'use strict'; var ngModule = angular.module('woEmail'); ngModule.service('account', Account); module.exports = Account; var axe = require('axe-logger'), util = require('crypto-lib').util, PgpMailer = require('pgpmailer'), ImapClient = require('imap-client'); function Account(appConfig, auth, admin, mailConfig, keychain, pgpbuilder, email, outbox, accountStore, updateHandler) { this._appConfig = appConfig; this._auth = auth; this._admin = admin; this._mailConfig = mailConfig; this._keychain = keychain; this._emailDao = email; this._pgpbuilder = pgpbuilder; this._outbox = outbox; this._accountStore = accountStore; this._updateHandler = updateHandler; this._accounts = []; // init accounts list } /** * Check if the account is already logged in. * @return {Boolean} if the account is logged in */ Account.prototype.isLoggedIn = function() { return (this._accounts.length > 0); }; /** * Lists all of the current accounts connected to the app * @return {Array} The account objects containing folder and message objects */ Account.prototype.list = function() { return this._accounts; }; /** * Fire up the database, retrieve the available keys for the user and initialize the email data access object */ Account.prototype.init = function(options, callback) { var self = this; // account information for the email dao var account = { realname: options.realname, emailAddress: options.emailAddress, asymKeySize: this._appConfig.asymKeySize }; // Pre-Flight check: don't even start to initialize stuff if the email address is not valid if (!util.validateEmailAddress(options.emailAddress)) { return callback(new Error('The user email address is invalid!')); } prepareDatabase(); // Pre-Flight check: initialize and prepare user's local database function prepareDatabase() { try { self._accountStore.init(options.emailAddress); } catch (err) { callback(err); return; } // Migrate the databases if necessary self._updateHandler.update(function(err) { if (err) { return callback(new Error('Updating the internal database failed. Please reinstall the app! Reason: ' + err.message)); } prepareKeys(); }); } // retrieve keypair fom devicestorage/cloud, refresh public key if signup was incomplete before function prepareKeys() { self._keychain.getUserKeyPair(options.emailAddress, function(err, keys) { if (err) { return callback(err); } // this is either a first start on a new device, OR a subsequent start without completing the signup, // since we can't differenciate those cases here, do a public key refresh because it might be outdated if (keys && keys.publicKey && !keys.privateKey) { self._keychain.refreshKeyForUserId({ userId: options.emailAddress, overridePermission: true }, function(err, publicKey) { if (err) { return callback(err); } initEmailDao({ publicKey: publicKey }); }); return; } // either signup was complete or no pubkey is available, so we're good here. initEmailDao(keys); }); } function initEmailDao(keys) { self._emailDao.init({ account: account }, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } // Handle offline and online gracefully ... arm dom event window.addEventListener('online', self.onConnect.bind(self)); window.addEventListener('offline', self.onDisconnect.bind(self)); // add account object to the accounts array for the ng controllers self._accounts.push(account); callback(null, keys); }); } }; /** * Check if the user agent is online. */ Account.prototype.isOnline = function() { return navigator.onLine; }; /** * Event that is called when the user agent goes online. This create new instances of the imap-client and pgp-mailer and connects to the mail server. */ Account.prototype.onConnect = function(callback) { var self = this; var config = self._appConfig.config; if (!self.isOnline() || !self._emailDao || !self._emailDao._account) { // prevent connection infinite loop callback(); return; } self._auth.getCredentials(function(err, credentials) { if (err) { self._dialog.error(err); return; } initClients(credentials); }); function initClients(credentials) { // add the maximum update batch size for imap folders to the imap configuration credentials.imap.maxUpdateSize = config.imapUpdateBatchSize; // tls socket worker path for multithreaded tls in non-native tls environments credentials.imap.tlsWorkerPath = credentials.smtp.tlsWorkerPath = config.workerPath + '/tcp-socket-tls-worker.min.js'; var pgpMailer = new PgpMailer(credentials.smtp, self._pgpbuilder); var imapClient = new ImapClient(credentials.imap); imapClient.onError = onConnectionError; pgpMailer.onError = onConnectionError; // certificate update handling imapClient.onCert = self._auth.handleCertificateUpdate.bind(self._auth, 'imap', self.onConnect, self._dialog.error); pgpMailer.onCert = self._auth.handleCertificateUpdate.bind(self._auth, 'smtp', self.onConnect, self._dialog.error); // connect to clients self._emailDao.onConnect({ imapClient: imapClient, pgpMailer: pgpMailer, ignoreUploadOnSent: self._emailDao.checkIgnoreUploadOnSent(credentials.imap.host) }, self._dialog.error); } function onConnectionError(error) { axe.debug('Connection error. Attempting reconnect in ' + config.reconnectInterval + ' ms. Error: ' + (error.errMsg || error.message) + (error.stack ? ('\n' + error.stack) : '')); setTimeout(function() { axe.debug('Reconnecting...'); // re-init client modules on error self.onConnect(function(err) { if (err) { axe.error('Reconnect attempt failed! ' + (err.errMsg || err.message) + (err.stack ? ('\n' + err.stack) : '')); return; } axe.debug('Reconnect attempt complete.'); }); }, config.reconnectInterval); } }; /** * Event handler that is called when the user agent goes offline. */ Account.prototype.onDisconnect = function() { this._emailDao.onDisconnect(); }; /** * Logout of an email account. Log the current user out by clear the app config store and deleting instances of imap-client and pgp-mailer. */ Account.prototype.logout = function() { var self = this; // clear app config store self._auth.logout(function(err) { if (err) { self._dialog.error(err); return; } // delete instance of imap-client and pgp-mailer self._emailDao.onDisconnect(function(err) { if (err) { self._dialog.error(err); return; } if (typeof window.chrome !== 'undefined' && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.reload) { // reload chrome app chrome.runtime.reload(); } else { // navigate to login window.location.href = '/'; } }); }); }; /** * Create a new whiteout account. This creates a new email data access object instance for that account and logs in via IMAP. * @param {String} options.emailAddress The account's email address */ Account.prototype.create = function() {};