define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var angular = require('angular'), appController = require('js/app-controller'), _ = require('underscore'), config = require('js/app-config').config, emailDao, senderIntervalId, outboxBusy = false; // // Controller // var NavigationCtrl = function($scope) { $scope.navOpen = false; $scope.writerOpen = false; $scope.accountOpen = false; emailDao = appController._emailDao; // // scope functions // $scope.openNav = function() { $scope.navOpen = true; }; $scope.closeNav = function() { $scope.navOpen = false; }; $scope.openWriter = function(replyTo) { $scope.writerReply = !! (replyTo); $scope.writerOpen = true; }; $scope.closeWriter = function() { $scope.writerOpen = false; }; $scope.openFolder = function(folder) { $scope.currentFolder = folder; $scope.closeNav(); }; $scope.openAccount = function() { $scope.accountOpen = true; }; $scope.closeAccount = function() { $scope.accountOpen = false; }; $scope.openReadMode = function() { $scope.readingMode = true; }; $scope.closeReadMode = function() { $scope.readingMode = false; }; $scope.remove = function(email) { if (!email) { return; } var index; removeLocalAndShowNext(); removeRemote(); function removeLocalAndShowNext() { index = $scope.emails.indexOf(email); // show the next mail if ($scope.emails.length > 1) { // if we're about to delete the last entry of the array, show the previous (i.e. the one below in the list), // otherwise show the next one (i.e. the one above in the list) $$scope.emails) === email ? $scope.emails[index - 1] : $scope.emails[index + 1]); } else { // if we have only one email in the array, show nothing $; $scope.selected = undefined; } $scope.emails.splice(index, 1); } function removeRemote() { var trashFolder = _.findWhere($scope.folders, { type: 'Trash' }); if ($scope.currentFolder === trashFolder) { emailDao.imapDeleteMessage({ folder: $scope.currentFolder.path, uid: email.uid }, moved); return; } emailDao.imapMoveMessage({ folder: $scope.currentFolder.path, uid: email.uid, destination: trashFolder.path }, moved); } function moved(err) { if (err) { console.error(err); $scope.emails.splice(index, 0, email); $scope.$apply(); return; } } }; $scope.emptyOutbox = function() { var dbType = 'email_OUTBOX', outbox = _.findWhere($scope.folders, { type: 'Outbox' }); checkStorage(); function checkStorage() { if (outboxBusy) { return; } outboxBusy = true; // get last item from outbox emailDao._devicestorage.listItems(dbType, 0, null, function(err, pending) { if (err) { console.error(err); outboxBusy = false; return; } // update outbox folder count outbox.count = pending.length; $scope.$apply(); // sending pending mails send(pending); }); } function send(emails) { if (emails.length === 0) { outboxBusy = false; return; } var email = emails.shift(); emailDao.smtpSend(email, function(err) { if (err) { console.error(err); outboxBusy = false; return; } removeFromStorage(; send(emails); }); } function removeFromStorage(id) { if (!id) { console.error('Cannot remove email from storage without a valid id!'); outboxBusy = false; return; } // delete email from local storage var key = dbType + '_' + id; emailDao._devicestorage.removeList(key, function(err) { if (err) { console.error(err); outboxBusy = false; return; } outbox.count = (outbox.count > 0) ? outbox.count - 1 : outbox.count; $scope.$apply(); outboxBusy = false; }); } }; // // Start // initFolders(function(folders) { $scope.folders = folders; // select inbox as the current folder on init $scope.openFolder($scope.folders[0]); }); // // helper functions // function initFolders(callback) { if ( && chrome.identity) { emailDao.imapListFolders(function(err, folders) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } folders.forEach(function(f) { f.count = 0; }); // start checking outbox periodically startOutboxSender(); callback(folders); $scope.$apply(); }); return; } callback([{ type: 'Inbox', count: 2, path: 'INBOX' }, { type: 'Sent', count: 0, path: 'SENT' }, { type: 'Outbox', count: 0, path: 'OUTBOX' }, { type: 'Drafts', count: 0, path: 'DRAFTS' }, { type: 'Trash', count: 0, path: 'TRASH' }]); } function startOutboxSender() { // start periodic checking of outbox senderIntervalId = setInterval($scope.emptyOutbox, config.checkOutboxInterval); } }; // // Directives // var ngModule = angular.module('navigation', []); ngModule.directive('keyShortcuts', function() { return function(scope, elm) { elm.bind('keydown', function(e) { var cs = scope.$$childTail; if (e.keyCode === 78 && !cs.writerOpen) { // n -> new mail e.preventDefault(); cs.openWriter(); } else if (e.keyCode === 82 && !cs.writerOpen && cs.selected) { // r -> reply e.preventDefault(); cs.openWriter(cs.selected); } else if (e.keyCode === 27 && cs.writerOpen) { // escape -> close writer e.preventDefault(); cs.closeWriter(); } else if (e.keyCode === 27 && cs.accountOpen) { // escape -> close account view e.preventDefault(); cs.closeAccount(); } else if (e.keyCode === 83 && !cs.writerOpen && cs.synchronize) { // s -> sync folder e.preventDefault(); cs.synchronize(); } scope.$apply(); }); }; }); return NavigationCtrl; });