define(function() { 'use strict'; var OAuth = function(googleApi) { this._googleApi = googleApi; }; OAuth.prototype.isSupported = function() { return !!( && chrome.identity); }; /** * Request an OAuth token from chrome for gmail users */ OAuth.prototype.getOAuthToken = function(emailAddress, callback) { var idOptions = { interactive: true }; // check which runtime the app is running under chrome.runtime.getPlatformInfo(function(platformInfo) { if ((chrome && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.lastError) || !platformInfo) { callback(new Error('Error getting chrome platform info!')); return; } if (emailAddress && platformInfo.os.indexOf('android') !== -1) { // set accountHint so that native Android account picker does not show up each time idOptions.accountHint = emailAddress; } // get OAuth Token from chrome chrome.identity.getAuthToken(idOptions, function(token) { if ((chrome && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.lastError) || !token) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error fetching an OAuth token for the user!' }); return; } callback(null, token); }); }); }; OAuth.prototype.queryEmailAddress = function(token, callback) { if (!token) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid OAuth token!' }); return; } // fetch gmail user's email address from the Google Authorization Server this._googleApi.get({ uri: '/oauth2/v3/userinfo?access_token=' + token }, function(err, info) { if (err || !info || ! { callback({ errMsg: 'Error looking up email address on google api!' }); return; } callback(null,; }); }; return OAuth; });