'use strict'; var RETRY_INTERVAL = 5000; var PublicKeyVerifierCtrl = function($scope, $location, $q, $timeout, $interval, auth, publickeyVerifier, publicKey) { $scope.retries = 0; /** * Runs a verification attempt */ $scope.verify = function() { disarmTimeouts(); return $q(function(resolve) { // updates the GUI $scope.errMsg = undefined; resolve(); }).then(function() { // pre-flight check: is there already a public key for the user? return publicKey.getByUserId(auth.emailAddress); }).then(function(cloudPubkey) { if (!cloudPubkey || (cloudPubkey && cloudPubkey.source)) { // no pubkey, need to do the roundtrip return verifyImap(); } // pubkey has already been verified, we're done here return success(); }).catch(function(error) { $scope.errMsg = error.message; // display error scheduleVerification(); // schedule next verification attempt }); function verifyImap() { // retrieve the credentials return auth.getCredentials().then(function(credentials) { return publickeyVerifier.configure(credentials); // configure imap }).then(function() { return publickeyVerifier.verify(); // connect to imap to look for the message }).then(function() { return success(); }); } }; function success() { return $q(function(resolve) { resolve(); }).then(function() { // persist keypair return publickeyVerifier.persistKeypair(); }).then(function() { // persist credentials locally (needs private key to encrypt imap password) return auth.storeCredentials(); }).then(function() { $location.path('/account'); // go to main account screen }); } /** * schedules next verification attempt in RETRY_INTERVAL ms (scope.timeout) * and sets up a countdown timer for the ui (scope.countdown) */ function scheduleVerification() { $scope.timeout = setTimeout($scope.verify, RETRY_INTERVAL); // shows the countdown timer, decrements each second $scope.countdown = RETRY_INTERVAL / 1000; $scope.countdownDecrement = setInterval(function() { if ($scope.countdown > 0) { $timeout(function() { $scope.countdown--; }, 0); } }, 1000); } function disarmTimeouts() { clearTimeout($scope.timeout); clearInterval($scope.countdownDecrement); } // upload public key and then schedule verifcation publickeyVerifier.uploadPublicKey().then(scheduleVerification); }; module.exports = PublicKeyVerifierCtrl;