define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var appController = require('js/app-controller'), errorUtil = require('js/util/error'), dl = require('js/util/download'); var LoginInitialCtrl = function($scope, $location) { var emailDao = appController._emailDao, states; // global state... inherited to all child scopes $scope.$root.state = {}; // attach global error handler errorUtil.attachHandler($scope); states = { IDLE: 1, PROCESSING: 2, DONE: 4 }; $scope.state.ui = states.IDLE; // initial state // // scope functions // $scope.importKey = function() { $location.path('/login-new-device'); }; /* * Taken from jQuery validate.password plug-in 1.0 * * * Copyright (c) 2009 Jörn Zaefferer * * Licensed under the MIT * */ $scope.checkPassphraseQuality = function() { var passphrase = $scope.state.passphrase; $scope.passphraseRating = 0; var LOWER = /[a-z]/, UPPER = /[A-Z]/, DIGIT = /[0-9]/, DIGITS = /[0-9].*[0-9]/, SPECIAL = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/, SAME = /^(.)\1+$/; function uncapitalize(str) { return str.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1); } if (!passphrase || passphrase.length < 10) { $scope.passphraseMsg = 'Too short'; return; } if (SAME.test(passphrase)) { $scope.passphraseMsg = 'Very weak'; return; } var lower = LOWER.test(passphrase), upper = UPPER.test(uncapitalize(passphrase)), digit = DIGIT.test(passphrase), digits = DIGITS.test(passphrase), special = SPECIAL.test(passphrase); if (lower && upper && digit || lower && digits || upper && digits || special) { $scope.passphraseMsg = 'Strong'; $scope.passphraseRating = 3; } else if (lower && upper || lower && digit || upper && digit) { $scope.passphraseMsg = 'Good'; $scope.passphraseRating = 2; } else { $scope.passphraseMsg = 'Weak'; $scope.passphraseRating = 1; } }; $scope.confirmPassphrase = function() { var passphrase = $scope.state.passphrase, confirmation = $scope.state.confirmation; if (!passphrase || passphrase !== confirmation) { return; } $scope.setState(states.PROCESSING); setTimeout(function() { emailDao.unlock({ passphrase: passphrase }, function(err) { if (err) { $scope.setState(states.IDLE); $scope.onError(err); return; } $scope.setState(states.DONE); $scope.$apply(); }); }, 500); }; $scope.exportKeypair = function() { // export keys from keychain emailDao._crypto.exportKeys(function(err, keys) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } var id = keys.keyId.substring(8, keys.keyId.length); dl.createDownload({ content: keys.publicKeyArmored + keys.privateKeyArmored, filename: 'whiteout_mail_' + emailDao._account.emailAddress + '_' + id + '.asc', contentType: 'text/plain' }, onSave); }); function onSave(err) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } $scope.proceed(); $scope.$apply(); } }; $scope.proceed = function() { $location.path('/desktop'); }; $scope.setState = function(state) { $scope.state.ui = state; }; }; return LoginInitialCtrl; });