'use strict'; var util = require('crypto-lib').util; // // Controller // var WriteCtrl = function($scope, $filter, $q, appConfig, auth, keychain, pgp, email, outbox, dialog, axe) { var str = appConfig.string; var cfg = appConfig.config; // set default value so that the popover height is correct on init $scope.keyId = 'XXXXXXXX'; // // Init // $scope.state.writer = { write: function(replyTo, replyAll, forward) { $scope.state.lightbox = 'write'; $scope.replyTo = replyTo; resetFields(); // fill fields depending on replyTo fillFields(replyTo, replyAll, forward); $scope.verify($scope.to[0]); }, reportBug: function() { $scope.state.lightbox = 'write'; resetFields(); reportBug(); $scope.verify($scope.to[0]); }, close: function() { $scope.state.lightbox = undefined; } }; function resetFields() { $scope.writerTitle = 'New email'; $scope.to = []; $scope.showCC = false; $scope.cc = []; $scope.showBCC = false; $scope.bcc = []; $scope.subject = ''; $scope.body = ''; $scope.attachments = []; $scope.addressBookCache = undefined; } function reportBug() { var dump = ''; var appender = { log: function(level, date, component, log) { // add a tag for the log level if (level === axe.DEBUG) { dump += '[DEBUG]'; } else if (level === axe.INFO) { dump += '[INFO]'; } else if (level === axe.WARN) { dump += '[WARN]'; } else if (level === axe.ERROR) { dump += '[ERROR]'; } dump += '[' + date.toISOString() + ']'; // component is optional if (component) { dump += '[' + component + ']'; } // log may be an error or a string dump += ' ' + (log || '').toString(); // if an error it is, a stack trace it has. print it, we should. if (log.stack) { dump += ' . Stack: ' + log.stack; } dump += '\n'; } }; axe.dump(appender); $scope.to = [{ address: str.supportAddress }]; $scope.writerTitle = str.bugReportTitle; $scope.subject = str.bugReportSubject; $scope.body = str.bugReportBody.replace('{0}', navigator.userAgent).replace('{1}', cfg.appVersion) + dump; } function fillFields(re, replyAll, forward) { var replyTo, from, sentDate, body; if (!re) { return; } $scope.writerTitle = (forward) ? 'Forward' : 'Reply'; replyTo = re.replyTo && re.replyTo[0] && re.replyTo[0].address || re.from[0].address; // fill recipient field and references if (!forward) { $scope.to.unshift({ address: replyTo }); $scope.to.forEach($scope.verify); $scope.references = (re.references || []); if (re.id && $scope.references.indexOf(re.id) < 0) { // references might not exist yet, so use the double concat $scope.references = $scope.references.concat(re.id); } if (re.id) { $scope.inReplyTo = re.id; } } if (replyAll) { re.to.concat(re.cc).forEach(function(recipient) { var me = auth.emailAddress; if (recipient.address === me && replyTo !== me) { // don't reply to yourself return; } $scope.cc.unshift({ address: recipient.address }); }); // filter duplicates $scope.cc = _.uniq($scope.cc, function(recipient) { return recipient.address; }); $scope.showCC = true; $scope.cc.forEach($scope.verify); } // fill attachments and references on forward if (forward) { // create a new array, otherwise removing an attachment will also // remove it from the original in the mail list as a side effect $scope.attachments = [].concat(re.attachments); if (re.id) { $scope.references = [re.id]; } } // fill subject if (forward) { $scope.subject = 'Fwd: ' + re.subject; } else { $scope.subject = 'Re: ' + ((re.subject) ? re.subject.replace('Re: ', '') : ''); } // fill text body from = re.from[0].name || replyTo; sentDate = $filter('date')(re.sentDate, 'EEEE, MMM d, yyyy h:mm a'); function createString(array) { var str = ''; array.forEach(function(to) { str += (str) ? ', ' : ''; str += ((to.name) ? to.name : to.address) + ' <' + to.address + '>'; }); return str; } if (forward) { body = '\n\n' + '---------- Forwarded message ----------\n' + 'From: ' + re.from[0].name + ' <' + re.from[0].address + '>\n' + 'Date: ' + sentDate + '\n' + 'Subject: ' + re.subject + '\n' + 'To: ' + createString(re.to) + '\n' + ((re.cc && re.cc.length > 0) ? 'Cc: ' + createString(re.cc) + '\n' : '') + '\n\n'; } else { body = '\n\n' + sentDate + ' ' + from + ' wrote:\n> '; } if (re.body) { body += re.body.trim().split('\n').join('\n> ').replace(/ >/g, '>'); $scope.body = body; } } // // Editing headers // /** * Verify email address and fetch its public key */ $scope.verify = function(recipient) { if (!recipient) { return; } // set display to insecure while fetching keys recipient.key = undefined; recipient.secure = false; $scope.checkSendStatus(); // verify email address if (!util.validateEmailAddress(recipient.address)) { recipient.secure = undefined; $scope.checkSendStatus(); return; } // keychain is undefined in local dev environment if (keychain) { // check if to address is contained in known public keys // when we write an email, we always need to work with the latest keys available keychain.refreshKeyForUserId({ userId: recipient.address }, function(err, key) { if (err) { dialog.error(err); return; } if (key) { // compare again since model could have changed during the roundtrip var matchingUserId = _.findWhere(key.userIds, { emailAddress: recipient.address }); // compare either primary userId or (if available) multiple IDs if (key.userId === recipient.address || matchingUserId) { recipient.key = key; recipient.secure = true; } } $scope.checkSendStatus(); $scope.