'use strict'; // // Controller // var ReadCtrl = function($scope, $location, $q, email, invitation, outbox, pgp, keychain, appConfig, download, auth, dialog, status) { // // scope state // $scope.state.read = { open: false, toggle: function(to) { this.open = to; } }; $scope.$on('read', function(e, state) { $scope.state.read.toggle(state); }); // set default value so that the popover height is correct on init $scope.keyId = 'No key found.'; // // url/history handling // // read state url watcher $scope.loc = $location; $scope.$watch('(loc.search()).uid', function(uid) { // synchronize the url to the scope state $scope.state.read.toggle(!!uid); }); $scope.$watch('state.read.open', function(value) { // close read mode by navigating to folder view if (!value) { $location.search('uid', null); } }); // // scope functions // /** * Close read mode and return to mail-list */ $scope.close = function() { status.setReading(false); }; $scope.decrypt = function(message) { return email.decryptBody({ message: message }); }; $scope.getKeyId = function(address) { if ($location.search().dev || !address) { return; } return $q(function(resolve) { $scope.keyId = 'Searching...'; resolve(); }).then(function() { return keychain.getReceiverPublicKey(address); }).then(function(pubkey) { if (!pubkey) { $scope.keyId = 'User has no key. Click to invite.'; return; } var fpr = pgp.getFingerprint(pubkey.publicKey); var formatted = fpr.slice(32); $scope.keyId = 'PGP key: ' + formatted; }).catch(dialog.error); }; $scope.$watch('state.mailList.selected', function(mail) { if ($location.search().dev || !mail) { return; } // display sender security status mail.from.forEach(checkPublicKey); // display recipient security status mail.to.forEach(checkPublicKey); // display recipient security status Array.isArray(mail.cc) && mail.cc.forEach(checkPublicKey); }); function checkPublicKey(user) { user.secure = undefined; return $q(function(resolve) { resolve(); }).then(function() { return keychain.getReceiverPublicKey(user.address); }).then(function(pubkey) { if (pubkey && pubkey.publicKey) { user.secure = true; } else { user.secure = false; } }).catch(dialog.error); } $scope.download = function(attachment) { // download file to disk if content is available if (attachment.content) { download.createDownload({ content: attachment.content, filename: attachment.filename, contentType: attachment.mimeType }); return; } var folder = $scope.state.nav.currentFolder; var message = $scope.state.mailList.selected; return $q(function(resolve) { resolve(); }).then(function() { return email.getAttachment({ folder: folder, uid: message.uid, attachment: attachment }); }).catch(dialog.error); }; $scope.invite = function(user) { // only invite non-pgp users if (user.secure) { return; } var sender = auth.emailAddress, recipient = user.address; return $q(function(resolve) { $scope.keyId = 'Sending invitation...'; resolve(); }).then(function() { return invitation.invite({ recipient: recipient, sender: sender }); }).then(function() { var invitationMail = invitation.createMail({ sender: sender, recipient: recipient }); // send invitation mail return outbox.put(invitationMail); }).catch(dialog.error); }; }; module.exports = ReadCtrl;