define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var expect = chai.expect, angular = require('angular'), mocks = require('angularMocks'), NavigationCtrl = require('js/controller/navigation'), EmailDAO = require('js/dao/email-dao'), OutboxBO = require('js/bo/outbox'), appController = require('js/app-controller'); describe('Navigation Controller unit test', function() { var scope, ctrl, origEmailDao, emailDaoMock, outboxBoMock, hasIdentity, outboxFolder; beforeEach(function() { hasIdentity = !!; if (!hasIdentity) { = {}; } // remember original module to restore later origEmailDao = appController._emailDao; emailDaoMock = sinon.createStubInstance(EmailDAO); emailDaoMock._account = { folders: [{ type: 'Inbox', count: 2, path: 'INBOX' }, { type: 'Outbox', count: 0, path: 'OUTBOX' }] }; outboxFolder = emailDaoMock._account.folders[1]; appController._emailDao = emailDaoMock; outboxBoMock = sinon.createStubInstance(OutboxBO); appController._outboxBo = outboxBoMock; outboxBoMock.startChecking.returns(); angular.module('navigationtest', []); mocks.module('navigationtest'); mocks.inject(function($rootScope, $controller) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); scope.state = {}; ctrl = $controller(NavigationCtrl, { $scope: scope }); }); }); afterEach(function() { // restore the module appController._emailDao = origEmailDao; if (hasIdentity) { delete; } }); describe('initial state', function() { it('should be well defined', function() { expect(scope.state).to.exist; expect(; expect(scope.account.folders); expect(scope.onError).to.exist; expect(scope.openFolder).to.exist; }); }); describe('open/close nav view', function() { it('should open/close', function() { expect(; scope.state.nav.toggle(true); expect(; scope.state.nav.toggle(false); expect(; }); }); describe('open folder', function() { it('should work', function() { = true; scope.openFolder('asd'); expect(scope.state.nav.currentFolder).to.equal('asd'); expect(; }); }); describe('empty outbox', function() { it('should work', function() { var callback; expect(outboxBoMock.startChecking.callCount).to.equal(1); outboxBoMock.startChecking.calledWith(sinon.match(function(cb) { callback = cb; })); callback(null, 5); expect(outboxFolder.count).to.equal(5); }); }); }); });