$digest(); }); } }; /** * Check if it is ok to send an email depending on the invitation state of the addresses */ $scope.checkSendStatus = function() { $scope.okToSend = false; $scope.sendBtnText = undefined; $scope.sendBtnSecure = undefined; var allSecure = true; var numReceivers = 0; // count number of receivers and check security $scope.to.forEach(check); $scope.cc.forEach(check); $scope.bcc.forEach(check); function check(recipient) { // validate address if (!util.validateEmailAddress(recipient.address)) { return; } numReceivers++; if (!recipient.secure) { allSecure = false; } } // only allow sending if receviers exist if (numReceivers < 1) { return; } // bcc automatically disables secure sending if ($scope.bcc.filter(filterEmptyAddresses).length > 0) { allSecure = false; } if (allSecure) { // send encrypted if all secure $scope.okToSend = true; $scope.sendBtnText = str.sendBtnSecure; $scope.sendBtnSecure = true; } else { // send plaintext $scope.okToSend = true; $scope.sendBtnText = str.sendBtnClear; $scope.sendBtnSecure = false; } }; // // Editing attachments // $scope.remove = function(attachment) { $scope.attachments.splice($scope.attachments.indexOf(attachment), 1); }; // // Editing email body // $scope.sendToOutbox = function() { var message; // build email model for smtp-client message = { from: [{ name: auth.realname, address: auth.emailAddress }], to: $scope.to.filter(filterEmptyAddresses), cc: $scope.cc.filter(filterEmptyAddresses), bcc: $scope.bcc.filter(filterEmptyAddresses), subject: $scope.subject.trim() ? $scope.subject.trim() : str.fallbackSubject, // Subject line, or the fallback subject, if nothing valid was entered body: $scope.body.trim(), // use parsed plaintext body attachments: $scope.attachments, sentDate: new Date(), headers: {} }; if ($scope.inReplyTo) { message.headers['in-reply-to'] = '<' + $scope.inReplyTo + '>'; } if ($scope.references && $scope.references.length) { message.headers.references = $scope.references.map(function(reference) { return '<' + reference + '>'; }).join(' '); } // close the writer $scope.state.writer.close(); // persist the email to disk for later sending outbox.put(message, function(err) { if (err) { dialog.error(err); return; } // if we need to synchronize replyTo.answered = true to imap, // let's do that. otherwise, we're done if (!$scope.replyTo || $scope.replyTo.answered) { return; } $scope.replyTo.answered = true; email.setFlags({ folder: currentFolder(), message: $scope.replyTo }, function(err) { if (err && err.code !== 42) { dialog.error(err); return; } // offline or no error, let's apply the ui changes $scope.$apply(); }); }); }; // // Tag input & Autocomplete // $scope.tagStyle = function(recipient) { var classes = ['label']; if (recipient.secure === false) { classes.push('label--invalid'); } return classes; }; $scope.lookupAddressBook = function(query) { var deferred = $q.defer(); if (!$scope.addressBookCache) { // populate address book cache keychain.listLocalPublicKeys(function(err, keys) { if (err) { dialog.error(err); return; } $scope.addressBookCache = keys.map(function(key) { return { address: key.userId }; }); filter(); }); } else { filter(); } // query address book cache function filter() { var addresses = $scope.addressBookCache.filter(function(i) { return i.address.indexOf(query) !== -1; }); deferred.resolve(addresses); } return deferred.promise; }; // // Helpers // function currentFolder() { return $scope.state.nav.currentFolder; } /* * Visitor to filter out objects without an address property, i.e. empty addresses */ function filterEmptyAddresses(addr) { return !!addr.address; } }; // // Directives // var ngModule = angular.module('write', []); ngModule.directive('focusInput', function($timeout, $parse) { return { //scope: true, // optionally create a child scope link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var model = $parse(attrs.focusInput); scope.$watch(model, function(value) { if (value === true) { $timeout(function() { element.find('input').first().focus(); }, 100); } }); } }; }); ngModule.directive('focusInputOnClick', function() { return { //scope: true, // optionally create a child scope link: function(scope, element) { element.on('click', function() { element.find('input').first().focus(); }); } }; }); ngModule.directive('attachmentInput', function() { return function(scope, elm) { elm.on('change', function(e) { for (var i = 0; i < e.target.files.length; i++) { addAttachment(e.target.files.item(i)); } }); function addAttachment(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { scope.attachments.push({ filename: file.name, mimeType: file.type, content: new Uint8Array(e.target.result) }); scope.$digest(); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } }; }); module.exports = WriteCtrl;