this.record + " WHERE id "
, win = function () { if (cb) that.lambda(cb).call(that) }
if (!this.isArray(keyOrArray)) {
sql += '= ?';
args = [keyOrArray];
} else {
args = keyOrArray;
sql += "IN (" +
args.map(function(){return '?'}).join(',') +
args = args.map(function(obj) {
return obj.key ? obj.key : obj;
this.db.transaction( function (t) {
t.executeSql(sql, args, win, fail);
return this;
nuke: function (cb) {
var nuke = "DELETE FROM " + this.record
, that = this
, win = cb ? function() { that.lambda(cb).call(that) } : function(){}
this.db.transaction(function (t) {
t.executeSql(nuke, [], win, fail)
return this