define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var angular = require('angular'), appController = require('js/app-controller'), config = require('js/app-config').config, notification = require('js/util/notification'), backBtnHandler = require('js/util/backbutton-handler'), _ = require('underscore'), emailDao, outboxBo; // // Controller // var NavigationCtrl = function($scope, $routeParams) { emailDao = appController._emailDao; outboxBo = appController._outboxBo; // // scope functions // $scope.state.nav = { open: false, toggle: function(to) { = to; } }; $scope.openFolder = function(folder) { $scope.state.nav.currentFolder = folder; $scope.state.nav.toggle(false); }; $scope.onOutboxUpdate = function(err, count) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } // update the outbox mail count var outbox = _.findWhere($scope.account.folders, { type: config.outboxMailboxType }); outbox.count = count; $scope.$apply(); emailDao.refreshFolder({ folder: outbox }, $scope.onError); }; // // Start // // handle back button backBtnHandler.start(); // init folders initializeFolders(); // select inbox as the current folder on init if ($scope.account.folders && $scope.account.folders.length > 0) { $scope.openFolder($scope.account.folders[0]); } // connect imap/smtp clients on first startup appController.onConnect(function(err) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } // select inbox if not yet selected if (!$scope.state.nav.currentFolder) { $scope.openFolder($scope.account.folders[0]); $scope.$apply(); } }); // // helper functions // function initializeFolders() { // create dummy folder in dev environment only if ($ { createDummyFolders(); return; } // get pointer to account/folder/message tree on root scope $scope.$root.account = emailDao._account; // set notificatio handler for sent messages outboxBo.onSent = sentNotification; // start checking outbox periodically outboxBo.startChecking($scope.onOutboxUpdate); } function sentNotification(email) { notification.create({ id: 'o' +, title: 'Message sent', message: email.subject }, function() {}); } // attach dummy folders for development function createDummyFolders() { $scope.$root.account = {}; $scope.account.folders = [{ type: 'Inbox', count: 2, path: 'INBOX' }, { type: 'Sent', count: 0, path: 'SENT' }, { type: config.outboxMailboxType, count: 0, path: config.outboxMailboxPath }, { type: 'Drafts', count: 0, path: 'DRAFTS' }, { type: 'Trash', count: 0, path: 'TRASH' }]; } }; // // Directives // var ngModule = angular.module('navigation', []); ngModule.directive('keyShortcuts', function($timeout) { return function(scope, elm) { elm.bind('keydown', function(e) { // global state is not yet set, ignore keybaord shortcuts if (!scope.state) { return; } var modifier = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; if (modifier && e.keyCode === 78 && scope.state.lightbox !== 'write') { // n -> new mail e.preventDefault(); scope.state.writer.write(); scope.$apply(); } else if (modifier && e.keyCode === 70 && scope.state.lightbox !== 'write') { // f -> find e.preventDefault(); scope.state.mailList.searching = true; $timeout(function() { scope.state.mailList.searching = false; }, 200); scope.$apply(); } else if (modifier && e.keyCode === 82 && scope.state.lightbox !== 'write' && scope.state.mailList.selected) { // r -> reply e.preventDefault(); scope.state.writer.write(scope.state.mailList.selected); scope.$apply(); } else if (e.keyCode === 27 && scope.state.lightbox !== undefined) { // escape -> close current lightbox e.preventDefault(); scope.state.lightbox = undefined; scope.$apply(); } else if (e.keyCode === 27 && { // escape -> close nav view e.preventDefault(); scope.state.nav.toggle(false); scope.$apply(); } }); }; }); return NavigationCtrl; });