/** * The main application controller */ define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var $ = require('jquery'), ImapClient = require('imap-client'), SmtpClient = require('smtp-client'), EmailDAO = require('js/dao/email-dao'), RestDAO = require('js/dao/rest-dao'), PublicKeyDAO = require('js/dao/publickey-dao'), LawnchairDAO = require('js/dao/lawnchair-dao'), KeychainDAO = require('js/dao/keychain-dao'), DeviceStorageDAO = require('js/dao/devicestorage-dao'), InvitationDAO = require('js/dao/invitation-dao'), OutboxBO = require('js/bo/outbox'), PGP = require('js/crypto/pgp'), config = require('js/app-config').config; var self = {}; /** * Start the application */ self.start = function(options, callback) { // are we running in a cordova app or in a browser environment? if (window.cordova) { // wait for 'deviceready' event to make sure plugins are loaded console.log('Assuming Cordova environment...'); document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } else { // No need to wait on events... just start the app console.log('Assuming Browser environment...'); onDeviceReady(); } function onDeviceReady() { console.log('Starting app.'); // Handle offline and online gracefully window.addEventListener('online', self.onConnect.bind(self, options.onError)); window.addEventListener('offline', self.onDisconnect.bind(self, options.onError)); // init app config storage self._appConfigStore = new DeviceStorageDAO(new LawnchairDAO()); self._appConfigStore.init('app-config', callback); } }; self.onDisconnect = function(callback) { if (!self._emailDao) { // the following code only makes sense if the email dao has been initialized return; } self._emailDao.onDisconnect(null, callback); }; self.onConnect = function(callback) { if (!self._emailDao) { // the following code only makes sense if the email dao has been initialized return; } if (!self.isOnline()) { // prevent connection infinite loop console.log('Not connecting since user agent is offline.'); callback(); return; } // fetch pinned local ssl certificate self.getCertficate(function(err, certificate) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // get a fresh oauth token self.fetchOAuthToken(function(err, oauth) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } initClients(oauth, certificate); }); }); function initClients(oauth, certificate) { var auth, imapOptions, imapClient, smtpOptions, smtpClient; auth = { XOAuth2: { user: oauth.emailAddress, clientId: config.gmail.clientId, accessToken: oauth.token } }; imapOptions = { secure: config.gmail.imap.secure, port: config.gmail.imap.port, host: config.gmail.imap.host, auth: auth, ca: [certificate] }; smtpOptions = { secure: config.gmail.smtp.secure, port: config.gmail.smtp.port, host: config.gmail.smtp.host, auth: auth, ca: [certificate] }; imapClient = new ImapClient(imapOptions); smtpClient = new SmtpClient(smtpOptions); imapClient.onError = function(err) { console.log('IMAP error.', err); console.log('IMAP reconnecting...'); // re-init client modules on error self.onConnect(callback); }; // connect to clients self._emailDao.onConnect({ imapClient: imapClient, smtpClient: smtpClient }, callback); } }; self.getCertficate = function(localCallback) { var xhr; if (self.certificate) { localCallback(null, self.certificate); return; } // fetch pinned local ssl certificate xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', '/ca/Google_Internet_Authority_G2.pem'); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200 && xhr.responseText) { self.certificate = xhr.responseText; localCallback(null, self.certificate); } else { localCallback({ errMsg: 'Could not fetch pinned certificate!' }); } }; xhr.onerror = function() { localCallback({ errMsg: 'Could not fetch pinned certificate!' }); }; xhr.send(); }; self.isOnline = function() { return navigator.onLine; }; self.checkForUpdate = function() { if (!chrome || !chrome.runtime || !chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable) { return; } // check for update and restart chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable.addListener(function(details) { console.log("Updating to version " + details.version); chrome.runtime.reload(); }); chrome.runtime.requestUpdateCheck(function(status) { if (status === "update_found") { console.log("Update pending..."); } else if (status === "no_update") { console.log("No update found."); } else if (status === "throttled") { console.log("Checking updates too frequently."); } }); }; /** * Gracefully try to fetch the user's email address from local storage. * If not yet stored, handle online/offline cases on first use. */ self.getEmailAddress = function(callback) { // try to fetch email address from local storage self.getEmailAddressFromConfig(function(err, cachedEmailAddress) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!cachedEmailAddress && !self.isOnline()) { // first time login... must be online callback({ errMsg: 'The app must be online on first use!' }); return; } callback(null, cachedEmailAddress); }); }; /** * Get the user's email address from local storage */ self.getEmailAddressFromConfig = function(callback) { self._appConfigStore.listItems('emailaddress', 0, null, function(err, cachedItems) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // no email address is cached yet if (!cachedItems || cachedItems.length < 1) { callback(); return; } callback(null, cachedItems[0]); }); }; /** * Lookup the user's email address. Check local cache if available * otherwise query google's token info api to learn the user's email address */ self.queryEmailAddress = function(token, callback) { var itemKey = 'emailaddress'; self.getEmailAddressFromConfig(function(err, cachedEmailAddress) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // do roundtrip to google api if no email address is cached yet if (!cachedEmailAddress) { queryGoogleApi(); return; } callback(null, cachedEmailAddress); }); function queryGoogleApi() { if (!token) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid OAuth token!' }); return; } // fetch gmail user's email address from the Google Authorization Server endpoint $.ajax({ url: 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token=' + token, type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: function(info) { if (!info || !info.email) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error looking up email address on google api!' }); return; } // cache the email address on the device self._appConfigStore.storeList([info.email], itemKey, function(err) { callback(err, info.email); }); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, err) { callback({ errMsg: xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText, err: err }); } }); } }; /** * Request an OAuth token from chrome for gmail users */ self.fetchOAuthToken = function(callback) { // get OAuth Token from chrome chrome.identity.getAuthToken({ 'interactive': true }, function(token) { if ((chrome && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.lastError) || !token) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error fetching an OAuth token for the user!', err: chrome.runtime.lastError }); return; } // get email address for the token self.queryEmailAddress(token, function(err, emailAddress) { if (err || !emailAddress) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error looking up email address on login!', err: err }); return; } // init the email dao callback(null, { emailAddress: emailAddress, token: token }); }); } ); }; self.buildModules = function() { var lawnchairDao, restDao, pubkeyDao, invitationDao, emailDao, keychain, pgp, userStorage; // init objects and inject dependencies restDao = new RestDAO(); pubkeyDao = new PublicKeyDAO(restDao); invitationDao = new InvitationDAO(restDao); lawnchairDao = new LawnchairDAO(); userStorage = new DeviceStorageDAO(lawnchairDao); keychain = new KeychainDAO(lawnchairDao, pubkeyDao); self._keychain = keychain; pgp = new PGP(); self._crypto = pgp; self._emailDao = emailDao = new EmailDAO(keychain, pgp, userStorage); self._outboxBo = new OutboxBO(emailDao, keychain, userStorage, invitationDao); }; /** * Instanciate the mail email data access object and its dependencies. Login to imap on init. */ self.init = function(options, callback) { self.buildModules(); // init email dao var account = { emailAddress: options.emailAddress, asymKeySize: config.asymKeySize }; self._emailDao.init({ account: account }, function(err, keypair) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // connect tcp clients on first startup self.onConnect(function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // init outbox self._outboxBo.init(); callback(null, keypair); }); }); }; return self; });