define(function() { 'use strict'; var PrivateKeyDAO = function(restDao) { this._restDao = restDao; }; // // Device registration functions // /** * Request registration of a new device by fetching registration session key. * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {String} options.deviceName The device's memorable name * @param {Function} callback(error, regSessionKey) * @return {Object} {encryptedRegSessionKey:[base64]} */ PrivateKeyDAO.prototype.requestDeviceRegistration = function(options, callback) { var uri; if (!options.userId || !options.deviceName) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } uri = '/device/user/' + options.userId + '/devicename/' + options.deviceName;, uri, callback); }; /** * Authenticate device registration by uploading the deviceSecret encrypted with the regSessionKeys. * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {String} options.deviceName The device's memorable name * @param {String} options.encryptedDeviceSecret The base64 encoded encrypted device secret * @param {String} options.iv The iv used for encryption * @param {Function} callback(error) */ PrivateKeyDAO.prototype.uploadDeviceSecret = function(options, callback) { var uri; if (!options.userId || !options.deviceName || !options.encryptedDeviceSecret || !options.iv) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } uri = '/device/user/' + options.userId + '/devicename/' + options.deviceName; this._restDao.put(options, uri, callback); }; // // Private key functions // /** * Request authSessionKeys required for upload the encrypted private PGP key. * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {Function} callback(error, authSessionKey) * @return {Object} {sessionId, encryptedAuthSessionKey:[base64 encoded], encryptedChallenge:[base64 encoded]} */ PrivateKeyDAO.prototype.requestAuthSessionKey = function(options, callback) { var uri; if (!options.userId) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } uri = '/auth/user/' + options.userId;, uri, callback); }; /** * Verifiy authentication by uploading the challenge and deviceSecret encrypted with the authSessionKeys as a response. * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {String} options.encryptedChallenge The server's base64 encoded challenge encrypted using the authSessionKey * @param {String} options.encryptedDeviceSecret The server's base64 encoded deviceSecret encrypted using the authSessionKey * @param {String} options.iv The iv used for encryption * @param {Function} callback(error) */ PrivateKeyDAO.prototype.verifyAuthentication = function(options, callback) { var uri; if (!options.userId || !options.sessionId || !options.encryptedChallenge || !options.encryptedDeviceSecret || !options.iv) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } uri = '/auth/user/' + options.userId + '/session/' + options.sessionId; this._restDao.put(options, uri, callback); }; /** * Upload the encrypted private PGP key. * @param {String} options._id The hex encoded capital 16 char key id * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {String} options.encryptedPrivateKey The base64 encoded encrypted private PGP key * @param {String} options.sessionId The session id * @param {Function} callback(error) */ PrivateKeyDAO.prototype.upload = function(options, callback) { var uri; if (!options._id || !options.userId || !options.encryptedPrivateKey || !options.sessionId || !options.salt || !options.iv) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } uri = '/privatekey/user/' + options.userId + '/session/' + options.sessionId;, uri, callback); }; /** * Query if an encrypted private PGP key exists on the server without initializing the recovery procedure. * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {String} options.keyId The private PGP key id * @param {Function} callback(error, found) * @return {Boolean} whether the key was found on the server or not. */ PrivateKeyDAO.prototype.hasPrivateKey = function(options, callback) { if (!options.userId || !options.keyId) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } this._restDao.get({ uri: '/privatekey/user/' + options.userId + '/key/' + options.keyId, payload: { ignoreRecovery: true } }, function(err) { // 404: there is no encrypted private key on the server if (err && err.code !== 200) { callback(null, false); return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, true); }); }; /** * Request download for the encrypted private PGP key. * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {String} options.keyId The private PGP key id * @param {Function} callback(error, found) * @return {Boolean} whether the key was found on the server or not. */ PrivateKeyDAO.prototype.requestDownload = function(options, callback) { if (!options.userId || !options.keyId) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } this._restDao.get({ uri: '/privatekey/user/' + options.userId + '/key/' + options.keyId }, function(err) { // 404: there is no encrypted private key on the server if (err && err.code !== 200) { callback(null, false); return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, true); }); }; /** * Verify the download request for the private PGP key using the recovery token sent via email. This downloads the actual encrypted private key. * @param {String} options.userId The user's email address * @param {String} options.keyId The private key id * @param {String} options.recoveryToken The token proving the user own the email account * @param {Function} callback(error, encryptedPrivateKey) * @return {Object} {_id:[hex encoded capital 16 char key id], encryptedPrivateKey:[base64 encoded], encryptedUserId: [base64 encoded]} */ = function(options, callback) { var uri; if (!options.userId || !options.keyId || !options.recoveryToken) { callback(new Error('Incomplete arguments!')); return; } uri = '/privatekey/user/' + options.userId + '/key/' + options.keyId + '/recovery/' + options.recoveryToken; this._restDao.get({ uri: uri }, callback); }; return PrivateKeyDAO; });