--- title: Styleguide sections: - title: Typography src: src/styleguide/sections/typo/*.hbs - title: Buttons src: src/styleguide/sections/buttons/*.hbs - title: Forms src: src/styleguide/sections/form/*.hbs - title: Labels src: src/styleguide/sections/labels.hbs - title: Spinners src: src/styleguide/sections/spinner/*.hbs - title: Attachments src: src/styleguide/sections/attachments.hbs - title: Dropdowns src: src/styleguide/sections/dropdown.hbs - title: Tooltips src: src/styleguide/sections/Tooltip.hbs - title: Mail addresses src: src/styleguide/sections/mail_addresses.hbs - title: Tags input src: src/styleguide/sections/tags_input.hbs - title: Toolbars src: src/styleguide/sections/toolbars/*.hbs ---


Available icons

All icons are available via inline svg and the xlink:href attribute of the <use> tag.

    {{#compose src="src/img/icons/[!all]*.svg"}}
  • {{@filename}}
  • {{/compose}}
{{#each sections}}


{{#compose src=src}}


