'use strict'; // // Constants // var NOTIFICATION_SENT_TIMEOUT = 2000; // // Controller // var NavigationCtrl = function($scope, $location, account, email, outbox, notification, appConfig, dialog, dummy) { if (!$location.search().dev && !account.isLoggedIn()) { $location.path('/'); // init app return; } var str = appConfig.string, config = appConfig.config; // // scope state // $scope.state.nav = { open: false, toggle: function(to) { this.open = to; } }; // // url/history handling // $scope.loc = $location; /** * Close read mode and go to folder */ $scope.navigate = function(folderIndex) { $location.search('uid', null); // close the read mode $location.search('folder', folderIndex); // open the n-th folder }; // folder index url watcher $scope.$watch('(loc.search()).folder', function(folderIndex) { if (!$scope.account.folders || !$scope.account.folders.length) { // there's no folder to navigate to return; } // normalize folder index to [0 ; $scope.account.folders.length - 1] folderIndex = parseInt(folderIndex, 10); if (isNaN(folderIndex) || folderIndex < 0 || folderIndex > ($scope.account.folders.length - 1)) { // array index out of bounds or nonsensical data $location.search('folder', 0); return; } // navigate to folder[folderIndex] if ($scope.account.folders && $scope.account.folders.length > folderIndex) { // navigate to the selected folder index $scope.state.nav.currentFolder = $scope.account.folders[folderIndex]; $scope.state.nav.toggle(false); } }); // nav open/close state url watcher $scope.$watch('(loc.search()).nav', function(open) { // synchronize the url to the scope state $scope.state.nav.toggle(!!open); }); $scope.$watch('state.nav.open', function(value) { // synchronize the scope state to the url $location.search('nav', value ? true : null); }); // lightbox state url watcher $scope.$watch('(loc.search()).lightbox', function(value) { // synchronize the url to the scope state $scope.state.lightbox = (value) ? value : undefined; }); $scope.$watch('state.lightbox', function(value) { // synchronize the scope state to the url $location.search('lightbox', value ? value : null); }); // // scope functions // $scope.onOutboxUpdate = function(err, count) { if (err) { dialog.error(err); return; } // update the outbox mail count var ob = _.findWhere($scope.account.folders, { type: config.outboxMailboxType }); ob.count = count; email.refreshFolder({ folder: ob }, dialog.error); }; $scope.logout = function() { dialog.confirm({ title: str.logoutTitle, message: str.logoutMessage, callback: function(confirm) { if (confirm) { account.logout(); } } }); }; // // Start // // init folders initializeFolders(); // connect imap/smtp clients on first startup account.onConnect(function(err) { if (err) { dialog.error(err); return; } // select inbox if not yet selected if (!$scope.state.nav.currentFolder) { $location.search('folder', 0); } }); // // helper functions // function initializeFolders() { // create dummy folder in dev environment only if ($location.search().dev) { $scope.$root.account = {}; $scope.account.folders = dummy.listFolders(); return; } // get pointer to account/folder/message tree on root scope $scope.$root.account = account.list()[0]; // set notificatio handler for sent messages outbox.onSent = function(message) { notification.create({ title: 'Message sent', message: message.subject, timeout: NOTIFICATION_SENT_TIMEOUT }, function() {}); }; // start checking outbox periodically outbox.startChecking($scope.onOutboxUpdate); } }; module.exports = NavigationCtrl;