'use strict'; var appController = require('../app-controller'); var LoginExistingCtrl = function($scope, $location, $routeParams) { if (!appController._emailDao && !$routeParams.dev) { $location.path('/'); // init app return; } var emailDao = appController._emailDao, pgp = appController._pgp; $scope.incorrect = false; $scope.confirmPassphrase = function() { if ($scope.form.$invalid || !$scope.key) { $scope.errMsg = 'Please fill out all required fields!'; return; } $scope.busy = true; $scope.errMsg = undefined; // reset error msg $scope.incorrect = false; unlockCrypto(); }; function unlockCrypto() { var userId = emailDao._account.emailAddress; // check if user already has a public key on the key server emailDao._keychain.getUserKeyPair(userId, function(err, keypair) { if (err) { $scope.displayError(err); return; } keypair = keypair || {}; // extract public key from private key block if missing in key file if (!$scope.key.publicKeyArmored || $scope.key.publicKeyArmored.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----') < 0) { try { $scope.key.publicKeyArmored = pgp.extractPublicKey($scope.key.privateKeyArmored); } catch (e) { $scope.displayError(new Error('Error reading PGP key!')); return; } } // parse keypair params var privKeyParams, pubKeyParams; try { privKeyParams = pgp.getKeyParams($scope.key.privateKeyArmored); pubKeyParams = pgp.getKeyParams($scope.key.publicKeyArmored); } catch (e) { $scope.displayError(new Error('Error reading key params!')); return; } // set parsed private key keypair.privateKey = { _id: privKeyParams._id, userId: userId, userIds: privKeyParams.userIds, encryptedKey: $scope.key.privateKeyArmored }; if (!keypair.publicKey) { // there is no public key on the key server yet... use parsed keypair.publicKey = { _id: pubKeyParams._id, userId: userId, userIds: pubKeyParams.userIds, publicKey: $scope.key.publicKeyArmored }; } // import and validate keypair emailDao.unlock({ keypair: keypair, passphrase: $scope.passphrase }, function(err) { if (err) { $scope.incorrect = true; $scope.displayError(err); return; } emailDao._keychain.putUserKeyPair(keypair, onUnlock); }); }); } function onUnlock(err) { if (err) { $scope.displayError(err); return; } appController._auth.storeCredentials(function(err) { if (err) { $scope.displayError(err); return; } $location.path('/desktop'); $scope.$apply(); }); } $scope.displayError = function(err) { $scope.busy = false; $scope.errMsg = err.errMsg || err.message; $scope.$apply(); }; }; var ngModule = angular.module('login-new-device', []); ngModule.directive('fileReader', function() { return function(scope, elm) { elm.bind('change', function(e) { var files = e.target.files, reader = new FileReader(); if (files.length === 0) { return; } reader.onload = function(e) { var rawKeys = e.target.result, index = rawKeys.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'), keyParts; if (index === -1) { scope.displayError(new Error('Error parsing private PGP key block!')); return; } keyParts = { publicKeyArmored: rawKeys.substring(0, index).trim(), privateKeyArmored: rawKeys.substring(index, rawKeys.length).trim() }; scope.$apply(function() { scope.key = keyParts; }); }; reader.readAsText(files[0]); }); }; }); module.exports = LoginExistingCtrl;