define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var expect = chai.expect, angular = require('angular'), mocks = require('angularMocks'), WriteCtrl = require('js/controller/write'), EmailDAO = require('js/dao/email-dao'), DeviceStorageDAO = require('js/dao/devicestorage-dao'), KeychainDAO = require('js/dao/keychain-dao'), appController = require('js/app-controller'); describe('Write controller unit test', function() { var ctrl, scope, origEmailDao, emailDaoMock, keychainMock, deviceStorageMock, emailAddress; beforeEach(function() { origEmailDao = appController._emailDao; emailDaoMock = sinon.createStubInstance(EmailDAO); appController._emailDao = emailDaoMock; emailAddress = ''; emailDaoMock._account = { emailAddress: emailAddress, }; keychainMock = sinon.createStubInstance(KeychainDAO); emailDaoMock._keychain = keychainMock; deviceStorageMock = sinon.createStubInstance(DeviceStorageDAO); emailDaoMock._devicestorage = deviceStorageMock; angular.module('writetest', []); mocks.module('writetest'); mocks.inject(function($rootScope, $controller) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); scope.state = {}; ctrl = $controller(WriteCtrl, { $scope: scope }); }); }); afterEach(function() { // restore the module appController._emailDao = origEmailDao; }); describe('scope variables', function() { it('should be set correctly', function() { expect(scope.state.writer).to.exist; expect(; expect(scope.state.writer.write).to.exist; expect(scope.state.writer.close).to.exist; expect(scope.verifyTo).to.exist; expect(scope.updatePreview).to.exist; expect(scope.sendToOutbox).to.exist; }); }); describe('close', function() { it('should close the writer', function() { = true; scope.state.writer.close(); expect(; }); }); describe('write', function() { it('should prepare write view', function() { var verifyToMock = sinon.stub(scope, 'verifyTo'); scope.state.writer.write(); expect(scope.writerTitle).to.equal('New email'); expect(''); expect(scope.subject).to.equal(''); expect(scope.body).to.equal(''); expect(scope.ciphertextPreview).to.equal(''); expect(verifyToMock.calledOnce); scope.verifyTo.restore(); }); it('should prefill write view for response', function() { var verifyToMock = sinon.stub(scope, 'verifyTo'), address = 'pity@dafool', subject = 'Ermahgerd!', body = 'so much body!', re = { from: [{ address: address }], subject: subject, sentDate: new Date(), body: body }; scope.state.writer.write(re); expect(scope.writerTitle).to.equal('Reply'); expect(; expect(scope.subject).to.equal('Re: ' + subject); expect(scope.body).to.contain(body); expect(scope.ciphertextPreview); expect(verifyToMock.calledOnce); scope.verifyTo.restore(); }); it('should prevent markup injection', function() { var address = 'pity@dafool', subject = 'Ermahgerd!', body = '
', re = { from: [{ address: address }], subject: subject, sentDate: new Date(), body: body, html: false }; sinon.stub(scope, 'verifyTo'); scope.state.writer.write(re); expect(scope.body).to.contain('
markupmoreMarkup'); scope.verifyTo.restore(); }); }); describe('verifyTo', function() { it('should verify the recipient as secure', function() { var id = = 'pity@da.fool'; keychainMock.getReceiverPublicKey.withArgs(id).yields(null, { userId: id }); scope.verifyTo(); expect(scope.toSecure); expect(scope.sendBtnText).to.equal('Send securely'); }); it('should verify the recipient as not secure', function(done) { var id = = 'pity@da.fool'; keychainMock.getReceiverPublicKey.withArgs(id).yields({ errMsg: '404 not found yadda yadda' }); scope.onError = function() { expect(scope.toSecure); expect(scope.sendBtnText).to.equal('Invite & send securely'); done(); }; scope.verifyTo(); }); it('should reset display if there is no recipient', function() { = undefined; scope.verifyTo(); }); }); describe('send to outbox', function() { it('should work', function(done) { = true; = 'a, b, c'; scope.body = 'asd'; scope.subject = 'yaddablabla'; scope.toKey = 'Public Key'; deviceStorageMock.storeList.withArgs(sinon.match(function(mail) { return mail[0].from[0].address === emailAddress && mail[0].to.length === 3; })).yieldsAsync(); scope.emptyOutbox = function() { expect(; expect(deviceStorageMock.storeList.calledOnce); done(); }; scope.sendToOutbox(); }); it('should not work if recipient does not have a public key', function(done) { = true; = 'a, b, c'; scope.body = 'asd'; scope.subject = 'yaddablabla'; scope.onError = function(err) { expect(err).to.exist; expect(; expect(deviceStorageMock.storeList.called); done(); }; scope.sendToOutbox(); }); it('should not work and not close the write view', function(done) { = true; = 'a, b, c'; scope.body = 'asd'; scope.subject = 'yaddablabla'; scope.toKey = 'Public Key'; deviceStorageMock.storeList.withArgs(sinon.match(function(mail) { return mail[0].from[0].address === emailAddress && mail[0].to.length === 3; })).yields({ errMsg: 'snafu' }); scope.onError = function(err) { expect(err).to.exist; expect(; expect(deviceStorageMock.storeList.calledOnce); done(); }; scope.sendToOutbox(); }); }); }); });