(function() { 'use strict'; /** * Create the application namespace */ var app = { model: {}, view: {}, dao: {}, crypto: {}, util: {} }; /** * Global app configurations */ app.config = { cloudUrl: 'http://storage.whiteout.io', symKeySize: 128, symIvSize: 128, asymKeySize: 1024, workerPath: 'js' }; /** * The Template Loader. Used to asynchronously load templates located in separate .html files */ app.util.tpl = { templates: {}, get: function(name) { return this.templates[name]; }, loadTemplates: function(names, callback) { var that = this; var loadTemplate = function(index) { var name = names[index]; console.log('Loading template: ' + name); $.get('tpl/' + name + '.html', function(data) { that.templates[name] = data; index++; if (index < names.length) { loadTemplate(index); } else { callback(); } }); }; loadTemplate(0); } }; window.app = app; }());