'use strict'; var mocks = angular.mock, ContactsCtrl = require('../../src/js/controller/contacts'), appController = require('../../src/js/app-controller'), KeychainDAO = require('../../src/js/dao/keychain-dao'), PGP = require('../../src/js/crypto/pgp'); describe('Contacts Controller unit test', function() { var scope, contactsCtrl, origKeychain, keychainMock, origPgp, pgpMock; beforeEach(function() { origPgp = appController._pgp; appController._pgp = pgpMock = sinon.createStubInstance(PGP); origKeychain = appController._keychain; appController._keychain = keychainMock = sinon.createStubInstance(KeychainDAO); angular.module('contactstest', []); mocks.module('contactstest'); mocks.inject(function($rootScope, $controller) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); scope.state = {}; contactsCtrl = $controller(ContactsCtrl, { $scope: scope }); }); }); afterEach(function() { // restore the module appController._pgp = origPgp; appController._keychain = origKeychain; }); describe('scope variables', function() { it('should be set correctly', function() { expect(scope.state.contacts.toggle).to.exist; }); }); describe('listKeys', function() { it('should fail due to error in keychain.listLocalPublicKeys', function(done) { keychainMock.listLocalPublicKeys.yields(42); scope.onError = function(err) { expect(err).to.equal(42); done(); }; scope.listKeys(); }); it('should work', function(done) { keychainMock.listLocalPublicKeys.yields(null, [{ _id: '12345' }]); pgpMock.getKeyParams.returns({ fingerprint: 'asdf' }); scope.$apply = function() { expect(scope.keys.length).to.equal(1); expect(scope.keys[0]._id).to.equal('12345'); expect(scope.keys[0].fingerprint).to.equal('asdf'); done(); }; expect(scope.keys).to.not.exist; scope.listKeys(); }); }); describe('getFingerprint', function() { it('should work', function() { var key = { fingerprint: 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' }; scope.getFingerprint(key); expect(scope.fingerprint).to.equal('YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY ... YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY'); }); }); describe('importKey', function() { it('should work', function(done) { var keyArmored = '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; pgpMock.getKeyParams.returns({ _id: '12345', userId: 'max@example.com', userIds: [] }); keychainMock.saveLocalPublicKey.withArgs({ _id: '12345', userId: 'max@example.com', userIds: [], publicKey: '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----', imported: true }).yields(); scope.listKeys = function() { done(); }; scope.importKey(keyArmored); }); it('should fail due to invalid armored key', function(done) { var keyArmored = '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'; scope.onError = function(err) { expect(err).to.exist; done(); }; scope.importKey(keyArmored); }); it('should fail due to error in pgp.getKeyParams', function(done) { var keyArmored = '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; pgpMock.getKeyParams.throws(new Error('WAT')); scope.onError = function(err) { expect(err).to.exist; done(); }; scope.importKey(keyArmored); }); it('should fail due to error in keychain.saveLocalPublicKey', function(done) { var keyArmored = '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; pgpMock.getKeyParams.returns({ _id: '12345', userId: 'max@example.com' }); keychainMock.saveLocalPublicKey.yields(42); scope.onError = function(err) { expect(err).to.equal(42); done(); }; scope.importKey(keyArmored); }); }); describe('removeKey', function() { it('should work', function(done) { var key = { _id: '12345' }; keychainMock.removeLocalPublicKey.withArgs('12345').yields(); scope.listKeys = function() { done(); }; scope.removeKey(key); }); it('should fail due to error in keychain.removeLocalPublicKey', function(done) { var key = { _id: '12345' }; keychainMock.removeLocalPublicKey.withArgs('12345').yields(42); scope.onError = function(err) { expect(err).to.equal(42); done(); }; scope.removeKey(key); }); }); });